<br /> '' � -�r.��i�i+� � � �i`'•_��,f�.if.'sd«i�':ta�r.ti,...,,...t.... 'nr�`_
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<br /> �.r�ar.•-' - __ •�y � " � �.r._� �
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<br /> ' �1 � perials�hul l.cndcr reyuims. Thc intiuroncc curricr providing ihe intiurunca r.hall 6e chown My Barruwcr�uhjccl to Lender�
<br /> . �.....1�.
<br /> "��". � approval which whall not he unrcusonubly withheld. If Burruwer fuils w m•rintuin ruvcrugc dc.c:ritx:d abovc.Lcnder may,ut
<br /> -�;�!-�3��"`'�"��,�,� :,.; l,enderg aptian.abtuin coverage tu prutect Lender's rightx in the Prupeny in uccu�dunce with parugruph 7, �-"•���
<br /> • All insuronce palicies unJ r�newul��hull he uccepmble w Lender und shall incluJc u stundurd mongage clau►�c. Lender
<br /> � , - . °••* � ehall huve the riFM to hold the pulicles und rcnrwul+. If Lender reyuirer.Borrower xhull prampUy�:ivc to l.ender ali receipts
<br /> � '"� • ' of p•riJ premiwm+u�d r�newul notice�. In the event of lasti,Burrower�hall give prompt n�Nice tn �he inaurnnce ciurier and � _� _
<br /> �_ ,�.»,': ,,.: Lendcr. Lendcr may mokc prcwf of lur.r if nw macic prompUy by Borrower. ��=
<br /> � Unlews L.cnJer unu Burrowcr otherwin�:ugree in writing,inauruncc procecJti shall he applied to restorntion ur repuir of
<br /> � - . ---- - ' th�Pruperty darn•rgcd, if ihc rr�turation or n•pair i� e��mamirully fca.ihlc und IAndcr� cccurity i� wt Icsuncrl. If Ihe �____�, ,__�
<br /> �� ' " re�;torLtion or repair is not eamumically feu�ibk ur Lcndcr's securiry would!x: Ies�cned,thc insurunce proceed+ shull be
<br /> ., � � upplicd to�he xums Mcurcd hy thi, Security Instrument,whether or nat�ben due, with smy excesx puid to Borrower. If �Wy �
<br /> z�� � � . Barrower abundons the Pruperty,ur dces not suiswer within 10 duyx u natice from Lender lyu� the insur��^ce cumer has __
<br /> •-\t�s�. � .. � aff.red tu senle u claim,then Lrnder m•ry callc�t ti��insur:u��c paxced�, l.ender m•ry use�he pror.eedK to repair or reFtore -
<br /> `� . � ihe Property or to pay sumx,erured by this Security In��rument,whether or not ihen due. The 30-day period will begin when —
<br /> � ��..�r.: .:..f .. ihr notice ie given. . ��
<br /> - --° -�—� = Unlesa Lcndcr auJ 8..��awcr othenvi:.e agree in writins,uny appliwtion�f pr�xced��� prin••im�l shull not extend or _ ______
<br /> . � postpone the due dute of�he munthly paymentti refe��td to in p�rugrAphs I and 2 or rhunge�he umount of the paymenta. If
<br /> ' � • � • under p�rugruph 21 the Praperty is acyuirrd by Lender,Barraweri right tu any insurance policiex and proceed�resulting
<br /> � " �. from damage Io the Property priar tu the ac:yuisi�ion shall p•rss ta Lcndcr to the extent of Ihe�ums secured by thi5 Securily
<br /> Ins�rumeot immrdiAtely prior to the acyuitiitiun. __
<br /> ° 6. (kcupancy. Preserv�tion. M�intenance and Proteclion oP the Property; Borrower's I.oan Application; _
<br /> • I.eASeholds. Borrower tihull occupy,e.tublish. wid u�the Property as Borrower's principul re,idence within sixty duys after
<br /> '` � V the executiun of thi�Security In�trument and+hall wntinue�o occupy the Propeny as Borrower's prineipal residence for ut -
<br /> r ' least one yc�u ufter the dule of a:cupuncy, unlers Lender otherwixe ugreer in writing, which con.e�U �Itall not be - --
<br /> ` unrcu.wnubly withheld,or unlesti extenuu�ing circumstunces eaist whirh+ue beyond BoROwer's controf. Borrower shall not �+�' ' ."-'°��
<br /> ��' ` dentro ,dama e or im uir the Pro rt ,ullow the Pro n to deteriorutc,or commit wavte on the Pra n . Borrower shaU �k��`
<br /> y 6 P Pe Y PQ Y P� Y , �,,--—•
<br /> ' bc:in defuult if suiy forf'eiture actian��r pnxeecling,whether civil or criminul,ix begun thut in Lender:goai fuith judgment ��-+rY--�-
<br /> '.t�r.v�{W:/
<br /> . could result in farFeilurr uf the Property ur otherwise muteriuUy impair the lien cneated by �his Security Instrument or =�W�_
<br /> � Lender's security inleresi. Borcawer muy cure 4uch a default unJ rein+tate,us provided in paru�raph I8,by cuusing the uction -;;:r•���;�S*,� -.
