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<br /> M�kY,�l�V4J�(:':{i� / r i•LY i ay„��: . ..1? .�YII@v- -' N^�ra.'�._ .
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<br /> --�-�=�,m,.�-,,�rR,��h,� periodv thut Lender requirev. The insumnce carcfer providing the inyurunre .hu11 tn cho.eu hy Norruwrr+ubjcci tu l.rn�kr'�
<br /> - �___ -- - npproval which shull not be unreusons�bly wilhheld. If Burrciwer I'oilti lu muimain r�weruKc dcurilx•d ulxwr,Lcnder inuy,a�
<br /> �'� 1,enderR option.obtuin coverage ta pratect l.eiulcr�right�in the Property�n uccur+l;m�c wilh paru�rup}i 7,
<br /> - �--��Tl�.a.�A All inxurance policiex and renewuls shall be aceeptuble tu Lender und.hull inrlude u�tuixlurd munguge cluu�e, LcnJ�r
<br /> _ _______ _ - shull have the r�ght to hoid the policies+u�d renewalg. IF Lcnder requin�s,Bc�rmwrr tihull prompUy givc t��l.ender ull mcri�n �
<br /> ���,,�'+° �� �� of pald premiums und renewal notices. In the event uf lasc,H��rtuwer.hall givc�n�umpt notice w�hr in.ruruiu•c cutricr wxl
<br /> , yr�".��3, Lender. Lender muy moke proaf aF IosR if noi mnde promptly by Borrower. —
<br /> �.+���:,A:- Unlexx I.endcr und.fiotrawar otherwise ugree in wriling,insurnncc prcx:ecdti�hull hc applicd to re.rtorutiun ur repair of
<br /> =-��"- -- the Property dnmu�tK1,if tht.r�stnru�ion or mpuir iw ecanomicully feu,ible und Lender. .ecuri�y is ni�t Ies+ened. If�he �i
<br /> �„ .�' . rewamtian ar repu�r as pnl�aconomicully feuvible or Lender+ xecurity woulJ tk Icsscned, the inrurunce pmceedr shull be
<br /> �-���`�-�� applied!o lhe sum�.xeeufc�d by this Securily Inslniment,whether or nrn then duc. with uny excex.paid ta Borrawcr. If
<br /> "'-�' 1-`''t;+tE�• Barrc►wcr abandon�:.tha Property,or daex nat unwwer wilhin 3U Jays u notice i'mm I.ender�hut thc insurunce currier hu.r
<br /> ��-rx�.:�,';;,� � offered la�ettla+clttim,then l.ender muy ca0ect the insurwue proceedti. Lender may use the pnxecds tu repuir ar rrstore _
<br /> ";''N`�;i�y'".. the Prnperty ar to pay sums secured by Ihis Securiry Instrument,whelher ur nm�hen due. The 30-day period will begin whcn __
<br /> .;�:;:;;�--.�,:. .., �he notic�:i:;given•
<br /> - �`�'''"' Unl¢;ts l.ender und Basmwer olhcrwisc ugrre in wrning,any upplicatian of prcxecds ta principul shall not exlend or _
<br /> ����4�.
<br /> w.,,�::��',�,�;� pastpme tho due datc of the momhly puymentw mferreJ io in puru�rnphs I und 2 or chunge the Amount of the payments. If T
<br /> •���"' ;�,a,4.;;u4!yLL,��,¢Y under pura�ruph?I the Property is ucquired by Lender.Borrower's nght to any insurunce palicie� und pmceeds resul�ing - -
<br /> _. . -- - - fram.damage to the Property prior to Ihe ucyuixition whall pass to Lender to the extent of�he vum��ecured by this Securiry
<br /> • °�"`- � Insfrument immediutely prior to the ucyuisitian.
<br /> ;�.,;A�;.�� �� b. Uccupancy. PreservuUon. Maintenance and I'rotection of' the Properly: Borrower's I.oan Applicallon;
<br /> . . . I.eASeholds. Barrawer shull nccupy,estnblixh,and use tlie Pn�perty os Borrowcr+principal reyidenre within sixty days after
<br /> ••` t� • _;� . the executian of this Securily Inguument nnd shall continuc to occupy ihe I'ropr:ny u+Barcc�wer�principal �e�idence tor ut
<br />- _' � � `W�' " least one yeur ufter the date of occupancy, unlrs, I,nnder othenviK agree, in writing. which consenl .hnll n�t he � .
