,fi ��t '�P. + r y���4����:s'.,�j�' i .1'.1'. 1.��.� . " � � �ii;�� .��:.•��l1i�}I�Y���M-+ ' . " ' ._ _ . ., �]M+tiy,
<br /> � � •'"i�i y�f'��r'' k �ICt2ffii4,.i= �?j�,�i1t��ti�f��yLcd`�.1�'�•�y�:;. . . .y. ,p����-_H ���Cr!r�.��..� } ��4,'eYL�.i,.���KS1��1�h , ' _ s_ . .t. ., --
<br /> I 4 Ir r�'li�iii7� r i��� �.�'��-`��'s�3�.x: .'�.iw ti ,h,4,�' .r. _. �. . ... ...
<br /> �(ii!�" —- ---- ��� - _
<br /> � . I. +:- ..ry��. - • . . . ...�..�r.. !—o�.•s•, � � M _ —._______.
<br /> :.�_,�.7„r ��.J•- .� . _
<br /> • `'N'.� ��.� ' � .
<br /> y° � _.. __. _"__ ..._ . _
<br /> � ;�.��� 18. Covanenta of 7rustor wlth Roapact to Leoses.Wphout the prlo►wdMSn consent ol BeneNc/ery, Truala ahdl not,dlncdy►w Jndlnctl y. _-
<br /> -I x •� :°�< " � N�fh nspct to any Nu�ol apac�In fM Tiust PropNry.o►any porNa►thNOOI,whadwr auch I�ASa Is now or/nroaRr►1n�x/uancv: -_- -
<br /> ',;' ' r r...t ��, � (�) Acapt a panwt anY p�payrtwnf.Wccount or advanco paymont ol rant haraundor In excau ol ona month, —
<br /> ��-�°�.;-��+r:.�#�.�'� . (b) Cancol a qrminata tM ian�,a�ccopt any c+u�coNotlon,timllqYtMlf 0►Aun6ndYr ll►Qfa01.a pe►m1►�ny ovqnt to occw wnlch woWd
<br /> -.�...:=.•�=-�.�:�_-. .;�; accur qpr+�under to farminaf�a cancol tha same,other lhen tarminatlon la nonpaym�nf ol isnt. �„
<br /> �,��•:
<br /> ''{.��`'��':'`.� (a)An»nd a modty H»w�m u ta nduc�rha t�rm thu��fh+►QntaJ pay�bl�f/Mr�undw,a ro ohanp�any rsnswal provl�lonr
<br /> e1'r�_:i�r�:� . rhenMn contdned,
<br /> _:� :•'..'
<br /> ° - � (d) Wiive any defautt tha►�undar�r trrcach thareot � _—.
<br /> ' :. ".� ' (�) C3lw arry consent wdve►a approvd therounder a take eny omer achon In connecuon therewith,or with a lossc+�tlwreunder,whlch
<br /> . would hava the e/Iect ollmpslrinp dN veluo ol fhf lusa'a�nt�t 1h�unaf��a fha propsRy subpc[fh�►�to,a ol Impaidnp th�
<br /> ._ _. . .•..,.' �� poshlonorirtterostol Beneflclerytherein,a �--- -
<br /> `" r.�i�.�: �1:�. (� Sell,essipn.pled�s,mortpaDe a o►l►wwlro d/apose ol,a oncwnb�r�h Intorest ln airy r�ld laas�a wny►onts,JBSws,Profits lasulnD
<br /> � � , or edslny thereunder.
<br /> � ' 17. Walrx of Statute of Um/tada►s. Tlme!s o/fhe essenCe in aN of Tiustor's obllpat�ons and dutl�s hereunde►;and fo the extent permlttM
<br />�+.,� �• •">�=���*��1 by law, Tiusror welves ell praaent a/u1u�statutes ol dmftatlons wlth reapect to any debt,demand a ob►fgatlnn securod Mroby arid _
<br /> "'-' •�°��''''�'"''^ any actlon or prviceedlnp!a Me purpose o/entacln�thla Deed of Trust a sny Nphro a remadles contalnad hereln. _
<br />�-�,_
<br />�'�-} ' � 18. Ass/gnment o!DeposBs.M the event conshucdon of Improvements Is contemplated by the IQan evldenced by fhs Note secwed ___
<br /> r.. .
