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<br /> Ewymtr.ts m�y�a longer be requiral,�t the c�ption af Lender,iP rtwrtgrye insunuuae e�v�r►t�e(in ttu w�wunt Yrni for the perlad
<br /> thsx t.eaxirr roaelrrs�l provid�d by sa inwrcr 4�nvvod by�.utider��in bocomes av�l:�ble ar�d i�abtciiinai. Born�uu shall pay
<br /> th: psrun:i:ms:rrya:3:�:1 tsi a�ini:i:�.:�art�r,`,�iussua:s:�ia u`t.::t.or tv p.-uri�;. a loss rc::x.-�•c.unii!tha rc:���rtn�ui fa csurC�r,sa
<br /> in�ur�c a►da in rs�rd�tice with�r,y writtea�y;raenx�btiweea Bcxsowu rtxJ I.etxkr or�licxbl�aw.
<br /> 9, ��ctbn. Lencler or it€ �es�e n�y nul.e�u�blo e�uri�upon�xl i«spoctions of the Fruperty. Lendcr s.`�!� rive
<br /> Borrower notice u�ho tlme uf cr prior to�n incpo�^tiwti spxify[ng ressw�ablo cause for the inspoction.
<br /> 11. Coademartloa.Tiu proceods of u�y award or ctalm for dama�es. dlrcct or conseSuer�ti�l, in connocUon w�th�ny ,
<br /> mndeautaiion cx othee�aicir�of any pan of the Property,ar fix conveywiee ia liae of can�tian.are hrreby�ssignod�ad
<br /> ehall be paW to Ludu.
<br /> Ya tho eve,x�f�total wking of the Property,the proca�s sl�11 be appliod to the sunu secured by this Suurity Inswmeau,
<br /> wbetl�a a�aot tbai due, with any c�ceu prid w Borroatir. in the evpu af y putia! t�icing nf the Property in wfiich tho fiir
<br /> markct vslue of thc Praperty immedi�tely befain tha tai�Jng is eqi:aJ to or gc+e�ter tt�n the anwunt of tho sums securod by this
<br /> Soeurity I�utcwnent imm�diAtely b�foro sho wkic�.unless Bormw�er oud I.euder otherwise agtoe in wrltia�,tho sums securaf by
<br /> this Security Incuumeat st�all be �duc�od by the amount of tho pr0000ds m�ldpliod by the follawin� fraaion: (aD �e tatal
<br /> unount of tbe wmz securod immaiiately before tho takinr, divided by (b)the fair aiuke�vslue of thc Propetty i�a�tediatoly
<br /> before the WcinR. My bilance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a p�rtial taking aF the Property In wti�the fair
<br /> anrka value of tho Propeity imenedi�tely befae cde taking is lesc than tho umaunt of the wmc socura�inunodiately befone the
<br /> t�kiWT,unlw Sortivwr.� aod I.eader othervviae�cee in writiqg w unless applicable I�w whawise pcovides.tLo pt��oedt sdaJl
<br /> be appliec2 to the s�¢utt scxuroci by this Sa�curity Ip�uxaa�ent wi�e�or t�ot the sums are t1�m due.
<br /> It ttas F�y is abmdooed by Barrower, cx if,aRcr mtia by I.enda�to Borrowu Wu the condc:mor affers ta m�lce an
<br /> tward ur settlo a �laiia for dust�ges,�orrower fxils to respond to I.tu3er wityin 30 days afta tbe date the notia is giva�,
<br /> L�ender is�to oolloct and apply tLe p+n�ads.ai its optioa.eithe�eo.A'eswratiou or re�air of We Propaty or to the wios
<br /> ce+cured by thix Scti.-�,aity Iaurument.whether o�n iu�dt iha�due.
<br /> Uclw Leoder �ad Boirower abaWrise a��r�e in wtiting. nny applic�ion of pnoaeds to prin�ipal sh�ll nat extend or
<br /> P�P����o���lY P�Y����in p�ra�raphc 1 ud 2 or c1w�e the u►wu»t oE'such p�aymeass.
