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; . , . . , <br /> �__,s ..�4 .....,�..�-»:1��Ies��+:vru.�,!�s�ti�l+�.3�-: ��. ,��i:3� �•� � <br /> . ��..-�- '� <br /> _ x: .,ral.c.u��.e.n�....�.. •�.__.. <br /> �'`�a.. � �r, .. :-_-- <br /> � � ._. —_ ... -;._ -- <br /> -- - -- - �`'+. . - <br /> . �,:;J . .. _ . 92_ so���s - _ <br /> " ° �• condcmnution�r alhrr wking oi'uny part uf�hc F'ru�rty.or for convcyan�:e in licu of cunJrmnutiun,ure I�rcby�{ncd and <br /> .,}� � M%• �di �" ' �hall tx paiJ la Lcndcr. <br /> • � '+�.0 In �he evenl of u tuiol iuking ol ihc Pn�pcey. ih� pnxecJs nhull tw upplied u� thc tium, +ccureJ hy thi. Securily <br /> �,.y .'~�ry1�-A�. Insirume�i�,whcthcr ur nut ihen Juc.with uny rxccti�p•rid tu Burruwer. In the cvent„I'u pahiul tnking uf ihc Pa�peny in <br /> � `'�'� ��� �- � which�he foir murket vuluc of the Pir��x:rty immediatrly tx�fon�he�aking i�cyuul��►or greu�cr�hun thc umuunt of�hc xumc <br /> y. � . �ti,,.;:: <br /> • �, .� ., . <br /> secumd hy thfs Sccurity Intitrunirnt immediutrly hek�re ihe�uking,unleti,B�►rr��wcr anJ LcnJc�uthcrwiM ugrec in wri�ing, <br /> ° �• �:... thc tiumr� sccured by thi� Serurity Imlrum�nt .hall tx reduced by thc umoum�►I'the pnxrcctl+ mulliplied by thc falluw�ng �___ <br /> � � � "'"°' fruction: lul ihe totul umoun���t'ihe wum.ucured immediutely Ix�fon�he tukmg,drvidrd hy Ib)�hr tAir murkct valuc a�the <br /> '-- -�- - piroperty imm�diatcly tx:forc thc iuking. Any ht�lunce rhall tk paid �u [iorrower. In the evem uf a p•rrtial takin�t of the r `_� , v <br /> .. <br /> __ �_. _ <br /> � ,�. . h.�%�%� ` � F'ropeny in which the fuir markc�value uf thc F'rnpcny immcdi+�tcly Ixtiire thc �uking iti Ic+s thun thc umoum uf iic wm+ ' <br /> °-� " '�' ,ecured immediutely ix�liire �h� taking. unlc„ Borr.�wer und l.endrr whcrwi+e ugrce in wri�ing ur unlc++upplicuble Ic�w <br /> � : nG�rY�'�"'' � <br /> utherwi�c provides,lhe pr�xced�shull ix applied to�he rum�+�cured by this Securiry Inrtrumcnt whe�her or nnt�hc rum�urc _ <br /> ,:' .+� � Ihendue. <br /> � ���'"' � ' If the Praprny ih ah•rnJuncd hy Borrowcr,or if,uf�cr n��tice by LenJcr to Borr��wcr Ihut the cunJcmnar offen to mukc <br />��:'�� . ., un uwsuJ or+rttle u claim for damugr..Sorrnwcr fails to re.�x►nd u�Lcndrr within�0 duy,uft�r�hc du�c thc nuticc i+givcn, _ <br /> � ° " � Lender i,uuthori�eJ to callcct and apply thc pnxeedti.nt i�.option,cithcr to rertorution or repuir of thc Proprny i�r�o the - <br /> , rumx xccureJ hy thi.Sccurity In,irumem,whe�hcror nu�thun duc. —°° <br /> Lender and Burrower othcn+vicr agree in writing,uny applicution uf pr�xccdti iu p�incipul�hall n�n extend ar — <br /> � "� ' , postpone Ihe Juc dute of ihe monihly payrnents rcfercc:J u�in purugra�h,I .