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• � <br />• � +. <br />♦ <br />1 � <br />2 � .I. � � o � � • <br />Any action tak�n in gaad fai�h by my attorney-in-fact <br />during any p�riod sn�hile it is uncertain whether I am <br />alive, before she receives actual knawledge of my death, <br />or in any even�., taken during any period while I am <br />disabled or incapacitated, shall be as valid as if 7 were <br />alive, comp�tent and no� di.sabled. <br />14. To Execute a Revoc�}��e Livinq Trus�. and to <br />Trans�er Assets Ther�_t9. My attorney-in-fact shall have <br />�ull. power to execute a revQCable 1.iving trust in my <br />stead. My attorney-in-tact sha11 have access ta all my <br />property, whether tangible ar intangible, whether <br />personal or real and wherever located and shall have fu11 <br />authority to execute and deliver any documents which may <br />be necessary or desirable to �ffect a�.ransfer of an.y <br />part or aJ�l of my prap�rty to the trust�e under a <br />revocable living trust. <br />15. To_Direct Trustees. T� direct any trustee who <br />halds any sums for my benefit or at my direction, to pay <br />to or �or the benefit af mysel� or any of my children any <br />such sums necessary t� main�ain mysel� or my children in <br />my or t�leir custc�mary of 1�ving, ar for any other <br />purpases the attarney bel.ieves �o be for my or their best <br />interest. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have signed and acknawledged <br />this instrument this `/f�?/day �f May, 1995. <br />, <br />� � � �' � �~ , �I �r �� � .�...,. <br />L�REN H. NIELSEN <br />Law OFr�tes <br />OF <br />KRATINA 6 ELLIS <br />300 JACNSOrv Pu.CE <br />13TH G JACK90N STHEET3 <br />OennHn, NE 68102-2B37 <br />(402) 341 <br />TNESS: , <br />