<br />�-•:. � •�� , - � hare6y. as addltlonal aecudry therefore,Trustor hereby transfers and assl pns to BeneNciery, aN�lyht,tltle ar+d lntwest ro erry and all
<br />{:�r. , -• n•;�..._ mordes daposited by a on behall ol Trusta wlth any clty,aounty,PuWic body a agency.eanilary dlsMct utlliry company.end
<br /> � any oNrer b o dy oi ayency,far t ha ins t�l la aon or to secure tha lnsfallation ol an y ufill l y D y Tnrstor,parta/ning to fhe Tn�.st Propnry. � __�
<br />��. .': � 1 a. Corporatlon a PeAne►ship Exlstence.If Tiustor!s a carporadon,peneral partnorshlp,a 1/m►ted parh►ershlp,!t wJll do all fhings
<br />;�''• ' neceasary to preserve its corporate or peMnwship exlstenco,as►Iw case may be,and a/l dphb end prfvllapes unda►Iw/aw�ol tM
<br /> '" stete o/!te lncapaedon or aganlratlon. _
<br /> L'•:;.��� 20, forbearance by BeneficJary Not a Waiver.Any tabearence by Bene/lclary!n exerclsinp any d�ht or remody hereunde►,or otherwls� � _
<br />-� . aKaded by applicable law,shaN not be a waiver ol or preclude►ha exercise ol eny such dpht or�emedy.The procurement ol
<br />' • � Insu�ance or the peyment ol taxes or the dlscheipe o/Ilens a char�es by BeneBclary shell not be a waivar of Bw+ell�/ory's rlyht to ° - - -
<br /> . : accel�iate the maturlry o/the Indeb[edneas.
<br /> 2 i. Remed/es CumulaUve.A!I remedles provlded!n thls Deed o/Tiusf sre d/stlnct and cumuledve to eny other dgM or�nody unda�tl�fe
<br /> n� �, Deed ol Trust a allorded by law or equlry,end may be exerclsed concunently,independent/y or successively. ---
<br /> ' . . 22. Successo►s and Asalgns Bound;Joinf end Several Uab(Ilty;Ceptlons. The covenants and agreements hereln contained shell bind,and
<br /> � fhe dphts hereunder ahall lnwe to,the respecdve successors end essigns o/Benenclery, Tius►ee,end Trustor.N!covenents and
<br /> '" • „ agreements o/Tiusta shell be jdnt and severeG The capdons and headings of the pwaprephs ol thls Dead ol Tiust era/a _
<br /> � ' � . convenlence only end are not to be used to lnterpret or dellne the provlslons heren/. ��.,_
<br /> � 23. Nodce. Excep►la any nodce requlred under applicable faw to be given in another menner,(a)arry nadce to Tiusror provlded la ln dila
<br /> Deed of Tiust shall be glven by maJlJng sucb notice by certiNed mell,retum rece/pt requbsted addiessed to Tiusror at!Is mal!!ng �:- ---
<br /> - � � address aet fafh above or et such orher address as Trustor may deslgnafe by nodce to Benepclary as provided herein,end(b)eny ___. _
<br />`- • C� nodce ta BeneNclary a 7►ustee shall be glven by certiNed meU, retum receipt requested,ro BeneNclary's and Trustee's malling �—
<br /> S�� address stete�J her�n�r n,cuch other address as BeneNclary or Tiustee may designate by notice fo Tiusta as provided here/n.My """�"-
<br /> � � Q nodce provlded tor Jn this Deed ol Tiust shaN be deemed ro have beon glven ro Tiusta,Beneflclary or Trustao wlwn plven Jn tha
<br /> � • � ;•: � mennar designated hereln. --
<br /> ' ��i�� 2�. fiovem/np Law;Severabllity.fiis Deed ol7rusf shalJ be govemed by the laws ol the Sfate o/Nebraska.!n the event eny provlslon or ��-
<br /> , � �'� f clause o!thls Deed o!Tiust conNlcts with app!lcable law,such confNc[shaH not aNect other provlslons ol this Deed ol 7rust whlch can -
<br /> be glven eflect wlthout the conl/lcdng proWalons and to this end the provlslons o/th(s Deed of Tiust are declared to be severable.
