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Loan No: 872Q5816'7 <br />o��n or T�u� 2 0110 0 4 51 <br />1f��:°�ti�au�c1) I�ac�e 4 <br />Acceleratian Upon Default; Additional I;rmedies. If �ny F:vent of f7efaull cir,curs 7s �a�r ttzr� terrris oi the Crer.iit ngreernent <br />ser,�are[i h�ri�t>y, Lend!:r iYi�y dedare �II IndF�Y�lerine!ss sr,ci.irerd by lliis f7rae�l oF frusf fo I�c �Jue c:rnd pay�il.�lE, and t.he sarne sh��ll <br />thereupon hrcorne ani.1 p�iy.ihlf� wiitlinuf �ny ��resrntrnenf, dern�ncl, (m�frsi or nnfic� of :eny I<inci. 'ffi����fler, L.vncler rnciy: <br />(��) Either in �.>erson or by ac)nnt, with or withuut brinyinca nny ;action ar pror,�edi����, ��r by �� rrac+�ivr.r :�p�rrsin�c�f hy a court rand <br />wifhnut re,y�rd lo iPie a�der�unr,y ut its s?curily, enier ii��on �r�cl tal<e pvG��assic�n nf tl�ca Pro��erty, or any part tlieraof, in its <br />r�wn n��i�e or in tlie naine of IruSleF, riri�l cIo �ny act.; wliich it dE��ms necnasary nr r.lHSirable lu ��r��;erve fhe v��lue, <br />rnarkeY�bility or rentability ��r �ne r���,r,f��ry nr p�irf ol ftir.: I'r�:����rly or inferest in Lhc F'ropert.y; in<,rease (.�1E? inc;nrne (rom ttie <br />Properry or pr��ter..l lhe security of the Propprty; .inci, with or without t�kiny posses,ion u( N�� Pro��erty, suc� for or otherwise <br />collert the renls, issues �nd profits of the f'roperty, inr.lurling those past due and i.�n�itai�l, �nd �Fiply tlie s;�me, costs :�nd <br />expenses of operalinn ;:uzd collecfion allcnneys' fnas, ln any indel�ledness S�cured k>y Iiii, Deed nf fri.isf, all in Sucli c?rcl��r a� <br />Lender iTi�y cleterminn. I�ie enler'inq i,i�;�on �nd I�IUII(J �.�USiBti5ipil Of 1.IlP. Prnprarty, Phe r,olleclirin nf su�;h renls, is<;Aaes anrf <br />prufil�, and the appli��t.ion tk�ereoF shnil not eure c�r w:aivv ��iiy def�i.�lr or notir,e ot clefaulf i.iruie�r Uiis i)�c�d oF TYusi r�r <br />invalidate �ny a[:t cir�n� in response to suc;h dr-+fault nr rx.irsu:�nt to such notace� crf dei�iidf; .incl, nofwiflist�ncliny ihe <br />continuance in po55E:s5ion of the Pror�erty car i.he r.c!IIcA:lion, rn.r,�ipt and �ipplic�-�linn of r�nls;, issuns or profits, - I nastee nr <br />I,,.ender shall t>e! entiYled tn exerr.ise� every right ��rovidecl for in lhe (.r�dir Agre!rn�errt vr the liel�iiecl [)oc�,irrien�s or by I�w <br />upon the occurrence uf any eve.nt c!f d�fault, incli.idinc� fhe righl Io ex�rr,isr tl�e �>ower o1 ;�dF; <br />(I�) Cf11T11T1f?I1CF'. .in .�c�inn to (c}r�cln�.r. ihis f)F�F�cI o1 (ruci �5 � ninitclac.�«�, apf'��int n rFr.ei��er ar sper..ific:�lly enFnrcF any nf the <br />r:nvc�nanls her�eof; cind <br />(�;) De�liver to Trustee a writlr-.n dE+.elnr�l.ion r1f cl��lsi.�lt �nd derri:ind inr ��Ir. :�nd a writlen no!ic;e nf �ar,fr��,�lf nnd eler:tirni tn <br />(::1115Q � fUSlOf�S interesf in t.f'ie Property fn be sold, vvhicf� noticc� TYust.r.e shal� c�use to he duly filed for rer.ord in th��� <br />ap�.�ropriate c�ffices nf thn County in whicli thr.