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�c��•�I��uA�,'v;�i. . , .•1..71Vlfala�L extlr�.wi�+ix�- : - - .�.�lt�'�`'i:���"...:.`i • � - - ...,d _� �.__LL <br /> �'�fl'�}�t�.'it,��'" , r. - �,.��.�-r,;� <br /> .z�,�.- <br /> �-- •;:c' - - , - ..---,..�i� <br /> 'lt';j�(?���E;��� , ... . - ..�_.Y <br /> � `��;, �� �,'�,.�i4��C' �•:�' <br /> X:i� , ' ��` ..�... .. , � „�_5... -� <br /> � ..,;� •�i, _ .-`_--'- _ <br /> - M"� - --- ._. <br /> . �� , `_ <br /> _��� �,� : .� .�....� 92-.�0��13 <br /> �� ��:.��,::.'s+�i;a�:, . <br /> ;�F���^�ii".�,`.,�� c�NU�imu��i�Ni ur�Nlkr�ukinY ut'+u�y pun ul�lic Nn��xny,or I�K c�Wwcywi�c in licu ut'c�x�d�mnuuou.urc Ikreby u�wi�nrd w�d <br /> -- - �lwll Ix puid lu Lcndcr. <br /> -�""`r��`�`��'-��-�•� (n Ihc evcnt uf A wtul taking ��f thc Prop�ny, �hc pnxecd+ tihull Ik upplicd la Ihc ,um� nccured by Ihiti S���urity <br /> r Inx�mmrn�. whcihcr�K nnt thcn duc, wi�h uny cxcc��puid t�i B��rrower. In ihc evem nf u puniul tuking��f the 1'n��rty in <br /> '��--��..'��TSE� which thc fuir mwrket voluc ot'thc Propeny immr�liutcly Iki�►rc �hc�akin�►i�.cyual�o urgrrutrr thun ihe Amoiint af thc xums <br /> -���'^i � j.. "P � sccurcd My�hi�.Securily lu�trumrn�immediu�cly ixti��e Ihe tukiog.�mle.�Hi�rrowrr und Lend�r ulhciwi�c agrec in w�iilug, � <br /> � ,,,� ° �he sumx �cured hy�hix Sccu�lly Imtrument r.hall Ix: mduccd hy the anmum��f the prcxecd,mulr.plicd by Ihc fblluwing <br /> ,. � ..•.�"•.� .,;�•;� fracliun: (ul�he totul umaunt of the xum�s�cured immc.�liutely bcfare Ihe tukinF.divi�kd by(b)�he fair market vulue of Ihc <br /> �. aa�... '- �•. Property immedlatcly before thc tuking. Any buluncc rhull hc paid w H�irniwcr. In�he cvem of u purtiul luking of ihe � <br /> ,_��r property in which the fuir murket vulue of�he t'ro�xny immediu�cly hefore�hc tuking is Iczs thun Ihe umount of the�umti <br /> ' ��,�:,,r,,�,;;a; :,�' y, �ccumd immediately before the taking, unlewx B�rrower und Lendcr iitherwi�c ugre�in writing or unlexx upplicnble luw <br /> ���'2�.'; �. o otherwiye pravi�;ex,lhe pracceds s;hull be upplied to the�umx s�ecured by thix Securi�y Instrument whether or not ihe sumx ure <br /> �Ii�c►N++:'a.�,.�,> �•� then duc. <br /> If Ihc Pn�perty is abandoned by Barrow•cr,or iP,uf�er notice by l.encler io Borrowcr that the condemn��r offers ta make _ <br /> � _�,,;,,,;,,a:.-�.a un award ar retUe n cluim for dtunagr.,Bom�wer fails to mspond�o Lender within 3U Juy,ufter�hc dute�he natice iti given. <br /> _, s��. . Lender ix nu�harized to callect und upply ihe proceed�,at its aption.ei►her to rextarutinn or repair of the Propeny or to the _ <br /> � sumg sei:ured by this Security Instrument,whcther ar not then due. <br /> �_-�� ' ` Unl�h+Lender and Borrower olhenvixe agree in writing, uny applicatian of prc�cced�to principul ,huli noi extend ur � <br /> � � ����`�" postpone the due�iate oi'�he momhly paymem.reFeRed to in par�gn�phs 1 and 2 or changr the umount af�uch pnyments. <br /> , '��a��'�:�-y`••' 11. Ba�rower Not Released; Forbearance By l.ender Not s Wuiver. Ex�ension of�hc �ime for payment or <br />. �,'<°'<�:�`ii.,�,.,y.:,,.,. <br /> ' ���':;��+�s�+ �� modi�crtian af amoni�ation of the sums secured by this Securi�y Insirument gramed by Lender to uny successor in interest _,.