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<br /> � ;.._.__�... �._�-r�►��_ . isiw.+�rw� � L_ •'1 �P�at� �_, .�.../T . .. . _ .. � ._.
<br /> �.�v__-r� ...�3.� - YSST�i�.1'�iT.�..Y__'��� � — =��1�y��f=`3�{��T�Sqfi-_ .__ - _r ir -.
<br /> +�1� jR.Rqi�.�����..�i[�� TY\�YI".T�y.r�..�.�p.F "� VI'r�•1 �rss�� ._.`�'�R��aai�c�Y __ .
<br /> ' {r{YiW�.A'!YLW _ .v. . .. �..�.�..�.raifwaf ss��o ��1.- �i�• ]."A'rt'y^t.�tl�lR��l��_-�—._=
<br /> 9G- �,,;���
<br /> 't'Qt:,f�`ftE:2 WITH oli the improvcrna�ts now nr hera�Rer a�ncted on the pr.�ty,sun!ull riu�raus.�ppurta�csccs.arW
<br /> fiztur�x aaw wr ture�tter M part aQ tht pe.�eny. Ali repl�s �ncl aclliEiaw atull aiso 6a c�vrrod by this S:�urisl
<br /> L�suunxn;� AU aF t!x fiu���un�iu referre:!w i�thli S�xurity lnc►runx�au aa thc"P►uperty.'
<br /> 6i��i?i0tite;i CJYENAN'TS tlyt&uroarer ic �wfully ceir•od oi the ata4e hucby ewtiveyai ond h�the right tu;rsnt atxi
<br /> w����;.3��t�� �cnperty und chu ihe Property is uaa�cumbe�i, rxu��i f��e z�xu�i��ukw af rxar�. �ar�w•;s uars�ssts rs�wi!!
<br /> cte�'tss�gzr4arally t2se tide to Wc ProptrtY�alast alf cLims u�d de�u�nds.�ttbject tc�wny enctut�t+rtutces�af'rarud.
<br /> THTq SECUAITY INSTRUMENT canbic�es unifortn oove�nts far nation�t uae�nl sr�+t•unifum���an�tus with liniital
<br /> v�ri�tians�+y jurisdinion e:►con�titute r unifocro secudty inurunxnt ooverin�ceal prc,�eriy.
<br /> UNI.f�ORM COVENANTS.Borrawer ud Let�du cove�unt and a�ree as fizlluwc;
<br /> 1, Puywe�i of Pritidpa{ oad�nttrat: PrcPaymeot aad L�te C�eR. Borrowu stwl! pruntW�y PaY �+hcn due t�
<br /> pdnci�►�!af and i�uerest aa thc debt evidenoed by t1�Note aod anY P�Y���c�C�doe undrr the Note.
<br /> 2. Ftiado fae T�uces and In�uranee.Subjxt W app�icable!aw or to a w�ritten w�ivu by lender, liarrower sh�l!pxy to
<br /> i.endt�on tbe ciay montnIY WYnx�ts�rt due unda the Nole.ubtil the Note is pai�in full.a sum('Funds")for. (a)Yeuly taza�
<br /> and�sacs.u��uus which may attain priarity ov�r this Securiry Ir,rtrtunent ac a lien on the PropartY:(b)Yearly leasd�old paymaus
<br /> or�ro�►�,1 rents oa the Nn�perty.if nny:(c)Y�ar1Y h�ard or property inuuaaoe premiums:(d)Yearly tlaod iwivance premt+ams�
<br /> if'au1p:(ciD yariy aooct�e insurana premtu:ns.if aoy; and(�any sums pay�blo by Horrower ta t.ender, in aocord�uY with •
<br /> tha pca��is,'.c�n4 of pragraph 8,in lieu of tho payment of mortgqge insurance premiums.These items are cyllod'Fscrow Itaas."
<br /> L�x1e�may. �t any tiuze.coilxt �nd hold Funds in an unount twt W eaccce� the maximum amount a Irnder for a foder�tUy
<br /> ral�tod m�wt��e Ww au�y require for Borro�rer's escrow axount under the federal Res1 fistate Setduneac Pr000dures Act o�'
<br /> 197A ss strKS�c)od fran time to time. 12 U.S.C. Soction 2601 u seq. ('RESPA"),unless Another law th�t applies to thc Funds
<br /> zets a le�r ou�ount. If so, i.ender may. u any time, collax aud hold Funds iA an�nount not co exceed the lesser Amount.
<br /> Lendcr Qiay atin�te the amoant of Fuads due o¢khc basis of curnat dats ud tesso��►bk wimates of expenditures of future
<br /> &cmw Ittuas ar otMrwise in aceordrnce with appt%ctible law.
<br /> Thp Funds sh�ll be !xW in sw institution wbose deposits sue insurod by a federal �tc�cy. it�stcuma�tality. or etuiiy
<br /> (inc]udin�l I.e�dGr,if i.et�der is weh ut,u4stitutianl«�n�r►y Federal Home Loan Hank.l�ncicr sha11 strpPly the Funds to pay the
<br /> Escsow•Ii�nc.I.e��der rtssy not cf�:u�r,�ve 1&,�ntwer W+r soldiqg aad applying the Fuads.aonwlly analyting the acrow aocount,or
<br /> vctifpi��the Escmw Ioea�s.ualess�}����raower ituerrst on tbe Funds and appliahle law perauts lender w mdce wch
<br /> a chuga..However,Lsx�er may�ui.-r�iomnwm to pay a one-rime charge for an ind�e�r►t rra!estate ta:reponin�service
<br /> used bp X�et+der 'su c�tion wit0 Yhis loau. unlas applicable law pcovides othtrwise. Udess an agtea�et�t is madG or
<br /> �pplicst►t�iaw require's.es�trrest to be p�id�I.eader shall not be�requii+ed to p�y Borrower aay interat or eamiags oa the Funds.
