<br />All insi�rance policies required by Lender and renewals of such policies shall be subject lo Lender's ri�tit to disnpprove
<br />such policics, shail include a standard mort�;agc clause, and sl�all name Lci�der as morigagee and/or as an additional loss
<br />payee. Lcndcr shall have the righi to hold tk�e policies and reiaewa] certific�ires. if i..e��der rcquires, Bon•ower sh all pron�plly
<br />give to Lcndcr all rcccipts ot` paid prczniums and rencwal noticcs. If Borro�ticr obtains t111y r0ITT1 01 IllSllt'8I1CC covcr�gc, not
<br />othcrwise rec�uired by Lender, for damage to, or desWction of, the 1'ropert5�, such polic}� shall include a siandard mortgage
<br />clause and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an additional loss pa�ree.
<br />Tn the event ot loss, Borrower sh�ll �ive prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lendcr, Lender may make proof of loss
<br />if not iryade prornptly b}� B�rrower. Uriless Leiider and Borro�rer othen�risc a}�ee in wtiting, any insurance pracccds, �vhefher
<br />or not the underlying insurancc was required by Le�ider, shall be applied to restoration or repair of tlae Properiy, if the
<br />restoration or repair is economically feasible and Le��der's secunty is not lessened. lluring such repair and restoration period,
<br />Lendcr shall have the risht tp hold such insurance procceds tuitil Lender has h�d an oppprtunity to inspect such Propercy Lo
<br />ensure the �vork has bcen complcted to Lender's satist'action, provided that sucli inspection st�ll be �uidcrt�ken protiiptly.
<br />Lender may disbi�rse procceds fnr tlle repair5 and restarati��n in a singlc payment. or in a serics of progress pa}�ments as the
<br />v��ork is completed. Unlcss an agreemcnt is madc in �vriting or Applicabl.c Law rcquires interest to be paid on such insurancc
<br />procecds, Lender shall noi be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on s�ich proceeds. Fees for public adjusiers,
<br />or other d�ird parties, rct�ined b}� Borrower shall not be paid out of thc insurance proceeds and shall be thc sole obligaiion of
<br />k3orr�wcr. If the restoration or rep�ir is not e�o�loiilically feasiblc or Lendar`s seci�ity tivo�dd be Icssened, thc insuru�ce
<br />procccds shall be applicd to the sums securcd by this Sec��rity Instn�nent, �vhether or not ihen due, with the excess. if any.
<br />paid to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Section Z.
<br />If Borrower abandons the Property, Lendcr ma}� filc,negotiatc and scttle a�ry 1��ailable ins��rance claimand related matters.
<br />If Borrower does not respond within 30 d��ys to a notice From Lender ihat the insi�rance carricr has offered to settle a claim,
<br />then Lender may negotiaie and settle the claim. The 30-da.y period will begin whcn the notiec is givean. ln either evcnt, or if
<br />Lender acquires the Prnperty undcr Sectinn 22 or other�vise, Borrower hereb} assigns to Lcnder (a) Borrower's rights to nt�y
<br />insurance procccds in a�i amount n.ot to cacccd the <unotuits tmpaid under the Note or thrs Sccl�rity Instxumcnt, and (b) any
<br />olher of Borrower's ri�hts (other than the right to any relimd of uncarned premiums paid by Borro�ver) under all insurance
<br />policies covering thc Propert,v, insofar as such rights are applicable to the coverage of ihe Properiy. Lender may use the
<br />inst�rance proceeds eiiher to repair or restore thc Property or to pay amoiints u�ipaid ��nder thc Note or this Security
<br />lnstrument, �vhcihcr or not then duc.
<br />6. Occupancy. Borrower shall occup}�, est�tblish. and use t.he Properry as Borrow�er's principal residence ��ithin bU days
<br />a.fter the exccu#ion of this Securi .ty Instruma�t and shall continue to nccupy thc Prnperty as Borrower's pri�lcipal residence for
<br />at lcast onc ycar aftcr U�c datc of occupancy, unlcss Lendcr othcrwisc a�ccs in �vriting, which conscnt shall not be
<br />unreasonably ti�•ithhcld, or unless extenuating circumstances exist �vhich are beyond Borro�ver's control.
<br />7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Pruperty; Ins��ectionx. Borrower sl�all not dcstroy, damage or icnpair
<br />the Yroperty, allow the Yroperty to deteriorate or corcunit waste on the Yroperty. Whekher or not Borrotiver is residing in the
<br />Property, Borro�er shall maintain the Property in order io preverit the Property fromdetenorating ar decreasing invaluc due to
<br />its cnndilion. Unless iY is deterrnined pur5u�mt lo Scction .S tl�al rcpair or restoraiion is rtot econornica]]y feasiblc Borrower
<br />shall promptl3� repair the Proper if damaged to avoid further deCerioration or damage. If inst�rvice or cotldemnation proceeds
<br />are paid in connection �,�ith damage to, or the taking ot, the Property, Borrawer shnll be responsible for repairing or restoring
<br />the Property oaily if Lender has released procccds for such purposes. Lcnder may disburse proceeds for the repairs and
<br />restoratioi:i in t� singlc payrnent or in �i serics of progress paYrnen(s as the work is compl�tcd. If the insura��ce or condeiun�itioa�.
<br />proceeds arc not sufficient to rcpair or restore thc Property, Borrower is not relieved of Borrpwcr's obli�;atio�a for tY�e
<br />co�npletion of such rep�ir ar restoration.
<br />Lcnder or its �gent may niake reasonable entries upoi� and inspecdons of lhe Property. If 'rt has reasonablc cause, Lcnder
<br />uiay inspecL the interior of the improvements on thc Properiy. Lender shall give Borrower notice at thc Lime of ar prior to such
<br />an interior inspection specifying such reasonable c�iuse.
<br />R. Borrower's Loan Applicution. Borrower shall bc in dcfault if, during the Loan application process. Borrower or axiy
<br />persons or entitios acting at the direetion of Bor�ower or wilh Borrower's knowledge or consent gavc materially lalse,
<br />misleading, or inaccur�te information or siaicments lo Le�ider (or failed to provide Lezider ��ith m�terial information) i��
<br />cnnncction with the Lotua. Materit�l represcntations include, Uut arc not limitcd to, represcntations coi�ceriaing Borrower's
<br />occupancy of ihe Property as Borrower's principal residencc.
<br />NEpRASKA - Single Family - Fannie MaelFreddie Mac 11NIFORM IN$TRUMEN7
<br />���fi(NE) (�11j PagefirA14
<br />DDS-NE9
<br />Initial � ��
<br />Form 3028 1I01
<br />fn�l IIIII ulll IIIII flllll! IIII Iill llnl Ilif! l�II �III �III III� �� III
<br />onoorv�scs�s�s
<br />