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„ <br /> y, . . <br /> ' �' ■f AC"� :.'•''� : ' .�„y ' ....�y, ,_c �.u... a ., �.rr„ry�il�i f-�'4-�,` ,� .... <br /> li �Y: .•aVj�•� �1,, �Y r '11`.Lb_ .....v�t'- - <br /> .. �I •d�i �.� ��,�•�� 2�t_:`Li11_fSt:'”' '-�yI�� � � — . _ _ —___— <br /> .. � Nh y ._�.. .��t.l�� ^ <br /> � �In�N+^rA's ,-+r�N: fr► '�fFA`,' � "�"'=_ <br /> .. . ��W Y•"�Yi--(., :� - <br /> . . `.'3"�. 's,��t':���,'����,g4 . ,.:i. __. -- <br /> ��` ,�i.d..., _._�.�_ __ <br /> . .. +r'�"-"-�° - ., .. _ — --� -- -- <br /> -- - ; . . 9�� �,°���2 <br /> _�.. .� ' <br /> ., . �;� ��,�: <br /> -�� qa . <br /> . �„�,�.��,�;�,:a� ` s. �� � prop¢�y L�ut�nce. Borrower �hal� kccp thc impravements now cxisting or hereafter erected on�he <br /> r)��. . <br /> �.�'`w;!r:��- +:- ,;� Prnpcny intiunxl uQ�in�t lo�.w by fire, hazarda includai within�hc tcrm "ex�endu!�uvcragc" +uxl uny��ther ha�rds, including <br /> •:�F�^�^;.�,� 4 I1,Mxl�ur Owding,fi�r wMch LanJcr reyuires insuruncc.Thi+intiurunrc �hull Ixr nu�intaincd in�hc unxwnt�aiul fur the perfods __ <br /> �'°`':"';_-'„"'° .• .:' �hu� I�nJcr r�uirc►. 7'hc insurwicc curricr pravidiog dir in�.uroncc,liull Ix rhu.�n by &�rrowcr whjcct to LcnJcr'�upprovu! _ <br /> =-.:,�..�� <br /> ���nu:i�.�:tri�a,J..� wliich slwll M►t hc unrwsoru�bly withhcld. If&�rr��wcr fail� �o muimuin cuvcrugc dc�riFwxl ntxrvc. I.�nder n�uy. ut Lender n -- - <br /> _ �,,��$.";"�:';' opti�m,��b�u�n c��veruge tu proteet I.ender'x righ�,io thc Pro�rty in u�r�►rJance wHh �u�r.igtaph 7. ,�- -_ <br /> f �.�' ::�, , `; All in�ur�ncc{xiliric�unJ rc�uw•rl�+hull hc ucrc�xuhlc to LcnJcr wKl rhall incluJr a +lu�xlurd mortgogc clau�c. I.endcr �_ <br /> i �� r���~ - �hu l l havc t hc rigM tu Ix►W thc p ulicic�urul rencwule. If l.cnJcr rcyuirc+. Fk►rr�►wcr tihull prumptly givc�o I.cndcr ull rcccfpts uf <br /> ',•���..!!�1�:. ,.. - <br /> �.;_ ._... _ paid premiu rn+u�wl rcncwul notirc+. In thc evcnt��f Imti.H��r�owcr sFwll givc prnmpt noticc to the insurum�e carrfer and Lerxler. r _ -1- <br /> t� �-�=-_�-�_ ' <br /> �t:Y�;.:°� l.c�xicr nwy uuke pnx�f uf I��y�if'nc�t m:ulc prompUy by f3��rruwc�. _ <br /> -�,���• Unlc�1 l.cnJer unJ fiarcowc�uthcrwik ugr�r in writing.intiuruncc pnKeul.nhull he upplicd�u rertorutiun u�rcpuir c�f the <br /> '°:�,.�;;� ,,,- ,' Pruperty Ju�mgc41,if the rctitorati�m or rcpuir i.cconomically fcusiblc und lxnJcr's xcurity i.r nul Ic�scneJ. If thc rczturutiun ur .,�,,, <br /> "N�"". ..:. ,.` repuir iw not ecorwmjcally fcu,iblc��r I..cixter'ti sccurity wcwld l+c Icsscncxl, thc insu�oncc pr��cceds Khull bc Applicci to the wms <br /> �� ' � secured by thiw Security In+uvnxnl. whethcr or not Ihen due, with uny exre,ti puid tu &�ROwer. If Winuwer absmdons the _ <br /> � - � � ' Pr�►pcny,or Joe4 nc�t answer within 3U days u natirc from l..encler�hat thc in„uruncc rerricr hay offereJ to tietdc a claim, then <br /> �'.'