o��� ar - r�r�u� - r
<br />I�.a�n (Vo: 872A58167 �cO�,t��,�.���� 2 01 i 0 0 4 5� ���P �
<br />�
<br />Titlo. Trustor w��rrants that: (�) I ru5lnr holcls c�ooei �ncl in�rl<�fnble title of record tn th� Pro��erty in (ee sirnple, (rr,e ane.1 clear of all
<br />liens and encurnt>rance�: olher [han [hose sat forlh in ihn Real Pr����r!rly desciiption ur in any tiYle insi.n��icr:, policy, iitle reporl, or final
<br />title npinion issupci in favur �(, �nd �r.c�ptnd by, I_r,ncJr,r in r.onn.r.r;tion with this heed of 'Irust, �in�i (b) Trlastnr h�s tt�e (i.�ll righl,
<br />�owFr, anci authority to �xecutr and deliuer tliis Der-�ci nf Trusc to I_c�ridr�r.
<br />Defonso of Title. SubjecY to 1he exe�plinn in th� paragra�ili :�I>nvn, Trustnr warr�nts ancl will forev?r dc�fand llie t.itle fo il�e Pror.�erty
<br />against the law(ul �:lairris n( �II percons. In the event �ny �ir.tinn or ����,�;F���i���n is coimi��nc;eci Uiat quE;�tions �r�aslor's I.itle or ilie
<br />interes[ of 'IYuslee or I_�nd�r uncler tl L7eed of lrust, lru�tor sii;.�ll dFafr..ncl the ��clirin at fru5lor'� er.��rnse. lri,i5t<�r niny f.ir.� t.he
<br />nnminal p�rty in sucli r�rocee.c.iing, truf I.e�nder sh�ll p�i� c�ntilJ�cl in �inriicifr,�ta in ihe pror,r.eding ;ind to f:�e rrpresenfed in thr procc!.r,rlin<�
<br />hy cour�sel of I ender's own r,hc>ice, �nd Trusfor wifl de�iver, or c:�use ir:i be c.lc�liverecl, to I anclrr sur.li instrwnents as I_�i�der rn�y
<br />I"E'(�llf?$l �fOIT1 1.1171(? 10 iirno to ��>cr�n�iif si.ich p:�riicip�fir�n.
<br />Cornpliance Willi L�ws. Trustor wairan[s th;�t thr Properfy ancl Irii�lor', us� ��( ili� Prn�uvly r.orri�>lins wilh .ill �xis�iiiq �Eq�lic�blc�
<br />I:�ws, ordinances, and reg�d�lic�ns r>( ynvernit�rritnl auihnrities.
<br />SUfVIViII ryT PtOti11SP,5. AII �)fO1llI5Q5, agre�ments, and s[2LernNnts �irustnr I�[�s �r���la in thic UFarl n( Tri.ist shnll Furvivn ili� r�x�r.u�inrr
<br />and delivery n( this Derr1 of Trust, shall be r,�intinuinca in n�ture �r�ri chnll r�mnin in fi�ll fnrce nnrt r.fT�!c:f until si..ich timc as 7Tustor's
<br />Ill(iF:t1lHf�lIP.55 IS �)�I(I IIl �UII.
<br />CONDEMN/�TION. llia folinwing �ur�visions re�l.ilinq lo c��n[Ieinn;ilinn �iroceedinqs ar� ���;�rf of tl�is l)r�d of Tn.isL•
<br />Proceedings. If ariy prnr.�eding in condemnation iti filed, lru;ic>r sh�ll promptly notify Lend�r iii writiny, and Trustor shall prompziy
<br />tal<P such steps �s m�y be necessary to defer7d thr. �ction �nrl o{�t�in lhe awarcl. fruGlor rn�y be the; noinin�l �:�arly in sur,h
<br />��ror.ending, but Lender shaU be enti[Ic-+.il lo pnrlicipnln in tlie �m?r,eedinca �nrl tn bf� repr�sr�nl.��l in llie� �?ror.�F�diny I�y r.ni.insc:l of il� (rwri
<br />chnic?, and I nislor will �Inliv�r or causr, to he drlivFrc�d !v l Fande�r sucli inslnimenYs �nci elocun�.r,nt:�tion �s may br� rec�i.iestr,d hy
<br />I ender fr<�rn IirnF� I.n tiinn tr.� ��ermit s�.ich ��artici��afinn.
