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" •�. � <br />LA.W OFFICE3 <br />OF <br />KRATINA S ELLIS <br />�OO JACK50N PLACE <br />I 3TH 6 Jn[n50�+ $rrxeer5 <br />nMAHA, NE 6BIO2•2837 <br />(402) 341'3233 <br />�ll�.�_11Q3C� <br />such real es�ate usual in real es�ate management <br />cantracts, and granted to my a�torney herein. <br />'7. To Grant Leases, Receive Rents, and Otherwise <br />Deal with Tenants and Leased Propert�r. To contract with <br />any persan for leasing for such periads, including <br />periods langer than my life, and without regard to the <br />termination of this Power Qf Attorney, at such rents and <br />subject ta such conditions as my attorney shall see fit, <br />a11 or any of my real estate, and ta le�. any such person <br />into passession thereo�, and to execute all such lease� <br />and cantracts as shall be necessary or praper in that <br />behalf and �o give notice tQ quit to any tenant or <br />accupier thereaf, and to receive and recover from all <br />tenants or occupiers thereof or of any part thereof, a11 <br />rents, arrears of ren�, and sums of money which now a�e <br />or shall hereafter become due and payable in respect <br />thereof, and alsa an ra.onpayment thereof or o� any part <br />�.hereof to �ake all n.ecessary �r proper means and <br />proceedings far texminating the tenancy or occupation of <br />such �.enan.�.s nr �ccupiers, and �or ejecting the tenants <br />ar occupiers and recovering the possession thereof. <br />8. T o Exchan e Rea1 or Personal Estate. <br />To sell, either at public �r private sale, ar exchange <br />any pa�t or parts of my real estate or personal property <br />for such consideration, payable immediately or upon such <br />terms as my at�orney shall think fit, and to execute and <br />deliver good and sufficient deeds, bills of sale, <br />endarsements, assignments, or other instruments far the <br />canveyance ar transfer of the same, with such covenants <br />of warranty or otherwise as my attorney sha11 see fit, <br />