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<br /> '�j�°"".? ` i: a licablc law ma s cif for �einatatcmcnt) bcf� 9Y��J�(FIC Pf0 n ursount�c► nn wcr af Ralc cunrainc�l in this
<br /> ,�,'��,,��'"�`.ti"`�'":� � pp Y P� Y 1� Y P Y Pn
<br /> ��"���-•^y�l ��" -� Security Inatrumenl;ar(b)entry of u judgment enfurcing lhis Security Inslrumcnt. Tho�c conditions are thut Borrowcr. (a) __
<br /> �-r:`'�"q�.;"��� pays Lender wll sumn which �hen would bc due undcr this Sccurity Instrumen� and thc Not�ws if na acceleration had
<br /> _� � ..,�-;,6,., � . `: oceurred;(b)curea eny default uf Any aher covenanis ar ugreemcnls:le)pnys all expen.r•ew incurrc:d in enfarcing this S:curily
<br /> �� ,..
<br /> kat.a�_���; Insuument, including, but not limited to,reAU►nub.e uuameys'fces;und (d) takcs such uctiun w Lcndcr muy rcasunably
<br /> � � '` � �."t require to assure that the lien af this Securi�y Inntrumcnl.Lender�rigl�ts in the 1'ropcny and AixT'owcr's obligntion to pay the —_—.__
<br /> ��s=°,=F""�";."�'• sums secured by Ihia Security In�trument Rhall cnnlinue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by [3urrawer, this Securfty
<br /> ' �-. , —_
<br /> Instrument And the abligation.c securcd hereby shull remuin fully effective us if na acceleration had accurred. However,this
<br /> : ,��", •-�,� ,,A�+"� � .- right ta reln.state�hall na apply in the case of acceler�tian under purngraph 17. —_—
<br /> �I��:�,,. 19. Ss�b of Nole;Change of I.am Servker, The Nwe or a paniAl intcrest in thc Nae (logether with ihis Secu�ity
<br /> ^� �,' ��� ." `' ;', Instn�ment) mAy be sold ona or more times withou� prior noticc ta Borrower. A sale mny result in u change in�he entity
<br /> �°•_ • '• �� -; (known as tf�e"Loan Servicer")�hal collects monthly payments due under the Note und�his Sec�anty Imtrument. Th^re ulso
<br /> ,��,q:. < may be one or mom changes of the Lo�n Serviccr unrcluted to a sale of the Kote. If therc iti nchange of Ihe Loan Servicer,
<br /> •� Borrower will be given writlen notice of the change in accardance with parngruph 14 ulxwe nnd applicahle luw. The notice
<br /> ��� -���^��r•=� will state the namc and nddress of the ncw Laan Servicer and the addresx�o which puymcnts shou IJ bc mude. The nu[ice will
<br /> �� .�'1`�'r_`�,_"�.°`'k . Also conmin any olher infbrmntion reyuired by upplicuble law.
<br /> ^ � ' 20. Hawrdoua SubstAnces. Borrawer xhull not causc or permi�the prcsence,usc,dispasal,storage,or releuse of any
<br /> - — ` � ' < Haznrdous Substonces on ar in the Propeny Bormwcr xhall na do, nor ullow cmyone elsc to do, unything affecting the
<br /> -� � ''�.�„^, Property�hat is in viala�ion of nny Emironmenu�l l.uw. The prcceding�wo semcnccs shall not apply tu thc pmxence, use,or
<br /> -_ .. storuge on the Property of small yuundties of Huzurdous Subatunces thut ure generolly recogniud to be appropriatc ro normel
<br /> - _.�.sa:��„.w;y„�,�f:, � residenti�l uses and to maintenance of the Propedy.
<br /> - - ' - � Borrower shall prompUy give Lender wrinen notice of su�y invexligutiun,cluim,demand,lawsuit or Wher uc�ion by any
<br /> ._�_ •-
<br /> ��i � • :•� s.
<br /> --- =- .
<br />-�;�- �• • gavemmentul ur regulntory agcncy or privAte pany lnvolving�he Prnperty and uny Hazardous Substancs or viranmenta � ___
<br />:�TS.��;. �; ., . , .. Law oi which Horrawer has acluul knowlcdge. If Burrower Icurns, or is notifieJ by anq governmental or rcgulatory -
<br /> .�:.,. " ' uu�hority,tt�w any removnl or a�her remediution of any Hazsudous Substance uffecting ihe Propeny i�necessary.Burrower
<br /> U
<br /> .. shall prompdy�uke ull necesu�ry rcmediul ac�ionx in accordunce with Environmentul Luw.
