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.� � '`.� . . ..,-,r i•.,<,. . ;. - ,�� . . . . , „�-..�—_._ �_.... . <br /> h 1•` ;A <br /> � .�i.! ,p iL.l+' ).4�. .u� `y:.. '�. •{-�l.�,l �_ __ <br /> '°'• ,' ,�qr6cyi,�ri„ '1�Ln4' <br /> T�i : �M�.+.. . ..« -- , "' <br /> ,� :��t.�;• . ... <br /> r. -�-�A?.. <br /> � __ .•y:1�'��'�G: . . . �`F_� . <br /> __� • <br /> ' . . ' �,�.: �.. <br /> .. , _.. — - �__.__.. _..-,_ <br /> ,'� k.,.•:�:. -..:..�:,,.. �L--" 1Q4ct��r�r � <br /> �?��-��-',��-�.�-'..:�-^��,��' TOOETIiER WITH�II the improvementa iww ar hereaFter e�+ectai on the property,and all euaner�te.appunenances,wuf <br /> '���5��.1.•��� - flxtureR now or hercaRer a p�rt of the pruperty. All replucemi:ma suid additi�n.r nhwll �Ica� be �ywerr,d by �hi� Secudty <br /> -�i���=���:��--�==-,y•�: ; Uwtrument. All uf the furc u�n is rcierral to In thia Sccurit Ina�rument us thc'Pro n <br /> _��..�,�T_-w�.yr��1'� � � y Pc Y•" _ <br /> �- ,..��P, �,-_ BORROWER COVENANTS tlwt Burrower ix lawfully sc:lsed of the estutc hcreby�un�4vcx1�l hus the righ�to grunt and � <br /> :'��t'�rid�k*;'_.�,;;f convey the Properry nnd thet the Propeny iK unencumbercd,except for encumbruncs4�►f r�co�d.,&�nc�wer wLrtuntd onJ will __ <br /> - - _ �•�,;;�- defend grnr,rrJly ehe title to the Pr�►pertv Akeinal all claim.c wid demunda. wbi�t tu anV enruinbrun�es uf raonl. �----- -- <br /> �A� � � ' �r"'��' � THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combirkh unifom�covcnuntti fi�r nuti�mul ua� an�1 nun-unitnrn�cuvcn�ntc wilh limftod <br /> ''� '� ' � vArisuions by f uriulictian to constitute u uniform security iavlrununt covcring renl prapeny. <br /> �,�`4�:��:ti <br /> . � UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr und l.cndcr covcniu�l and ugr��e ati fnlluwr: � <br /> :� ..,.,, . .. .. <br /> '�'`T'��"'r l. Poyment of PrincipW end Interest; Nreprymeut�d.l.ptc Ciwrg4w. 13�rn�wcr r.hull prompUY puY wiwo duc Uw �- °—�_°-- <br /> ,7�... se'.. <br /> `�i _;.; ' '" ,."s-"•Y►: prin��pal of und interest an thc debt evidenced hy the Note und suiy prepuymenl w�d lutc c�hurgc.r duc under the Note. <br /> ��`�S•��� � ` .. 2. Fund� far Twrcv and Inrnurwnce. Suh}�:� to applicAhlc law or tu cl wrUtep wuivcr hy Lcndcr, Borruwer shall pay to <br /> '����'��?�•. I.endef an the day monthly puyments arc duc undG�the Note.unti)the Note is paid in full, u tium 1"Funds') for: la)ycarly�xcs <br />� . , ' �'" '. and a.gtk:�+mcros which may uttain pri��rity uver this S�.ruritv�nstrument u.ti a licn.un the Propeny: (b1 ycuriy Iea.u:hold payments <br />---"� ,,. � �. �; or grounJ rNnts on the Pr�peny,if uny; (c)yeu�ly,hu.a�d c�r p�operty insurunce premium.r; Id)y�:arly OooJ insurwx�c prcmiums. <br /> '� �_� if uny:(e)yeurly m�mgage inaurunce premium.ti, if s�ny: ond(f)any +um�puyuble by &►rrawer to l.eixler, in ur��ordance with �__ �_ <br />_ . �.. .� . <br /> ' , , .