' o��a ca� T�us�r 2 4110 0 4 51
<br />l.oan No: 872U58�67 (Cofltinued) Page 5
<br />Successor ir��stee. l..�nc:ler, �f Lr.�nd.r,r's oC:�tinn, m�y froin tim� fn tirn� ri�i�u�int � sur;r;�ss��r lru�t��: lr� .�ny fn.istee �p��oinfced under
<br />lhis (7er:�.1 of - �Yust t.�y an instrurnr�nf executecl aru.i �acicnowl.r,rlc�ecl by Lnrrrinr :�nd rncordr�d in thi� nffir.e of lh�� rpcorcler of I IAL.I_ County,
<br />Sl���e of Nebraslc�. Ih? inslr�mient shall contain, in addilinn to �II otlier rn�lt.r,rs rc:yuirod f.�y st�l� 1.3w, i}�e� n7rn�s r>f th? ori�inal
<br />Lend�r, Trust��, �nd Trustor, ifi� he�nlc �nd �i�qr (r�r coin�i�il�:r cyst�iri rw(�rNnct.�) where tlu�:: Deed o( lYurt iF r�!c:ordrei, ancl IIiF+ n�+�rie
<br />t�nd �ddress of Ihr-, sur,r.essnr trutilF�n, �n�l thFa intiliurnrani sh.ill be ex<�cuf��d �nri ;�r,lcnowledc3ed hy �il ihe I��n�fir.inri� ���7�iF�� ii��s r��F�d
<br />of Tn..ist or lheir SIICC:I:SSI)f5 in interesl. Tli� successnr 1f1.I51FlF?, WIIII��Ui. (:Of1VFy�f1f;B of lhe Properly, shall si.iccc!r.d to :�II llie lit.le,
<br />power, and duties r.rnifr.rrrd u�mn th� l rustc�e in this Dnoci of Triitit nnd hy ar�plieabl� law. T his proc;eclurr! ior si.�hstifi.itinn o( Trustee
<br />shall g�vem t<i the excli.ision of ali nther provisions ior sut:�stitution.
<br />NOTICES. Any nutice re�7uirod to k>e given und�r thi, D�ed of Truci, inc:ludiriq will�oul: limif�ilion �Kiy notic,r, of dc!f�i.dt nnd ariy noUce of
<br />sale sh�311 be qiven in writing, and sr,�n nE, e(fer,tive when art�i;illy ciclivcred, whnn �r.n.i�lly rcaceivc:d by i�IE,(��csirnile (uriless otherwisn
<br />re��uirerl t�y law�, when rieposiled wilh � r�pfionally r?cnyni�ed ov�rnight cniirier, or, if niailed, wlion cl�pn�it�rl in Ihc: l)niled States ni�il, as
<br />first r.l�ss, c:E:rfifiFad or rF�yislrarnd m�il pcisi.�ye ��repaid, ciirer.lc�ci to lh� Aflflf(?SS('.� shown near tfir, I�eqinning nf ihiti Oncacl of Trusf. nll
<br />copies oi notir.�s of iorer.losur� irom 1ho holdr.r of �ny linn which has �irinriiy nvr�r this Uecacl of I rust sl�all I:�e sent to Lenrinr's �ddrF�s, ��s
<br />shown ne�r th� hec�inning of ihis Deeri nt Trusr. niiy ���rson may cl�nn<�f� liis nr hnr �i�lilre�5s fnr natic�;s �in�l�r ihis Drec.l of Trust k�y givinc.�
<br />fonnal written nntice tn the olher ��ersnn or �:iersons, s��ecityiny that ih.r, ��urs�osc of Yho rn:ilicc� is ir> ch�nqc� thc� per,on':; �c.ldress. For
<br />not.ice purp�ises, I rustnr .igrrr.c� Yo Ic��eE� I encler inic�rnicrc) at �II liinr� nf IYi.is[or's r,urrent �+dclrr,ss. Unlr,ss c�ff�erwisF� �iruvirlF�cl rir rF�c�i.ii�c�d
<br />by law, if T17�ra is inorc: Ili�n orin - fri_�s�or, �iiy ncilicr� i)ivnii try I..nn�lnr lo nriy 1?uslr�r iti clrar�irn�ci lo h�., nnlice piven to all Tri.i;tor,. II will hi�
<br />Trustor's responsil�ility Yn tell thr ollicrs of tlin notice frnm p.r,nilc;r.