<br />"s=. �t • As uscd in thix pumgrnph 20,"Hnztudous Substunce+'are those sub�tances defined as toxic or haznrdaus�uhs�ance�by m�_
<br /> � Environmen�ul Luw nnd the following tiubstunces: gnsaline,kerosene,other flummuble or tox ic petroleum products,toxic
<br />_ ���,, pesticides und herbicidex, v�lutile +olvenls, mnteriul+contuining ust►estos or tormuldehyde, ancl r�dioactive materials. Ati ___
<br /> ��„•. . used in this p+uugraph 20,"Environmenlul Luw"means federal laws und luws of the jurisdiction where the Pr.�perty is locuted
<br /> -- . , thut rolule to heuUh,snfety or cnvironmentul protection. ��
<br /> - ' ' � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and l.enJrr funhcr covenunt and ugrce�.ti follows: __�_
<br />�`�" " " �� - � 2 L A c c e l e r a t i o n; Remedies. I.ender shall�ive notice to Burrawer prior to accelaatbn following Borrowe�'s --
<br /> �,y._�_--
<br /> , breach of any covennnt or agreement in Ihis Securily In4trument(but not prior to Accekratton under paragraph l7 ----_
<br /> • unless wpp�kable law provides Mherwisel� The notice shall specify: lal the default;lb► the actlun required to cure the �=�;`r-_
<br /> � default;lc)o date�oot les.4 than 3i)daya frum ihr date ihe noikc ts glvca ta Sarratirer,6y wdfch!!se slefau!!me41 hp --
<br />' • • tt'' cured:s�ad Idl that PAilure to cure the default on u�bei'ore tBe date gpecifled in the notice m�r result fn acceleration of ��-.�
<br /> �'��'' ' � � the sums secured by Ihis Securlly Iastrument s�ad gnle of the Property. The natice shall Puhher inia�m Borrower oP
<br /> .n
<br /> �',�: the righl to reinalnte after accekration and Ihe riRhl to bring a court s�ction to asserl lhe nun�existence uf u dePault ar ��-�:�:.
<br /> any other defense of Borrower to accelera/ion and wle. If the dePault is not cured on or 6efore the dnte speciQed in ����,�,,,_:
<br /> °d' the notice, Ixnder at its oplian may requMe immedi�te paymrnt in full of all sumti tiecured by Ihis Security Inslrumen' � �.r,. .
<br /> ` "�''� � .. ' �� without i'urther demund und may invoke the power oP r,ale and any olher remedies permitted by applicuble law.
<br /> • ° • all ex en+es i�curred in pursuin� the remedirs provided in thls parugrapb 21. ��`�un+a=.•:
<br /> -. . • • � Lender Rhall be entitled to colle�t p --~------�
<br /> including. but not limited Io.reWSOn�ble attorneys'fees und cu41s of tiNe evidence. �%_�;,
<br /> •� .. If Ihe power of sale is inroked,'Iru.r•tee sh�ll rrcord u nolice of dePault �n each cuunty in which ony part of Ihe �M`Ni ___
<br /> . Property iylorated and yhall mail copier,of xuch nulice in the manner pre.ticribed by opplkabk law to Borrower ond to , ,a_�,_
<br /> • � the other persung prescribed b}•applicuble lu�v. A�ler Ihe time reyuired bv upplicable I�w,'I�ustee sh�ll�i��e public :�-�::�__-=,
<br /> : �•�` notice of 4ale tu Ihe persons and in thc munner prescribrd by upplicable luw. Truslee. wlthout demand an Bnrrower. '
<br /> �„�•-:.L- shall sell tt�e Prupertv at public�uclion In the hi�hest bidder ut lhe time und pluce and under the terms designated in _.�,�c:_:;,
<br />' ' � the notice af sale in one or mure parcek und in uny order'llrutitee determines. 'IYustee m�y postpone sale of ull or unv
<br /> � parcel of the Properly by public announcement At the lime und pluce uf an�•prrviausly scheduted rule. Lender or its =__ --�--
<br /> �� �� �� dcwignee may purchasc lhe Pruperty at anv sule.
<br /> '� • � Upon receipt uP payment uP the pricr bid,Trustce shull dell��er tn the purchaser'llrustee's deed conveyin� the ' `- •k�•
<br />.. . Pro ert. The recituls in Ihe'I�ustee's dcrd shaH be prima facie evidence ol'the trulh uf Ih e stutements made/herein. �. __
<br /> P Y �
<br /> �'' ' �� 7Yustee shall apply the proc�ds uf'the wle In the folluwin�order: lul to all cuslc und rxpenuw of exercisinR Ihe power -
<br /> . � ', �r.%�:'.:_=-__
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