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<br /> ��', � � upp14qpbla !nw muy rp�cify fi�r rcinxtatemenq hefare xale af�he Propeny pursuani to wy puwor nt tinle contuined In Ihic
<br /> . .�.;:.,•,,«,�,,..f•�,�•'�..;
<br /> ��<<�-•_��:i..;:e��,:•..� : S��wJty Inhtrumenr,or(b)cnlry of a judgmcnt enfnrcing Ihis Securhy In.rtrument. 1'ha�e condilicxix are thut Borruwer: (u)
<br /> �I��,+;,�; � ;��""� i pq�t�•l..ander all sums which then wauW t�e duc undcr thi� Securily Insl�umcnt an� �h� Nc�te Aw If n� �u;cQlMU�fun hsd
<br /> 1•�'s���%;�•�•r� L or.curred;(b►cures any defuult of any dher covenantx or ugreemenln;l�)pays all ezpenr:es incurnd fn enforcing this Security
<br /> -ue.,�.es.��.�?.�:2`. ���M�����,������k�,��ng, but not lirnitcd to,rc��;cmablc uttamcyh'fees; und (dl lnke.r such aclion us Lcndcr mny rear�mably � z�__
<br /> �!.`;:��:,�•;��:.• -
<br /> require to asaurc that tt►e lien of thl.r Sccudty Instrument,Lcndcr w rightx in thc Property and ti�rtowve y��bliga�ion�o puy thc
<br /> '��';.;;?;�1;,,''. .: �,._ ; suma xecured by Ihis Security In.rtrumcnt .rhaU conlinue unchAnged. Upnn reinstatcm�nt by Borrowcr, thix Securhy
<br /> Instn�ment und ihe obligutions xecurcd hereby shull remuin fully effe�:tive uK if no uccelerutiun hud occurrcci. However,lhix
<br /> .:.• .:_.:.. ` �_.°Y.'-'� ' � — ••_
<br /> ' �.�:-F,�.�: , ri�ht to�einbtW�c bhull uut upply i��hc cau of acccicratian undcr parngmph 17. -- _.. .
<br /> , • •!��'��;'`�� • 19. 5ale of NMe:Chnnge ot I.oan Servker. Thc Notc or a partial iMCrc�+t in ihu Nmc(toge�hcr with Ihis Secu�ity
<br /> ��,.�,'(:,:•,,.1.:�,,: .,, Instnrmenq mny be solJ one or more time� without prior notice w sortower. A+u�lo mny result in a chunge in the enUty
<br /> ,�+,.,;��,,;,..;;;.�_, (known ag the"Loan Servicer")tha�callectw monthly pnymentw due under Ux Not@ anJ thia Security Inxtrument. There Also
<br />�� s''.,�.., �.,'.� � � may be one or mom changes of the Loan Servicar unrcluted�o a sule�f thc Note. IF there i x u change of the Loun Servicer,
<br /> ��`'�rw;•�1:�,,:t;;,�w�.� ; Borrawer will be iven wrltten notice of thc change in accardancc with purogruph 14 aM►ve pnd applicuble law. The nutice _
<br />�'������;'��1' '� � w111 statc the nume nnd address aP�he new Loan Serviccr and thc uddress to which paymentx :chcwld bc mude. Thc notice will
<br /> ..,...�;,. ,
<br />';;;�o�-_.': • ' . also cont�►in any athcr infurmution required by upplicublc luw.
<br /> ----"��•%-� � ��-_..f' 211. HAZnrdoux Su�tancea. Bormwer shall not cuuse or pertnit the pre�ence,use.diwposal,storaRe,or�cleuse of any
<br />__. .-�.�;,,;;. ���' :,.. ..
<br />``�. �•.:;,�;k;,:;;��;y;ti'�,;:,.. ;�..; �';t Hazardous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall not do, nor nllow nnyonc efsc to du,unylhing affecting Ihc
<br /> fi�:' � ' �� k'•� �a''�+?n:^'}` Pro n that fs in violation of'uny Environmentul Luw. The preceding two sentences sholl not apply tu the presence,use,or
<br /> .. '��.y.�.�,;'. p� Y e
<br />��`'. � � , storage on the Propany af small quentities of Hazurdoua Substances thAt urc generally recag�ized to bc nppropriate to normal
<br />='rir • residential uses nnd to maintenance of the Propeny.
<br />'-���.' •,:�1�, �� ��` � Borruwer shall promptly give Lender written notice of nny imestiga[ion,cluim,demand,lvwsuit or oth�r actinn by any —
<br />;a,,•;,.. .
<br />. .•�•. _ ,, govammentn! m regulAtory pgency or pdvate pany involving the PropBrty and i+ny Hsizardaus Substance or Environmentul
<br />;;�,+!�� ' � • � Lnw of which Borrower hns aclual knowledge. If Bortower leums, or is notified by uny guvernmentnl or regulntory �---�- -�—
<br />- �"'`:� • '` nuthoriry, thut any removal or other remediatiori of any Hazardous Substance affecling Ihe Properry is necessary,Brnmwer �� �.
