. 1r,1! , t: �� ,.. .. - .i•i�� .���CIiti1�4'. .i� . . . :t�.pf!' �.. .,. • , i� ., .' _ ��..`:.�t:ilYl��i,tl:Y...,:.1:,..,
<br /> �ry �� � lj`�}1J,�)I,'`:�'.L,tl� ��a_. ^° _ "�1.`��.4���a�i���l}'�1 ° �;ln .1�� %iS.y. .. .1�:.�/�!�q,, �{��_ k.:.�.� � 1 � .. !. i , ,SYrilf►ht3�•!t t ��tTIY! _
<br /> ....J�1.r�t.... u..lt�t.J��3_ L� _ — —._..'='�4.ati.:. ._. � {�1~rG"l:�'.�1.� � �..Y.I�a��Y�—��_"-�'_'':S',��r ., _ _ . . , .
<br /> . 4�c..... CSka41r S.L ►ilt�o;!�iJd.ifilt - , 1i0..:i
<br /> •[ . . ��.�N��+.�.wrt+�!. . :.,�n.;.4,,t�y�(�_ :, •.�'�;';�� , � ,s.
<br /> � , . . •- w.ra
<br /> ' .I.. yi�_ri�S i��-n' 1r..�' .
<br /> � .__._._ ...�.... _.��__.._.___ ----�-�._ �r.-:�v
<br /> - �-��....., -
<br /> � need oi Trust �� � - -��
<br /> , � �+� 92_ io��48 ��`l
<br /> .. . � � .
<br /> . ' ��' ' H� 1� � M 18.9�.b and betwsen ' --._
<br /> „ , T S DEE F RUST!s mado th�a�-day ol 8Y . Y
<br /> __ _ . :�_.:_-.:_ _ _ _ R vers e nvoetmant nc. whether one or more,(herolnaf�er cWlad tho"Tivator'7,
<br /> ' � �� whosemelunAaddresals 1 lI CBRESCUBCII Raad. Grand Iels�nd. Nebraeka b88Q1 ___ _ � °- _
<br /> , , NORWEST�qNK (horglnalter called�he"Tiustee"),whose malling address�s
<br /> :,,._..�_--_-—_—-
<br /> 202 W ira ran s an ,—NE ,and NOAWEST BANK Nebraska Nat�onal Asoocia¢ion t(nherelneRe+ �'; ;�'
<br /> . __ w.��,� er......r /��.....7 Te1 nn.i NnI�YACI[A pp8�l , �i
<br /> celled the"Bs►►eNclery'),whoaa maUing addross!e � .. �
<br /> • WITNESSETH:
<br /> WHEREAS Trusror Is lndebted fo BeneBalery!n the pdnclpal aum of T�� H��D TtlOUSAMI ANU NO/100 --------- - _
<br /> Dolfars(S �d0.000.�0 �,which lndebtodnesa!s evldenced by Trustor's promissory note dafed�12—, 19-?2-,(he�elnalter —
<br /> called tha"Note"),payabla to 1he ade�ol Beneficiary and having a rneturityol December 31 199 _ _
<br /> NOW,THEAEFORE,lor the purpose o►securing: _,.
<br /> (a) payment ol►he Note,together with interest►herevn,late charg�a,prepeyment penalUes,any luturo advances,anci all extenelon$� -.
<br /> modlNcadans,substihrtions and renewels thereol,
<br /> .<� (b) paymenf o/all other sums,fees a charges,rogether wlth lnterest theroon,advanced fo protect the security o/thls Deed o/�iust And -
<br /> fhe perfom►ance ol the covenants and agreaments ol Trustar,whether a not set IoKh heieln, _
<br /> (c) perlormance,dlsaharge of and canpllance wllh every term,covenant obllgAfion and agreemen►ol Tiusta contalr►ad hera�n or � ::�,—
<br /> incaporated by ieference a�any olher securlty lnsbument at a�ytfine gJven to secwe the Note,and
<br /> (d) the repayment o/all other sums or tuture advences, wlth lnte�est therea►,whlch may heretolore have been a henalter be odvancod .
<br /> " by BeneNc/ary to Tiustor or Tasror 8 sucaessor!n lnterest or dtle, �
<br /> all ol whlch!s herelnafler collecBvety called the"Indebtedness",Tiustorin►evacably grenta end hansfers ro Tiustee,!n t�ust,WITH POWEA ' ..
