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<br /> )� +i� �5�1.l.i� �� �'.,� 'S'Y tsss�,'r' _..£`i.1.7�.�'�?�.'1��,,.
<br /> tif 'DRrAa w�S<. 1 "7( :/ 11•-��. ..�••.
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<br /> --,-. . p�yments may no lanQer he rcquired,at the optioa of l.endcr, it'mortgagc insurwnce cuveragc(in the atrwunt und for thc peri
<br /> — —_ .— tiwt l.ender rcyulres)provided hy an insurcr appravod by Lender again becomex ava�lable ancl is obtainod.Botrower shall pay
<br /> ° --=`'°:.➢ the prcmiumR mquirad tu nwintuin moti�age insurance in cffect,or w provide a loes rcrerve.uatil the rdquirement for mort��e
<br /> ���=;-a,.��^•:�!'��;:� It►runinca enJs in acwrdet►ce wlth any wriuen ugreement bclween Borrower and Lerxler orapplicuble luw.
<br /> - --- 9. Inxpectbn.I.e�x�er or i��a�en�nwy nwlce rxas�nable enMea up�►n And inspoctions uf the Pruperty. t.ender�Iwll�ive
<br /> -__ _�° ` -�-6-.�..r - ii�+nnw�r n�xice N��i�tii��e��f�i1'pi1n�tn ap inc�-rtinn�(+niPyinr rcncnn!+hlr r�use fi�r�ht in��wr�i��n. --
<br /> -� � Jry ./A�4 10. Condmttwtion. The pracoais of any award nr c�aim for dumugcs,dircxt or cuns�qucntial, in connoctlon with ony c
<br /> �-�:� � �' +.�'.___: , candemnation or other takin�of any pan of the Property. or i'or canveyunrc in lieu�f condemn��iun,ure hereby ao�i�ned ond _
<br /> :,-;�� '� shwll be pAid to L.ender.
<br /> ��'����v� ' �
<br /> In the�vent ut a ww1 wki�ig�►iihe Pru�rty,�he pawcuf�.hhull tx:uppli�xl a►thc sums securcd by this Sccurity Instrument,
<br /> -'� ,�', ' whether or not then due, wi�h uny ezcess paid to BoROwer. In the even� iif a puniul taking af'the Prupeny in which Ihe falr
<br /> �-;!�; Yi.�:✓..T.:.. .
<br /> `;,a.�.n,. � market value of thc Property immcdfately before the taking is equol t�or grcater than�he ++mount af the sums secured by thls
<br /> -�����._-. Security Instrument lmn�ediately trfore the►uking,unlass Borrower nod l,�nder otherwisc agree in wri►in¢,the surng ee�ured by _
<br /> -- thia Security Instrument ahall be reduced by the amuunt of the proccals multlplivd by the follawing froction: (a) the twW __
<br /> • ---•---•�• urtaunt of the sumc secured immecliatcly before thc tAking.dividal by(b> thc fair mur�et vulue af the Propeny immediately
<br /> - � '•��� '�`���,'�-^,. bef�re the tAking. Any bulance shall be paid to Borrower. In thc cvcnt of a partial taking c►f the Propetty ln which the fair —
<br /> `-�"'�'' �'' " � ; market value of the P�operty imn�dietaly before the taking is les4 than the amount af the sums securecl immediately before the �-
<br /> '� �•�r-•• �� taking,unler�s &►rrowar and[.ender atherwjse egroe in wrfting a�unless applicAble law otherwise pravidea,the praceeOa ehall
<br /> . �' '� � ' � be applied to tBe sumg secured by�hic Secu�ity Instrument whether ar nc►t the aums are then due.
<br /> ;,Y��;�;��';�`,�.�� ,• I If the Property ls abandoned by Horrower,or if. oRer notice by i.ender ro Borrower that the condemt�oc offers to make an . —_
<br /> - `'�" + a w u�d o r s e t t l e a c l a i m f u r d a m a g G S. B o r r o w e r f a i l s t o r e s p o n d t o L.e n d e r w i t h i n.3 0 d a y F a Q��t h e d a t e t h e n o t i c� is g iv e i t.
<br /> i�•.:i"'' :"�;:r�:i.' ":
<br /> •• .°. � l.ender is authoriuci to collecl and apply the proceeds,ut its option,either to�estoratio�or repa�r of the Property or tq the Rur►�s�., c
<br /> - -. ,.:;:.�;:. ,:��,., 4 I secured by thia Secutity Instniment,whether or na�hen due.