<br />MISC�LLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The tollowing rniscellaneous provisions are a part of tliis Deed of Trust:
<br />L\mendrrients. Whnt is written in this D�ed of Trust .and in the Rel�t�d Uocurnenls is - Tri.istor's entire aqreemrnt witfi I_enrler
<br />concerning the matters covered hy this Deed of Trust. To he effective, any ch�nga or ;�mendrnent l� ihis f)csecl n( Trust must he in
<br />writinq and must he signed by whnr�ver will be hound or r�bligatecl hy tlie r,lianr7e or amenclnir.nt.
<br />C�ption He�dings. C�plion lic:�uiinqs in ll�is I)e�r�d of I'rusl are fvr cnnvenience purpr.ises only �nd are nnt tc� t�r, i�s�d iv iiiler��rel or
<br />dafin� lhe ��rnvisi�ins pf tliis C)eecl r>f Trtici.
<br />Merger. ihere sl��ll be no mercier of th� Illt@fP.Sr or P,fafe cre�ted hy this Dc�ed of Trust wilh �ny nfher iiif�r�;l. nr estafe in ihe
<br />Property at any tirne I�ele.1 by or for thF; hr�ne+(it o( I encl�-�r in �iny �:e�paciiy, wifhouf Ili4� wrill.�n .r,onsent of I_enrler.
<br />Governing Law. This Deed nf Truct wi!I he ,yovr,rn�d by federal I�w �pplicakile tn I�e,nder and, fo thn extent no# precmpted by feder�l
<br />law, the laws nf the $twte nf Nefrraslea without reg¢irrl tn its cn��Tlicts nf Inw prcrvisinns. t"his f)�ecl �f Trust has been accenled hy
<br />Lender in the St�te oF Nehrasl<�.
<br />. f ^. 4 � • �yr�es i.i�u.�n I�ncler's req�iest to sul.>rr�it tv [I�e jurisdictinn of the r.o��rts c�f I I�II C��unly,
<br />Gh�>i�e of Venue. I( tli�re is � �:1N/St.11 ,�ruQYOf
<br />Slal� of N�br�iskr:i.
<br />. "`
<br />Joint and Severaf tinblity /�II nhliqa[inriq qf ..l ii��der this f)�eci of 'I rust shall be joint and sevrral, ancl all rnfnren�es U� Trustor
<br />�h�ll m��n e�r.h �nri ev�r�C,,TrU�t�r'. T�J(.g.iwr.sms"tl�at e�ch Tru!;tnr �ic�niny bFalow is responsible fr:ir �II oblicJ:�iinns in this D��d nf Tnist.
<br />` ..� .. .....
<br />No Wryiver hy Lent�er.� T��.istor un�lerst��nds I encler will ni�t givF� up tmy of I_r�nder's rigl�ts uncler this I:ln�d nf Truci. tnd�5s I._ender does
<br />so in writing. Ihe fact th�t I_ender del�ys or nmiYs to exercise t�ny ri�ht will no1 m��n th;�t Lender has qiven u�:� thaf right. If Lr.nder
<br />cloes agree in writing Yo <.�ivP up ona of I_encler's rights, tliat �loc!s nnt merin Trusfor will not Ii�v� to r.om��ly witli the ofher r�rvvisions
<br />of this Deed of Irust. Trusr:or also unr.ler.sfand.� ihat i( I encler r:lors coi�s.r.nt fo a rer�uest, tli�t doos nol rric+.in th�if Iri.istor will not
<br />f7ave lo yel l_ender's C(1f1S(?fll. .3(�:tlfl if tl�e situalion h��p��F�ns �iyain. Irusinr further undersl:�nds th�f jiist f>er.�usc� 1_�nd�r conserits to
<br />nnP or rnore of Trustor's requests, (hnl rio�s nnl rne�n I.�nder will bra r?c�i,iirec:l lo cnnsent. to any of I rusYor's futi.irn r�qu�sts. 7Yuslnr
<br />waives presentmenf, dem�nd for p�ymnnf, prolc�sl, ancl nofir.n o( riishpnor.
