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<br />LaAn No: 872058167 (Cf.1B1fIF1LA£'.C�' Page 2
<br />survive the payrnenC of the Ind�hfedness ancl the 5c�tISf2CYlUf1 and re[;onveynnc:e of 1he! lien of this Dr.ed oT - in.ist r.�nd shall not ho
<br />�ffected by lender's acquisition of any interest in the ('rnperly, wlif�thor by foreclosure or oiherwise.
<br />Nuisance, Waste. '1'r�istor skiail nnt C:3115P., conduct or perrnil ��ny ntais�nce; n�r r.nini7iit, {��rrnit, or suffer any stri��piny of or wasYe on
<br />or to the C'roperty or any pnrtion r>i 1he Property. Witha�it liir�itirtir� Ili� qennr�lity of the forec,oinq, I n.ist:nr will not: rernove, or grant to
<br />any other rarty the right to rmm�ve, any timk.ier, rnir�er:�ls (inr.li,xiinq oil r�nc) g;�s�, coal, clay, scoria, soil, gr�vel nr roci< ��rc�dur,ls
<br />withoul I..pnder's prior written cnrisent.
<br />Removal of Improvemr.nts. Truslnr shall not den�oliGh or rrniove �ny hnprovr'�irie�nfs IYorn ihe R�.il Prn��erly withoul: Lenrli�r's prinr
<br />wrilt�rr cons�nt. As a conditicar� lo [h� r�inov�l qf rany Irnprovr.�nienls, (.ender rn7y rF±quiic+. TruStor to make arr;�n�ements satisiactory
<br />to LP.fI(IP.f tp fP,�ll such It�i(�rnvernen[s wifPi Im�>rovc�rnenls af al: i��sl e��uat v�li.ie!.
<br />Londer's Riql�t ta �nter. I ender .ani1 I_ender's �c)i.nts �nd re��rE�sentafiv�as rnay �n��*r u��on flin ftc�l F'roperf.y ..if all reason�bla tirnNS lo
<br />attend to l_ender's interests �incl to inspecf the Rc�<al Property f�ir Eiur��qs�s oi fr�_istor's corn��li�+nce with lhe lerrns and c�,�ndikiqri�; uF
<br />this f�eed of 1'rust.
<br />Compliar�ce with Gavernmental Requirements. Trustqr sh:�ll proniptly cornply wid� all laws, nrdin�nces, anr;l rec�ul:�tinns, now or
<br />hereafter in effpr.t, of ail govetrnmental aufhorities applicable tc� the uso or occ:up�ncy o( thP F'ron�rty. Trustor rnay contest in good
<br />faith flny such law, orrlinance, nr rnqul�lion end withhold cornplianc? during �ny proceediny, inrluding appropriate a�peals, sn long �is
<br />Trusi:or has nntifiprl L�iider in writing �rinr to doing So 7nd so Inrrg ns, in I_ender's sole npinion, I..�ncier's intarests in th� I'roperty �re
<br />nnl j�op�rdized. L_c*ncler rnay reqi.iire Irusfor ln {>osl' acic�qu�fe srcuriry or a siir:r.fy hr�iicl, rp�r�snnalily snlistnr.lory to Lendrr, tn prnfer.t
<br />Lender's interes;t.
<br />Duty to Protect. Trustor a�rees neilher to ah�ndon or leavr �m�:iuende�.i the I'rn�i�riy. Trustor Shnll du all otlicr �cts, in addition to
<br />thpse acts sc�t fnrth ��boue in this ,ar,finn, whir.h froin tlie c:iiar�cler �inrl use e�( tlir Prnr»r1y are reasnnahly r�ecessary to prvter,f �ncl
<br />preserve the Properly.