<br /> � " ,;•� � . � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ngree in writing, uny upplicatio�of prc►ceeds to principal shall not extrnd n+r , �-
<br />�•���n��,� ;� . . . , I postpone thc due date of the monthly payments referred to in p�ragraphs I nnd 2 or changc ttie amount of such payments. __
<br /> - — ' ' 11.Borrower Not Released; ForbeArance By Lender Not�Walver. Bxtentiian of the time for payment or modification , —
<br /> -��' ��•;� of amortization of the sums securod by this Security Inswment granted by I.ender to uny successor in interest of Borrower sh�ll
<br /> �'�� .. �::'
<br /> • • , not aperate to releasc the liability�t the original Borcower or Borrower's yurcessors in interest. Lcnder shall not be required to
<br /> � commcnce proceedings against any succcssor in interest or refu�to extend time for payment or otherwise modiFy amortizatian ��_
<br /> �� � '. ,� � � of the sums secured by this Security Instrumen� by reason of any demand mude by the originul Borrower or Barrawer's �:
<br /> - succe.�gors in interest. Any forbearance by Ixnder in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> ` �• � :• exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> p 12. Successois and.As�iQ� Bound; Jolnt and Several l.Iobility; Co-slgner's. The cavenants and ngreements of this --�-
<br /> ���_,►,c:__d_=_-=
<br /> �`' ' Security Instrument shall bind und benefit the succsssors and assigns ot Lender and borrower, subject to [he provisions of--
<br /> ��'���' � . " puruRraph 17. Borrower's cavenants und agreements shal! be joint anJ tieveral. Any [3oROwer who co-signs this Security
<br /> .. Instrument but does not�xecute the Nae: (a) is co-�igning Ihis Security In�lnament only to mongage, grant nnd canvey that ----
<br /> Borrower's interesl in the Property under�he tcrms of this Security Instrument; (b)is not personally obliguted lo pay the sums
<br /> sserured by this Security Instrument;und(c)agrees that Lender and uny aher Borruwer may.agrce to extend,modify,forbear or ___
<br /> • � mak�uny accommodution9 with rogard to thc terms��f�his Sccurity Instrument or�he Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> •`,4� .4. 13. Loan Charaes.Jf the laan secured by Ihis Sucurity Instrument is subject to A law which set�maximum loan charges.
<br /> � ��y;' und that law is finully.interpreted su tha�thc interest ��r other loan churges collected or to be collected in connection with the
<br /> "°•i� ' . � . loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (n1 uny such loan charge shall be reJucecl by the emount neces+ury �o reduce the charge =_
<br />- � � � to the permitted limit;und �b) uny sums ulready collec�eJ from Borcower whirh exceedeJ pern�ilted limits will be refunded to
<br /> :;��'`�� , �� Borrower. l.ender muy ehewtie tn mukc this refuncl hy reducing the principul ��weci under the Note or by making a direet �,�
<br /> -=' ' v payment to Bnrrowcr. !f a refund reduces principAL the rcduction will be treatecl us u partiul prepayment without at►y �"`
<br />�•�Yra.., ( .
<br />--_ ,.:t ..,�„ .. prepayment charga u+xler Ihe Note.
<br /> • . " 14.Notices. Any notice to Borruwer provided ti�r in this Security In�trument .hull be givcn by Jelivering it or by mailing _
<br /> � �,�'• : � it by fi�t.class mail unless applicable law requires use��f unother methcxl. The noticc+hall he directed to the Property Address r
<br />' - '' '����.�`�. ' or uny �ther :uldres+ Bonuwer designutes by nutice to [.a:nder. Any notire tu [.ender shall be given by fint cluss mail to
<br /> . ' ov' for in this �-
<br /> ,. Lender's address stalc.�1 Iterein or uny u�her uddretis I.endcr J�sig►wtrs by n�Hire to Bonowcr. Any nonce pr �d��d __
<br />- � �� ' ' Securiry Instrument shull Ue dcemrd tu havc lken given ro&irr�>wcr��r Lcndcr whrn given sis provided in this parugraph.
<br /> �;;,,-N� �� 15.Governing Law; Seven�bHity. Thi� Securiry In+trument shull t�e governed by fcdcr�l law und the law of the =_
<br /> , • jurisdiction in which the Property is I�xalal. In the event that uny provisiun or clausc of this Serurily In,lrument or the Note �'
<br /> � • cunflicts with uppllcable luw. .uch cunflict shall nut af'fcc� oiher provi,ionti oi�hi.Securiry Instrument or the Note which cun be �
<br />• . ' • given effect without the c�mllicting provitiion.To�hiti end thc pnwisiun,ot'Ihis Sccuril�� Instrument und the N�ue are declared
<br /> . �•-
<br /> . to be+ever•ablc.
<br /> . 16.Borrower's Copy.BorroN•r�.h�dl hc givcn onc c�mtimncd copy oi'thc Nutc anJ of�hi,Sccurity Imtrument. �M
<br /> . ' Form 3028 8190
<br /> • v.pe s o�s
<br /> r.
<br /> • _�.... .- � . , . .., . .... ,. . ... ��•
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