<br />l�pplication of Net Proceeds. If all �ir :�ny �i�irt ci( ihe f'r����erty is cunrlrrnned by ernin�nf [iornain �uc�c:�F;ciiny5 or hy �any �ir��c;ea��diny or
<br />��urch:tsc in liru oF ennclemnatic�i�, I F�n�ir�r rn�y �i iis r.ir.c;fion require tli�t <ill or any portii.�n r�f i1�c� ��r..l (�rr��xancls c�f lhe nw�rd be .ip��lied
<br />to the Indebtedness or I.h� r����ir nr reslor�tion of 1he F'ro��r�rly. '1 he net ��rr�ceNric c,( U�� �w:ird shall mran th.r, aw:�rcl after ��ayment of
<br />all reason�t�le cosls, expensc:s, ancl �ttomeys' fees incurrFd hy Trust�e nr Lrnd�r in r.onnection witli the cnndemnalion.
<br />IMPOSITION OF TAXES, 1=E�S ANQ CfIARGFS BY GOVFRNMCNT/�L /�UT1 Th�,a followinc� prnvisions r�lalin,y to c�overnm�ntnl
<br />lax�s, fres �nrl charges are � part nf lhiti fJ�n�l o( lli.ist:
<br />Current TaxQS, Fec�s arad Ckiarges, U��nn request k�y Lender, Trustor shall execi.ile sur,h rinc;urn�nr, in �drlifion to t.his f]�ed nf frust.
<br />�nei I�k� wh�lr.ver othrr �cti��n is requFast��l hy Lancler tn �ierfec:t �nri r,onlin�ie I en�lc:r's lic�n �in thc� fi�nl Prr>���rly. Trustor sfiall
<br />reimburse I_ender ior all tax�s, :�s dr,scribed I�elow, t��qNLlierr wiih .ill r�x��Fanses iiic:iirrc�cl in recorclinc�, ��crfecYinc� or continuing iliis Dced
<br />of Trust, including withour IimiYation all taxes, tePS, clnc�irn�nt��ry starn��s, �nd othor chargcs for recnrdiny or rec�isterinc3 this Deed of
<br />r
<br />Tnxes. Thc! following CiI18II cnnstiliil� t:�x�s to whir.h thi� �ectiun a��F�lies: (1) a specific I�x �ip�in lhis iY{>� of U��!d of Trust or �apnn
<br />all or any p�nt of Ih�: Indch�rclness ser,i.ired by lhis l)F�nd nf I ru5t; (2) � s��nciTic tax on Trusfnr which Trustor is authorized or
<br />requir?d to deriiar.t Trrnri ��nyments on the Indeb[ednasG s�r:ured hy Ihis ty��a of []�ed of I nist; (3) a[��x on this [ype of I.)eerl of I ri.isf.
<br />ch.'irqe�tilc� �q�inst fhe Lender or the holder of ihe Crr-.<lit Agroarnont; and (4) a speci(ic i:�x on �ill or �ny �.>ortic�n o( the Indr�bfedne�tis
<br />or on payments of princi�.ral anri in[�r�st mnde by Trusfor.
<br />Subsequent T�xes. If any lax lo wlrir.h this s�r.tinn a�i�lies is enac;ted subseq�ien[ fo th� dale nf lhis D�e�i nf Trust, this evenl shnll
<br />have thc same effecf �s an Fvent o( Deinult, �nd L.encler may exercise ar'ry cir all nf ils nv�ilahlP r�madi�s fnr :an Ev�nt nf D�i�ult ns
<br />provided helow unless ('ri.astqr eicher (1) p:�ys The tax before il becornes delinquc:nl, or (2) r.nnlesis Ihe t�x �s r�rnvided �bove in the
<br />Taxes and Liens sPCtinri and deposits with Lender r.ash or a su(fir,ierrl c<.�r��oral:e sur�ty bond or other ser,urity snlisi�ctory to Lender.