` the pmvisions cif purngmpb 8, in lieu ot the pnymcnt af m«qgtsge insurnnce premiumti.These items are enlled"Escraw[tems." <br /> •�. '• Lender may,ut any time, roUect and hold FundE i�q� alnot�nt not to exc��!the msueimum umuunt s� lender fi►r n federully <br /> p1`: ; :., related maRg�ge loan may reyuire for Barrower's ercrow uccount urnier�he federul Reul Estute Settlement Procedures Act of <br />{�'� , . 1974 s►�ame�led lrom time to timc, 12 U.S,C. Section 2601 r�sey. ("RESPA"l. unless another law that upplies ta the Funds <br /> .•°,;.•:.�,�,:�;,.,�, ., <br /> ' setb a lesst;r amount. If so. [.�:ruler m�y, ut any �ime,cullext un�l hold Funds in un umount not �a exc�cl �he lesser amount. _ <br />�' � s'''"""'��" _° Lcndc�may�.ctimatc�he umaunt of Fw�ls duc on the basis of carrent datn and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future <br /> .E:.�...,...,.,.�_... --._._ _ <br />"'�, ` '��° '' ' '" Escrow Items or otherwise in accordnncc with Applicuble luw. <br /> r� �' ��.�'��;:;;i;;,�,,:'.',.`'. ' � ,. The Funds shall be held in an inrtitution whose Jeposits ure insured 6y u federal agency. instrumentality. or entiry <br />�... <br /> � � �,,;,;;,,,; ,,,, (includin�l.ender,if LenJer is tiuch un in+titutiun)or in uny Federul Home Laan Bunk.Lender shull apply the Funds to pay the <br />�. •: ,,„ _'•:'. , Escrow Uems. Ixnder muy not cliarge Borrower for holding und upplyin�the Fundti,annually analyzing �he escrow uccount,or <br /> � verifying�he Escrow Item+,unlesr L.��nder payti Bormwer intereti�on the Funds and upplicuble luw permits Lencler to mulce such <br /> ,. ,. a churge.However, Lender muy require Borrower to pay a one-timc charge fur un independent rca►I estate uuc repotting servi:e �—w----�- <br /> • use.i by l.ender in cannc�tion with this lo:►n, unlesti applicabk luw provides o�herwise. Unles� un Agreement is made or �g�_'���Y <br /> � � upplicnble Inw requires interest �o bc puiJ, I.endcr shull nat 6c reyuireJ w puy Bormwer any interest or�rnings on the Funds. <br /> � m=�--- <br /> �, • �, Borrower and Lender may agrce in writing,hawcver,thut interest shall t►e paid on the Funds. I.ender shall give to Borcower. '=s�:, <br /> • ..�_ . •• • without chorge, nn nnnuul uccounting of tl�e Funds. �howing creclitti and Jebits to the Funds und ihe pu�►se for which each ��_ <br /> debit to the Punds wi►s made.The Funds nre pledged a�udditional sccurity for all tiumy+e�ured by this Security lnstrument. <br /> �--_- - <br /> • If the Fundt held by Lendcr excecJ the amounts permit�ed to hc lield by applicAblc law, I.ender shall acrnunt to Borrower <br /> for the excers FunJs in accords�nce with the rcquirements of upplicuble law. If ihc umcwnt��f the Funds held by Lender at any <br /> � � � � time is na,ufficient to pay thc Escrow Itcm�when due, LenJcr nutify Borrower in writing,and, in wch casc Borrower ��� <br /> -. shall pay to I.ender the umuunt necessury to make up thc Jeticiency. &�ROwer shatl mukc up the Jeficiency in no more than <br /> ; � twelve monthly paymentc,at Lender'ti,ole di�cretion. <br /> � . Upon payment in full nf nll :,um+�ecureJ by this S�wuri�y In,irwnent, LrnJcr shall promptly refund ta Borrower uny —_�.