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<br /> C''J'G" '�,''� '�a�"�i.�.'� _
<br /> S. Ha�rd or PraperlY Iu�urauce. Borrow�cr shall koq� tt!e �mpro�cmeitits now exislir�g oc hereafter uoctod on t,hc
<br /> propeny insyred�ainst Iw►by fire. H:z:�u'ds i►�l►sci�1 H�ishin t1u am� "rxter�ied covera�e" �xl uiy ��r ��� i�a�lud+'�•�
<br /> floadr or tlaodinr.Cor wldch Ltnder requiro�i►tiwra,-�.Tl�is iiuurs►xe shal!l+e ma'u�ined in Ux:anxwr.t;an+3 fiv thu pr.rivZs
<br /> that I.eixier roquire:.'The iauuance rarrier pm�iciiu�;d�e insur� slutll be chosrn by Eio�mw•er subxect tc, l,:ixicr'a u{�zrav�l
<br /> wh:ch stwii aot be uortasonably w►thhcld, Ii Horrovrer iyils ta maintuin e�eer�e describacl abore. i�txier atay,x1 lx�i•�a'�s
<br /> o�:,�,n,t"sbt�IR CQYtP�E�O(�1Y1lCt.'1 L.Cl1(�tl'c rights ip the Property in accardance with par�►Bro�ph�.
<br /> All inwrance po�icics and rcntwals rl�xll be acceptabte to Le�der and stwll inctuac a st�t�:u�i� mor�,a��clat::.z. lr.�xler
<br /> sh�ll tuve the right to 1�,oW tt�e poficie3 aad rocsew�ls.If I.ender rcquir�s.Borcawer st�all �ron�t1Y Bive to Lr.�xfcr n1E�xxiPes of
<br /> p�id prenuums and renewal notias. In th�evuu of loss.Borrawer shall tive pmmpt not:ce to ttn�in.surance carriar am�1.en�'-
<br /> L�odtr may ma{ce proof of Icus if nat nwdo pmmptly by Borrower. to restor�.tbarr�x re�air o�tlw:
<br /> Unless Ixnder and Borrov�ec othuwise agca in writing, insuraneo prcxoods ctuitl be zpplied
<br /> p�xrtY dacn�ed,if the restoration or repair is economically feasibl,.and L.ender's s�uriry is not lessened, lf ahe restcx�bun nc.
<br /> c+epair is uot aarromically feuible ar l.ender's security would be lessenad,the insvr,u�ce Proceeds si�ll be:.p�l.ied co ch�:awns
<br /> �u��y this SocutilY inurumnt. whether o�not then due, with any exceis Q�ic�i to Borrciwer. Ii Harn�war abundons the
<br /> prax.sty.or does not�s��cr withi��U days a natioe fibm Lender tlwt the iacurx�:�carrie�rs ore the Pn�rsy�or t4�'p:iy�swns
<br /> L,crder nnay c�31�1he inwracxe pracceds- l.ender may use the proeeeds W cepai
<br /> soa�rcd bg this Security Instrurnent. w•hzther or nat tl�en due.Tho 30�day period will begin whe�s the.�1 shulk nac.auc.nc�or
<br /> Uale.cs �.c�der anci Borrower oth4rwise agrx in writing, any s►pplicatioo of proceeds P
<br /> �,r�tpo��e the cl�e date of the motuhlY psYm►eats referrod to in paragraptis 1 and 2 or ciwn8e ahe aaxwnc of tlu:gaYnx�.[f
<br /> �nder pac�8raph 2l the Pr�eitY�s xquirod by I.oncie:r�Boirowu's right to sa,.ic��ass.�e policies and�procxa3s crt:ulting fn�n
<br /> d�m�ge w tt�e PropatY P*ior to�e aoq�'isition shall paw to[ender ta eh�exteat af rtftr�s�secsuc+d by this S�CUrity�c�tni�eae
<br /> um�odiatdY Dcia'w the�9uisidan. g�rowet's laaa.A}�qii�•atioo;I.wdw�?�.
<br /> f.Oa�up�cy.Ptesess'atioa,Mainten�oee and Protedion ot t6�t ProptK)';
<br /> Borcower shail oocuAY.e�blish,aud use the PmpertY as Boa°Wer s pcincipal uraidcace withia sixty days aRer ihe eacea�tion of .