<br /> _ .. ,.... .�•..:j,�1. :.
<br /> _�, .-� 5� •=��-; � unrausooably withheld,or unles,�extenuuling circumstunces exist which urc hey�md Bormwcr:control. Barrower shull not � _
<br /> ���-;; deatroy,dnmuge o�impair the Property,allow the Propeny lo delcriorate,or cammit wus�e on�he Property. Borrower shall _
<br />��l�;,'�t'•�t � �' be in default if any forfeiturc action or praceeding,whetlwr civil ur rriminal.ix lxgun thal in Lendei's gcxid fuith judgment =_
<br /> °` . �� cauld resuh in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materiully impuir the lien cmuteJ by this Security Instrument or �
<br />-;��; ;` ,y��%?;!„ ,;,, Lender4�ecurity interext. Borrawe�muy cure such u defuull und reins�ule,us provided in purugruph 1R,by ruusmg the uclian �.
<br />='"`'�'�� ,,,� ;r,t;::�`;�" , ar praceeding to bc dismisud wi�h A ruling thut,in Lcixfer'�gcxxl fuilh determination,prccludes fortciturc uf thc Bcxrrnver's �_r
<br /> -�``� • �5�'�•i� interest in the Propeny or olher muterial impAinnent c�f�he lien creu�cd hy thix Security lns�rumrnt or Lenderk scrurlty i,:
<br /> .�.�,�. . '�";:�<<�� ' intcrest. Barrower shall also bc in defuult if Barrower, during thc loan upplirution prcxe4�, gavc muteriully fultie or —Y�
<br /> - �,i;.�rA s�..• inuccurnte informution or��ute�nem�to Lender(ex fuiled�o proviJe LenJer with uny maierial informuuon 1 in connecuon wilh �:
<br />-_y'-��;.. . _ �.. �.`_
<br /> - ;• .. ' ,�:ti�1�.,i;', ,.. thc loan evidenced by ihc Notc, including, but not IimiteJ tu, representuiions con�:crning Borcower's acupnncy c.f thc
<br /> .� �,..:_...,
<br /> '_'_;,� � ;r;,,,,� Propeny us a principul mxidence. If thi+Security Instrurnent ix on A Icu.ehold,Born�wer shull cumply wi�h ull thc pro�•isions __
<br /> ::�a�__•���.>::KC.�U.'s���_ of the leusc. If Borrower acyuims fee tiQe to Ihc Pmpeny.�he I�uxelwld•rnd ihe fee title shall na mcr�e unletis I.xnder ugrees _-
<br /> - : � -_.;.:, -
<br />':'�' • � tu the merger in�vriting.
<br /> _- � � � ' 7. Protection oP Lender'.s Rights in the Prapertv If Borruwer fuit� to perform ihe covenant, and ugrcernem�
<br />",.�,' '. , contuined in this Security In.trument, or Ihere i. :� Iegal prncecding Ihut muv tiignificantly i�ffec� Lrnder's right� in the
<br /> .. Propeny Isuch u�u pr�xeeJing in bankruptcy,pr�ibatc,l'urconikmnuti�m or I'arfciwrc or�a enti�rcc luw.or regulutiun+l.llxn
<br /> " � Lcndrr muy Jo unJ puy ti�r wha�evcr iti ncccszury to pra�ci thc valur�H' �hc Proprrty and Lrndcr.righ�� in thc Pru�ny. _
<br />- � - Lcndcr:uctiimti mi�y incluJc r:�ying uny tiumti.ccunJ by a licn whirh hati�wi�►rity rncr thi�Sccurity In.trumcnt.up�xurinE _,�
<br /> - in coun,puyin�rru+onuMc au��mey,'Ier�und entcrinF nn thc F'ru�xny w mukr rcpairx.Al�hnu�th l.cndr�may iuke uclion
<br />- under thi.parugruph 7.l.ri�lcr dcxs no�havr u►.la.o. �""-
<br />-- ". _�� - Any ;��nuunl,di�hur,cd hy l.�ndcr widcr thi, ���:���:��i> > ,hall Ixcumc aJdi�iunul JeM ul'Rom�a•rr ,crurcJ hy ihi� --
<br /> --.'" • Srcurily In,�rumenl. Unl�,+liarrowrr;md Lrn�kr:��r�r a.uihrr��nn���I pa�mcnl,thc`r amuun�,,hall lkar inicrti.�frum ihr �-.
