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201100375 <br />(a) Any such a�rcements +vill not ;�tl'ect the amounks that &►rrowcr hxs a�recd to pay fi�r Mortp;age Insurancc, or any <br />othcr tcrms of thc Loan. Such agreemcntw will not incrcase the amount Bnrrower will owe for Mortgage Insurance, and they <br />will not entit.le Borrower to anv r�fund. <br />(b) Any such a�;ri,�ments will unt atfect the rights Borro�ver has - if any - rvith respect to the 1Vlurtga�e insurance under <br />the Hnmeownrrs Protection Act of 1998 or �ny ot.her l;tw. The�e rightc may include the right tu receive certnin [liscln5ures, <br />to requcst and obtain cancellution o1' the Mortga�;e Insurance, to have the Mortga�e Insurance termin�te�l automatically, <br />andlor to recci��e a refund nf any Mort�a�e Insurunce premiums th.�t were unearned at the time crf such cancells►tion or <br />termination. <br />11. Ass�nment of Misecllancous Yrocecds; Fnrfciture. f111 Miscellaneous Proceeds �re hereb}� assigned to and shall be <br />paid to Lender. <br />If thc Property is damagcd, s�ach Misccllancous Procccds shall bc applied to resioration or rcpair oC thc Propert�•, if'thc <br />restoration or repair is economically fe�isible and Lender's sect�rity is not lessened. During such repair and restoration period, <br />Le►Ider shall t�ve the ri��t io hold such Miscellaneoirs Praceeds nntil I,ender t�s l��d an opport�u�ity ka inspect such <br />Propertv to en;urc the work has heen cnn�pleied to I�ender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection sht�ll be undertaken <br />promptly. Lcnder may pay for thc repairs and restoration in a singlc disb��rscment or in a serics of progress paymcnis as ttic <br />��ork is compleied. Unless au ;�greemeni is made in �vritin� or Applicable La�v requires interest to be paid oxi such <br />Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender shall not be requircd to pay Borrower �ny interest or eamings on sucl� Miscellaneous <br />Procecds. (f the i or rcpair is not. econpmrcally fe��siblc �rr Lei�der's security would he lessened, the �9iscell�neous <br />Procecds shall bc applied to ihe sums sccured by this Security Instrumcnt, whcther pr not then duc, with thc cacess, ifany, <br />paid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. <br />ln the event of a tot�l taking, destruction, or ]oss in va]ue of the Property, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to <br />the sums sec«red by this Security Instrument, wliekher or noi then due, with ihe exccss if any, paid to Borrower. <br />in lhe evenl of a partial I�king, desiruction, or loss in ��alue nf lhc Properly in which tlae f�ir tn�irkel valtae of lhe Prc��erly <br />immediately before thc partial laking, deslruction_ or loss in valuc is equal to or greater than the amotuit of the swxis secured <br />by tlus Securit�- Insirumcnt imtnediately beforc the partial taking, destniction, or loss in value, imless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, the sums seclrrcd b} this Security Instrun�cnt shall be reduccd by the amount ofthe Miscellaneous <br />1'rocecds Illtl�(l�J�l�(� t1Y (}1C Collowiri� fraclion: (a) l7ie lotal timoimC �l' the siu�ls secured iiTUCieditdely before ll�e �arlial takii►;, <br />destniction, or loss in value dividcd by (b) the fair rr�rket value of d�c Property ittunediately beForc the partial takin�, <br />destruction, or loss invalue. Any balance shall be paid to 33orro�ver. <br />In thc cvent of a parti�il takin�, dcslniction, or loss in vt►lue of thc Propert�� in which the fair markct v�luc of thc Properiy <br />immediately bel'ore the partial iaking, destniction, or loss in value is less than the amount of the stuns secured immediately <br />before the panial taking, destruction, or loss in valuc, unless Borro�ver and Lender otlierw�se agree in �vritin�, the <br />Miscellai�eous Proeeeds sht�ll be �pplied tn the si�rns secured hy this Securit}� Instninierat whethcr ur not thc strrns are thcn <br />duc. <br />if ihe Property is abtuldoned by Barrower, or if, after noticc by Lender to [3orrotiver that ihe Opposing Party (as defincd in <br />the neYt sentence) oflers to make at� award to settle a clai►n 1'or damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lcnder within 30 days <br />after the date the notice is gi�•en, Lender is autl�orized to collect and apply ihe Miscell�neous Procceds either to restoration or <br />repair ot dtc Frapert}� or to Lhe aums secr�red bv this SecariLy It�s�rumenf wheil�cr ar not then due. " Qpposing ParCy" meaiYs <br />the third parly that otivcs Borrorver Miscellaneous Procceds or the party against whom Borrowcr has a right of action in rcgard <br />io Miscellaneous Aroceeds. <br />Borrower shall he in default iF any �.ction or proceeding, �vhethcr civil or crimin�l, is begim that, in Lendcr's judgment, <br />could result in forfciturc of thc Property or oihcr matcrial irnpairn�cnt of Lendcr's intcrest in thc Property or nghts undcr this <br />Security Instnunent. Borrower can cure such a defauit and, itacceleration has occurred, reinstate as provided in Section 19, by <br />catising the action or proceetling to be dismissed with a ruling thal, in Lender's J'udgment, precludes forfeiture of the Property <br />or other niaterial ii��p�iirnient of Lender's interest. in thc Property or rights under this Sccurity lnstrument. The prnceeds of any <br />award or claim for damagcs that �irc attribu�able to the impairment vf Lcnder's intcrest in thc Properiy are hcreby assigncd and <br />shall be paid to Lender. <br />All M.iscellancous Procceds ihat are not applied to resioration or repair of the Propeny shall be applied in the order <br />provided for in Scction 2. <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Faanis Maelpreddie Ma� 11NIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />� 's�NE) (0817) Page 8 pf 14 <br />� <br />DDS-NE9 <br />�mt�8�g•. � <br />Form 3028 1/01 <br />I IIIIII IIIII III� ��II �I�II� IIII (III IIIII �III� IIIII IIIII I�II� ��III �III II� <br />OOOONE9G6791G <br />