<br />DUE ClN S/aL'� - CONSENT RY LEN[�LR. L.ender ir��y, at I._rnder's nntion, �lr�r.lnrc� iiYirnedi�tely due :mc1 payalilF: all 5urris s�aciued hy this
<br />Deed of Trust upon the s[ile nr fr�nsfer, without I.end?r's F�rior wrillr:n <xni;c�rif, of �II or any pr�rt of lhc� I1i�ai i'ropr�rly, c!r �ny intnresf in tt�c:
<br />fieal Properly. A"sale or iransier" rnr_:�ns Yhe convey�nce pf R��i Pro�.>erty or any ric�hf, tiUe or inl�rest in the Rezjl Prn�aerfy; whether I�gal,
<br />beneficial or ecauitahle; whether voluntary or involunf�ry; wtielher by oulric�lit salc;, dec.d, irisf:�lhn�iil s�l� confract, I�incl coritra.r,t, contract
<br />fr�r �leed, le�s�hold interes[ wifh a fenn qrealer t.han thre� (3) �/Bi1f5, Ic:a&e-u(�I.ion r.nntrar.t, c�r by s��le, astiic�nrnent, nr lr.�nsfer oF any
<br />bene(icial interest in or to any I�n�.t tr�,ist holdinq li[Ic� to the Renl Nrnperry, nr tiy �i�y nlher nieiliod oi C(1f1VP,Y:1f1CP.. (1� 2f1 If1IP..f( SI Ifl lhe Fieal
<br />Property. Flowever, this oplic�r� Sh�ll nof bc �xerr.ised (:�y L�n�ler if s�.�r:h c�r.c�r.r,iso is prnhibited k�y f-r..der.al I��w c�r by N�I�raska I:�w.
<br />TAX�S AND LIENS. The fnllowing prouisivns rel�iling t:q fh� t�x�s and liens on lh� Prc���rt.y t�rn part of this L)eed of (rust:
<br />Ppyment. TrusYor sliall pay when due I�nrl in :�II �venls �.xior to dc�lirn.�uenr.y) �II Yaxes, special Yr3r.F�s, ��ssessrnenls, cliaryes (inr,luding
<br />wnt�r �nd sewerl, fines and in�pnsitinns levicd againsi or on ��cci�uni q( Il�e PrnF�erty, �nd shaU �>,iy �„r���, d�,� ��II r.l:airns (or work donn
<br />nn or for services render�d or maYrrial furnishe�.l t.o lh� I'r�>���rty. Tri.astor sli�ll mainl�in th� f'ropnrfy free nF all liens havi��g prioril.y
<br />over or eqi.ial Io lhe int��rest of Lender �mder this [)e�cl o( - �lur:t, exc:e�:�l for Uu� lir-�n uf taxns nricl ;assessmF:nfs not due �and exce��t ns
<br />ofherwise providecl in tliis fieacl c?( I rust.
<br />Riglit to Caniest, Trust.or inay wilhhold payinenY of any 1�x, assessrnent, r�r claim in r.nnnc�clion �vitli a yno�.t fe+iih c.lispule c�ver tlie
<br />obliga[ion fo pay, so Inncr as Lender's interesf in tho Pro��orry iG not j������rdinacl. I( a lien �rises or is fil�;cl r�5 �� rc.tiult of nnripaymrni,
<br />lruslor shall within fifteen (15) days afl�r llie lia;n �risns nr, i( a IiF,n iti file.rl, wiihin fiTfr,��n (1Fi) days afler ili�stor h;-i� nntic� of the
<br />filing, secure lhe discharye of the lien, �ir iF rF:qu�stnrl hy Lenrier, cle�u�sit with Lender r..ash ur a sufficieni cnrpqr�li� surnty bond or
<br />olher security satistar,tory to I.e�nGier in �n �mount. sullic;ienf l�� rlisch�rqe 1he lien pli.is �ny cntits �nr1 nttorncys' fees, or other charyes
<br />lhat could �r,cnie as a rF'�sulf nf � fqrecln�ure: nr sale undFrr tlu� lirrn. hi any conl�sl, 1 rusU:�r ,h�ll dnFend itself and I._ender and shail
<br />sakisfy any adv?rse judgmen# before enforcernenl aqrainst tlit: frustvr tihall name Lr�ider as ��n acldi�ir.�i�,il o.t�li�F:c� und�r any
<br />surety hond furrtished in th� contest proceeding,.
<br />Evidence pf Payrnent. Trustor sh��ll upon �lemancl furnish tc� I.ranrter s�lis(ar,tory evic.i�ncr.� of p�ym�r7t of the taxes or assessrncrits �inr1
<br />shall authorirr the appropri�te ranv�rumc�nt�l oificial tn clHlivPr ��,i I..endnr �Y nn,� tirne� a wriil�n st�t�rnent ot tl�e l3X@F anr.1 BSG('+SfT1P,f1IF
<br />n,yainst the Property.