. , : , �. <br />-�_--� L.enJer may c�►Ilctt the insurunce pnxeeds Lender nwy u�e the p�occui� t�� reps�ir ��r restore the Pr��peny or �u pay wrr� _ ___ <br />_-``��• '' secu�cK1 by thls S�euriry Instrument,whe�her ur not tlkn duc. The 30�iay peri�xl wil I l+cgin when the nutice is given. <br />- lic�tion of r�xeed� ta rinci al shwll not extend or <br />;�!}; ` Unlcxcu l.ender and Borrowrr ��therwi,c ugr��c in writing, uny upp' : P P P <br />"--� �'�'�'"".�:�"'���� postponc the due date uf thc moothly paynxnts refernd to in puragraphs 1 und 2 or change the amount c�f the puyments. if <br /> ,;,-��-��"; „ � � -• undcr purugraph 21 thc Property iti ucquired by l.cnder,Borrower's right tu uny insurancc �wlicics und pr�cecxls resultinF from <br /> w <br />�' :� • � � "'''� ��' ° danwge to the Property prior to the acquisitioa shall p:�s ta l.ender�o the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument <br />.-'_'°'. ' .° ..��":;�^�;; -� immedietely priorto t�e ucquisition. <br />;,. - . <br /> - • ` 6.Occuponcy, Pr�.wervalion.Maintenance and Pmtecdon of the I'ruperty;l3orruwer's l.oan AppllwUon;l.easehol �. <br />��f.' <br /> u• :��'. `� Borrower shall occupy.esu►blish,and use the Propeny a+Borra�+er's principal resicienc:e within sixty days after the executian of � <br /> ..., <br /> j�. .` � this Security Instrument a►Ki shuU rontinue to occupy the Property us BoROwer'�principal resiJence for at Ic:ust one year after �_� <br />„��` • the date of occupancy,unless l.ender otherwise Agrees in writing. which ainsent shall not he unreasonably withheld, ur unletis <br /> ��• - <br /> � � extenuating circumstance� �xi+t which are beyonJ Barrower's rnmml. Bnrrowe� shull n�n destroy, damaga or impair the ^` <br /> h.�' � � � ; ' p�operty, allow the Propcny ta deteriarate. or commit watite on �hc Prop�:rty. Borruwer shall be in default if any furfeiture �+��;;,_ <br /> - . � uction or proceeding.whether civil or criminal, ix begun that in l.eixler's sood faith judgment could result in forfeiture af the —� <br /> � - . Propeny or wherwise mAteriolly impair the I+en creuted by this S�urity Inctrument or L.ender's tieeurity intercwt. Borrower may <br />� ���• " � � cure such u defauh und reintita�e,as provided in para�raph I S,by cuusing�hc uction or proceeding to be dismisuxi with u ruling <br /> �,,, �. — <br /> - ' -- ths�t, �n Lender's good taith detern►ina�ion, precludr+furfciture of the Borrawer's intere�� in the Propeny or other matcrial �__� <br /> -__��_��-y� K� -, - - im�+airment af the lien rreuted by this Security Instrumcnt nr [.cnder'ti securiry inicre+t. &�rrower shall alw be in defs�ult if - <br /> ' � &�rrower, during the loun upplicution pracexs, gave matcrially fulse ur �nuccurate iniorniu�iui�ur,tnteiiients t.