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<br /> Mswanco pramlums,qround nnts,+nd ul other chAr9�e wlrelsowai���ied�P�a assossed,placed o�mpde a yalnat tl��iust
<br /> � Propwry. Truator fuhMr apr��,upon wndsn ieqvest pY Qenv/lclary.tc�p►a►+PtlY delivar 10 6eneNcl�vy r+ll recelpts la tha payment ol _,,,.�
<br /> such chaiQa�. Tiusto►llk�wls��p�s to paY a►11�1res.e8sesern9n►4 e+�af W►�r charpo�fovied upon a�ssrssod.P�+��d a n'wcl� �--.
<br /> • " p��lnsf,or meASUrod by�th/s D�d ol Truaf a th�nic4+danon haNwol.
<br /> � ° a. Appl/c�don ol Paymenfs.AlI p�ymmfs►ocalva4 fiy BQMIJaIary A9 ta en�d�bt,Ueb�ury a obl�pation owad ro Berwl/clary by Tivata �'=-�°�-=
<br /> �•,a� � d "' ' m�y b�appWd by B�noAClary 10 fM paymont ql fhH/ndobt�dnese 4r lC�eny such alhor deb►.I�aWJIly or obllgadon,In any ader a ��-_�_�.�-
<br /> , manrwr o/appNallon whkh Bonehclary,�n its e�dut�diaaretlon,d9�lns ePP►ooul�fe.Unless otharwlsa ekctod by BaNllclary,eny
<br /> ;.,;,�,�„�d�''��._ :,' such p�V�nont shatl bo de�►rwd appdod Nrat N tt�paym�nt Cf qrty d4�C Neb►!!ty oi obflyahon other tbAn the M�.
<br /> — .-- 6. C;ha►p�s.L�wrs. l�us(o�w111 kYOp fi�e Tiusf fsrv/�rry lr4�t�w1�t�11 Nt7n:,���n�u�4raxe4 whlch 1n any wey m�y,in the lud9n►ertt d _-- -_-_ i, ---
<br /> � ' � ' Bane/1c1ary,have p►lonry over,a/mpa�►the secur�ty o!,tMe Deoal al Hu+st but Tiusta need not d�scherge any such lien so lonp as �
<br /> � ' �� � 7nuta aha�l agrae.In wntlnp,ro p�y the oWig�►irm aec+xe�d by ouch l�en in a m�nner accepfable�o Benel�clary and fhW!!n Qoa�:alth
<br /> , confasf�uch llon by approprlete IeQal pra;e94�nr�1 eNbc��ve fa/k�venl Ihp onJorcament o/the flen and Ihe fosrt o�any intprost In or �F _L __ '
<br /> ' parf ol the Trust Propwty. �
<br /> ^ 7. Hazard Insu�ance. Trusta shW keep fhe buildmg�s arrd o�hei imp✓cwem�rrts now exlsfing or he►ealte�erected on the Tiust Piop6rty � ___
<br /> " �nsured by insurenco carriers sadsfactay to�Ete►+Qlicisry t+g�nst los4 by fire,hazards included�n tha term"extended covsrdge' and ��r,���--
<br /> '• �• , .�..� such olhar hazaids,casualaes and conqngenales es�nay be reqvlrad by Benelicrary, in such amolMts and for suCh periods es ntpy bi � __
<br /> requ/red by Beneticlery. The policy ol tnsuran4w ahulf bu in Ibrrn acaaptaWe to Benelrciery,proWde that fhe same may not be —�.-
<br /> � cancelled a modlNed wifhaat 6Reen(1�)daya pnor wdtt$n not�q�o.Beneliaery, and shell have bss payable p►ovlslons in lava ol and �
<br /> � in far»acteptdble to Beneficiary.NI promiumg�n inssaance pol�alee shall bo pa/d!n fhe manna►provlded unde�para�raph 4 herool _ _
<br /> 41 w,il naf pa�d!n such manner,by Trustw making�Aayment atles$t lilt�en(15)days p►+o�ro the due date,directty ro fi►e fnsurance _
<br /> 1
<br /> „ , � renerwal notl ea erynd a��d prerni um iec p�3 reC�ved Y�y i��event�a�8enef c ery o►Tius ee be held e'sponsl�lal��re to �— �
<br /> � . , 0 pay insurance premlums ar fa any�oss cr damage anelnp�vu►-uf e defect!n any pohcy o►ansing out o!any lailure al any insuranCe
<br /> � canpany fo pey foi any loss or damage.insur�d ag3�nef A�fvr fa11u►e by Trustor[o ellecf the insurance►eqwred hereunde�.In the evenf —
<br /> �� o!loss,Trustor ahell give prompt notlae 4V ms►1-�A.fhn.meu►w+as cariier and Beneficlary.Benel�aary may make prool o/loss if not _
<br /> ..
