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� <br />� <br />� <br />N � <br />� <br />� <br />� - <br />� � <br />� <br />� <br />cn �� <br />� � <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />�r <br />;��' <br />� <br />e.; <br />�: � <br />�;7 �/`: <br />� � <br />� <br />� <br />r� <br />� <br />w <br />y-»+. <br />C. _ <br />� <br />� � <br />r�a <br />0 <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />GT'a <br />:I: <br />� <br />� <br />c v-� � <br />a � O <br />� A <br />�� <br />-�-1��7 <br />��m <br />� --� � <br />� � � <br />� rr � �--� <br />a ��' r^r� <br />� :� � <br />r r. <br />ua � <br />x <br />n <br />�....� p <br />c�i> �'1 <br />d <br />u� <br />� <br />N <br />� <br />�-► <br />r•-� <br />� <br />0 <br />� <br />cr, <br />F-� <br />�i N .�'�V <br />WHEN RECQRDE[] MAIL T4: ��' G ��� <br />Eryuilable Bank <br />PO Rox 160 <br />Granc� Isl�ncl�NE 688Q.'L 0160 _.__.._ _..__ --------_.________. .._.._..�_.�OR REGORUEft'3 IJSE ONLY <br />pEED OF TFiUST <br />MAXIMUM LIEN. The lier� of this Ueed of Trust shall r�ot exceed at a�iy one time S3U,OOO.OU. <br />THIS DEED OF TfiUST is dated January 7, 2A11, an�ong TIMOTHY L WICi#�FiT, wl�ose adclress is 2108 W <br />LOUISE ST, GRAND ISLA111D, N� 68f3035807 and f�ENIT/� R WICHERT, wl�ose adclrPSS is 21 p8 W LOU15E <br />ST, GRAND ISLANU, NF 688U35$07; HUS13ANp /\NC� WIFE ("Trustor"); Fc��.iitabl�* Bank, wh�se acldress is <br />Diers Avenue Branr.h, P� Box 16�, Grand Isl�nd, IVE 6�3F302-Q16U (referrecl to below so�netim�s as "Le��der" <br />r�nd sornetimes as "Ben�;ficiary"); and Ec�uitahle �3ank (Grand Island RPgion), whose address is 113-'115 IV <br />Lor_ust St; PO Box 160, Grand Island, IV� 688U?_-01�Q (refPrred to laelow as "Trustee"►. <br />CqNVEYANCE AND GRANT. Fnr v�lu�hle ronsidaration, 7rusYnr coriveys to Trustee in trust, WITFI POWEFi OF SALE, inr Ihe uenefit o( <br />Lender ns Benoficiary, �II n( 'fn,isior's right, title, and incF+rest in �nd to Ihr iollnwing desc.ribe�i real r�r�r�i�rty, tog�thc!r with nll existing or <br />subsequently erec[ed nr affixed buildinr�s, iinprovernents �nd Tixture:s; all easernenl5, riyhls nf w�y, and ���purferiances; all water, watc�r <br />rigkits and difch rights (including SIUCIC Ifl 11UHlIP.S WIIII (IITCII f)f Ifflf� riqlilsl; �nd �II othor rights, royalties, and pro(irs relaliny l�� real <br />property, including withnut limitation all r7�inr�r�ls, oil, gas, c,�enlliPrnr71 and $IIT11I�f �711P�C'.f5, (XhL ��f�Bc�� �rpp�r#y��) IpC�tOd iri MALL <br />Cou�ity, State oF Nehraska: <br />L�TS Ntl�� (9) �1ND TFN (10), IN FRACl�IOf��I. RLQCI( FIFTY-�IVE (55►, I�I CFiARLES WASMER'S THIRI] <br />Appl'TIOIV TO TI�E GIT'Y �F GIiAIV[7 ISLA(�ID, H/�l_I_ COUNTY, IVESR/�SI<A. <br />The Real Prorerty or its acldress is commonly Ic��own as 2_108 W LOUISE ST, �FiANU ISLJINU, NE <br />Fi88Q35807. TF�e Real Praperty tax iderrtitic�tion n�ambPr is �40IJ111012. <br />f�EVqLVING 1.INE OF CREDIT. this Deed ot Trust secures tl�ce Indehtedness including, without liinit�tion, a revolvir�g line of credit, whicli <br />nblig�tes Lender tn make adv:�nces to Tn�stnr sn Innia as tn�stnr r,mm�lins with �II tl�fi t�r�ris uf th� Crodit Agreement. 