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<br /> �'i`�' T(XiFTHIiK WITH uU�ho im rovomen�� n��w on c�rculicr crec�cd �xi�Ix: ro n� und ull cuKnxni+,u nenunccr,
<br /> =��=y�_�-_� n r r� �. nr�
<br /> ���,�„ w�xl lialuree n��w ar hrtec�fl«u pwtt oF Ihe pru�xny, All replwenknlr ui�l uJ�lill��n.r,hull�Iw�Iw cuvcred by thf� Sccurity
<br /> `�°°-� I�utrumcnl. AU uf Iho fu�cRuiop ir+rcf'crr�d Iu in ihiN ti4wurily Inrlrunknl ur lik"F'roperly."
<br /> �
<br /> �" • ,'�, KURK(1WLR t'OVfiPJANT`i�hm Nurr��w�r i.r luwlully�Ix�d nf thc cr�u�r Ixmby convcyeJ und hu�. ih�: right to grunt
<br /> - �� •� aml c�mvey Ihc!'n�crty,�n�l Ihxl ih��F'n+�xny ir unrncumhrmd.cxcrpt li�r cncwnhruikc.r uf rccord, Hutu�wcr wurr�nlr aiui
<br /> ���:�:��re�at���� ,, - �
<br /> wlll defcnd Kcncrully Ihc lillc tu Ihc 1'm�wAy u�uintit aH cla�m�und�knwndti,r�uhjcc�lu uny cncumhranccr u(rccorJ,
<br /> "k ""� THI5 5L�CURITY INSTRUM�,N7' combincy unifurm covrnwi�r IiK nutionul u� und nan•unil'urm cavetwntr with
<br /> .,,,,,�,��0. limited vuriatlnn,�by Juritidicdun iu cunhlitutc�unit ixm w�ruri�y in.trumcnt cuvcring rcal prupcny. � _
<br /> � '��;,'�b.-,� UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Barruwcr u�xl Lc�xlcr cuvciwnl und ugrcc uti fidluwr�:
<br /> ,�,,.;.�,, ", . 1. P�yment of PNncipwl und laterext;Pre{wymem pnd l.ote ChorRea. Barn�wcr wball pmmpllY paY when due the
<br /> �.� "•'�-4� prfncipal of und Interesi on tho debt evidenccd by the Nwe und any prepayment und Inte charge.r duc under the Nnte.
<br /> ��"`�'""'y" 1�_-= 2. F�unds for 7iucea pnd Inaurwnee. Subject io vpplicable luw�r to a written waiver by Lenckr.Burcower xhull pay to
<br /> _' `..; ` Lender un the duy monthly paymenty urc dua wxler thc Nae.until the Nate is puid in full,u sum 1"Funds"► for:(u)yeurly
<br /> � •1� �` y taaex und u.csegsmenta which may attuin prioriry over thig Security In.rtrument us u lien un the Propeny;lb)yearly Ieasehold
<br /> __ , "�'"�;'-"���' payments or ground rcnts on thc Property, if any; (c) yearly huzurd or property inauruncc premiums; (d) ycurly flood _
<br /> '_;�.,.-.��• e• � insurance premiums,if uny; (e! yearly moRgu�e ingurance premiums, if any; and 1�1 nny hums pnyable by Borrawer to
<br /> - �� -' ' ` Lcnder,in uccordance with the provisiana of p:uograph S,in lieu ui thr ��yment of mortguge ingurunce prcrniums. These
<br /> —°`"`' `�"•�•� items ure called"Eserow Items." Lender mny,At uny time,collect und hold Flinds in nn umaunt�ot�o exceed the mAximum
<br /> ,, • .� . umount n lender for u federully relaled mortguge laan may reyuire for Borrower's escrow accounl under the federal Real
<br />--- �' `�� � Estate SetUernent Procedurer Act uf 1974 u.r•amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C.�2601 et sey.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> . _ �- " �.`= �' ` law thut upplies ta the Fundc sets a lesser amount. If so,L.ender mt►y,At any time.collect and hold Funds in an wnount not ta
<br /> i lt ' °`' exceed the lesser amou�t. Lender muy estimute the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonnble
<br /> -"'—" - - estimates of expenditurea of futune Excrow ltems or aherwise in accurdance with applicuble lutiv. ------
<br /> ��� ° The Funds shc�ll be held in an instiwtion whose drposits ure insured by o federnl ugency, instrumentality, or cntity
<br /> ��. � (including Lender,if Lender is such an institudon) or in any Federal Home Loun Bunk. Lender whall apply Ihc Fimds�o pay
<br /> . ' the 8scrow Items. l.ender m�y not churge Bonower for holding and upplying the Funds, annuully analyzing the ezcrow
<br /> `� ���•;' uccount, or verifying the Escrow Ilems, unless Lender pnys Borrower ioterest an the Fundz und applicnble Inw permits
<br /> " ''• ''�; Lender to mal�e such a charge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time chnrge far� independent real
<br /> v"�;:
<br />%_:•;�� ���.;��� estate tux reporting service used by Lender in connection with this IoAn,unlass applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> agreement is made or applicablc low requires interest ro be paid,Lender shnll not be required to pay dorrower any interest or _
<br /> ,:•,. earnings on the Runds.Burrower and l.ender may c�gree in writing,however,thut interest shull bc paid on the Funds. Lendcr �
<br /> " � shall give to Borcower,without churge,un unnual uccounting of the F1mds,showing credits and debits to the Funds und the ��`
<br /> .i,•_�.