� f'ropeariy is lor;�fed; �nc1 <br />(d) With resper,c to all or any part of che Personal f'rc�pf�rty Lender shall have all lf�e riqh[� ar�d rernedies of a secu��d �arty <br />under thc� Nebr�sl« Uniforrn Cc>mm�rc;ial C;ode. <br />Foreclo5�n� by Powr_r caf Snlu. If I_ender eler,ls (n inrec:lose I]y E'Nf.'(CISF? O� lI1F: I�OWQf OT SBIf' herr�in cont.iine:�l, l.endf�r ahali no�ify <br />('rustee atid shall dc���osit with fr�isl:ee; this Dec�d of l rusf ar'u1 tlu� L;rFadit ngrec�rnent ,�ncl,h rer.�i�ir5 �nd evid�nr,e of <br />rxpendit�rres m�d� nncl secureci l.�y thie; [)��d of Trust a: T`n.isl�r-� nt��y reA�t.iirr. <br />(a) U��nn rnec�ipf of s��icli notii:F� frvrn I_c�ndiar, Tr�.f�lr.=a �;h�rll cniisua ic� i.�e reconied, p��bli:;hE�rl �ncl da::liv�recl to Trustor such <br />Nntice of Defaiilt 7n�1 Noli�:� o( S�Ie* as then r'�;quir�arl I�y I��✓� �nd t.�y Ihi� I)���d of Trusl. Trtisiee sh��ll, witho�.�t. derr��nd nn <br />T after sui:h liinf� nti n��y Yi�rn k�c� rc�c�uirt�c! I�y I fINf ;.j11CI alf�r rc�r.orcl.�li��n r�( such Noi.ic;e c>f {?��f;:���lf .�nd �fier Noiice of <br />5alea I��viriy bc�r.n qivi�n �s rerµ,iirF:cl i>y I.iw, sell tl�r� Prci� ;�t ilin tiinn an�l �:�Ir.u:r� of s���� fix��d hy it in such Notice of Salrr, <br />eitfier �s a whole, nr in ���ypar�il� Ints or parcc:ls r,r itEains ��; i rustre sli�U deein a�x�recli<:iiP, �nc:l in such onler �as it in�y <br />detrrmine, at public �ucPinn tn the highest k�iddr�r fnr c�sh in I�w(ul rr�oneay nf th� States pay��hlr: �f lhe� rirne of s�le. <br />Trust:ee shall deliver io such purchaser nr p� ther�of ils g�wd �nd sufTicient deecl or dr-,o-u;is cv�iv�yin<a th� �.xoperty so <br />sold, bu't wifhnut any covenanY or warr:mty, �xpress or irn��lir�d. The r�r.itals in sur..h dr.ed of nny rnntters or incts SFI2II �)P. <br />concluGive proof nf the tn.ith(ulr7as; thernof. /\ny ��er5��n, includini) withu��t liniii�tic�n Tlustor, Tii.isYee, or I_ender, rnay <br />�711fC�1�$E! AY SIICII 53I8. <br />�b) /�� rneiy be {:ierrnittr:c.1 i.�y (aw, aft�r cleductinc� �II co5iti, fees and r.r.��enses �?f fiustc:t� aiid of iJ7is Tr�isi, inr.,luding cosls of <br />evid?nc:e of i.itJe in connecfion bvilll S�IP., TI'UStn(? sli�ll a����ly the �1rqCf?l fI5 DI SiiIP, to �»yni�nt nF (i) all sums expended under <br />the t:errns nf ihis Ur.ec1 r�t Tr�isf ar und�r the ternis nf lhr� Cri�ciit f\c�reernr�nf n��r lhf�n rnp�i�l, inelucling but nat lirnil.r:d to <br />ar,r.rur-�d interest �ind lale� cliarcaF�S, (ii) ;�II other •;uin�; ihr�n s��cured lier�by, �nd (iii) tim rr,niainder, if eny, ta the ��c:rson or <br />peisor�s legally enl.iUe�d ll���rr�in. <br />(c) Trustee rnay irti che m�nner �rovided by law posipnne sal.r, vt all qr any portion ol' tiie F'rv��erry. <br />RBmedies Not Exclusiv�. �rust�e .and Leruler, �ind c�:ach nf thern, sli�iU hc� E�ntitind to en(nrce ����yni�nt anrl ��er(ormanae oF any <br />indehiednr,ss nr ol.