5ur.h adv�nces rn:�y <br />be made, ropaicl, and reiriade from ti�x�P to time, suujert to tl�e li��aikaticni tliat the tot�l o��tstlndiiag b�lan�;e �rwing �t any une t'ime, nnt <br />IIICIU(IIIlA flfl.�f1CC Cllell'C,JCS OIl SIICII hY1I:7fICF 3� il �IXCCI OI' V81�I:1hIE: �:1tP C7Y SIAIYI flS �]fOVIC�r)C� IIl Y�18 Gr�'IIIY �.QfP.efYlP.flr, Ally 10I11�)Offlf�/ over�ges, <br />UT�1P,f Cfl(11'(�@S, 811C� TIl}� ilililOUflt$ P,X�1CIlf�(,+({ Of tl(iVa11CP•f� 85 �)1'OVIC�f?(a IIl F'It�lf:+► X�18 IIl[�P,F7tP.[IIlA55 parr+graph OI '1r11S rar�gr�ph, sl�aall 11pY <br />BXCP.P.tI YI1P. Credit Limit �s prauided in ttie Credit Agreernent. It is tNe intention of tnastor nnci LendPr that this Dced of T��ust ser.u���s the <br />balance outstanding u��der tf�p Credit Agraamei�t trom lirne to tin�� irvni zQro up to (he Creciit Limit as rravicl�d in the Credit l�greernent <br />and ariy intermediata balanr.e. <br />Trustor presenUy �ssiqns to Len�l¢�r (%�Iso luiown �s F3ene(i�,iary in this Dr!od of Trust) all uf Truslor's ric�lit, titl�, and intc�r.r,st in ancl t.o all <br />presc�nt and future IP..OSF.S nf the C'roperfy an�l �II Rents frorn tlie f'rop�rt:y, In adciitinn, I"r�.as�c:�r gr�nt.s tn L�nder a l.lni(orni Coiiirnercial <br />Code security inl�rest in the P�rsonril F�rnp�rty �nd Rents. <br />ThIIS t]EED OF TRUST, INGL.UDING 'iF1E ASSIGNM�NT C7F REfV"fS /1f11D TNE SF..CURftY IN'TEREST IN T1iE FiGl11lS nNC� PERSC)N/�L <br />pRQPERTY, IS GIV�N 1O SECURE (A) PAYMEN'1" Qf TIIE INf�Ff3Tf-_pM�SS /\ND (B) PERFORMANCE C)f E,�CH Qf TRUSTOR'S <br />/1GREEMENTS ANI] �BLIG/�7IONS 11fV17ER 7HE CRF�IT AGREFMENT, 1I1E RELnTEn f�OCUME.NTS, /�ND 1"HIS �?FFp OF TRUST. TFIIS <br />QEEP Q� TRUSt IS GIVFfU AND l�C(:FF'�f`FU ON TFIE f'OLLpWING TFRMS: <br />PAYMENT AND PERFORM/�NC�. Excepf as olherwisn provided in this f7eed nF Tr�ast, Trustcrr shall p�ty lo I_ender �II amounts secured by <br />this Deed of Trusl �s fh�y becr.>nie d„c�, .��,d si,�u strir,tly :+nd iri ri tirnnly m�nner perforrn �II vf Tli.islor's ol�lig;�fions under lhe (,rEadil <br />Agreement, this Deed nf Trust, and tf�e Relaterl Dor.uments. <br />POSSESSION AND MAINTFNANCE Cl� "THE WROI'ERTY. lrustor �yrr�c!s iliat Trusf<.�r's possc*ssion �nri use of fhe ('ropert:y sli�ll b� <br />yov�rned by the foUowinq �rovisions: <br />Possession ��id Use, llnlil Yho or.currence oi �r� Fvent of L)efa�.ilt, Ini,lor ni�y (1) rF�inain in ��OSS�SSi�n �nd control of flie f�ropc�rty; <br />(2) usa, npr.rate or rnanaye thr. Frnperty; and (3) cnllc�cf the Renfs frorn th� f'ro��crty. <br />buty to Maintain. 1?utilor sh�ll rnainlain tlir: f'ro��erly in c)vrni cnrniili��n �ncl �roin�>lly ��F�rfcirtn �tll rrpairs, re��lacement5, �nd <br />rn�inlr,nance nc�ceS�:iry lo �)fF.SF:fVH 11.5 VAIIIQ. <br />�;OIl1��IF111C8 �Ikfl E11VI1'DI11Y1(ZIIYFaI L:1M15. �fIISPOC fC(':.Ill.; F1f11� W�t�f�#I115 lO l..E)I�1(�Hf I�{lfll: (�) �)Uflll(J l.11f? �7(��I(?fi V� �flltilbf�S flWllr?f5�11��) <br />-- of the Pr<�perty, there has been no usc!, cjenerati<�ri, m�nufar,ture, storaye, �r�annent, disposal fP,IP.,i15P, or threatened release of any <br />Har?rtlous Substance t.