<br />SECURITY AGREFMFNT; FINANCING STATEM�NTS. The iollnwinc� ��rovi�inns rel�tinu ir� this Uanil of T �s ;� sr.curify acrr.r.nii��nf �re a
<br />part ot this I)eed of Initil:
<br />Security /�greerrrer�t. fhi^ insYr�nnent sliall consli�i.ilr± �i Sr.ci.ui�y /�qr�cr��r.nt to tlie ext.r,nt any of t.hr� Prc�{�erly COf1$[ILULPS lixtures, and
<br />I..Fr'�der sfiall h�ve all of the rigli[s of a secured p�rt.y �.ind�r Ylie! Uniforrn Coninien.:iai Cocie �is arnf�iidr:d frorn iirna io liiri�.
<br />Sr�curity Interest. Upon r�qu�st by L.ender, lrusfor shall l�k�� whni�v�r �r.tiori is requestec.) I:iy I_!�ncler to perFect �ncl r,ontinue I.P..(1lIP..f�S
<br />security inlere�l in the Personal Property. In adclilion 1�� r�cc�nlinc� ihis f..)r,ecl c�t Irusf in Uie r?al property r�r,ur�ls, I[�nclE�r rnay, �af �r7y
<br />tinie and witliout f�.�rth�r �uthorization frorn I ruslc>r, filo exr:cutnd coimferparts, copies or rPproclur,lion5 of tl�is I]er�d i�f 'i ru�t a5 7
<br />financ:ing statement. Trustnr s1�711 reirrihurs� L�nclor for all ex��rnses inr,urrecl in perfer.iinq cir r:nnrir7uinq thi5 sec�.irity ini�rest. Upori
<br />def�ult, Trustor shall nrit r?rnnve, sev�r or det�ch tlie Persone�l Prvperfy frr�rn the f'rop�rty. ll��on �lef��dt, Trustor sh�ll assr.mble any
<br />P�rson�l Property not �ffix�d 10 th� Propc�rty in a nianner anrl [�l �� pl�r.e r��srni�al>ly convenient to Trustor and Lenc.ler ar�d rnaice it
<br />available to I_endcar within lhr��* (3) d�ys after receipt oi wriLl�n dem�nrl frnm I..end��r to th? extent perrnitted by :ipplic,�ble law.
<br />Addressr,. lhe mailing nddresses of - Ilustor (debl��r) �nd I..nnd�r (s�ci.ared prirty) from whic;h infonn�li<m concerniiiq lhe sec�irily
<br />inferest ,yr�nted hy this D�eci of �n.ist rn:iy k�� obi�iri�d (oach as required hy lhe Unifonr� Colnfrlerc;i.11 ('nr,1C ��re :�s slated nn ifit� first
<br />���,ye of Ihis Deed of Tr�.ist.
<br />FURTHER ASSURd1NGES; ATTORNEY-IN-FA��T. "fhF: tnllowiny �rovisinns relating tn fiirther :�ssi.ir�nc�r+ an�l �:u.�nrn�y-in-f�r.t nra � p�rl nf
<br />lhi5 Uac�d oi Tri.ist:
<br />Further Assuranr.es. nt any tiine, .�nd frorn fim� to tinio, u��on rr,qursf o( I.�ndear', 7ruSlnr will rn�i<n, r!xecuto ancl cicliver, or wiil cause
<br />to he niade, P,XP.C111.8C� or de�livereei, to L�nrim r�r to I...erulen's �Ic�Siqnr�-r., nnrl when re�r�unst�d by 1_ender, ca�ise to be ii�ed, recorded,
<br />refiled, or rerer,orclecl, as th� ense may h�, at such tirnes �nd in cuch o((icns nncl ��lacr�s as Lender rnay deern af���ropri�at�'• .any [�nd ali
<br />such mort�a�es, deerls of trust, scr.urity deeds, sPC.urity �graernPnts, financing staternents, continuafipri sl:�lerneniti, ir7slrurnrnis n(
<br />Turther assur2nc;e, cerlific:�t�s, �ncl other docum?nts a� m�y, iii th� snle opinion uf L�nder, be ner,essary ur desir�blc� in arct�r to
<br />e(fecluatr.�, r,oiTi��l�l�, perf�ct, cnniinue, r�r ��rrsarvP (1) Tr�istnr's ohlicaafions under tlir-. Cr�riit At:�r�nninnt, Il�is Der,d nf 7Yi.ist, �nd
<br />the lielaterl Dnr.umr.nYs, nnd (2) thr: liens �rnl s�ci.irity int�rnsts cre�ted t.iy I.his f)e�r�ci <�( Tiust �s first �nd prior liens nn the Pr��perty,
<br />wheihE�r nnw o�nmed or I�rreaftvr nr.��ulr�,cl t�y 77i.astnr. Unl��:s �>roliihileail by Ir�w or I_endrr ac)rres lo fhe �.:ontr�iry iri u��rilinq, I ruslc�r
<br />sh�ll reinil�urset I�nclE:r fur ,all r.nst; anrl expr,nses inc�irreait in r.oiu�c�r:tir�n �n�ifli flie �r�atic�r5 rt:(�arre��i ln in I.Pii, �>eir:�gr:�(�li.