<br /> tliis Security lnstiumati and thall c�ontinue to oocupy the PropertY as BorrawGr's primcipa! raidetke far at lwst one yru aft�s
<br /> the date of oocupancy.wilrss I.a�dcx otbuwisc�ia writiag. wtuch oanr�nt shuU �noc bc:unr�aso�bly withheld.or unkss
<br /> �g ci��oes exist whlch uo beya�d Borrower's ooatrol. Borrower shull not ckutroY, da�ra�e oc Imps�is the
<br /> Propaty, attow the Propaty to detesiomt�.or oocnmit watte on tho Property. Bormwer shull,ibe in default if any forfeiture
<br /> action or proaoding,wt�er civil or ceminal,is begun tbat in L�ender s good faitb,�ud�trns'dt oould rauli ia forfeiture of th�
<br /> pro�peity or otherwise matCcially imp�ir the liea c�tsted by thia Seeuriiy Insuvme.tu cr L�axler's security iMerest.Borrowu ma}
<br /> curt suc�a default�ad r�iast�t�,as pro���iai in pu'ab'"r,�ph 18•by cwsing tlus actlr�r�.or peoceodin$ta be dismiased wiW a tuliag
<br /> Wat� in LeacUer's good faith cktanunatian, proctudes forfeiture of ttx: Barmw�ec'�s inte.t+�st in the PreptstY or otl�er mataial
<br /> imp�►irment of the Iia�crc�ted by this Socurity Inst�uu�ecu ar l,e.nder's socurity interat. Borrovirer sl�ll also be in de�stalt if
<br /> Hotrowa.during tl�e ioan�pplication pmoess.Sav�m�teriilly fsise or iaasc.tu�rtaiaformuioo or statemeats to I.ender(ar�'wod
<br /> in�,.�nvide Irader with aaY a�ttaial inforusation)in coonectioa witb tbe taun tvidenced by the Note,includiag,but not limited
<br /> - - '---; u�-e���,in.�.awrrt ic m.i,__------
<br /> - ._.�.�C�C..�11iR$BOIlOWGS�6 OCCU�u1CY Of tI1E I'�Y�S A p[�p���•.�—_• fe� �c►e w � �iy.itie
<br /> kasehold, Borrowet .hall com�1)� with all the provisio�s► oF ttw teavt. If Boemwer aoquires
<br /> taneboid aad the fx titte shall aot mergo unkss Leadcr�gr�oes to t)x:�zu:rger in writing• .
<br /> 7.Prote�tion ot I.e�des's Ri�fits in Wt PropertY.If Borrower�r3ils w perfwm the co�snxnts and a8reana�ts oo�a�nod w
<br /> tl�ia Securiey Ic�trumak.or tha�e is a legal pcnoeeding t}wt na►y sipaific�attY affect L.eader's rights in the Property (�h�s a
<br /> p+noeeding in badm�t+c�l.Pmbato.for��or forfeiture ar to eafenx L�ws or reguladons),then l.arler maY do and
<br /> pay for whstever is aaawY to Prot�ct the vaiue af the Property�nd L,endes's rights in the PcopenY. 1�tarJer's aaiona may
<br /> iacludt P�,y'ia$ aoY � socucal by � liea which has priority oxer this Socurity ]nstnuneae, apptari� ya caut. 1�sn$
<br /> �M��to�neys'fees�nd a�tering on the PropertY w�ake r�n.Although Ieoder may take actiou uodrz this pmtz�+� .
<br /> 7,IRad�er das not 6tve w do so. '
<br /> Any smouots disbucsal by I.ader uader this pa�+grsph 7 stwll becoo�sidditioaal debt of Boavvcrr'saxued by this
<br /> Security Iautuaaeat.Qdess Aarower�orl I.ender agree to othu t�rass of pagaamt�these amounts sha11 bKas iucerest from tL•e •
<br /> dacs of disbunemeue.a�,che Noec r,rc aod sl�il be pa►yat►lo.wuh inss�c.� �ia from i.ender co Bo�rower re�CinB
<br /> ��e 1�w�rw�ee.If I.ader ro4uiral mon8s�Se insuran�x�.s a 000diti,on of making tLe loan�eau+�d by tha SecuritY
<br /> Instmooau. Borrower shall P�Y �P���� w uu�ntua tl�e avoctg�+ge ins�uaooe in effoct. If.for�unyr reason, tUe ,,
<br /> urxtgage i�uraooe ooveuge roquira!by I.e�lapses or a�scs co be in effect, Bormwu s1W1 paY�he Pran'u�s�W�to
<br /> obnin cova�ge wb�tanti+�ly a�swv�lent to the mortg�ge insucnnaa.��eviaasiy in effect,at a cost , ••^M°�ty equivalant W the
<br /> cost W Borrowa of the mortgsge i��•,ro.u.,• p�wi�usly in effect:from m altemate mo*tS�Be iasurer appmved by I�eo�ler- If
<br /> substao�ialtY equivakat martg�age iasuc�ooe coverago is rwt avpitabie,Borr�owa s1sa11 pay w Irender ac;h Gu�h a suna aqual W
<br /> a�o-twdBh ot ebe Ya�i�noitgpge���,,•••,r•p��u�inr paad�by Borrower when the iasunnoe oova�e lapsed or ocascd to
<br /> be in effea.l.endcr v�i[��,r.ept,use and rdain these paYme�ts� a loss reserve in lieu of morcga8� insuianx. Loss ns�sve
<br /> Foem 3�d �1D0
<br /> v�w�ro
<br />