<br />Notir.e of Constructio��. rr�isl��r slinll notify I_ender �il Ir��sl (iifr..rn (1�i) d i9Y$ f��(nre nny +r�orlc is r.om�ncancF��l, any servic:r�s �re
<br />fi.�rnished, or any rnalF�ri�ls nre su��pliad io [he I'ior>r.rty, i( aaiy mec:hcinir.'� li��n, niat.r,rialmt�n's IiF�ri, rrr olher linn coulcl be asserted on
<br />�ccount: of the wnrlc, r,ervi.r,.r.s, or rnal�,ririf,. - Irusfnr will u�>on r-r.yuFast of Lender fi.irnisli to L�n�lc±r advance assurances satisf.iclory to
<br />Lencler th�it Truslor can ancl will ��ay rhF c��st oF such iinE�rc�vern�nts.
<br />PRQPEI�TY pAMAGE INSURANCE. The ibllowinc.� prnvisions relaliny lo insi.iring the Propf�rl.y �r� :� p�rt of tl�is I.)eed uF Trusl..
<br />Main#enanco of Irasi�rarice. Trustor shall procure and m�intain {.�olicirs of fire insuran�� with standard exter��led coverage
<br />encinrsFmenfs on a r�plar:emr�nt hasis for the full insur;�l.�le v�liie c:overing all Irnprovemerils nn thr. Real F'roprrl.y in an ?�7�ount
<br />sufficient to avoid a��plir.r�tinn of any coinsuranc� r.lai.ise, and wil.h a�tandard rnorly��geF t:l�ucn iri favor uf Lender, tn,yF�[hFr wilh sur.li
<br />other hazard and liability insuranc:e �as L.f�nder may r�ason�+l�ly rc�quire. Policies sh�ll be written i�i IUffTI, �IT7(.IU111S, l:tlV8f7C](?5 flll(� I7c�515
<br />reastinably �ccepiahle to I,ender �nri issucd I.iy <+ coni��ruiy or r.,ninpanies ie�sonal>ly acceF.�l:+l�l�� ln L.�uicler. 1Yi.istor, ur.�on rec�u�si. o(
<br />l.ender, will delivPr to I..end�r from tirne I:o tirrse Ihe rx lic:ies nr c�riifir.ntes o( insurance iri fnrm s;�l:istactory to Lenclr�r, including
<br />stipulations that couerages wil! not b�� cancelied or diminished withoui at least ten (i0) rlays prior writtc�n ric�tice lo Lender. [ac:h
<br />insurnnce policy also �hall incliade an endcuscament �:xoviciiiiy thnt r.overage in f:�vnr c>f L.r.ndr,r will n��l hn impaired in any way hy �iny
<br />act, o�7iission or def�ult of Tn.is±vi' eir �ny nther ��erson. Slip�,ild 1he Real Properly l�e Ioc;aCed in ran ara� desiynatrcl by the I)ire�clnr n(
<br />Yhe rederal Ern�rgrncy Manayeen�nf Agency ��s a�;p�aci:�l flnod li�+��ard �rc�a, Trusfor ��,yrF��� to obt�in ancl rn.�intain �racieral Flnod
<br />Insurance, if �vnilable, tor 1.he iririximuni anio�ml of - irraslnr's credit lirn'+ ❑ncl ihe f'ull un���:�i�l ��ririr.ipal t.�alance of airy prior li�ns on the
<br />property ser,uring the loan, up Yo 1he maximurn pnlicy lirnits s�;t unclnr tlie Nation��l Flqod Insi.ir:�rir,e Prc�yrain, or ns OIIlCfW15@ 1"F?(�UIfF:CI
<br />hy Lender, and to rn�inrain sur.h insurance for tfi� Yomi of the; lonn.