<br /> OF SALE,the lollowing descdbed prope►ry: ��
<br /> !R._.---
<br /> ��,i�':?tH;�--
<br /> See Attached Exhi.bit "A" of Deed of Truat ''s'�'k"``
<br /> !"'!"'!;.•,s-..--
<br /> _ �ngarher wlfh{Jl a0 bulldings.sf�uclures,eddldons,enlargements,mod'dlcalions,�epalis,replecements,and lmprovemeMs now a here�iter
<br /> �F?S r�-S�—
<br /> Ixated thereon,(IQ all equlpment,mschlnery and/ixtures pncludmg,wrtnout dmitanon,e!1 lightiny,i►nnfir�g, venillaUng,cooNng,alr _-�,�__—
<br /> condltlaning,spNnkdng and plumbing pxtures,weter and power sysiems, engines,bollers,ranges,ovens,dlshwashers,mlirors and mantels, 4�r��_.
<br /> carpedng,/umaces,oll bumere,elevetors and motors,re/rlgeradon plents aunits,communlcadon systems,dynamos,hansfo�mers, elechical ,I..`�;,.' %� ��
<br /> equlpment,srorm and screen wlndows,doors,awnings and shedes) now o�herealter atteched to,a bullf in,any bullding o�lmprovemenf •--�--
<br /> now orherealterlxated thereon. (iIl)ell easemems and r/ghfs o!wayappunenant lha�eto,(iv/,eNleasehold estate,right,tftfe andlnterastot •��=~�_:--
<br /> Tiustor In end to al!/eases,whelhsr now or he�ealter ex(sting or ente�eu inro Qncluding,wi�hout llmiladon,all cash end secunty deposils. , • ,�;:
<br /> � advarrce rentals and deposits orpayments of a slmlla�nature),pertaM►np thereto,(v)all rente,Isaues,prolits end Income therelrom(subJect
<br /> to the dght at Tiustor to cdfect and epply 9uch rents,Issues,proNts and inoome as they become due and payable so long as no event ol y
<br /> default exlsts heieundei),(v1)all►oyal8es,mineral,o!I end ges rlghts end proilts,weter,water�ights,and wate►stock,(vll)all fenements, �. . , _
<br /> heredltaments,pnvfleges and appurtenences belonging, used or enjoyed!n connectlon therewRh,and(vill)�+II p►oceeds ol convers/on, - • -_:.i.,,_
<br /> ' • voluntary or lnvoluntary,ol any ol the loregdng Into cash o►/lquldeted clafms(including,without Hmitatlon,p►oceeds o►Insurance and -- • _ _
<br />' � • condemnaUon ewerds),all ol whlch is herelnalter collecfivety called the"7NSt P►operty".
<br />• ''`` �' �• 1. Title. TiusMr covenants,wenan►s and ag�ees w!tl►Beneliclary,its successors and asslgns,that TrusMr owns the Trust Propeity fiee `,��-
<br /> � ':��•. Irom any pdor qen or encumbrance,that thls Deed o/Tiust is and will remaln a valld end en/orceabfe Brst 1(en on the Trust Pioperty. ' -��:t
<br /> . that Tiustor,at Ita expanse,wlll preserve such tlGe and will maintefn thls Oeed ol Tiust as a li►st and peramount 1len upon the Tiust -r'
<br /> � PropeRy arrd w!I!lorever wanant and delend the vafidity and priority of the Ilen hereo/againsf the clalms o�all persons and paRles � '�"l
<br />� whomsoever.Trusto►,at!ts expense,wilf cause thls Deed ol Trust and each amendmenf or suppfement hereto,to be R/ed and •��'`•"'..
<br /> � recorded as e mortgage o/�he Tiust Prope�ty In such manner and/n such pface and wlll take such action as(n the opinlon o!Tiustee . . •""T�
<br /> , may be repulred by eny present or luture law in order to perlect malntaln and protecf the 1len ol thls Deed ol Tiust,as 1he same may
<br /> � be emended or supplemen�ed Irom��me to time.Trustor will rnaNe such further assurance or assurances ro perfect its tlde to the Tiust
<br /> . Property as may be required by Benellclary. Trustor hereby re�nquishes all rlghf o/dowe�and homestead In and to Ihe Tiust PropeAy. . „
<br />, 2. Payment ol Indebtedness. Trusror shall punctually pay the principa!ol and interes�on fhe Indebtedness secured hereby. ; '
<br />� . 3. Conshuctlon o!Improvemenfs. 7rustor shall complete in good and wo�kmanOke manner any budd�ngs.improvements or repalrs rela6ng
<br /> i thereto whlch may be begun on the Trust Property or contemplafed by the loan evidenced by the Note secured he►eby,to pay when
<br /> �� � •� due all costs and Ilabllifies incuned fherefore,and not to permd any consnuction l�en against such Trust Prope►ry.In the event
<br /> conshuct(on ol buifdings.improvements or repa�rs are conternplated,Trustor also ag►ees,anythrng!n thls Deed o/Trust to the canhery
<br /> notw(thstanding;(a)to p►ompt/y cammence any such work andro complete the proposed improvements promptly,(b)to compfete the
<br /> Iseme�n eccordance w�th the plans and specdicetrons as approved by Benef�clary.(c)to comply wrth all the terms ol a buildmg ban
<br />� ag►eement,if any,between Trustor and Beneliclary.the te►ms of wh�ch a►e�ncorporated herein by rele�ence and made e part hereo%
<br /> i (d)to allow Benelic�ary to inspect the Trust Properry at all hmes dunng consnuchon,and(e)to replace eny wo►k or matenafs
<br /> unsaHSlactory to Benelic�ary wnh�n lilteen(15)days after wntten nohce Irom Benel�c�ary ol such lact.