�nd''ur chungc thc umuunt of+uch puymcntw. =Y�� <br /> ' ° 11. Borrower Not Releaced; Forbearance By Lender Nat a Waiver. Ex�ensiim ot' the timc for puymcnt ur <br /> Y' I madificalian of amorli•r.ation��I'� by thiti Securiry Instrumenl grame�by l.ender to uny w�ces,or in inlerest __ <br /> oi Borruwer shull nM operrtc to r�lcuu thc liubilily oi thc oriEinul Borrower or sorcowcr.zuccetison in intere.t. Lcndcr � <br />� ' •' ' � � shall not he myuircJ Io c�anmence prexcedings ngain�t any rurees��or in interes�ur ret'u+r to extenJ�ime for payment or �„;,��:_ <br /> ; � othP�wiu�mxiify umonizu�iun uf the xum..erureJ by�hi,Securi�y Intitrumrnt by rcason of uny Jcmund ma�dc by the oriFinal __ <br /> '• � ` Borri�wer or Bonuwer:succexnor+in intera�t. Any fortxarunce hy Lcnder in cxerci+ing uny right or remedy +hull nrn bc u ��a�=j_. _ <br /> � � � wuiver of nr pr�cludr the exerciu of any�ght ur remedy. <br /> 12. Successurs and AssiRnR Nound;Joint antl Several I.Inbility;Cn•si�aer�. Thc covcnunts:uid a�reemeN+of thi+ ;.,°�„_-' <br /> Securiry In+trument,hull bind und bene:tit the succe.sor.unJ u„ignti of Lender und BoROwcr,�ubjeci to the pnwitiiun.of �.:-.-e-_ <br /> r_��.. <br /> � *.., €..' — <br /> `` ��• paru�eraph I7. Burrower'.s r��v�nants und agrcementx+hall ixe joim and tirverul. Any BoROwer a•ho co-+iNnz this Securi�y �'•.� �____ <br /> In,irument hut Joex nut execute the Nule: Iu1�his Security Instrument only to munguge,grunt and cunvey thai �:°'t,;'- <br /> `� � ' Borrower's intcre.t in ihc Pro�x rty undcr the temix ot'ihi.Sccuri�y Inti�niment: 1 bl is not personally nhligateJ to puy�hc sumx _�_ <br /> � securcd by thi,Srrurity In�trumen�:und Icl agrec+thui LenJer und uny other BoRi�wer may ugrec to extcnd.mudify, forbc•rr �;.��,r�,__ <br /> ---_ , or muke uny accomm�xlntions wi�h reFard to thc trrm� of this Sccuriry Instrument or thc Natc wi�hou� thut Borrowcrl �._._..,_. <br /> „ con�nt. <br /> � 13. Luan Chary�es. If the loun+ecured hy thi+ Seruriry Instrument i� ,ubject w a luw which �ct+muximum loan r;�'4��-_• <br /> �'- --- -� <br /> - - char�e�,:md�hut luw i.tinully interpreted+u Ih�+1 ihe intere.l nr other loan churges c�►Ilecled or to Ixx collecied in connertion ��y,�_= <br /> wilh the loan cxrced thc�rmittcd limiis,�hen: (a)any yuch k�un churge+hull txr reduced hy ihc amuwit+i�.c�;ary tu rcduce <br /> � �. �he c hurge w t hr Exrmiuc d Iimi C un d Ib l an y sum}ulread y callec�ed from Borruwcr which ex�ecdeJ Fxm�iued limiiti will he ����_-- �".' <br /> � mfundcd w BoROwcr. Lrnder may ch�w.c ta mukc thi+refund hy rrducinE Ihe principal ov�eJ under the Nule or by muking a —a�,�, _ <br /> • direct p•rymem to Bnrrower. li'a r�i'und rcduce.priixipul,the reduction will t►e treu�rd u.a puni:�l prcpaymrnt withcwt any .;,_'..�a�+ '�__ <br /> • prepa�•ment char�;c undcr Ihe P{�wr. -�` <br /> ' � 14. N�Niceti. Any notirc to eorruwrr pr�wideJ tix in �hi.Security In.trument .hall tx givrn hy delivering i�ur by ',•�,,r.,,:..:.