<br /> &�trowv�-�ad i,ender t���agree in�titing.bo�vt�er,that interest sls�ll be paid on the Fwds. lender slW1 give W Borrower.
<br /> withaut;chuge. �n�ruwz:�i xoounting of the i=u�..showing ctodits ud debit,.c 6o Wt�unds aad the purpose fo�wfiich ach
<br /> dabtt u��the Fnads wss tnade.Tbe Funds are plticfg�d as additiot�l sxurity for at�.,,:mc sa��rod by this Savriry Iatuumeat. .
<br /> If{ho Fuods hCld by Ld�der excYed tiie a**w�nrc p�rpyttCTl Lo Ne heW by applicabk L�.w�I.eadec sh�ll a000unt W HOrrowec
<br /> for tho ekaas Funds in a000rdance r•:it4 tlae requlrements of applicabk law. If chc amoiu�t ca�the Funds held by l�ender at any
<br /> dma is not svfficieat to pay the Fsct�wx bsx�s vrhea due,La�du may sa natify Borrower in writing,and.ia such ase Bormwa
<br /> sbr�ll DitGt to I.eacier t6e amouot aaa�to as� up tl�e de5eieney. Bnrm�rer shall m�lce t�p tbe de5cieacy in no mor�e th�n
<br /> _. ..- - --- -��-----------�---�---- - _ . . ._ ... _ _ _
<br /> .—_. . . _
<br /> i{Y��:.S�j��j QlG9l3.ffi�.C1�GL;E 5tT�t�.... - --- --- _ _
<br /> Uywo paymeat in full of ai! su�.sxur�Fr�=�.his Seauity Insaume�u, I.ader s1n11 proaiptly nfund to Borrowa a�y .
<br /> _ a.st�!held by[.ender.If.unda p:�t�21, I.ender st�all aequur or sdl t�e Pc�paty.L.eader.Prior w tht occWisitioo or cale
<br /> 04 @w!'�ropaty.s�Wl n�ply any Fur�,beld by Lender at the tic�e cf acguuitioa or sale as a eredit aYainst tLe sums secuml by
<br /> thls Scr��uriry Ir�nuaeat. �
<br /> 3.'Applicatioa of Pxyments.Unlesc appliable law provides otherwist,a04 paymmts roaived by l�rnrler u�er paragnp�hs
<br /> 1 aad 2 st�ll be�+f'iied: fira,to a�Y'PnPaY���es due wxkr the Note: seaood,w amoucns pay�►blc w�l�er paragraph 2;
<br /> t3�d,.{�ime:+at due;fourth,to pri�.�aal du�;and last.tn any[ate chatges due uader tb�Note.
<br /> �;.t:3�r�Ije�.Sorrowa s�d'iI p�y all w�es. asseasa�eats, d�arSes.fines and imp�sitions amiLutabk to tha PtoQt.�ty
<br /> v�i�'may awin pri�rity ova tbis Security Iusaammc, wd�eauhoW paymznts or�ioii� �ents. if any. Bocrower sb�ll pay
<br />_ d��abligatwas in tbe�w providod in paragr,q�2,or if uot p�id in that trsaaoet.Borrc�rer shall pay them on ti,:,a wr�..tly .
<br /> w dm pe�son owal psymeat.Boaawa sEull pren¢piiy furnish w Z.eader all notias of awowats w be peid under this p�ra�n�ph. :
<br /> If&trt+owet tnwices tbaa payma�ts cii�iy�Borrower shall prornptly fu�nish to La�cfa��ctigw�r'ideacidg d�e P�Y�
<br /> ���'�P�'��Y��any lien wt�i�hss prior.ty over thit Sea�rity Inwummt unkxs Bacmwes:!s�?��
<br /> writing to tbe paymeat of the obligatiue secured Dy tbt lia�in a�nner acc�tabk w La�der;(b)cootaus in aoad C�t5e lia�
<br /> by, flr defaods ag�imt eoforceme:u of the ltess iu� k8�1 Pmoxdin8s ahids m the Leader's oQirrion qQenet to pe�+rent tbe •
<br /> eat'w�rnt of the tien; o�(c)socures fr+om ttu�4�3er of tLe[ien an ag�rea�c suisfactory to Lender suboodinating d�e lim to
<br /> thiy;Saiuity Instruma�t. tf l,aader Jet�nines t�auy p�rt of the Property is subjxt to a liw which m�y auain princity over
<br /> ttrli.Sewrity Instrumau. I.e�ler rzu�.y give Borcnwer a r�otice icleatifying the liea.Bocro�va sh�ll satisfy the lim or taY�floe ar
<br /> m�it�e of tlie actioos set fottb above w-ithia 10 days txf the giviag of ootice. , .
<br /> ' • ' r��i 41�0
<br /> �
<br /> aa.,s�s ,
<br /> • .
<br /> - � � - .
<br />