<br /> . ' ;.� ' N 28. EveMS ol Default.Each ol tha following occarrences shall consdtute an event o/delault hereunder,(hereinaltw celled an"Event :-r•-a��-
<br /> . . �,: ;,;. � of DelaulY'): --
<br /> ,� , (a) Tius[or shal!fail to pay when due any principal,lnterest,or princlpaf and lnterest on the Indebtedness,
<br /> b wanan ol tltle rnade b Trustor hereln shafl be unrrue, ��`^�
<br /> I 1 A►�1' N Y �".'_�t�,�r.r,
<br /> ; � (c) Tiustor shell lail to observe or perform any o/the covenants,agreements,or condldons m this Dead of Tiust, _
<br /> � . - •� (dJ Any�epresentadon or wananty made by Trusror on any finenclal stetements or reports submitted to Benelic►ary by o�on behalf ol �ri'i.uT��r
<br /> . Tius[a shalf prove lalse or matenelly misleading,
<br /> e Trus[or shall le(1 to erlorm or observe eny ol fhe covenants,condltions or agieements contalned in, or bindiny upon Trustoi under �----.--
<br /> ( 1 P
<br />' eny bullding loan agreement,securiry agreement,losn agreament,financing statement,or any othar agreement lnstrumont or �'!_�"="'-
<br /> •� document executed by Tiastorin connectlon with the ban evldenced by the Note, �'�°-�__
<br /> ' . (I) A hustee,ieCelvei a liquidatoi ol the Tiust Properry o►o/Trustor shall be appolntod,or any of the creddors ol Tiustor sha11 JNe a --_-
<br /> �� petlUon!n bankruptcy agalnst Tiusta,or lor the reorgan�za6cn ol 7rustor puisuent to the Federa!BankrupfCy Cade,or eny slmllar •� -
<br /> " /ew,whether lederal or state,and il such order or pedhon shall not ba dlscharged or dism/ssed wlthln Ihl�fy(30)deys a/ter the date - _
<br /> . on whlch such order or petitlon was liled, :.rv y-;--
<br /> • ' ' (p� Tmstorshall lile a petiGon pursuant to fhe Federel Bankrup►cy Code or any simller/aw.federal or state,or il Tiusror shell be ;;�-�~:
<br /> . , ad�ud ped a bankrupt,o►be declared insolvent,o►shall make an assignment ta the benelit ol credifors,or shall admlt in wdtlng Gs -,_
<br /> . . lnaWliry to pay its debts as they bacome due,o�she//consent to the appoinhnent of a receive�ol all a eny part of the Tiust Property, •�'��:".� ��
<br /> (h) FinaJ judgment lor fhe payment of money shall be rendered against Trustor and Tiustor shall not dlscharge N►a Same,o�cause"to ``;•,;�
<br /> ' be dischaiged,within thlrry(30)days aBer fhe entry thereol,or ShaH not appeaf the►el�om or lrom the order,dec�ee or p►ocess upon �' �
<br /> .•;,.:. whlch or pwsuant to which seld judgment was granted.based,oi enlered,and secure a stay ol execution pending such appBal, •
<br /> (i) Tiusto►shall sell or convey the Trust Prope►ty.o►any part theieoi,or any interest the►ein,or shall be drvested ol its fide,or any Interesf F
<br /> ' �� ,�� therein,!n any manner or way, whether vduntanly or invo/untanly, without the wntten consenf ol 8enehciary be�ng lirst had and �
<br /> ' ' obta/ned.or
<br /> • "•' ' (j) l/Trusta Js a corporadvn or paRnership and mcre than Idty pe�cent(50°0/ot the shares or bene�iclal interests In such corporahon or � ,
<br /> � � ' partnershlp,as the case may be,shell be t►anslened or conveyed,wheMer voluntenly or involunfanly,wAhout the written consent ol
<br /> � ' •��- Bene/rcrary be�ng hrst had and obtained.