<br /> " '� made prompt/y orin p►oper form by Truvfor.All pqfiaJea ollneur�►rce and any and ell refunds ol uneamad premlums ere hereby
<br /> . ` , � asslgned to Benehciery as adddianal sncu►lI}i���r rhQ�umQnr of the Indebtedness.ln rhe event ol Benel;clary's exorcise ol rhe power `____ ��
<br /> CV ol sale conte/ned hereln,or�n tne evenr a��orearoau►e,e�!n4rrr,tltle and fnterest o!Tiustor�n and to any�nsurance poficy then in lace _�
<br /> " " Q� she//pass to tha purcheser et the fruslee s sale a fcreciosure sele.In case ol any loss,the mswence proceads may,at the opdon ol �����`,
<br /> °, , Beneficlary,be applled by Benellclary upon rhe/ndebtedness,or any paA thereol,and in such ader and amount a4 Benelic►ery may ,_-_.
<br /> determJne:or sald lnsurance proceeds,at Me optlon o1 Beneliclery,may ei�her be used In rep/acing oi restonng the Trust Property ��v ��'--'�'
<br /> parNalfy or fotally deshoyed to a cond�tlon satiafectory to 8eneliciary;a sald�nsurance p►oceeds,or any portion the►eol,may be
<br /> released to Trusror.Unless BeneHclary and Tiustor otherwise agree m wnnng,any such appllcabon of Msurance prxeeds shell not - ,
<br /> ' extend or postpone the due dete ol the Note,a any/nsral/ments called la Iherein,o►change the amount ot such msfaflments.ll the �,�,-,u,°-�•
<br /> Tiust Prope►ty is acqubed by BeneliC/ary pursuenf to tlie exercise o/Ihe power ol sele or other/oreclosure,ali nght,title and�nterest of �>�__
<br /> • Tiusta�n end to any msurance p�oceeds payable as a result ol damage fo the Tiust P�openy pnor►o the sale or ecqwsi6on shell pass �
<br /> to Beneliciary a��J shell be applied�irst to tha casfs and expenses,lncludrng attomey lees,incurred ln cdlecNng such proceeds.►hon �,�=---- - .
<br /> • in thp manner and�r+fhe order provided heieln. •���
<br /> 8. Preservadon and Melntenance of Tiust Properry. Tiusror will keep the buildings and other improvements rrow or herealter erecfed on .
<br /> _ - ___. �ha Tn�st Property m good repair and condltlon and will not commit or permit waste.wdl not alter the desfgn or sbuctural character s,x:-.