<br />•�r�%.•,� �. . ..�,;�;;,i;;,c.: � �w�,s�
<br /> : ...�.;,,.;.,,, , shall promptly tnke all necessary remedial actians in uccardance with EnvironmentAl Law. _
<br /> '' ` ``'"�`:�°f`���'�' � As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substancer"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substuncex by ,�;._
<br /> ,., >�,�.�..., .c ---
<br /> ••.�;y��-4.+,'.i,:':'�- '
<br /> .. •.,;��.�t�,;:;r•r•;r> , Environmental Law and the foUowing substanecs: gasoline,kerosene,ather flammable ar�axic petroleum producls,toxic �±�-_::
<br /> � r: `
<br /> ,• '+•�•��:;���•i:;,�;� ' pesticides and herbicides, valalile solven[s, materials containing asbesros or fonn�ldehyde,und radiouc�ive materials. As
<br /> S
<br /> , * .r..�f?.,t; : �,'::,'���;::'' >.
<br /> , • •,r�,l�t,,. � • used in�his paragraph 20,"�nvironmental I.uw"means federal Iawx ond luws of the jurisdiction where the Property is locured •..:�_
<br /> �',%''%"f�•'d'� '�'" that relate to health,safe or environmenta! rotection. �w
<br /> `� y ! . �'�,;;lVi��:lis:;�j'f�;;'�..L ry p �ic�.ii.�'�--
<br /> , �••�r,;;,;•:::.::��.,, .• NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end Lcnder furlher covenant and agree ns follows: _ __ n.
<br />�;` �� ���'�`�'•':�� "�±��'�'' .;; 21. Acceleralion;Remedles. Leode�shaN give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration Pollowing Borrower's —:---
<br /> � ' � breach ot'Any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrumeot lbut not prfor to acceleradon under paragraph 17 ��m__
<br />. . unless applipMe law provides othenvise). The notice shall specify: la)the defwultt lb) Ihe Action required to cure Ihe _
<br /> - de!'ee!!,ic)a dete,n�t IeQR�han 3t1 dnva from the date the notice iR Riven to Borrower,by whkh Ihe defaull muat be ___ _
<br /> cured;and Id)IhAt PAilure to cure the Aefuult on or bePore the date specified in the nntiee may result in acceteration of ���
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument And�le of the Property. The notice shull ibrlher inform Borrower oP --_•--�.;�.-�
<br /> . the right to reinslote aiYer Acceleration and the riRht to bring a court actlnn to a�.cert the non•existence oP a default or :��
<br /> � � " any other defense of Borruwer Io accelerutWm and sale. li'Ihe defaull is nat cured on or before the dote specified in
<br /> � the notice,I.ender at its opUon muy reyuire immediate paymenl in full��f ull xums+ecured by Ihls'iecurily Instrument �:.. �
<br /> " � ' ",... wlthoul fartUer demand and mwy inroke Ihe puwer uf zule and uny uthe� remedie�permitled by appltcable low.
<br /> ° � Lender sholl be enlitled to collect all expensex incurred fn pursuinR Ihr remediex provldrd in thlx pvrupr�ph 21. �-- —
<br /> � . includlnR.bu1 not Ifmited to.reac�►ns►ble atlorneys'Pees und coxls oP Illle evfdence. ��'!E'_W
<br /> . IP the power of sale h invoked.'IYuxlee shall recurd u notice oP deP�uU in euch c�woty M which vny pyrl oi lhe . -
<br /> „ Property Is located and shall mall caples aP.ruch notire in Ihe ms�nner prerc�ibed by applkabte Iww to Borruwer�nd to � ' •:�,-n; �
<br /> � _ . the other persons pre.5cribed by upplicvble law Aher the lime required by s�pplic�ble law.71�utitee xhAllµive public ti-�.�;•_�!:_-
<br /> nutice oP ss�le to the per.wns and in the munner prescril►ed by applicuble luw. 'I�uwee.wilhout demwnd nn Borruwer. e � ��--
<br /> � shaN sell the Property At public�uclion to the hishest bidder ut Ihe time und place und under the terms derJgnated in ,i:,:;. ,:�.�'_;_'___
<br /> Ihe notire of sale in one or mo�e parcels and in uny order 71�uxtee determines. 'I�ustec muy partpone sale of�11 nr any • �� �-
<br /> r � parcel of the Property by public announcemrnt�t the lime und plure ui'wny previ�wxly scbeduled wde. Lender or its �r,•,. :..� �:�.�':,
<br /> designee may purchasc the Propertv at any sale. -
<br />- Upon receipt of payment aF the price bid,Trustee shull deliver h�the purchuse�1Yustee's derd conveying the �
<br />:� � . Praperly. The recitals in the'Il�ustee's deed shull be primu facie evidence of the truth uf ihe statemants mude therein. �'
<br /> ;;;� ' 'IYustee shall�pply the praceeds of the sale In the following order: lal to ell costs and expenses oP exercisiog the power � __
<br /> Y'-
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