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. ��, � <br />�� , <br />LAW QFf�CES <br />o. <br />KRATINA y ELL15 <br />.�iOO JACK50N PWCE <br />� 3TN sr JACK50N STREETS <br />OMAHA, NE 6BI p2-2�97 <br />(402) 941 - 3233 <br />2�1iQ03�'� <br />other discharge �f such security interest, or mortgage by <br />deed or otherwise. <br />4. To Compound, Submit to Arbitration, or <br />Otherwise Settle_Qr Ad�ust Differences. Ta compound with <br />or make allowances �.a any person �or or in respect to any <br />debt ar demand whatsaever, which n�w is �r shall at any <br />time hereafter, became due and payabl.e to me, or by me, <br />or upan my account, and to take and receive, ar ta pay <br />and discharge, as the case may be, any composition ar <br />dividend thereof or thereupan, and ta give or receive, <br />releases or other discharges for the whale af such debts <br />ar demands, or to se�tle, compromise ar submit to <br />arbitration every such debt or demand and every o�h�r <br />right, matt�r and thing due to or concerning m� as my <br />attarney shall think best, and for that purpos�, to enter <br />into and execute and deliver such bands of arbitration or <br />ather instruments as my attorney may deem advisable in <br />the premisea. <br />5. �o Pr�secute and Defend. To commence, <br />prosecute, discantinue, or defend all actions or other <br />legal proceedings tauching my estate �r any part thereof <br />or touching any matter in which T or my estate may be in <br />any manner concerned. <br />6. To Manage Real Estate. Ta enter inta and up�n <br />all af my real estate, and to let, manage and imprave the <br />same ar any par� thereof, and to repair ar o�.herwise <br />improv�, alter, or recanstruct, and t� insure, any <br />buildings ar structures thereon, and further, to contract <br />with others �or the management af such real estate, and <br />ta gran� to such others all the powers with respect to <br />