<br />9. Protection of Lender's Interekt in the Property and Bi�;hts Under t!►is Security Instrument. If (a) Bprrowcr fails to
<br />perforin thc covenants and agreenicnts contained in this Security Instnianent, (b) there is a legal proceeding that might
<br />signiticantly affect Lender's intcrest in thc Property ai�d/or rights uncler this Seciuity Instnnnent (such as a procecdira� in
<br />baz�l:niptcy, probaic, for condcrrui�tion or forfclturc, for �nfprccmcnt of a licn which may attain prioriry ovcr this Sccuritv
<br />Inslrument or to enforcc la�vs or re�;ulations), or (c) Borrower has abandoned the Property, then Lcnder may do and pay for
<br />�ti•]iate��er is re�.sonable or appropriate to protect Lender's inierest in t�ie Propeny and rights under this Sccurity Instniment,
<br />incli.iding protectirag and/or assessi�ig tlae valuc of the Property, and securing a�ad/or rep�iiri��g the Pmperly. Lender's actions
<br />can includc, but tiIC IlOf IIR11lCd t0: � a) paying auy stuns sccurcd by a licr� which lk�s priority ovcr this Sccurity InstnunCnt; (b)
<br />appearing in court; nnd (c) p�iying reasonable attomc}�s' fees to protect its interest in dic Property and/or rights under this
<br />Security Instnunent, including its sccured posi�ion in a bankruptcy proceeding. Secucing thc Property includes, but is not
<br />limiled to entering the Property lo niakerepairs, cha��ge locks, repl�ice orhoard up doors tind windows, drain water frouipipes,
<br />eliminatc building or other code violations or dangerot�s condiiions, and l�ve utilities tumed on or off. Although Lendcr may
<br />take action under tlus Section 9, Lender does not have to do so and is not under any duty or obligation to do so. lt is agreed
<br />that. Lender incY�rs i�o liability for not iaking any or all actions authorizcd luider this Scction 9.
<br />Any amounis disbursed by Lender under this Section J shall become additional dcbt of Borrower secured by this Security
<br />lnstnuneni. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate tiom the date of disbursement and shall be payable, with such.
<br />interest, upon notice fromLender to Borrower rcquesiing paymcni.
<br />If this Security Instnunc��t is on a leasehold, Bo.rrowcr shall comply with al] the provisions of the lease. If Eiorrorver
<br />�cqiures fee title to the Propertg•, the leaschold and the fec title shall not mer�e unlcss Lcnder agrees to the mer�er in wnting.
<br />]0, Mortgage Insurancc. If Lcndcr required Mortgage InsL�rance �s a condition of making thc Loan, Borro�ver shall pay
<br />the prenvums reqiured to m�intain the Mortgabe Insurance in elfect. If, for any reason, the Mort�age lnsurance coveragc
<br />required by Lcnder ceases to be avail�ble from d�e mortgage insurer ihat prcviously providcd stzch insurance and Borro��cr
<br />was required ko n�ake separately designafed paymen#s towa�d (t�e premiurtts for fVinrt�ge lnsurance, Borrn�ver shall pay tlae
<br />prcmiurtis rcquired to obtain coveragc su6slantially cquivalent to thc Mortgagc Insurance previously iia efFcct, at a cost
<br />substantiall}• equiv�lent to the cost to Borrower of ihe Mortg�ge lnsurance previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage
<br />insurer selected by Lender. If substanii�lly equivalent Mortgage Tnsurance coverage is not a��ailable, Borro�ver shal] continue
<br />to pav to Lei�der the ac��ount of the separately desi�;nated p�ymei�ts that �vere due u�laen the insi�rance coverage ccasetl tn be
<br />in eftcct. Lcnder will accept, use and retain thesc paynients as a non-refundabtc loss reservc in licu of Mortgagc Insurance.
<br />Such loss reserve shall be non-refundable nptwithstandin� the fact lhat the Loa�� is ultimately p�aid in full, �nd Lcnder shall
<br />not be requircd to pay Borrower any interest or earnin�s on such loss reserve. Lender can no longer require loss reserve
<br />p�+ymen(s if Mortgage insurancc covcrage (in the amnintt �i�d for I.l�e period lh�it I,eudcr requires) providcd by a.n iust�rer
<br />selected by Lender again k�ccomcs availablc, is obtained, and Lender rcquires separately designatcd payments to+vard ihe
<br />premiturrs tor Mortgage I�isiu�ancc, If Lender reqtured Mortga�e I��surat�ce as a condition oF inakin� the Loan and Borrower
<br />��as required to make separatcly designated payments toward the prcmatuns for Mort�ige Irzssurance, Borro�ver sha11 ptiy the
<br />prcniiums rcquired io i��zjintain ivtortgage Insurance in effect, nr to �rovide a non-reCund�ble loss reserve, utatil Lender's
<br />requircmcnt for Mortgagc Insurancc cnds in accordancc with any wTitten agrecment betwccn Borrowcr and Lcndcr providi�ig
<br />for such termination or until termination is required by Applicable Law. Nothing in this Section 10 afPects Borrower's
<br />obligation to pay inlerest nt the rate provided in the Note.
<br />Mortgagc Insurancc rcimbl�rscs Lcndcr (or any entiiy thai purchuscs the Notc) for certain losscs it may incur if Borrowcr
<br />does not repay the Loan as a�reed. Borrower is not a party to the Mort�age Insur�nce.
<br />Mortgage insurcrs evaluatc their tot�l risk on al] such insurance in t'orce from time to time, and may enter into a�rcements
<br />rvilh other parties that st�lre or modily their risk, or reduce losses. These agreesnents �u on terrns �nd conditions that are
<br />satisf'actory to 1he mortgage insurer and the other party (or parties) to these agreements. These agrcements may require the
<br />morigage ins��rer to make p�yments �.�sing any source of fr;mds �}�ac tlie tnortgage insiver rria�� h�ve a��ailablc (wliich rr���y
<br />include funds abtaincd Fromlvlortgagc Insurancc prer�iiums).
<br />As �i resuli vf these agreements, Lender, any purchaser of the Nole another insurcr, any reinsiu'er, any othcr entity, or
<br />auy alliliate of auy ol' lhe foregoing, may receive (direclly or inclirectly) amo�.�nts tl�a� derive frarn (or inight be cluracferized as)
<br />a portiou of Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insurance, in exchange for sharing or modifying ihe mongage inswer's risk, or
<br />reducing losses. If such agreement provides fliat an at�Iliate of Lender takes a share of the insurer's risk in excl�ange For a share
<br />of the premiums p�id to d�e insurer, the arrangement is often tenned "captivc reinsurance." Further:
<br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fannia MaelPreddie Mac UNiFdRM INSTRUMENT
<br />� �'NE) (ost7i Pege 7 of 1a
<br />PUS-NE9
<br />�� �
<br />Form 3028 1/01
<br />OOOONE9fi67916
<br />