<br /> conshtuting any bullding now o►nereaNer erected on and conshtuting the Trust I�mparry wimom fha prior w�itiw►c�nsent of �:,� i
<br /> • - ���,��,:� Benel�ciary,will not do arty acf oi fh�ng whlch would unduly Impali or depreclata the value o/ihe Tiust PropeRy and w�U not abandon r,.�•�•��
<br /> "��r.:. . � the Tiust Pro erty. Trustor will not remove an Iixtures consdtu6ng[he Tiust Property unless ttie sarne are immedietely replaced with �f� ri
<br /> r?� � like p�operty subject ro the Ilen and security Interest ol th►s Oeed ol Trust and of at least equal value and utlllty. Trustor wUl comply with ��� '�
<br /> all piesent and/uture ordinences.regulehons and requiremenfs ol any govenwnenfal body which are applicable to the Trust Properry � ,
<br /> � and to the occupancy and uae thereoJ.lf�h�s Deed oi Trust is on a umt!n a condominlum or a planned unit developmenf,Trustor shall �
<br /> , per/o►m all ol Trustor's oblige6ons under the declarahons or covenants creahng or govern�ng the condominlum or the planned unit , . :��
<br /> deve/opment,the bylaws andregu►ahons ol►he condomrn�um or p/anned unit dovelopment.end the�constituent documents. •�ix.,�
<br /> „ 9. Inspectlon.Beneficiery or rts agents may,at all reasonable times,enter upon the Trust Property`ar the purpose ol inspecdon. ' � �R_
<br /> BeneficJary shall heve no dury fo make such inspechon and shall nof be Ilab/e fo Trustor or ro any person Jn possession!f If makes a , �.-`
<br /> , falls to make any such inspeclion. • ��.'`_=
<br /> 10. Pmtection ol Secur.!;• !!Trustor lalls to per/orm any o!the coven:�nts and ag►eements con[ained in Ih�s Daed o!Trust,or if eny action �,
<br /> . . or proceeding is commenced wnich dces or may adversely aHect the Trust Properry o►the inte�est a!Trustor or Benet�ciary therein or
<br /> the title o/Trustor thereto,then Bene/iciary,at ds opGOn,rnay peAorm such convenants and agreemeMs,mako such appearances, �
<br /> de/end against end(nvestigale scch achon or proceedmg and take sur,h other acf�on as Beneliciary deems necessary to profect ils
<br /> interest includ�ng,but not Ilmfted fo,disbursement of�easonable aKomey fees and entry upon the Trust Property to make repairs.My � �,.,.r,,,.
<br /> • amounts dlsbursed by 6eneficiary pursuant to this parag�aph 10,wdh lnterest thereon,shall const�tu�e/ndebtedness ol Tiustor �..v*-��.
<br /> secu�ed by this Deed ol Trust Unless Trustor and Bane►rciary agree to other terms o/payment,such emounts shafl be payeble upon �' '^"�;J�
<br /> ,� noUce Irom 8enehc�ary to Tius►or requeshng payment lhereot,and shall bear mterest Irom the date of d/sbursement at the delault ra[e, � '=''�•
<br /> . �•_:
<br /> � :'' !1 eny,Set forih in the Note,or ofhe►wlse at the highest rate pe►mitted by law.Nothmg contained in th�s paragraph shafl requue � •.;��;�
<br /> �, Beneficlary to incu�any expense a►take any acbon hereunder. Trusto►inevocably authonzes and empowers 8eneliciary to enter upon { �
<br /> ' the Trusi P►openy as Tius[or's agent and,in Trustor's r.sme o�otherwise to per/orm any and all covenants and agreements to be i
<br /> per/ormed by Trustor as herein p►ow�ed. Benelicrary shall.at rts option,be sub�ogated to any encumbrance.lien,claim or demand �
<br /> •� and to all rights and securifies ior the peyment fhe►eof paid o►discharged by Benef�dary under the provrsions hereol and any such t • .
<br /> subrogaUon rights shall be addiUonal end cumufahve secunty for this Deed o!Tiusf .