<br />Severability. If a r.ourt finds th�t any prnvision of this f.)ee�1 oT Trusf is unf valid nr shoulci not be enforced, that fact hy itself will nof
<br />mean that the rest of this Deed of Trust will nnt he v�lid nr enfnrr..r,rf, Tl�rrefore, � court will rnfnrce tho rest c�f tl�� �irc�visi��nti eif tliis
<br />D�e�1 0( 1 ruSt r:vvn if t� ��rovi�;iun �r( I.liis Un���d �i( I rur;l ni�y hra fnurnl fc� h� invr�li�1 c�r iin�nfnrc:etthl�.
<br />Successors and �ssigns. SuhjF�cl io any limilat.ions st�ted in fhis Uee�i of Trusf un transfer of Trustor's interest, this U��d of 'IruSt
<br />shall he hindinc� u�iori and inure t:o the t>�rietit of lhe ��arties, th<:ir si�r.�;essors aitd ��ssigns. If ownership of tlie Prnpr.rty b�corries
<br />vesled ii7 a persnn olfier lh:�n Trusfor, Lencl�r, withnut nofice to - iruslor, ni�y de�l wilh Trustur' Sur..r,e55qrS wiYh reterrnr.r to ihis
<br />[J��d nf Trust and tlie Inrlebfadness I�y way of fnrl���r�nce or extension wiYlioi.rt r�lr.:�siric� Trusf��r frnrn t.he obligalic:n�5 uf this Deerl of
<br />Trus[ nr liahility und�r tfr� II1fI(1�I(?CIII(?55.
<br />Tirne is of the Essenr.e. Timc� is of th� c�s5enr.,� in ilir �erforrnanc:� of this f)c�rd of l ru�l:.
<br />Waiuo Jury. All nartios to tliis pvcacl of Trust heroby w�ivc� the �i�f�t to �ny jury trial in ai�y actiora, nror.cr..di�ig, or counterclaiin brougFit
<br />hy any �erty ag�inst any other party-
<br />Waiuc+r of Floi��est�ad Exemplion. �rustor herrhy rF�leases ancl w�ives all rights illl(1 I7P..f1B�7�F nf th�e hornesfead exr.ni�:riion law; of Ihe
<br />Slate nT Nebr�8lc�i a5 to c�ll In(laatiledrip;S�; a��eurc��.i hy lf�is Unf:cl of Tru;l.
<br />PEFINITIONS_ �I�? lallowing wnrd5 Sh.ill h��vp I.lia f(�Ilovvinp mE::tnings whcyn i.is�d in Itiis l��c�i1 pf I rust:
<br />Beneficia�y. The worcl "E3en�fici�ry" rneans Fquit�ble Hanl<, .ind iis succ;�ss<.ns and e�ssigns.
<br />Borrower. Thr worci "Eiorrower" rn��ns 1IMOT I IY L WIC;I IfR 1�ncl fiENI I A R WICFI.f.-.IiT and includes �II r.o sic�ners .u�ct r,�:�-rnalcers
<br />signing tPie Creclit AgreemenP and all their successors and ���siqns.
<br />Credit AgreQment. The words "C:redit nc�reenirnt" �ne�an tlie r,redik �yreement ci�Yer1 ,J�ni.i�ry 7, 1O11, Wlkh CY(?[11l IlfYllt pf
<br />$30 ,000.00 irom Tn.istnr to I_ender, tocaether with �II renr-.w�ls of, extensions ot, mnclilic;ati<�ns of, refinanr,inqs r�f, r.rnisc�lirin�ions
<br />of, and substitutions for 1he ��romissory nof? r.�r ayr�ernent. l he rn�l��rily clate of tliis Ueed o( f rust is J�nu�ry 7, 'LO1 Fi. NOTICE TO
<br />Deed of Trust. Th� word� "Dr.ecl of Trust" m��n this Der,cl nf Triist �rnonc� Tr�isfnr, Lenclr,r, and Trusten, �ncl includ�s withnut.
<br />lirnitafion �II asslc7nm�nf and scc�.�rity intnrest �irouisinns rr.l%ifinc� tn fhe f'��rc�on�l �ror�crty �nc.1 Pient,.
