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�.,. <br />{ <br />201iQQ3�'7 <br />��� : �����R!!}i1��l�i��Ll _f9L�!!�� <br />LaW OFFICE5 <br />oF <br />KIpA71NA 6 ELLI5 <br />30o JnCnSOn P�ACe <br />I 3TH S, JACKSON STREET$ <br />OMwHn, NE 6B102-2637 <br />�Q02� 341-3233 <br />I, LOREN H. NI�LSEN, of Grand Tsland, Hall County, <br />Nebraska do hereby make, constitute and appoint my wife, <br />MARY E. NIELSEN of Grand Island, Hall C�unty, Nebraska, <br />as my at�orney-in-�act, subject to the pra�crisions af this <br />document, to da and execute all or any of the fQ1lo�nrira.g <br />acts, deeds and things in my behalf: <br />1. To R ebts Pa ment n Pr r To <br />ask, demand, sue for, recover and receive all sums of <br />money, debts, dues, gaads, wares, merchandise, chattels, <br />effects, and things af whatsoever nature or descri.ption <br />which r�.ow ar� or he�eafter shall be or become due, owing, <br />payable ar belonging to me in or by any right, title, <br />ways ar means howsaev�er, and upan rec�ipt thereof, or Qf <br />any part thereof, to make, �ign, execute and deliver such <br />receipts, releases or other discharges for the same, <br />respectively, as my attorney shall deem advisable. <br />2. To Set�l_�..Accounts. Ta settle any accounts ar <br />reckoriing, wha�soever, wh�rein I, now am, or at any time <br />hereafter shall be, in any manner interested ar concerned <br />with any person whatsn�ver, and to pay ar x'eceive �he <br />balanc� thereot as the cause may require. <br />3. To Sa i f curit In r ort a es. To <br />receive every sum. af money which naw is dr hereafter <br />shall be due or belonging to me upon a security or by <br />virtue of any securi�y, interest or agreement, or <br />m�r�gage, and �n receipt af the £ull amount secured <br />thereby, to ex�cute a good and sufticient release or <br />