<br /> 11. Bor�enwer Not itde�ed;��By i.end�r Not s W�fver.Eztension of the time for p�yment�r modi5catioa
<br /> of amortizuiop of the su�u sea�rod by tbis Sa;urity Insuunresrt g�nted by I,ender to u�y successor irs c:�rest of Barrower:6a11
<br /> noE opaate to akate d�liability af tEe origic�Borrowa or Barrowa's su�oasass in i�.L.eader s1�U not be requirod to
<br /> oommeaoa proveod�s ag�iau aay wa.�ccsor in u�urese or refuse to�ct�ad time for paymeat or aherwise modify�moN�ation
<br /> of t�t s�as socuzed by this Sa� �astnune� by �•�f�ny dem�od made ��c �he ori$inal Borrower oc Boerawa's
<br /> succtssuas in intazxt.A.ay 3��y_t.endor ia r�sic,�any si�ht or rena�ecly s3aat�not be a wAiver of or proclude the
<br /> a�a+cise of�ny rig.Lo a remaly. ..�
<br /> 1S. Succe�ors�d A►�� Bound: Jaiat aod Sever�l U�biWy,Go�oas- 3Ix oov�a�u9 aod agreemaits of tbis ; •
<br /> Secur3ry Insaumeot eh�ll bind aad 6aoefit tb� s�uooesson aad auigng af l.e�der and Haanowec. subjoa to dre p�ovi:iona d
<br /> p�r�ptt 17. Bornower's ooveaants and agreanaKs s1uU be joint and uv�l. My &�trowes w6o oo-si�ns th� SeamtY
<br /> _ - -- _ _-
<br /> - _ --It�R�f01���6Gfi iiBT�Cu-[e tSe No�e:�a}is oo-L�ning thic�+iifSrZi�ii�i�e�ii aily�o naa�tg�.�ied ovs�v�ey!�t .
<br /> Boerower's interest io tbe Property under ttae t�rms oi this Security Insdument:(b)is not per�onally obli�sted to pay t8e auam
<br /> �ecaroa by au,s sxurity i�avmenc:�oa(c)agrees th�c I.eaa«aoa auy otl�a aarower m.y agnx w e�tena.moa�fy,foc6ar«
<br /> maice�nY acaommocl�tions with negard to the terntc of this Securiry Instnzment or the Note without that Borruwer'r ooe►sa�t.
<br /> 13. i.o�C�a.If tbe loaa socuted by this Soc�uitv Iastiumeat is wbjax w a tarv whicb sets muin�un Jan cLarges,
<br /> m3�t taw is flnally intapreled so that the inta+�ct or otb�r�chu�Z colloctod or b be Callectod 'w eona�a�tioc��rith the
<br /> baa excoal tbe permittod limits, thea:(a)aay such lorn c�rge shall be reduc.�ed by tbe amount neoessary W roduoe ti�e c3�u�a
<br /> . te l�ic+p�tted liwai�:�ad(b)wy s�d�dy oUltaet�od fr+om Bamwer rvhidi�excteded pamitted Umrits wiU be retuodod W
<br /> ' , Fot:�xr. Ltoda� raar,y claae W m�lce this¢r�ccd by roduciqa the pcinapal awed ua�lrr d�e Noice•�r by m�alvag a dizec.t
<br /> payam�rto Bat�wa. If a refw�ci roduoes �T. the�r�tion vmill be a+e�ted as a P�W P�MY� �F�� �
<br /> pre�smcat c�e under the Nwe.: . ' '
<br /> Y���iotloe�.My notioe to 3�~atow�er prot�-dr�1`+c�for ia this 5eaaity In�tnwkat sinq be givea tiy ddivaiqp it a bY��S .
<br /> :': it 6y fint cl�ss m�}uale�t spplicabk law reqpir"u�aue af�oother method.71se aotice shal�be dinctad to tbe Fropaty A6tirers ,•
<br /> _ .. at,aray,othu addrest Borrowa desi�nata by �tice to I�eader. My nodce w Ireader t7�ll be �iven by fust d�sc md tt���, -. �
<br /> . Lx�ae�r's add:+esc si�ed he�ia or ariy otlur adtlr+ess I,eada daignates by uoeia to Batxtxvwet. MY notipe P�rn►ided&�'•ia t�is �
<br /> Se+.�srr+c�L�shdl be deemed to 6ave boea givea to Bo�eower or I.rnder w6w giwan�s pcmidod in tbis p�n�gtap�C.
<br /> �IS.Goreesia� Lw; Serd�ty. TLis Sewrity Inrinuna�t shatl be governetl'�by federal law and tbe I�w of the
<br /> � Juc+ac�iccloo in w4ich tbe Prapaty is bcsted.�ix�e event ttsat any provis�iiux a cfa�e of this Seeurity Lutn�a�cat or the Note
<br /> . ooRflietc with a�plieable law,sueb cooftia s6att�uit�'eet otl�a�provisioa�s,af�is Seearity Inctmaxnt or tIK Nate whicb au b�
<br />_ giY�u�x witbout the 000itiaia� pcovisioo.7Co d�is ead th��mvisioos of tbic Secn�itl''inatiumwt aod tl�1Vate�+e dxL�d
<br /> ta t�et�ievrsabie. ,
<br /> �'ti.B�eeMe�'s Copy.Bornowa s1�1!be�r,vea ooe omxfiunaed oopy of tIae Note�od of this Security 1n�vawrt.
<br /> , � Fa.�aose atao ..
<br />._ .. . � . . .I�,q4d� . . � . . . - � . .
<br />_t � .
<br /> f • .
<br />.i
<br />