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<br /> To psot�ct the secwity af this Doa1 of Tnist�Tru.tor hereby covenruits and a���as foll�tivs_ --
<br /> I, I�ayment of IndebtecLress. To pay when due,thc p�rinci�l of,arid the:i�t�r�st an, _
<br /> �e ind�budu�ss c�ridenced by thc note, charges, fees and all att«r swns as --
<br /> provided in the loan iwstruments.
<br /> 2, Title.Tzustor is the owar of the ProP�Y�+l��e ri8�t and audiority�to execut�
<br /> this Deed of Trust in res�ci w 4t+e pra�,r.
<br /> 3. Taxes a�d Assessments.To pay,when dw:, all ta�ces, special assessmcnts and all
<br /> othtr ciiarges against the praperty,bef�Ifi►e same bccome delinqt�cnt.
<br /> 4. Repair.Mair�tena�x�e and C1se.To not comrait was3�on or d,awage to t1►e properry
<br /> and to use due care to prevent others fram sa doiu8;������
<br /> improvements►fixtuns and aPPurtensa;.� situs�°d apo
<br /> estate in good conditian and repair,to keep thc ps�operty frce Erom mt�chanics or
<br /> other liens not oxpressly subordinat�d to the lien hereof; to not mal►c, suffer o�'
<br /> parmit any nuisance to exist nor to dimimish or impaii'the valu�e af thc prope�ty by
<br /> any act or omissioa to ack and to compIly'wiith all requirements of law���it6 respcct
<br /> to tl�properiy.
<br /> 5. Condem�w�ion. In the event the pmp�aiy, or any part d►erea� shall bc tak�►by �
<br /> eminent domain, Ben�ficia�Y is entit�ed��collect and recefv�all compensation
<br /> which maryr be paid fac�r prqx�iy takm or for damagcs to ProP�Y���and
<br /> g�g�y,s�U ap�ty s�h�o�npensatic�,at its optiaa,eitLer w a rodu�tion of tfie.
<br /> � in�d�ebLedaess scc:..�henby ar to repur and restore the propertY so t�1:en.
<br /> _ _ _ . _ -
<br /> . _ _
<br /> 6. Performarice by Benef iciory.Beneficiary.may,but sha�havc nu o�le�oa to;dt� .._ ._... .
<br /> arry act wlrich Trustor has agrced but failed to so do,and Bmeficiary raay also dr� ,
<br /> to mtect thc licn hereof.Trust��'.,.;o::•:+C",.»;, :� �
<br /> any acx it deans neces.ssuY P ��y�
<br /> , ��,���p�d by bcnefi�iary for d�e alwve purposes,
<br /> � so acPeaded by B�e��l`sbail be added w the ittdebted�ess sccural�erebh►and
<br /> become sa�u�ed by the ti�n Pres�eof.Baoefiaiary sball not inciu any perso�tal liabilit� .
<br /> becausc ef rnyticiag it may do or omit t�do hereunder• .
<br /> 7. Assigrane�t of Rents.Beneficiary shall have the right, power and autho�itY dwin8
<br /> t�e caatin�ance of this Dad of Tn�st to�ollect tl�e rcats,issue�s aud Profits of t�ue
<br /> property and of any peisonal PropertY�locatcd tt�er�eou witb or wiibrout tslcim8
<br /> possession of the propesty affected hereby, and Truston c�eeby absotutely and
<br /> uncoaditionslly assigus all such re�fs. issues and profits ta Bet�cSci�y
<br /> . �,howev�r,hc�ry cansmts to T`niswr's collectic�n and retention of such
<br /> r� iss�e.s a�rri,profits as they sccrue aud became payabl�,so tong as Tmswr is
<br /> aor,at such�,ia default wi�n c�aect�o payment of any indebudaess socure� �
<br /> � beret�,a in t1�e perfom�ance of any agrecment hereunder.If any rvrnt of default
<br /> ' d�escn`�bod hereafter in resgect w diis Deed a�f�rust sbatl have occurnd and be
<br /> _ c�t;��_�,genefici�y,�a maua of right�mid�out notice to Tntstor or ariyone
<br /> clai�ing ua�de�Trustor, and without reg�u�d to the value of the trust estai� or me
<br /> . interest of the Trustor ther�ia, sball have the right to apply to any court lhaving
<br /> jurisdiction to appc�int a receiver of the praperiy.
<br /> g, Inspections.Beneficiary,or its agents,represen�tives uc��1.�., �""��'���
<br /> tu euter at aay reasonable time upoa or in auy part of the property for tttie puYpose
<br /> of inspCCting the sam� and for the purpo� a�perfotmin8 anY of the acts it is
<br /> aut�o�ized to perfotm unckr the tem�s of au�}►loan insmunents exec�ted b�r Trustor.
<br /> 9. Transfer of Property. If all or any part of the properiy or any interest of Trustor
<br /> - - therein is sold,transferred or further encumber�d without the express or wrilden
<br /> _ cu�ns,ent of Beacficiary,Bencfieiary rr�Y,at it�sole option, declare sll s�ms secured
<br />