__-� <br /> muiling it by fint rlu,x mail wilc+.appliruMr lu�v r�yuir��u,c of ano�hcr mcthixl.The notice+hull tx directed to thc Pn�xny �;��;,W=';.��. <br /> . Address ur uny oihcr i�dJrc,. Horrowrr Je.ignul�w t+y ni�tire tu l.cndrr. Any noticr to Lcndcr tihull he givrn by firtii cla�ti . • . :.•,�;.;. <br /> muil 1��LrnJcr;i�Jdrr.y ti�ated herrin or any u�hrr a.klrrti�LrnJrr dr,ignate.b��noticc to Burrowcr. Any nati��e pn►viJed for <br /> in this Scruriry M�irunxnl �h:dl Fx dremrd tu huvc Ixcn given t�� BoROwer i�r Lcndcr when givcn u,pruvided in Ihi. -_,,----' <br /> '<<�:,...,_._ <br /> •• puragruph. � <br /> • 15. (:overnin� l.uw; tie�•crubilll�. '1'hi,Srcurit}• Imtrument �holl Ixr g��vrrncd hy frJeral luw anJ thc law ut'the . .�=i "' <br /> . _ .. juri,Jictian in which Ihc Pruperty i,kxaicd. In�hr rvcnt ihu�an� pr�wi.i�m or cluutir nf thi+Srrurity Imtrumrnl�K tl�Notr � -_-`^ <br /> rontlirt.wi�h upplic•rhlr I;iw..unc�ontlict,hnll�x►t allrrl athcr pro��i,ions ul thi,Sccuri�y Intitrumcni or thc Nutr which can --- <br /> Ik given ctTrrl wilhuul thr r�mflirtin�: pmvi.iim. Ti�Ihi.enJ Ux provisiun. ui�hi,tircurity In.trununt and thc Nd� arr ." -.` <br /> , . dCCItUeJ lu Ix severublc. • • .--:..- <br /> ' • 16. Borrowcr's Copy. BoRUwcr,hull Ix gi���n onr r�,nti�rnirJ cupq ol Ihr Nu1r•rnJ of thiti Scrurity In,trument. � � ;T:: <br /> •� 17. 7YunsPer oP thc Property or u Benefi��lul IMensl in Bor�ower. If rll�►r any purt��t'�hc Pn��xrty��r any intcrr�l in ( ��_- <br /> ., it i..old ar tran+tcrrcd lor il' a Ixnctici:J intrn,t in Burn���cr i,rulJ ur trun,tcmd and Burrowrr i+nut a nulurnl �non► 6..- ..-o _ <br /> without Lendrr+priur written cun,crn. Lrndcr m�i�.at it+„p�iun.rryuirr immrdiulr p•rymcnl in full uf all,um,�crured by � ^'`- <br /> _, , . .. ihi�Sccw�i�y In,�rumrnt. Huwcvcr.lhi.o�ition�hall no� Ix rrcrci,rd hy Lrndcr il'rxcrci+c i.prohibitrd hy f�Jcrul luw a�nt� �, �1:T <br /> � thr dntr�,i'�hi�Srcuriry In,lrumrnt. . M =_- <br /> • It'Lcndcr excrci.r,thi.���Hiun.LciKlcr+hull givc Burcuwrr n��iirr ol:ircrlrraiion. l'hr nutirr,hall pnwidr a{xriaxl��t' � . , .-. - . <br /> rx�t Icxs thim;0 duy.l'r�mi Ihc J;ur ihr niNicc i�Jcl i��crad�tt muilcd��ithin��hirl�Burn���rr mu,i pay:dl,umti tirrurrd by ihi� <br /> ' , Srruriry In+trwnenl. If Borruwer lail�w p;►y the,r ,um, priur tu the cxpir:uiun ol thi, �xri�xl. Lendrr mi�)� invi�r ;u�y � <br /> remedic��xnniurd hy thi,tirruril�•bi,�rumrnl��ilhuul funhcr nalicr ur drmand un Horc�»�rr. { <br /> '• 18. Rorrowcr+ Rf�;ht tu Neinsfutr. If R�.rroarr mcct, crnain rondi�iun.. li�,rru��rr ,h:dl havc thr riEht �o hav� <br /> cnf�m�mcnl o!�hi,Srruriiy In+trumcnl di.r„ntinurd:u ;mv time priur 1��Ihr r:�rlirr��I: �:u 5 dar.�ur.urh ulhrr �xri�xl a� <br /> tim�klamJy Fnnnk�fuNHreJJic�lncf\IFl1R\II\�'I'Rl'�1F:\"I 1m��mn('���en.�ai. 4i411 ��mera��ln�r��er�� 4, <br /> I' <br /> . ' .�_ � <br /> f � <br /> . � <br /> . • <br /> . . <br /> � �- � _ <br />