<br />Application of Proceeds. Tri.is#or shall promptly nntify Lender o( �ny loss or clarnage to the Pro��er[y. Lrncler may make �.�ronf nf loss
<br />if Trustor fails try dp sn within fitteen (15) days of the casualty. Whether or rial Lender's security is impaired, Lender rnay, af I�ender's
<br />P.IP,CYIOfI, receive and retain the rl(OCP.f]l�5 of eny insuranr.e and a�.>ply the nroceeds to the reductinn of the In�1?btednr�ss, pflyment of
<br />any lien �ffo.r.liriq the Pro��t�rly, nr tlm, restnrat.ion �nd r�.�p;tir of Il��a f'ropc I� I F'.fl(If:Y RI(?CI i to ar>>ily tli�� �rrcrci���rls Yo reslor,ttion ;anii
<br />rep�ir, Trustor shall repair c�r rcplac:t� fhF �l.ii7iaqed or desLroyed Imnrovemenl�s in � manner satiF(��ctnry lo L.ender. Lender sh�ll, u�7on
<br />satisf�r.tory proof of such :r.xpenditure, p�y or rcimbur�? Trusfor Troni the (�ror.��ds inr fhe reasori�l�le cost ot repr�ir or re�a[or�tion if
<br />Trustor is nnt in �k:fa�ilt uncler thi. 17r��d nf TrusY. /\ny ��rocnnds whidi fiave not l�een disbursPd witliin 1t3C1 d�jys 7ffr;r tl��ir rer.ript
<br />3nd which Lender h�s not coi7unittecl Io the repair ur restoratic:m of the Pr�>r�erty shall I.�e use�i (irsl to riay any ��nourif owin,y 10 L�*nclrr
<br />under ihis f)eed nf Trust, then tc� ��ay �rcrued interesr, �nd the rernainder, if �ny, shall f.�e FlF�pli�rl tn iiie ��rincip::d (��I?nce oi fhe
<br />Indet.�tedness. If Lender holds pny ��rnceecls �fl.er paymr,nl iri f�,ill c�f the Indebtedne55, s�ic:h �rroceecls tih�ill l.�c: (��icl t�.� Tn.istor as
<br />�rustOf�S Irl[P..I'F?S1S rnr�y A�)pF'.�]f.
<br />L�NI�ER'S EXPEN�ITURES. If `IYuslor fails (A) to kee(.i ther Pro�»rty free n( all t�xrs, linns, ser,�.irity interr-.sts, r+ncurT�t>ranc:ea, and o[her
<br />ef�ims, (B) to ��rovicle �ny requirecl insur��ir.e on tlie Prn{?erty, or ((:) to make rr�»irs to thr, f�rn��rty then I.�ncler r�iay rin sa If any
<br />action or proceedirtg is con�mFncecl rh:ar would rn�iferially aifr.ct L.er�der's int�rests in the I'rop��ly, th�n I..encler cin 1 hefi�lf may,
<br />but is not required to, YflI(P. 8f1�/ F1CLI011 tIl'r]Y L.@f1CIPf I.7PIIP.VP.,S 1D I)C! 8�?�)!'b(11"IBIP., t0 47fOIPCI LQf1CI.P.f�.S 1111(?fCStS. AIP P..X{)P,�1SP.5 IIlCllrfF?(� Of paid by
<br />L.211(IP.f TUf 5UCI1 �11F�705P_5 WIII 1.I1(:fl Y)(?Af IIIYPfE.'SY clt 1�.f1P• fil(f! (%�17f(�F.'.(.1 l.lf1(�fil' l.flF? CfECIIt I��3fpC.!111C-'11C. �fl�lll ��Y1F: (�BtP If�C�llYf�F!(I f7f �]iIICI I�11/ L..f.'1lCIPf Y(1
<br />the date of repayment 6y 7rustcn'. �II such expF';nse� �vill I�ecorne a p.'art of fhe Inclel�lednFSS �ncl, ;�[ L.en�Jer's npt.irrn, tivill (A) i.ie pay�ble
<br />on dPrnand; (B) be sdclF�d to th� balance vf t.ti� (�redit Aqre�rn�nt ❑nci be c�pportinnn�l �mong and he p�ynl�ln Nriih any insralhmant
<br />payrriFnts to hecome due durinc7 eithrr (11 th� ierni of any :�pplicr.ilalr insi,ir�nc<� �>olicy; or (�1 U�e rernaininc� terrn of Ihe Credit
<br />,�1,yre�ment; or ((�) be lreaterl as a balfoon ���ym�nt whir,h will hi� di.ie �nd payable �t flie Credit nqrerm�nt's rn�turily. - fh� f>c:ecl oF frust
<br />also will �ecure p�ynie!nt o( lhesF� :�inounfs. The rie�hls ��rovided Cor in Iliis p�ragraph sh�+ll hn in ndclition i:o �.iny nlher riqhts or �ny
<br />remedies f�� whir,h Lendrr niay be ?ntiUed on acc:ounl n( �ny c.ief�:i�dl. nny sur:h ar,tion hy 1_ender shr�ll not be consl.nied ��s C�Jrinq thc+.
<br />default 5r� as to t>ar L.ender frorr� any rmnedy that il otherwise would h�ve hnd.
<br />WARFtANTY; L7EFFNSE OF TI`fL�. lhe inllowing pr[�visivns relaYiny f�:� ownearshi�i o1 ihe F'ro��erty nrn ;� ��r�rt of fhis I)ec.cl <�f Trust:
<br />