�Lcsuirr ior failed <br /> � •. to proviJe I.ender with any materiul informationl in connection wi�h the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but ncn limited — <br /> • to. represenmtions concernin�Borrowcr's occupanry of the Property as u principul residence. lf�his Security Instrument i�on a �-'r=V�: <br /> ' leu�rhold, Borcower shull comply with uU thc pmvisions of �hc lease. lf BoRUwer ucquiras fee tiUe to the Property, the <br /> � ' Ies�sehoW vnd the fce tide tihull n��t mrr�c unlcti�l.cnder agrces tu the mer�rr in writin�. <br /> ° ��� � 7.Protection of l.ender'x Riahts in the Property. 11'Rnrruwer luily to periorm the c�wenenta and agreements cdntainal in _.____ <br /> r , ' ° s this Security Instrurnent. or there ix� Iegul pr�xec�ling thut muy tiignitir�ntly uffect I..ender'� righcs in the Propeny (wch us u �►���+, <br /> � procceding in hankruptcy. probatc. ti�r rondemnution or li�rfeiwrc��r tu enti�rce luw���r regulsuions). then l.eiuier muy do anJ <br /> li1��i <br /> : pay for whatever ix nerc�rury• to prote�:t the vuluc ot'�he Pro�ny unJ I.cnJcr's rightti in the Property. l.ender'� actions m•ry =_ <br /> ' ' include puying any sums +ecureJ hy u licn which huy priurity uver thi, Security In�trument, appeuring in cuurt, paying _ <br /> � .. '� � rcuwnable uuorneyti'fe�:s anJ entcring on the Property to mak�: repain. Alth��ugh Lender may take urtion under this paragrtiph <br /> ' • 7, l.ender dces nut have to Jo xo. <br /> ':" �"' , pny am�wnt� Jisbursed by l.endcr unJcr �hiti p�rugraph 7 �hull txxoou aJJitiimal deht iit' &�rcowcr secured by this ___� <br /> �t�� Sc:curity Instrumem. Unless&►rrower and l.enJcr ugrcr�o uther tcrm�uf puymcnt, thctic •rmuunts �hall fxar interetit from the � „ <br /> ' " date af disbur�ement ul the Note rute und shull I� Ewyuble, wilh intrrr+t, up��n notice from l.cnder tn Bortower reque�ting �-�.4 <br /> . �E-,= <br />�.' . . . ... paymenl. �;'��.'W:. <br /> " 8.MortQage Inyurunce. li L.enJcr rcyuir�xi nwnguKr in.urance a���c�mdition ol muking tlk loan SecureJ by this Security �-��,�- <br /> s. Instrument. &�ROwer shull puy Ihr prcmium� reyuinxl lo mauilain the murtEage in,urunrr in et'fect. lf, for any reacon, the <br /> r . mortgagr insuroncc►ovcrugc rcyuired hy Lendcr lupu+ ur cea.c.u�nc in cflcrt. &►rruwer+hull pry thc premium� required ro =--____. <br />� „ obtuin wvcr��c suh.tantiully cyuivulcnt tu tl�r murtg�@e inaurance prrviuu�ly in cftec�.at u ra,t.ub.tuntially equivalene �o the =�..-:r <br /> � mst m Burrower��f the mongage intiurance previou+ly in clTcct. frum an ahrrnatr nwrtgaFc in,urcr uppruved by l.endcr. If <br /> ' subatumially eyuivulent im�ngage insurancu covcrage i� nut availahle. Burruw•cr,hall pay a,l.rndrr rach month a�mn equul tn • <br /> 3 � . one-twelCth ot'the yearly monEugc imuranrc prrmium Fxiug puid by Burruwei Nhrn tlic inyuranir�u�•eragc lap���1��r cease�l Io , <br /> • b�:in et'fect.Lender will ucrept. u�c anJ r�lain the�c paymcnt�a� •r ki.. rc�cn�r in licu uf nwng•rgr in,uruncc. Lu,� m,crve <br /> , Fam 3028 9/90 �. . <br /> .' r.,��.f�a r i•'. � <br /> , �: <br /> ' �. . <br /> �_. ... , � � <br /> � ... - --___ <br /> � '1 � <br /> .. ' ; <br /> . � <br /> . . -- -- �— - - - —-( <br />