<br /> • 26. AcCe/erallon ol Debt Foreclnsure. Upan the occunence of any Event ol Delault.or any time therea/ter,Benehciary may. at�ts optron.
<br /> declare all the Indebtedness secured he�eby immed�ately due and Aayable and fhe same shall bear�nterest at the detau/t rate.d any.
<br /> � set forih in the Note,oi otherw�se at tne n�ghest rate perm,ned by iaw.and,�nespect�ve ol wnether Banel�crary exe�cises sa�d opt�on.�t
<br /> . mey,et ds opbon and in ifs sole d�scret�on,w►thout any further no!�Ce or demand to or upon T�ustor.do one or mc+re of the f^'lowing:
<br /> ., • (a) Benelrciary may enter upon,take possession of,manage and operate the Trust Properry or any part thpreo�.make�epaus and
<br /> eRerati0ns and do any acts whiCh Benefiaary deems proper to p�oteCt the seCU►�ty thereol,antl erther w�th�r v►nthout takmg
<br /> _ possessfon,m Its own name,sue for o►othenr�se collect and�ece�ve�ents.�s^ues and prof�ts.mciudmg thase pest due and unpa�d.
<br /> -� - end apply the same,less costs antl expenses o�ope�arion ano conecnon.�ncruang reasonaoie artvrney rees a.�d on��viti�ary s
<br /> „ Costs,upon the Indebtedness secured hereby and rn such orde►as Beneliaa►y may dete►m�ne Upon request of Benel�ciary. Trustor
<br /> sha//assemble and shaa maka ava�lable to Bene%c�ery eny o/the Trust Property wh�ch hds been�ernoved Tne entenng upon and
<br /> taking possession o/the Tiust Property.the collechon of any rents.�ssues and prol�►s. and the app4cat�on thereof as alo�esa�d.shall
<br /> � INl((:u/tl U/wdrrv a�y Jdldwlt thfi'O�J�!G�r�ha"�uJ°i,:;.cc;.,::rg,�r�!fCCf�::�' :CC C�(.'���:.::C•'.^•:.'::C C!�alc hereunde�o�
<br /> mvalidate any act done pursu�nt to eny such nohce Notwdhstandmg Benehcrary's conhnuance�n oossess�nr�or rece�pt and
<br /> eppt�cebvn o/rents.�ssues or prohts. Benel�ciary sna.,:.a enhNed to axerc�se every nghf prowded lor�n th�s Deed of Trusf or by�aw
<br /> upon or aher the ceCUnence of an Event of Oelaul�.mclud�ng fh�nghf tu eae�Cisb tht�power r�sale� Any o�fhe actrons rele�red to�n
<br /> tNS parag►aph may be t3ken by Beneficrary at sucn ame as dene��c�ary may dete►mrr�e w�thout reya�u to tne a0equacy o!any
<br /> secunty lor the Indebtedness secured hereby.
<br /> fb) Benehc�ary shall.wifhouf regard to the adequacy ol any secunry fur tne Indebtedness secured he�eDy.be enht�ed to tnu
<br /> appanGnent of a rece�ver by any cou►t hewng�unsd�ctinn,wdhout nohce.to fake possess�on of,protecf.and manago the Trust
<br /> Property and operate fhe same and collect fhe rents.�ssues end prohrs thurefrom
<br /> (C) 8enehc�ary may bnng any achon�n any court ol competent/unsd�cho�!o�ore�close th�s Deed rf Trust r�e�nlor,�,�ily i�l fh� !
<br /> covenants ne.eo►
<br /> �
<br />