<br /> 4. Funds lor Payment ol Cherges.Sub/ect to applicable faw or to a wnnen waever by Benel�c�ary, TIUStO►Shell pAy fo BBneh��8ry OR thN
<br /> ' Nist day ol each month,or such other date each month as may be specdied by Benef�c�ary.unh►the Indebtedness es pard m tull.a sum
<br /> (here�'na/ter called the"Funds"�equal to 1 12fh o/fhe yearly taxes and assessments which may attain pnonty over this Deed o�Trust
<br /> and ground rents on the Trust Pioporry.�f eny,plus 1 12fh ot the yeaAy p�em�um mstallments(or heza►d�nsu�ance.plus 1 12th of the
<br /> ' ! yesrly premium installments lor mortgage�nsu►ance,�f any.aIl as reasonably eshmated�mtially and►�om hme to ume by BeneJrc�ary on
<br /> I the basis ol essessments and btlls and►easonable eshmates thereof.The Funds shall be held in An inshfut�on,the deposds or
<br /> I aCCOUnts of which are uisured or guaranteed by a federel or stafe agency�nclud�ng Benel�ciary Bene%c�ary sh�ll apply the Funds to
<br /> � nav sald texes.essessmenfs. �nsurance prem�ums and ground rents f3anel�ciary shall not be reqwred to pay Trusfor any mterest or
<br /> I eamings on the Funds.Benehaery shall grve to Trusror.wd►+our cnarge.an annua►eccounnng oi rne runos s:ww,ny��vu�i� ar�;,
<br /> debrts to fhe Funds and the pu►pose for wn�ch oach debd to the�ca�ds was made- The Funds are piedgetl as adddwnal secunry lor
<br /> � the Indebtedness secu►ed Dy tn�s Oeed o!Trust l�the amount of rhe Funds held by Benef�c�ary.toqetner w�th the luture monthly
<br /> insrallments of Funds navable qnor ro the due dates ol texes,assessments.msurance prem�ums and g�ound rents.shall exceed the
<br /> ! amount reqwred to pay sa�d taxes,assessments.�nsuranca prem�ums ano grouno rents as mey�an uue,sucn vx�n�a al�d�i La.at
<br /> Tiusto►'s ophon,either promptl y repa�d fo Trusror or cred�ted to Trustor aga�nst luture monthty mstallments ot Funds 1►the emc�unt o�
<br /> ,ne Funds held by Beneliciary shall not be svN�c�ent to pay taxas. assessments,msurance p►em�ums and groura�ents es fha�y lall dut.
<br /> I Tiustor shell pay to Beneliciary eny amount necessary to make up fhe def�c�ency w�thin fh�rty day�hom�ha de�e nohCe�5 ma�led by
<br /> I Benehaary ro Trusfor requeSGng pa ymenr therao/ Upon payment m full ol all Indebtedness.Benet�ciary sha�l prnmpUy refund fa
<br /> �►u5tor any Funds held by Bene6ciary !►fhe Trusf P►ope�fy is sold under the powe►of saie or the Trust P�opc�rty�s otherw�se acqu�red
<br /> try Beneliciary.Benel�ciaryshall apply.�mmedia�ely pnu�to fhesa�eof tha �rust Properiy ur rts acqu�s�tion by Benef�crary.anY Funcls
<br /> held by BeneGc�ary at the hme ot applrcahon r�s a�redrt aqainst the indebtedness �l Benehcrary e�ecutes:i W�dfH�W�9i�Br nt T�USfO�S
<br /> obUgahons under fh�s par�gr;�ph 4. Trustor covenents and agrees to pay.belore tha same bc.:urne�e��roquent..�u tdacs..+ss��ssments.
<br /> ' ar�:...•�,.i��. wn•�...��,.,.
<br /> �
<br />