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zoi�oo37s <br />l6. Governin�; Law; Scverability; Rules o1� Construction. This Seciuity lnstrwnent shall be governed by federal ]a�v and <br />the law of the jurisdiction in �vhich the Property is located. All rigl�ts and obliga�ions contxined in diis Security instrument are <br />s�ihject to any rcquirements and limitatinns of Applicable Applicahle Law tn.iglll explicitly or implicitly allowthc partics tn <br />a�rcc by contract or it might bc silcnt, but such silcncc shall not bc construcd as a prohibiUon a�ainst agrecrncnt by contract. <br />In ihe e��ent that �n5• provision or clause of this Sec�rcity Instrumerat or the Note conflicts �vith Applicable Law, such conllict <br />shall not affect other provisions of tlus Sccuriry Ialstnunent or the Note which can be given efFect without the conflicting <br />provisinn. <br />As used in this Security lnstriunent: (a) words of the masc��line gender shall mean and include corresponding neuter <br />ti�'ortls or words of The ('c�ruiainc gerider; (b) words in the sin�ular sh all rnean a.nd iticludc lhc plural �rrd vice vcrsa; and (c) the <br />word "may" gives solc discretion without any oblibation to take any action. <br />17. Bnrrowcr's Cnpy. Borro�ver shall be given one copy of the Note and of this Scciirity Tnslr�u��ent. <br />18. Transfcr of the Prnperty or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As uscd in this Secti.on 18, "lnterest in the Property" <br />mcans any legal or beneficial interest in thc Froperty, including, but ►�ot limited to, those beneficial interests transfe�xed in a <br />hond for deed, cnntract for deed, inst��llmeni sales cnntract or escrow agreement, the inteirt of �vhicla is tlae transfer of title by <br />Borrowcr at a futt�rc datc to a purcht�scr. <br />If all or any p�{rl ol' fhc Properly or t�ny lnterest in tlie Properly is sold or lransferred (or if Rorro�ver is not a natur,il person <br />and ti beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred) ��ithoui Lender's prior written consent, Lender ma} require <br />immediate p�yment in full of all su�ns seci�red b}� this Security lnstn�rnent. Holvever, this option shull not be exercised by <br />Lender it such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. <br />tf Lender ezercises this option, Lcnder shall �,ivc Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period oF not <br />less d�m 30 days from the datc the notice is given in accordance with Section 1S wilhin which Borrowcr rnust p ay all su�ns <br />secured by tivs Security Instn�n�ent. ]f Bon•ower fails to pay th�se s�uns prior to thc e�cpiration of this period, Lender rnay <br />invoke any remedies permittcd by this Scc�u�ity lnstnunent without fiuther no[ice or dcn�and ati Borrower. <br />ll. Borrower's Right to Reinxtate After Acceleratio��. if $nrrowcr meets certain condit.ions, Rorrower shall have tlae <br />righi to havc cnforcemcnt of this Scci�riCy Instrumcnt discontinucd at ax�y time prior to thc carlicst of: (a) fivc days before sale <br />of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Security Instrumcnt; (b) such other period as Applicable Law <br />might specify for the termuiation of Borro�r�cr's right to reinsiate; or (c) entry of a judgment enforcing this Sectu�ity Instni�nent. <br />T1�ose conditions are lhat Bonower: (ti) pa��s Lcnder all a'uix�s which then r�-ould be duc under lhis Securitv I.ustrtunent and llae <br />Note as if no acceleratipn had occurred; (b) cures any default of any ott�er covenants or agreements; (c) pays all e�penses <br />incurred in enforcing this Security instniment, including, but nat limited to, re�son�ble attome}�s' fces, property inspection <br />and valuation fees, and other fees iract�rrcd 1'or the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and ribhts under this <br />5ecurity 1r'islr�irne�lt; and (d) takcs such ���lion ��s Lender may rcasnnably requirc to ass[�re lhal t..ender's interesl in lhe <br />Property and rights ��ider this Secttrity Instiwne.nt, and Borrowcr's obligation to pay tlae st�us securcd by tlus Security <br />instnunent, shall co�itinue unchanged. Lender may require that Borrower pay such reinst��tement sians and expe��ses in onc or <br />more of the follo���ing forms, as selectcd by Lender: (a) cash; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank check, treasurer's check <br />or cashier's check, providcd �ny such cl�cck is drawn i.ipon an instilution whnse deposits xre insiired Uy a federal agcncy, <br />instrtuiientality or cntiry; or (d) Electro►aic Fimds Transfer. Upon rcinstatement by Borro`vcr, this Security Instrument and <br />obligations secured hereby shall remain fi�llv elfective as ifzio acceleration had occurrcd. However, this right to renistate shall <br />not �pply in the case of acceleration under Section 18. <br />20. Sale of Note; Chnn�e of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a partial interest in thc Note (together with <br />this Sect�rity lnstnunent) can be sold one or more tunes without prior notice to Borrocver. A sale might result in a chunge in the <br />entity (known as the "Loan Serviccr") that collects Periodic Payments due under the Note and this Security lnstrument and <br />perforzns olhcr mortgage loatz scrvicing obligations under Che Nole, ftus 5ecariLy lnstri�ncnt, and Applic�iblc La�v. There also <br />might be one vr morc chan�;es of lhe Loaia Servicer �u�related to a sale of tl�c Note. If there is a cl�ange of ihe Lo�n Scrvicer, <br />Borrower will be give�i writtcn notice o.f the change �vhich will stute the namc and address of the ncw Loan Servicer. thc <br />address to which payments should be ttk�de and any other information RESPA requires in connection with a notice of transfer <br />of scrvicing. If t}te Notc is sold and t}iercafler lhe i.oaii is serviced by a Lo��i Servicer otlier lli�ii Lhe purch�tser of thc Nolc, <br />thc mortgage loan servicing obligations to [3orrower �vill rcmain wilh the Loan Servicer or be transfcrred to a successor I.,oan <br />Servicer and ��re not eisstmted by the Note purchaser unless otherwise provided by tl�e Note purchaser. <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRUMEN7 <br />��-6�N�) (o8 Page 1Gv114 <br />nns-rrr�;� <br />Initials; .� <br />Form 3028 1/01 <br />I IIIIII IIIII IIII) ��III IIIIIII IIII IIII IIIII �IIII IIIII IIIII InII IIIII IIII II� <br />ODOONE9667916 <br />