-- <br /> ,,. ,,.., , ?_ <br /> ��•,;�'. �:: of Borrower shull not operute to rele�.5e the liubility of�he uriginul Borcower or B�xrowers xuccetisorw in intere,t. Lender <br /> `� �.t;�1°i�;��"'"�'�. ,. shull nat be requir�d to rnmmence praceeding+oguinst any suceex,ur in interes�or mt'use to extend time for puyment or �'�=�� <br />-�_�'--�--�—��=�'"`- ' ``''��' otherwise mndify amortization of the sums secured by this Security In+tn�rnenl by reuson nf uny dcmand maJc by thc originul — <br /> _��� Y��.;t��ys._.:���i:�t?; Borrower ar Borrower's succestion in interuxt. Any forbeurs►nce by Lendrr in exerci�ing uny ri�ht or remedy shull ix►t be a <br /> t;,��Y,+ti;t�i �,; waiver of or preclude the exercise of smy right or rcmedy. <br /> v�_�— ` ' ,jf • ''';�� i 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint and Severul Liabillty; Cu�cigners. Thc covrnunt�und uFreemen�x of this ,t;,: <br /> �.` ,�',•;��::'; •�••,•l�� Security Instrument shull bind ond henefit the surcessors und uxzign�of Lender anci Borrower,+ubjec� to�he provitiianx af �,= a <br /> �' y purngruph 17. Borrawerk cavenunts and •rgrcemems shnll he jaint �nd tieveral. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br />- � ',:•.. ,r �„};:;�. „ � , ��„_... <br /> , • �;t• Instrument but does no1 execute the Nute: (u1 ix co-xigning this Securiry Intitrumem unly to morlgub� �.r.�nt und cunvey Ihut <br />',ti;��:• Bo�sower's interetil in the Propcny undcr thc tcrms of thix Security Instrumenr, �h)is nat penonully nhli�;u�ed to pay the sums <br /> =�- � :� r secured by this Security Instrument;und(cl ugrees�hut Lender und uny ot her Borrower muy ugrce to ex�end,mudify,forbcAr <br /> {.... . <br />;_:��.,f '�., . or muke any uccammodatianx wi�h regurd lo the terms ot'this Security Inslrument or the Note wilhuut Ihui Barrowerc <br /> i ; �;�r"'�� , consent. <br /> ;.- �•.•,�i}.'!1� ::.+ •��i;�;;��:� 13. l.aan Chary�e:+. If the loun secured by �his 5ecuri�y Instrument is tiuhject io a luw which se�s muximum loan --,_,.. <br /> :;��. ,i�:�;;;f i,...,;,�:,,,;;�;•��'�. churges,und thut Inw ic finally interpreted w that the interest or ather loun churges rollected ii�to hr rnUcc�ed in connectiun =� <br /> :•��- ��""�f�� ����– "�" ` wilh the loun exceed ihe perni�aed limns,then: tu�uny such laun churge xhaii he rcdurad hy�he amoum necessury�o rcducr _- <br /> '`'• `` . ' the charge to the ix:rmitted ifmir und(h1 imy sums ulread�•cotlected fmm Botmwer which exceeded pem�iucd lintils will he <br /> �; � refunded to Born►wcr. l,encler may choo.c to makc thi�n 1'und by reducing the principul uwed under the N�ne or by makin�•a <br />-'. • ;� . direct puyment ta Bormwcr. lf u refund mducrs principal,lhe reduction will he trcuted u.