�y any person on, under, about or irorn the f'rop�rty; (7) l ruslpr h�s no knowledge of, or fP..7Rpf1 lo beli�ve <br />that there has been, excapt �s previoiisly disclnsed to and acl<nowl�dged hy I_ender in writing, (a) any br'ear..h or viol:�tion pf any <br />Environmenlal L�ws, (b) any usc�, ra�neration, m�nu(�cii.ire, storage, tre�rifinent, dispos�l, r�lease �ir Uir��loned rele�se of ar�y <br />flaz�rdous Suhsl�nr.� on, uncler, ahoul or from lf�e Pro��nrly I�y �ny prior owncrs �r occup<�nts of lhia f'ropnrty, or (c) any �� nr <br />threatened lilic��fion or clairr�s of �ny kind by any pFr�on relating to Guch m�ttr,rs; and (3) Fxr,a��t �s �ravioi.isly disclnsed to �nd <br />acknowledyed by L.ender in writing, (a) npilher 1Y�.isYor nor ��ny t�;n�nt, r.ontr�ctor, ��)a�ir or nthor �uflinrized usEr r.�f the f'rn�>erly <br />sliall use, y�n�rate, manuf�cture, store, tre�tf, dispose ni or re lF�$E'. ni�y Fi:az�rdnus Subst�nc:e on, under, at�oi.rt or froin lhr:, f'ropc�rty; <br />and (b) �ny such activity sh�ll he r,ondur.te�d in corn{.�liance wiih �II ap��lic:�hle (ed�r�l, stnt�, and local I��ws, rPy�alalinns �nd <br />ordin�nr.�s, incluriiny witliout lirnit.�tion all Envin:�nrncnt�al I,aws. TrusYor ai.i[hori��s I.nnd�r �nc1 its agenfs lr� t�nler upon ihe Prop.r,rty <br />lo make such insp�acli��ns anci t�s[!�, �1 TYustor's ex���nse, ns L.Fmder m�y de�;rn a�i��ro��ri�ta lo cleternriin� r:nni�ili�ne� of tlie Froperly <br />witli this sar.tion o( the I)ec�ci of /�ny ins��er.lions nr tr-,sts n�a�le I�y Lendcr sh�ll Iie (or L.�rirler's ��ur�ioses only and sh�ill n��t he <br />construed lo r.reate any rFSEionsil�ility or liabilify on fhe part ot I,Pn�1er to 1Yustor nr lo any olh�r person. `Ilie r�presentnfions �nd <br />warr�nfies r,ontain?d herein �re based c�n Trusfor's due dili��enc� in investiy:�liny lh� Prop�rty for Fiazardous Siihst�nces. Trustor <br />iierehy (1) fPIP.B$f:$ and w;�ives any Tuture r.l�ims �,yaintit I.end�r for indrrnni[y nr r;oritrihiation in lhe evenl Trustor be��nmes li�t�le for <br />clr,aniip or olf�er costs under any sucfi Inws; �nd (�) �,yrc�ns tn indr�rnnify, def�ncf, and I�old Lnndr.r �yairist any anc.1 �II <br />claims, losses, liebilitics, dam�gas, ���!n�lties, and ex��nnsrs whir,h I_ender �r��y dir�r.tly or indireclly sust�in nr si.iff�r resultiny irorn � <br />breach oF this sr.ction of the Un�d of Tr��st or as .� cr�nsequenoe of �ny us�, ,yener�tion, m�nuf7cture, storng�, disposal, relr �sn or <br />lhreatened rele�se occurrinq �rior to I rustor's ownershi�� or interest in Ih� Pro��nrty, whplh�:�r or nof Yhe same was or 5hould have <br />t�een I<nown to irustor. The �7fOV15�f1�1$ o( thic s�r.lion of th� I?end of Tri.wt, including the oblic.�:ilion tn indmm�i(y and clefend, shall <br />� <br />�7 <br />� <br />v <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />C <br />� <br />m <br />Z <br />� <br />