<br /> or pra:eeding�o be dismisseJ with a ruling thut,in Lcnder's go«l f'uilh Jeicrmma�ion,prccludes fi�rfeiture of�he Borrower's r'`="`'"�'"�`
<br /> �,�•;-
<br /> imerest in the Property ar ather muleriul imp-rirment of the lien creuted by this Security Instrumenl or Lender's security
<br /> ' interest. Borrowe� �hull also bc in defuult if Borrower, during Ihe loan upplicution pracs,, guve mu�erially fulxe or ,; ., �:;.� .
<br /> � inuccurate infurnwtiun or stalements to Lender(or failed lo provide Lender with uny muteriul infamutionl in connec�ion wilh :"; �
<br /> • • the lo:u� evidenced by Ihr Nate, including, bui not limitrd to, reprcscntations conceming Borrowerw a:cupuncy of the '' � �
<br /> . � Propeny ns a principul re.idence. If�hi�Securitv In+�n�menl i+on n leutiehold,Bortower tihull comply with all�hc provisions �''��-'' ' ' ' � �:`
<br />_ ___ - �,f�hr le��.e. If Barcawcr ucyuires fec tille to the Pmperlv,the leusehold and the fee title xhall not merge unlesz Lender ogrees `�' 'b;�.
<br /> " to�hc mcrger in writing. "r� ��
<br /> - ' •� ` 7. PrMeclbn uf I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Bor�owcr fuils to perform the ruvcnunt. anJ •rgreementx
<br /> .... '
<br /> ° '� �� cunwined in ihiti Srrurity In+�rument, or thrre i, a le@ul pnxeeding thul muy significumly affect Lender's rights in the ��� ' ,��
<br /> . Propeny Isuch as a pr�xecding in ban kruptcy.�ro bate,for ron drmnulwn or fo de�ture or to en force luwti or r e g u l u t i o n s 1,t h e n =�;,
<br /> . . ' Lender may do and puy for whutevcr is n�crs�•rry tu protert Ihe vuluc of thc Propeny and LenJers ri�htti in the Property. • +:
<br /> • LenJer�uctionti muy indude puyin�!uny wms secured by a licn which hu.priority over this Security Ins�rument,appeuring ^
<br /> in coun, paying rea.onuMr uuorney.'fecs anJ entcring on the Pn��nny to mukc repain. Although L�nder m•ry take nction ��,,., ...-..�,,:;;-
<br /> . under thix paragraph 7,L.enJer dce�not havc t��du so. ' '`t"��
<br /> � .. � Any amnuniti di�hursed by LenJer unJer Ihi�purogn�ph 7 ,hull Ixc�mie uJJiliimul deht of Borrower recureJ by this ._•.�,.:_,. .,.y_----'
<br /> •. Sccuriry Inslrumrnl. Unle�ti Bom►wrr anJ Lender ugree lo othcr trmi+ul paymcnl,the.e umourns tihull be;u interc,t frum thc ,;,.,,�1•..•.. �Y-•°°-
<br /> dvte of di.bunrmrnl at Ihr Note ratc•rnJ xhall I� puyuhlr, with intcrcst,upon notice I'mm Lender Io Borrower reyuesting r;��••�•-;.T,
