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CaE�C) �q"� . i . i�i.� �T <br />Loar� Na: �3720581Fr�7 (C;a:)��1'.ip1�.R�c10 <br />with inter'�st nn sur.h amourits a� proviclFd in Ihis D.r,er.! nf frust. <br />20110 0 4 51 rry�� 6 <br />Lendor. - Ihe word "l_enrler" mnans �quit:.�ble Ranl<, irs suc.r,essors anci ..�s,iyi7s. Thn worcls "suc;c?ssors or assigns" rrie�7n ai�y person <br />or c;ompany th��t acquires riny intctrest iri fhe C:redit Agre�rnenf. <br />Persoi�al Pro��erty. Tlie words "Person2l PrnE7c,�rty" �ill f_:�.�iii��rsu:nt, tixt�.ares, and oll�e�r c�rli�;lF�s oF p�rson�l ��ropc!rty now or <br />hereaffer owned hy Trustor, an�.l now or hr�rn�ffer aft�checi or titfir,�r1 to 1h<� Fie��l 1'rope�r[y; iug�rhar ��,rish �II �ccf��sir>i�s, peufs, .+nd <br />additinns to, all r<:placernenls nf, :�n�i all stib,Yitutic�ri; (nr, r?�iy nf si.ich �.�rc���c�rty; �rid lnr.7rllier uvilh all �nnc:a�F�d, (,y without <br />limitation all insur�orir.e ��ro!'�c�cis �nci rclunds ��f prr iron� any sal�� nilie�r dis��ositinn uf fhe. Pir��i�rry. <br />Prpperty. Th� word "F'roperfy" rnF:�ns callectively t.l�e. R�.il f�ropm.rty �ncl t�in I''�rsun•r.l F'rorrc�rty. <br />I�eal Pro�orty. The word, "fie�l Prnr;cnl.y" mean tFie re.�! ��r��6���rk�,�, inler�.��,ls .�nri righf�?, cs 4�irllier r1��r,rik�Fa�l in lhis f��n.r,d ot �rust. <br />Related f)ocun�ants. �I�c� w�.�rds "fielntc�d f)ocurnenfs" irienri nll r.�rnrnissory nntes, cr�dif agrern�ents, Ici�rn arar��nx;nts, environnicntal <br />a,yreements, guaranti�s, sf'�ciiril.y ;i,yreernerits, rnurlq�cln.�, deecls of Uust, srar.i.irify ci�acis, cc�Urilr�r.�i mortc�ac�es, ancl aii otiier <br />instruments, agreeir�en[s �nd docun�ent=s, whelfu�r nnw or here��ftt�r exisliny, exr?cutc:cl in cunnec:lion wilh tlie! inciebte�.lness. <br />Ren#s. Tha word "Ftents" rne�ns ;�II present �nd futiare rents, reven�.i�,s, incom�, issues, royalties, profits, and other benefits derivetl <br />from the Prnper[y. <br />Tri�sta�. Ihe wnr�l "Trustr.e" rneans F��uii�t?le B�nl< (C�rarul f�,lanrl 17�qionl, u��hn�e a�1�h���; i^ 113 115 N Lnr, ST; ('(7 Flnx 1F0, <br />Grand Isl�nd, NE 68f302-01f0 ��ncl nny suf�stitute or r?i.iccf.,r;r:or �ruslec�s. <br />Trustar. The wnrd "i rneains - fIN1OTIiY I... WICI iF1'1T .iri;f RFNt i!\ I'i VVII:I i1=�ll <br />EACM TFtUSTQR ACI(NOWLEPUES HL\VING fiEAD ALL CI#E �'fiOVl�l!)N:; OF II C7EE[) Uf• TRUST, AN[7 E�CIi T'fil1ST�R AGRFES l(7 <br />ITS t�HMS. <br />TRUSTOR: ~ <br />X <br />---- .—.._..._— -----.._...._ ....... .. . . ....--- <br />?IMOTH L WI HF <br />� ��� ���.� <br />��NiT� � wicM��+T <br />ANDlVIM�lJAi� /Af�lCIQlt�1!►�°L�QGii/IFf°,��T' <br />STATE OF / u � <br />_.... _ <br />COUNTY Of= <br />�. . .. <br />�fi� <br />1 <br />On this day hefnrc� me, the unclersiqned Not�ry f�.ihli�, personally �E�penred TIMUiIiY �_ WICFIERT �nd RENITA R WICF1FRt, IIUSBAND <br />ANp WIFE, tn m� known to hn thr individuals descrih�d in anel �Nho nx�cuTed tlie� U��cl nf Trnst, and �r,knowledged that thny sipn�<I Ihe <br />Deed of Trusk as iheir frr.�e �+nd vnlunt�ry :�cf cin<i d�e�l, for ihe us�r, ilill� OlJf�lf.l$f.' lhr�r�in inentiocu��J. <br />Given ur�der my hand and nfiici�i se�l this J _ dny of ��1 , 20 �/ . <br />-- -----. .._ <br />t3Y. . !�'1� -� �-� '���' _ . _._ . . <br />NoC�ry �'a���lic ii� �ioira fnr tho xt�te of <br />_ _.. <br />�NOTi�{y.��� Resic9iria -ak <br />_ . -- .. <br />�YC ���5 Nly ca�r,n,ission p.xneres <br />_... <br />_ . .. <br />. M�y21, 2a14 <br />Fi�QU�ST F�� f�l..fN_�. �i��;�.�IVVF�Y,�IV�,:� <br />(1'p bn usc�d c,nly wlu�n c�I.�Iic�,iiions I��ue Ymeri p<iid in full) <br />1 , Trustee <br />fhe tind�rsigned is the le��l owner anrl hnlGler of yll Indt:f.rfrdness secur�d k�y 1.his f7Nrad nf lYust. /�II sum, secur-r,�1 i�y ihis f)�a�d uf Trusl. <br />have hePn fully paid ancf satisfied. You �re harehy direcf�<i, u�ion payrn�r�it to yo�_i of :iny s�.ims owin,y ln yoi.i under thF ta�rrns o1' this L?eed <br />of Trust or pursuant to any applical.�la staiute, to c:ancel the [:rerlit Ar.�r.r.erner7f G�cured I.�y this C)e�d of friisl (�hir.h is delivere�l i�� you <br />together with this peed of 1'rust), and to reconvey, without w�rranty�, to the ���rtias de5iyr�?t�d I:>y the lerrns of this UrNd nf Trust, tlie <br />estr�te now held by you under this C)arcl r�f 'rrust. Please mail the reconvey�nec� and Ii�lafr.rl Docuineant5 lo: <br />---.._ _.... _... <br />_.. . _ <br />pate: E3�3�iefi�iary: <br />_.._ .. ._ <br />RY� ---- ---. __..__ .. <br />�{$: <br />�...... ��... _� ....�..- -. ..._...... ...- ..... . _..._. <br />_ ___ _ ,_._ _ ..�..... r.u,r i�i F�� �c,n i .r c. rii c.ze i � _._. __._ .__.— - -._ . . � _ _ __ _. <br />I.F�SER PRC) Lendiny Ver. 5..�i4 0O.005 Cnpr. I i�rlaiul �invir.irl Sol�il.�uns Inc 1997, ?01 1. f�ll Ric�hts Fic s�rv�ci. _ NF.. <br />- fi.r;� <br />0 <br />. ; i q E k " , <br />