�paniul pmpuymrnt withc�ut any <br /> prepayment rharge under the Nntc ==- <br /> 14. Noti�x. Any natirr io Bnrn►wrr pmvided tiK in ihiti Srcurity Ins�rument ,hall tk given hy delivering i���r hy <br /> • ,;, � mailing it hy fint clu�+rnuil unlc.,upplicuMr IuH�reyuire.r u,c of unolhcr mcthal.Thc iH�lirc.hcdl ix dircrtrJ��i�hc F'm�xny <br /> . AdJm+,or uoy uther u�IJrc+s Borrowrr dc.i�enulr,by nuticr w�kr. Any nutirr �a Lrndcr,hull Ix �:i�•rn by lin�cla.r. -- <br /> ntuil lo l.endrr;��JJr«�,�i�tcd hcmin��r any�,�hcr aJJrc.+l.cndrr dc.iEucu�ti hy nuiicc u�H��rr�►��rr. Any nn�irr pruvid�J ti�r <br /> ... . ', .. .. . ., . in dii� S�curiry In.ln�nxnt tihall Ik da�med lo huve Ixen given li�H��rrower ur l.rnJ�r whrn givcn u+ proviJed in �hi. �•:.^, <br /> „ � �urugraph. <br />- . , � lS. l:uverninR Law: tievcrubiHtv. Thiti tirrurity Imtrum�nt �hull tx g�wemcJ hy fcdcml law anJ Ihr luw ul Ilt� <br /> . juri,Jiciion in whirh ih�Pro�xny i.t�xutcJ. In thr rvcm�hat ony pruvi.i.a�ur rluu.0��I thi,ti�curil�•In�lrumrnl or Ihr Nole ---.- <br /> � rontlic�s wi�h upplicubl�luw.,urh ronllict,hidl not altrrt utlxr pruvi,iun.��f ihi�Sccurily luru�mun�ur Ihr Notc which can �:�•,= <br /> - � bc given rffcc� withuut �hc cunlliriin�provi.ion. 7i► thi�end �he �,ro�•i,wn.of this ticcuriry In.�runxnt unJ ihr NWe are �- ,� <br /> •• � declured to Ik.cvrraMc. <br />- ' " 16. Burruwer's Copy. Borruwrr,hall Ix�i�en on¢conli►rnx�l iupy ut'dic Notc:m�uf dii�S�curity Imlrumenl. _ <br />_. 17. 'Ilr�nsier��ithc Nroperty ur u Ncueficiul Inlerest in Bnrrawer. II':dl or a�iy purl ul'thr Pru�xrty ur uny interc�t in <br />. . � it i+wIJ ur trun.rtcrred lor if a Ixnrlicial intrre,t in Bom►��er i..��ld ur aan.frrrcd :md H��rro�vcr i.n��t u nutur.►I personl <br /> " �� • witlx�ut Lcrxlcr's prior wrillrn canKnt.LrnJcr ntay.:it il�upli�in.rcyuirc immrJi:ur pny�nciu in 1'ull af all rwm��cured by � - <br /> �hiti Securit hisirument. Howevcr,this uptiun,hull nut fxe rxerri+cif hy l.en�kr if rxrrci.r is rn�hibi�eJ by tcdrral law ti,of �}–- <br /> .,� - Y,•y+!;u�°• y —`- <br /> � �„�r the dute of Ihi�Scrurily b�sln�menl. <br /> ' � If LcnJer exeni,r,thi.optiun. L�nder+hall�ivr Borcowrr not ice��1 i�ccelcrati�m. 7'he no�ire tihall pro��idr u�xricxl of <br /> : '� not Icx.thun 31)J:�y,l'rum thc datr du�xxirc i.drlivrred nr mail.d within��hirh H��rru��rr mu.t pa�•:dl.unu,rrurod M�•thi, _- <br /> . Security Inr�rumern. ff Burrower i:iil+ tu puy thr,r .um. priur tu �he �rpirati�xi �il'thi,prriixl. LenJrr may invokc uny �.: <br />. � � remedir.pemiittrJ by thi.ticcurity In.lrumrnl H•ithuut funhrrnuiirc urJ�manJ un fi�►m���cr. <br /> . 18. 13orrower's Rf#M to Rcinslulr. II Nurrowcr mrel. cr�tain .unJiii.m.. 13urru��rr •h;ill ha�•r 1hc right t�� havc �, <br /> � . enforcement of this Se�urity In+�rumin�di,c��minurd:n an} time prior 1�,thr r.�rher ��i: �:u S da�. iur.urh„�her{xri�xi a• : <br /> ' tiln�;l�f-:mnh- Fannfc�fue�Freddk�fuc l\If�1R\I I\til'RI�lE�l' ..I'ndann c'���rnann 9,411 �p,i�,•a.yn p�,,r�� <br /> �` <br /> 4 <br /> .t � t <br /> � _ <br /> - . r' .�.;:_.��,.�.... , . . .... � _ . <br /> ; <br /> �� <br /> � . <br /> . , . <br /> , ,. <br /> .. . � <br /> .. , � <br /> � --1 - _ <br /> . , <br />