<br /> - ', , •`• '�� purpose for which each debit to the Fbnds was mude. The FLnds are pledged ns additionul security for all sums secured by
<br /> %:� :.;r„�•:' this Security Instrumeiu.
<br />-"•' ' � � " ���' If the FLnds held b Lender exceed the amounts rmitled to be held b a I�cable luw. I.ender �hull uccaunt to --
<br /> -,• �, , :# '' Y Pe Y PP� _.. _.
<br /> r.�. . �•�� Borrower for�he exces.g Funds in accordance wiih ihe reyuiremems of appiicabie iaw. if�he umount uf�iie Funds hcid by `
<br /> + • . ;;��;�.t;,:: Lender ut an time is not sufficient to a the 6scrow Items when due, Lender ma �o notif Bomnwer in wdtin and,in �'�" ' �
<br />. Y P Y Y• Y g• �-?�;•�,;�'�'.:-
<br /> such case Borrower vAall pay to Lender the amount necessury to muke up the deficiency. Borrowcr shall muke up �he ��----~�
<br /> ` dc�ciency in no more ihan Iwelve momhly pnymcn[s,ut Lender's sole discretion.
<br />- •` Upon payment in Full oP all sums secured by thix Security Inslrumenb Lender sh•rll promptly rrfund to Borrower Any
<br /> Funds held by L.ender, If,under parvgruph 21, Lender shull ucyuire or scll the Propeny.Lcndcr,plii�r to LhC acquisition or a--�-�--�y
<br /> sale of the Praperty.chall opply uny Fundx tield by Lender at thc time of ucquisition or sule as a credit against the sums � '` ""'�`
<br />_ ' secured by this Securily Instrumem.
<br />;_ 3. Applicatlon of Payments. Unle.,upplicuble luw pruvidc.r otherwisc, all puymemz mceiveJ by L.ender under =- -
<br /> � ' parugrophx I und 2�Iwll bc upplied:tint,�o:my pnpuyment churgeti duc undcr thc No�c;tiecond,to umounts payuble under �'^��+a;�-
<br /> paragruph 2;IhirJ,w imrnrt duc;fourth,lo principal due:and la+l,to uny lule churges due under the Note. �"
<br /> 4. Charges; Lkns. Burrowcr shull puy all tuxrs, asuy�mems, churgeti, fine� und imposiliuns�uribulabl�io the "•;
<br /> ' Property which may unain prioriry over thiw Security Imtrument,und IeakholJ payment.or gn�unJ rcnts, if any. Burrower ��1�^J'
<br /> ;� nhull pay thrsc obli�aliuna in thr munncr pruvidcJ in puraK�uph 2,or ii nut paiJ in that mannrr.Borruwcr�hull p•ry tham on �_.:.,T_--=--'
<br /> Y P� p'Y p P Y p' j- .-
<br /> „ timc dintiU io thc ru►n nwrJ � mrnt. Borrowcr,hall rom d furnitih io Lrnd�r ull nuticcx oi'amuunt�:to be aiJ undcr � .r��--:
<br /> �his p;uugrnph. If Bomiwcr makes thece paymcntti direcUy,8orrower.hall prompUy furni.h lo Lcixier receipix evici�ncing �;=:i�, -"
<br /> ' thc payments. �t-_.:.__
<br /> . Borrower shall promptly discharge nny lien which hrs prioritp uver this Security In+tniment unleax Borrower.(a)a�trees !',�`�_
<br />