<br />Attorney-in-Fact. If �1'rustor fails t� dn any of the things rr�(err�d to in the preceding p�r�graph, l.ender rnay do sq for �nrl in lhe n�m�
<br />oi Trustor and 2t �1`rustor's c�xp�nG.r.. For si.id� purposas, Trustor hr.rchy irrevor.;ahly ap��pinls I.enil�r �s Trusl�n�'s �ftorney in f�r.t for
<br />flie� ��urpose oF m�l<ing, execufinq, �ifaliv�riny, (iling, recnrclin��, and dninca �II n�hi�r iliinqs �s inay be ner,es,?ry or rir�sir�hlr�, in I ender's
<br />s�le opinion, to ar..corn��lish tlie rnntfr,rs rnf�rrecl to in tlx� ��rer.r:cfiny ���r�yr�pli.
<br />FULL PER�ORMANC�. If 'i rusior ��ays :�II ihe II1f�F;I)(.P.(I11H$3 v�lir.n di.i�, Yerniin�tes tFie credil line ��cr,ouni, .ind olh�rwisn �m.rforms all thr.
<br />nbliq�tions imposed upn�� Trustor i.inder Yhis Deed of i ri.i;t, I ender sh:�ll �xer,ute �nci deliver LO TYURIP.F? n req�.iest for fuil r�convny�nr,n �ncl
<br />shall exer,ute an�i riwiiver t�> Trusfnr suitable stat��inpnt, of t�rn�inniion of any iinancing stal�.inF:iil on fil� �vidancing Lr.ndnr's security
<br />interest in the Cients ar7d the Person�l ProperYy. f�ny reconveyance ff�t� required hy 17w sl�all be paid by Trustor, if p�rrnitteci by applical:�le
<br />I:�w.
<br />EVENTS OF DEFAULT. fruslor wiil he in d�inult undcr IhiG UB[ of Trust if �ny of thn following h���pen: (/�) l n.istnr cpmrnils (r2�.ir1 or
<br />mnl<es n matnrial rnisrepresenf�tirm nt �riy timn in connecti��n willi lhe (:rr�dir ngrr.r.m��nt. This c�n inclurie, Trir axain��le, a fals�� slal�rneiii
<br />�I)pUT TfU5Y0f�5 inr.<�me, �ss�ls, li�biliTies, or �ny olher as�.iecls o( Trust.or's finanr.ial r.nnclition. (f3) �TruSlc�r does nnt. meet tl��e re�:�ym�nt
<br />tarrna of th� Credit l�gree�nnnt. (C:) Tnislnr's ncti�n nr inacliun El(.IVFlYS(! �ff�cts tlir, collafer�l or Lr•ndr�r's riyhlG in lhe r,ullaf�r�l. This
<br />can include, for exarn��le, f�ailur�a to m�intain require�l in5uranc�, w�stn or dnsYrur,live use of llir� dw��llinq, f�ilur� to pay l�xns, cleai:li of all
<br />persons liable on thF nccoiuir, transfer nf tifle or 5ale of the rfw�lling, crn�tion of �� senior IiE�n nn lh� dwellinq without Lender's perrnission,
<br />(nr�;closure hy Ihe holcler of annihc�r li�n, nr Ihea usr� n( fiincls or iI�F dwFlling i��r ��rnfiibi�e�l pu���oses.
<br />RIGHT'S /1ND REMFDIES ON DEF�UL?. I( ;in Fv�nf of Deiai.ill occurs i.ind�r Ifiia l)E�erl of 1tusY, cjf �ny tii7te llierea(ler, In.islee or' I�rvler
<br />rn�y oxorcis.r, any one or n�ore of ihf� r�>n�,W��,�r r��r�,is and ren�r��iie5:
<br />