<br /> -�:::-.•�--
<br /> - payment. . -
<br /> 8. MartuaQe lnsurance. If Lcndrr rcNuircJ monEugc inwrancc a� u cunJitiun uf muking ihc loan ucurcd by thi� , .,,,_ . _ ---_
<br /> S�curity In,trurnent. Borrower �hall puy the�remium.rcyuire�i w muimain thr murtgage imurunrc in M�fccl. If, for any = .;;-ys�:;',
<br /> rru.on, the mongug� inxurancr cuverogc rcyuircJ by L�nder I•rp.c. ur rru��. li� Ix in ef'tect. Borrower shvll puy the •;•M��•°'�'-�.----
<br /> premium+ reyuired tu obtuin covcragc +uh.iunlially ryuivulem �n Ihr monguge in.urunce previuu+ly in eifect, at a ro+t � �°'`�'
<br /> j:n?^__
<br /> ' . sub.tumially cyuivulent ro the co,t�u Borruwrr ol'ihr mungaEe in,ur:mce p�rviuu.ly in rfiect.1'rom an altemate mongage .
<br /> � in,urer approvrd by I.rnder. It'.uh.tuntiully ryuivalcnt montiagc inwra�xc rovrrage i,no�availublc.Burrower+hull puy to . . -�_.
<br />• Lender euch monlh a�um eyuul a�one-�wcltlh uf Ihc ycarly murl�ugc iruurancc prcmium IxinE paid by Borrower when the . . .:°rc�
<br /> ' insurunrr ruvcragr I;ip+eJ ur rra+eJ to Ik in et'fcct. LrnJrr will:�rrrpt.u.c unJ rrtain�hc.e paymrnt,ati a lo,.n�,crvc in lieu ; �`�',�--
<br /> " r, of mun�uue in�uruncr. Lu.s rc�crvc pu�•mcnh may no lungcr Ix rcyuirrd. at �hr��ption of Lrnder. if murtgage inwrance • �`�'�M=-
<br /> cerverug�lin Ihe am��unt und li►r�hc prriixl ihul Lcndcr requim.►pnrviJrJ hy an in.urer uppn�vcJ by LenJer aguin berome+ � ••
<br /> " . . uvailublc and i+oi►tuineJ.Bwruurr rhall pay thc premiums rcyuind to maintuin murlgaEr in.uruncc in rfl'ect.�ir w providc a , ,
<br /> I�nti rc�crvc.unlil Ihe reyuircmrnt iiir murt�tugc imurancc rndx in urcorduncc����th any wrilten aErrrmcnl hc:twcen Borrower �
<br /> . unJ Lcnder�x upplirablr law. , �,
<br /> , 9. Inspection. l.cndcr��r it.:igcni rnay mukc na,uouhl�rntric• up�►n anJ m.�xc�iun, of thr Pr�ryxny. Lcndcr vhall �
<br /> give Burn�wcr noiicc�t thr timc uf ur prior tu:m in,�xrti�ui,�xrif'�in}rea,�,n+ihk cau.r tin•ihr in.prrtion. '
<br /> 10. Cundemnation. I h�pr�xced�ul�an}.iw:ud ur rl:um tro dauiagr,.Jinr�ur r��nuyucntial.in cunn�t�iun wuh uny ,
<br /> timFlc Faiwlq �FunnM�furiFYiYldlr�facl\IFIIR)11\�1'RI�tt:�"f- I ndaim t'�nen.m�. V�WI qu�er?.�/h/�JxP�I
<br /> r,n�.��la►n Nu!wr..Fonn�.6u� � - .
<br /> .• Iolh�ktl:.11l 1�1YN1.YN1.1!1.1.. FA\It11F7!Ibll.11 I
<br /> '
<br /> � , ;
<br /> , �
<br /> i �.
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