<br /> ''•'•'.' �� � ' dale ut'di.bur.cment at the N��Ie r:uc+md,hnll Ix��uyahlt.�viih inlrr�.I. u�m ix�tire t�om l.endrr�o N��rroa•er rcyur.iin� R:°
<br />_:,',' ' . paymem.
<br /> " • S. �toMUvuc b�+uruncc. II'Lrndcr Rquircd nu�nE:ig� in,uranrr:�,a r��n�lili�m of mr�,in� �hr I��an xrurcd hy ihi. _ _
<br /> Srruri�y In,innnem. Norcowcr ,hull pay �he prrmiu�u. rc��uired lu muiniuin ih�mon�a�e in.uruncr in effrci. If,lur any --
<br /> . , Ra,un. the murtgu�r in.ur.�ncr ru�•era�r �ryuinJ hy Lcnd.r lap.r. ur re+�.�. iu Ix in clicrl. liurruwrr .hall pay Ilie -
<br /> , pmmiumti reyuinJ to�►htain ro�•eragr .uh,tunlially ryuivalrnl t���he iuunE:��te in,uranr� previou.l�� in rllecl. at i+ ru�t K-.
<br /> _ sub.lanliully ryuieakm tu ihr �atit tu liorrowcr��f thr nwngagr in+ur:mr� prrviuu,l� in elticl. Irum an:dtcmatc murtgagc ��,
<br /> ° in+urcr appruvrJ hy Lcnder. It'.ul,�tantiaU�•cyui�•alem nu�n�ugr in.uranrr r���rragr i,nut a�••rilahlc.ti�irn���cr ,hall ray ia ---
<br />_ " ' ' Lrndrr ru�h mon�h u+um equal lo unr-�u•rllih�►f�hr ycurly murt�u�c in�uranrr prrmium Ixing paid by Hi►rrawrr��h�n ihc —°
<br /> , . imurun��rovcrage I•rp,rJ ur rra.rd to I.n in elfect. l.ender will+�rrept.u,�anJ rc�ain ihc.c pa�mrnl.a,a I��,+re�rrve in(ieu �,-.
<br />- o(mungagc in,urunrr. Lu.. n.ervr paymcnt, ma�•n��Inngrr Ix rryuim�L a� �hr ap�i�m�il'LrnJrr. il'nu►rtgagc in,ur:ukr a--_
<br />- . � � r��vcrage(in�hc amuunl:mJ ti�r Ihc�xriud Ihat Lcndrr nyuirr,�pro�•idrd My an in.w•er aprrocrd hy LrnJrr aEuin txromc. E_.�-
<br /> , � availablc ancl i.uhlaincJ. Bum���rr,hall pa�•�hc p�mium, reyuir�J 1��m:iinlain m��nea�r in.uranrr in rt'tert.ix tu pm�idc:� � '
<br /> - . lu.0 rr.rrv�.until thr rcquircmrnt tirr m��rlFngr in�urance�ixl�o�urcurJimrc��ilh:m� ��riu�n i�eiermrnl he�wcrn Borro�ecr � -
<br />. .. . , � � utxl Lrndcrur applicabl� law. ?.`�
<br /> 9. Imp�Ylion. LcnJ�r ur il. agern m:q mal.r rc:n�•uaMr cmrir.u��un:uiJ �m�k�•iiun.uf ihr!'ra�xhy. Lrndcr.Iwll �r_.
<br /> .. gi�•r Bim'u��rr nulire al thr limr al�,r pri��r���:�n in.�k�rti�nt •�x�•it�inr rr:i.�,p�d,�r r.ni..t��r�hc in,�kcli„it. R�F
<br />- • � 10. Condemnaliun. rn��n,««�,�,�,m) .i��:ud uri L�ini lur J.un;iL�••,dirc.t or i�m��yurnli:d.in cunnrction��ilh any
<br /> , Sm•Icl.nml�• F'unnk\1ue'treddic\lacl�lt'ON�II��7Rl�IF.�I lud,.nnl'n�.u.un. 4411 �p��er',��r�i�.�.�u �,
<br /> } ,(. � ����•.n i.r,�IWIMV Irt�IN Ilh ■ �
<br /> 1��Iltd,l�.III I IMM�:tll'I.t•11 1\\��1�.7•�1 tlll
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