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. . ,�, . <br />. � ,, <br />�,aw OFFICE5 <br />OF <br />KRATINA 5, ELLI5 <br />300 JAC1(soN Pu.C� <br />�3TH 6 JACHSON $TREET9 <br />OM.ow.o, NE 6gl p2-2B37 <br />(402_) 341-3299 <br />�oi�oo��7 <br />and to give goad and effectual receipts for all or any <br />part of the purchase price or other cansideration. <br />9. To De�osit Monies Withdraw, Invest, and <br />Otherwise Deal with Tang'�ble,Proper�X. Ta depasit any <br />monies which may came to her hands as such attQrney with <br />any bank or banker in my name and ta withdraw any of such <br />money or any other maney to which I am entitled which now <br />is or shall be so depasited, and ei�her employ such maney <br />as she sha11 �hink fit in the payment af any debts, or <br />interest payable by me, or taxes, assessments, insurance, <br />and expenses due and payable or to become due and payable <br />on account of my real ar personal estate, or in or abaut <br />any of the purpQSes herein mentioned, or otherwis� for my <br />use and benefit, o� to invest such money in my name, in <br />any s�ocks, shares, bonds, s�curities or �ther property, <br />�eal ar persanal, as she may think prapex, and to receive <br />and give receipts for any incame ar dividend arising fram <br />such investments, and ta vary or dispase �f all �nd any <br />such investments or ather investments far my use and <br />benefit as she may think fit. <br />10. T� Vo�e at Stockholders Meetings, Execute <br />r Otherwise Sub ti f r wn r. To vote at <br />the meetings af stockholders o� other meetings of any <br />corporation or company, ar otherwise to act as my <br />attarney ar proxy, with pawex of substitution, in xespect <br />to the st�cks, sha�es, bands, debentures or ather <br />evidences of �wnership, or securities, now or hereafter <br />held by me and issu�d by or on account of the corporatiQn <br />or company ara.d far that purpose to execute any proxies, <br />limited or general, ar other instruments. <br />