<br /> i f. Condemnation.The proceeds ot any awerd or claim lor damages.dvect or consequenhel.�n connection wrth sny condemnahon or ;
<br /> other taking o►the Trust Property,or any pert thereof,or lor conveyanCe m heu o/or m anbapahon of Condemnahon,are he�eby
<br /> essJgned to and sha11 be paid fo 8eneficiary. Trustor will G�e and prosecufe,in,qood/adh and wdh due ddigenCe,�fs cfaim lor any such
<br /> ewa►d or payment,end will cause tho same to be collected and pa�d to Beneticiary, end, should R lail to do so.Trustor irrevoCably
<br /> authonzes and empowe►s Beneliciery,m the name o1 Trustor or othenvise.[o file,proseCUte.settle or compromise eny suCh Claim and
<br /> � to Collect,►BCeipt/o►and retan the prceeeds.Il fhe Trust Property es abandoned by Trustor.or.a/ter notice by Benel�Ciery to T►ustor
<br /> � that the condemnor oHers to make an award or setlle a cJa�m for tlamages. T�ustor fa�ls to respond co 8enelic�ar�withm thrrty 130)days
<br /> aRer the date such npt�ce�s mailed, 8enel�c�ary�s aulnonzed�o collect anq apply rhe proceeds m the manner�nd�cated here�n. 7ne �
<br /> , ' proceeds of any award or Cfa�m may.eRer deduChng all reasonaDle co�ts and expenses.mclud�ng attorney/ees, wh�Ch may have
<br /> been mcuned by BeneHc►ery�n the collechon the�eol.at tne sole d�scret�on ot Benel�c�ary.be released to Trusfor. appl�ed to
<br /> restoretlon ol Trust Property,or appl�ed to the payment of fhe►ndebtedness. Unless Benel�c�ery and Trusror otherw�se a,qree in wnnng.
<br /> eny such epplkat�on ot procee�s to/ndebfedness shall not exte�d or posfpone the due date ol the Note or fhe peyment ol any
<br /> instellmenfs Called!or thereunder.
<br /> ' 12. Trustor Not Released. Extens�on of the f�me for payment or modrf�rahon o/any amort�zahon ol the Indebtedness granted by Benel�c�ary
<br /> to any successor m mteresf of Trustnr shall not operate to release.+n eny manner,the l�ab�l�ty ol Trustor and Trustor's successors m
<br /> _... ..... ...,.
<br /> (nteiest. Benehciary Sh811 nof be requneo ro commence proceedrnys uya�rrai�ucT��..��a�s��v�:c�uov,`v an:a.�...:.':a...:'.:�•'::�•••.,•'
<br /> othenwse mod�ly amort¢etion ol fhe Indebtedness by�eason o�any demand made by Trustor and Trusfor's successers
<br /> �n intersst.
<br /> 13. Financral lntonnahon.Upon reques�of Benehc�ary.Trustor wdl prov�Oe to Benehc�ary, w�tn�n rnnery�90)days ol the c�ose o1 each 6scai
<br />� y@8/01 IIUSfOI,Ih@ COASUlItltll@O b3/d/IGtl JIItltlI cf�iJ oIdIClIlB�11 O�C3/fl1119S OI TIUSIO/d�Q dllY fi�0 dl�yUdfdfllW�Vi�i�H inuauia�/��do5 -
<br /> seCU►ed hereby.►f�ny.and wd/provide and deJ�ver fo Benel�c�c�ry such olher Gnenaal inlormahon and m such manner as 8enelic+ary
<br /> may reasonably reyuest Irom hrne to hme
<br /> f4. F(nanc�al Covenants.ln addfion to any other linancral covenants o/Trustor mAdo�n any othe�agreement,mstrument or document.
<br /> Trustor shall comply w�th and she�l Ceuse any and a!1 gua�antors vl the Irtdebfedness secured hereby to comply w�th. or be m
<br /> compliance wrth,the lollowmg/inanc�al covenan�s�(ih�s parag�aph sha11 not app�y��covenants and reqwrements are not set
<br /> ronn ne.e�n.�
<br /> 15. Schedule af Leases. Wdhin 1en (I01 daYS eRe►demano. Trustor shall Iwnrsh to Benehciary a sChedule. Cert�lred to b y Trustor.sefhng
<br /> � lorth all feeses of the Trusl Properry. nr an g p
<br /> y po►t�on thereof,�nclud�n �n eacn Cese.the name of the fenants or oCCUpant�.a descn hrn
<br /> ol the space occup�ed by such tenant or occupanf. tne renfal payable fvr such spaco.anA such nthNr rnlo�madnn and Oacuments wrth
<br /> iespect to such/eases and lenancres as Benef�aary��:�y�easonabty r�quest
<br />