-_� <br /> Funds held by Lender,If,under puragruph 21. L.ender�hull uryuir��tt.ell Ihe Property,Lcuder, priur w the acyuisition or sale �' �'"- A���" <br /> � of the Propeny, shull upply any FunJs held hy L.ender ut the tirne ul'ucyuitiition�ir wl�us u credit ugainst 1he sums secured by -°-�`"' <br /> �_.. <br /> this Sccudry Instrument. �;�:�_,_ <br /> , 3. Appllcation uP Paymenls. Unless applirahlc luw providc,ulhcrwi+c. all paymems rcccivcxl by Lrnder wider paragraphs � �;��' <br /> • I and 2 shall be applied: fint, lu uny prepuyment rhurgc+Juc unJcr Ih�Niuc:+crnnJ,to unwunts payable under parugruph 2; ��•��� - � <br /> �___-_ <br /> � third,to intercst due;founh,to principal duc;und lu.l.t�►uny lu�c rhurgc�Jue und�r thc Noic. � -�, <br /> 4. Chprqesf; Lienv. Borrower shull pay aU taxc.,asxc++mentti, char�cs, linex unJ imp��+itiims uttributahle to Ihe Property �'��� <br /> �`�,...r,..,_. <br /> . J �_�� <br /> ; � which may aitain priariry over�hix Security In4trument, and Ica,chold payn�nt� ��r ground rents, if any. &rrowcr shall pay ° _ <br /> ' these the munner provided in para�;raph 2. �►r if nul paid in that munner. &�rrowcr�hall pay them on time directly � <br /> � to the penim owed p•ryment. &�rrower vhall pmmptly furnitih to l.cnJcr all noticrti ol'am�wnt,to he paid unJer this parugruph. �.--- •�• <br /> . �r.,Q.;,�--- <br /> :'° .. . If Bom►wer muke,thc+e paymcnts Jirrrtly. I��rrower�hull pr�►mptly I'urni,h tu LcnJer rercipt+cvidcncing the pu)ments. .,w._- <br /> y ' �• •• &irrnwcr tihall promptly di+rhargr uny licn�vhirh ha.priori�y �wcr thi�Scruriry Imtrument unle�+ Borrowcr.(a1 agrees in �-�-�=°==^ <br /> .. ^'�7^JF�.- <br /> '_ � writing to the puymcnt oi'the��Mligution ururcd hy the lirn in u munner acreptablc 1�� Lcnder;�h1 cantest,in Fcx�d faith the lien -:'��a•'���_- <br /> • ' , . by, ur defeixis again>t entiircemern ��i thc lien in, legal proc�wdingz whirh in thr LcnJrr'� upinian opernte to prevem the ''� � <br /> F• <br /> �' enfiircement of the lien; ar(cl sccures 1'rom ihc h��ldcr uf thc lien an a�:reemrm�uii.fart��ry�u l.c�xlrr.ulxxdinating the lien to f <br /> �`►� , this Security Instrument. If Lcndrr Jetem�ine� thu� uny pan��t'tlx: Pr��Exn�• iy.uhjert tu a lien �vhich n�y auain priarity over � <br /> ., this Security In�tnimem, Lrndcr nr.rv givc Rurr��wcr a nuticc iJcntil'�•in},thr licn. Horru��rr�hall � thc licn or take�ne or � <br /> � more of the actions sct forth above wuhin 10 duy�of tlir givin�: of nutirr. <br /> Fam 3028 91�0 k:• <br /> prye J.a v . . <br /> i� <br /> I � <br />� � <br /> iI .. <br /> 1- <br /> , , <br /> " � �J . ._ ___' .__._1.. _ _._... <br />