�liyalions s�r.urecl by this Uee�l r,f �nci to exen:is� all righls �nd ��ow?r� undnr tliis Deecl of lrust, i.inder th� <br />CrFdit F�greemenf, urider �ny nf t.he li�l;�t.e�f C)oc�mienrs, �ir unda�r c�ny otlicr agrr�em�ni nr ��ny law� n��w or her�cifler in forr.r�; <br />nntwithstanding, som� nr all of si.�ch ind�bt�riness and oblic�aticros ser.urerl by t.his l7ea�l uf Trust may nvw or h�reaf[er be nlhrrwise <br />SPCUfP.CI, WI1P..�}IF.1' f)�/ IIIOfY(J?(�F:, C�P.F:(� of t.rust, pledcae, lic�n, �ssic�nrnenf or otherwisF. fdaiihnr ihe acoe��l.�ncr; nf �his U��ci nf - nor <br />i[s enforcement, whether k�y r.,ni,irt action or p�.irs�.iqnt to tlia nowc:r nf s�IF nr otlier �inwers r,r�nt�iin�rl in iliis Deec.i of iYust, sh�ll <br />�.�rejudir.e nr in any iYi�nr��r �(fec[ Trustc��'s r,r LF'11fIF)I'�Si ric�ht 10 rezilize u� iir enforce any r�t.liF�r ti�curity now or Iiere� helr.l 6y <br />Trusl�e or Lende�', il be:ing �c�reed th�f l rustec �n�i Lender, ar�d F�ach oi thern, $f7HII t1(? Frntitlyd fo c�nfnrc:e tliis t.)�a�ari of l rusf ;and ariy <br />othnr sc�curity now nr her��itnr I by I enrlar or Trustee in �uc'h orrlr�r and rnai�n-r.r �:, thny or eilheu ��( thr�in inny in thcir �� <br />discretion determine. No re�ri�dy cvriferred i.ipon nr re5��rved Io 1 e1r I.��n�inr, is intencier.l fi.i I�e ��xr.lusivc� of r.iny other remiedy i�� <br />this Ue��[1 of lrust or by I��w pr��vide�l oi perrnittc�d, t�ut r� stiall be cuirlulalivc� 1nd shr:�ll be in �7�i�li�inn to every otk�e+r rerne�iy caiven in <br />this I:)eed of Trust rar now or I�Prf�.�fter existinc� �it Iriw or i�i eq�iity or 1>y sY�tutn. i�ve;iy �x7uv�r or reinedy qivran t�y th� L'rodit <br />/�qr�em���t nr any of the RnI�tG�d Docurnenls lo fruster, nr I enAie�r eir fn wrfiich e=ith��r nf fharn n�ay be nthmwisa� nntitied, niay he <br />�xercised, concurrenlly nr>>neiently, frorn time tc.? tinica �incl :rs oflen tas inr�y txr dnc�meca f?K�)f'.(�IE!f1I: I)�l Trusiee or I_ender, ��ncl <br />eitlier of thern m�y pursue incansi5l�^nt remedies. N��fliinq in fhis f�Fecl of Tlust slinll I.�e ccni�inicaci ras prohibitii�y I�nder frcnn seelting <br />r� deTicienc:y j�adpm�nt again,l: ilie TYus1<�r to the e�clE�nl such acric�rz is F�errriiUc�i.f I.�y I�av��. <br />Electian of Rem�dies. All of I.ender's ri,yh[s and remedi�s will be c�imul�tiv� �jnd rriay t.>e exercisei.l alone or Ioqether. If l_enc.ier <br />d�r.ides to spend money or to F:rF�rfnrm �ny of in!slor's nhlic��iio�is ��nder lhis [)eecl of Tr�isl, aftc�r ln.istr?r'S failUr� t�� dv so, tli�af <br />decisi<>n t:iy Lender will iinr �=�(fiaci L�ri�ier's ri3ht: tc! ci<acl��r. -[�•r in dEr(ni.alf and to c�xF�rci �r� I_c�rulc.r's rerne�iiF�s. <br />Request for Nukice. Trt.istnr, on 6ehal( of TrusYnr and l encl�r, li�rehy re��u�sfs that ri a:rpy nf r�ny Nolic� nf !)efa�.ilr nnd a<�opy of �any <br />Nptice of Sale under this Deed of �r�ask h� mailed to tiic�m �f Ilie �o�iclr��ssa-�s srt iorlt� ir� llie (ir,t p;+r�grt7ph ni fhis l��>e:d of ll�usf. <br />Attorneys' Fees; Fxpenses. If I..ender inst:iii.iles any s��if or actiu�� l�� r:r�(r>rr.