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201100378 <br />12. Borrower Not Rcicased; Forbcarance By Lendcr Not a Waiver. E�tension of tt�e t+melor payn�cnc or modilication of <br />arnorti��tion ofi the siims secured by this Security instrument granted bv Lender ko Borrower or any Succcssor inlnterest of <br />$orrowcr shall not operata to rclease the li�Uility of $otrower or an}� Si�ccessors i�� Intcresl of Borrower. Letider shall nof be <br />rcquired to commencc proccedin;s a�aic�st any Succcssor in lnterest of Borro`vcr or to rcfuse to cx�end time for payment or <br />otherwise modify ainortization of the stuns secured by this Security h�stnUnent by reasoc� of any demand made try the originai <br />Borrower or any Successors in lnterest of Borrower. .r1�iy forbearance by Lender in exercising aiiy right or remedy including, <br />�it.hout limitr�tion Le��der's acceptance of paymcnts from third perso��s entities or Successors in Interest of Borro�vcr or ira <br />anio�u�ts less th;�n the amo�mt then due, sl�all not be a waiver of or preclude Lhe exercise of �uiy ri�ht or remedy. <br />13. .ioint and Several l.iahility; Cn-signerc; Succes5ors and Assigns Bound. $orrower cnvenants and ngrccs tt�flt <br />�3orrowcr's obligations and liability stkill be joiait and scvcral. Howevcr. any Bor[OwCC wI"to C�-Si�ils this Security Instrurnent <br />but does not erecute the Note �a "co-sigzicr"): (a) is co-signing this 5ecurity InsCrumcnt oz�ly to moTtg��;e, �rant and convey <br />the co-signer's interest in the Property� under the terms of this Security Inslnmient; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the <br />siuns secured by Ihis Securily Instri.unenl; and (c) abrecs thal Len�ler and �ny ofher Ron:oN�er ctin agree to exlend, rnodify <br />Forbear or make any accorrunodations with reg�rd to thc tertns of this Sccurity lnstrument or the Note rrrit.houi the co-signer's <br />consent. <br />Subject to the provisions of Seciion ik , any Succcssor in lnterest of Borrowcr who asstunes Borro�vcr's obligations under <br />lhis Seciuity 1s�stnunent in writin�, and is appro`�cd by Lender, shall obtain all nf Borrowcr's rights �u�d bcnefiis under this <br />Securit} Instrument. Borrower shall not be released from Bonower's abligatioris and li�bility tu�der t.l�is Security lnstru�nerit <br />uriless Lender a�rees to sucli rclease in writing. The covenants xnd agreements of this Security Instrtunent shall bind (except <br />as provided in Section 20) and benefit the slYCCessors and assigns of Lcnder, <br />14. Loan Charges. Lender mav charge Borrower fees for services perfor�ned in connecti.on wid� Borra�ver's default, for the <br />pluposc of protectinb Lender's interesl in the Property and rights undct this Sccurity lnstn�naent, including, but not limited to, <br />attorneys' fees, propert}� inspection a.nd ��alu<�tian fecs. In rcgard to a��y athcr fees, the abscnce of cxpress authority in this <br />Scciuity Instr�unent to charge a specific fee to Borrower shal] nol be coi�strued as a prolu6ition on the charging of such fee. <br />Lender may no� ch��rgc fees ttklt are expressly prol�ibited by ihis 5ecurity Tnsirument or by Applicable Law. <br />If thc Lo�n is subject to a law which sets maximurn loan charges, and that law is tinally interpreted so that the interest or <br />othcr laan charges collectcd or to be collccted in cot�nection with the Lotin excecd the permitled limils, thcn: (a) anv suclt lo�in <br />charge shall bc rcduced by thc amount necessary to rcducc d�c chargc to thc pernuttcd limit; and (b) any sums alrcady <br />collectcd froan Bvrrower whicli exceeded permitted limits will be refundcd to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this retund <br />by reducing thc principal owed under the Note or by makirig a direct pa}�ment to Borrower. lf a refuud reduces principal, the <br />reduction will be treated as a partial prep�yraaent without aa�y prepayment ch�rge (whether or not a prep�yment charge is <br />provided for trndcr the Notc). Borrower's acceptancc of �ny sucl� rcfund n�ade by dircct payment to Borro��cr will constitute � <br />waiver of any rip�t of action �3orro�ver might have arising out ol'such overcharge. <br />15. Nntices. All notices given by Borrawer or Lci�der in co��nection �vith this Sccurity instniment in��st bc in writing. Any <br />noticc to Borrorver in conncction �vith tkus Sccurity Instrtuncnt shall be dccmcd io havc becn given to Borrowcr when ma.iled <br />by tirst class mail or when actually delivered to Borrowcr's noticc address if sent by other means. Notice to any one Borro��er <br />sh��ll constitute notice to all Borrowers unless Applicable Law expressly requires other���ise. The notice address shall be the <br />Property Address unless l�orro��r has desi��ated a st�bstitirte notice address liy notice to Lender. Bnrrower shall promptly <br />notify Lender of Borro�vcr's ch�nge of address. If Lcnder spccifies � procedure For rcporiing Borrower's change of address, <br />thcn Borrower shall only report � change of address thraugh khat specified proced��rc. There may be only ane designatcd <br />nolice address under this Security Instr��cnent at any one ti�ue. Any nouce to Lender shall be e,�'ven by delivering it or by <br />na�iiling it by �rst class mail to Lcnder's �dciress slated hereii� i,mless Leuder has designated annther address by notice to <br />Borrower. Any notice in co�mection with this Security Insirumcnt sha11 not be deemed to havc been given tn Lender until <br />actually received by Lender. lf any notice required by this Security Instnunent is slso required i�tider Applicable La�v, the <br />Applicable Lawrequirement will s��tisl`y the correspontlin�; requiremcnt under this Sccurinr Instrunient. <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fannie MaelFreddia Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�� •s��`JE� (C811) Pege 9 of 14 <br />DUS <br />lnitiels�. <br />Fnrm 3�28 1/01 <br />IIIIII Illlf IIIII Iqll Illqll Illl IIII IIIII NIII Ilql Illll IIIII IIIII IIII III <br />OODONE9667916 <br />