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.., � � � <br />LAW OFFICES <br />Or <br />KRATINA S ELLIS <br />300 JACRSprv Pu.CE <br />I.3TH 6./ACKSON STR[E�5 <br />OrnnHn, NE, 681 02-2 83 7 <br />(4021 341 <br />2Q1tQ�3�� <br />11. T Execute Deeds Bills and Similar <br />Instruments. For all or any of the purpases herein <br />stated, to enter into and sign, deal, execute, <br />acknowledge and deliver any contracts, deeds or other <br />instruments whatsaev�r, and to draw, accept, make, <br />endorse, disc�unt, or otherwise deal with any bills o� <br />exchange, checks, promissory notes, ar other commercial <br />or mercantile ins�ruments. <br />12. '�'o Do All Other Things_N��essary in Connection <br />Therewith. In general, to do all ather acts, deeds, <br />matters and things whatsoever in or abaut my estate, <br />property and a�fairs, ar to concur with persons jointly <br />interested with myself, in daing al1 acts, deeds, <br />matters, and �hings herein, either particularly or <br />gexierally described as �ully and effec�uall.y to a11. <br />inter�ts and purposes as I could do in my own proper <br />person if persanally present, it being my intent ta grant <br />to my a�torney, a general power to act for me an.d in my <br />behalf, and not a limited ar special pawer, limited ta <br />the specific acts herein described. <br />i3. Power o� A�torney Eff��ctive tiotwiths�.anding <br />' abilit af Princi al. Pursuant to the provisions of <br />Nebraska Statu�.e, I declare that this Pawer of Attorney <br />shall n�t be affect�d by my disability or incapacity and <br />that the autharity grant�d herein, shall cantinue during <br />any periad whi�e I am disabled or incapacitated. <br />Further, pursuant to thase sections, all such autharity <br />sha1.1. con�inue after my death, until no�ice af my death <br />shall have been received by my attorney-in-fact sa that <br />she has actual knawledge of the fac� that I have died. <br />