<br />�r�uiror�n�ental l.aws. The words "1=nviionrnent�il I��ws" in�+�n .uiy rincl �II tii�at<�, (,+ilF�r.d an�t lur..�l St��l�,ilF��, re,y�.ilrilions and orclinanees
<br />_ ..._
<br />- rel�kin,y fi� the Eirnleciion oF hum�n hc�alfh or Yhe enuimnrnent, incli.acline� without lirnitation the Comprehensive Fnvironrnental
<br />Respon5e, Cornpensation, and I..i�bility /�ct of 19£3D, �s nrnKanded, 42 IJ.S,(;. Seclinn 9601, E:f sNq, ("Cf=fiCl_A"�, thie SuperFund
<br />Amendmcnts �nd Reai.rthorizat.ion Ar,t of 19f36, put,. L.. No. 99-�99 ("SnRA"1, th� H��:�rrlous Malerials Tr�nsp(�rf?tion nct, 49 U.S.C.
<br />5ectinn 1$01, at $P.C�., II1P. Rnsourcn Conservafion �nd Re.r,ovnry Ar.t, 47_ U.S.C. Section 6901, nt sr.q., or othrr ��i��lic�hle St?te or
<br />federal laws, rulas, or rec�ulat.ionc ;�dopted �ursu�nY rhereto.
<br />Euant of fJafault. 11�e wnrds "Fvenl of f)ef�ult" me�n �ny nt tt7e events nf clnfaiill. eef forlli in thiti De���f of Trust in ihe events of
<br />defai.dt section r�( lliis f)yF�d of Tr�isi..
<br />Mazardoi�s Suhstances. fh� words "Hn�ardous Suhstnnr.ns" rnr�n m�tr.ri�ls th�t, b�r.�i.rse nF thr�ir r�u�ntity, cnncF>nlration nr
<br />physical, cheniical nr infrctirn.i5 cli:ir.a�:fEaris�icv, rn.�y cnus� or �iosc� �i ��rn5�nt r�r �min,nti�l lin��rd in hiunan he�llli ��r ihe c:nvironment
<br />when irnprnp�rly usFd, tr��te�l, sloreri, dis��oserl of, gcner�tr,rl, m;tni_iF;�r�iurr_cl, U;tns��orYr,ci or olhcrwise iinnill�d. Tliea w�>rcl�;
<br />"H�zarcic7us Sul>slnnr..es" �rn u�;c�d in fhnir very liroaclr,st sr.nse and inc;luc.l� without Iimil�tion �ny anrl �II h;�z�rdous or Ycixic
<br />suhst�nr:��, rn;�tr!rials nr wasle as definecl hy nr listr?cl und��r I.he Privirnnn��ntnl I��w�. I hr� lerrn "li�zar�lous Fubstances" also
<br />includes, wilho�rt limitatinn, ��etroleuiri �ind pe�Uoleurn t�y-��rc��luc:i.s r�r n�iy (r.icli�ii the�renf .incl �ishr�sios.
<br />Improvements. Thr wnrd "liriprnvemenis" rneans all PxISLlf7[3 .ind future i�n�noveinents, t:�uilclings, �tructures, rnubile hor7ies �fiixed on
<br />the Fi��l Property, inciliYiPS, �dditions, re��l�r.,ements and olhr�r r.onstruct.ion on the f�?�I f'roperiy.
<br />I11(IP,htP,CIf1P,$5. TI1P, worrl "Ind�hteriness" me:�ns �II principal, int.r,rest, and other anioi.ints, cnst , and ex��enses p�y�hl� und�r t�he
<br />Credil Ayrec�rnen[ or Fiel�l�cl Dor.i.micnts, tngeth�r wilh all rrnew�l, nf, exfensions of, inodific�Yions oi, r,rnisolidafions vf and
<br />substitufinn� ior 1he Credit Aqrnnm�nt nr Rnl�tc!ci f.)ncuments �nd �rry ainounts ex�ended or a<lvanr.ed by Lender fn rlisr,h�rqe
<br />Truslor's oblip�lions ��r r:x�ens�s incurrnd hy Trustcc or Lencler to enforce lrusfor's ol.�lic�afions under ttiis Ueed nf Tru51, lo,yelher
<br />:
<br />