� ;�riy o( t.he� ter�ns: of this L)E'E:(I nf Tr�.ist, L�nder shal( I�e <br />entitled to recover sucl� surn as Cf�e r.ourt may adj�.idy� reason:it.rl� �s �jltor�ieys' fe�s ��i frlal �ncl upon any ap��al. WhPther or n��t nny <br />court action is involved, �nd lo the extent nut prohit�iied by Iriva, nll roasonabl�� exp�*.i�ses Lender inc:urs that in I..encler's opinion �re <br />n�r.ess�ry at �ny tirn� f�r Yhe protectinn of iis int!�rFSt or tli�+ enfnror,iY»nt r�( it5 rights sliall bt�corn� a parY of the Indebteclness payabl� <br />nn demancl eirni sh�!I l�r�r inle,ieat �t the Credil /���ri�crrienP r��r,, {r�un ti�e c!;�[e c�f ilin ex��r,nclihue i�niil reF�aicf. Fx�.�ensr�c; cu�rared by <br />this paraqraph inc:lucle, wifh�'���t lirnit�fion, Fie:�wev�r si.if.ij�ct tc� .iny limils Ganil��r aer�ilic3t�le I�.�w, i r.nrler's ;�ttnrney� fa�a�; ;�nd Lend�r's <br />legal expenses, wliethr r pr nnt thr�re is a laws�iit, includinq �tt.ornr.ys' fef,�- :ncl �xper�s�s 1c?r t�,rnl<n.q�tcy pro�;Ae�linys Imcliidin� eiforts <br />to rnodi(y or v�cate any aulomatic stay or injunr.tinn), �ppe�ls, �nd any einl.icip�t�d pos,t-judyinent collection sf.yrvic�s, th� nnst of <br />searchiny records, ot.�[aininq title reporls (ir7cludin� fcarec;lns�ne r�port5�, survr*yors' reports, and �pprais;�l (e��, litic: insuran.r,e, and <br />tees for the Trustee, to ih� extnnt permitced l�y app�ic�ablP law. Trustor alsn will ��ay any court co�ts, in adcJition to all oiher surns <br />prr�vided hy law. <br />Rights of Trustee. Trustec� shaU h�ve all of the ric7hts and diifir,�s o( I_�ndar �s set (orfh in tiii� se+:tinn. <br />pOWERS AND �BLIGATIONS QF TRIJSTFE. The fnllowin�� provisions rel�liny tn Ihf� �ruwf:rs nnrl oblic�atinns nf Trustne are part o( thi, <br />Decd of 1"rusU <br />F'owers af T'rustee. In a�ldilion to �II powers oT - Irustee �risinc� �s a rrrtt.l�r nf law, Tn�stE�e sh�il htavE: tl�e �iower in takr-, the Follo�vin,y <br />ariior�s wi[h respect l�� tha Prope�rty u��nn the writtan rc:quest of I rndrr arirl Trustvr� (�i) join in prepariny an�l Tilinc3 � rn�i�� ur nlat of <br />thF.a Ra:�l Property. inclu�ling ihe dedication oi stre�r.t� or ntlirr riqlits to Yiie pul�lir.; (h) join in�finc� Giriy ��seni��nt nr �r��ifing any <br />reslriction nn ft�e R�al Pro�.�r,ily; r�rui (c) join in �any si_itiorclin.�Iir�n ��r nHur r'�c�r���irient atfeciin<a Ihis Deec1 c?f fria:;t ur YY» inlerest n� <br />Lender ur�der this Deed o( lrust. <br />Trustoa. - rrusle� sh�ll mect rill r7iaaliiicafions rec7uired for 'T7ustee undF:r �pplir,nk�le I:+w. In addition lo lhe riqh�s �nrl remedies set <br />Torth above, with resper;f lo �II or any pert ot the ProF.ierty, th� 1 sftall have th? righr t.n fnreclose by n�lice �nd sale, and l Fr��1ar <br />will I�ave the ri�M: to fc�reclosr by judicial forer,losure, iri either case in ai;r..nrd�nce �rvith �nd t:n ihr, full E:xtenl �roviri�d by �pplic�ble <br />law. <br />y � , <br />