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201i0037� <br />Neither $orro��'er nor Lender mt�y comn�ence, join or be joined to ;�n_y }udieial �ction (as either an individual liti�ant or ihe <br />member of a class) that arises from tlle other party's �ctions p�u•suant to this Securiry Instrument ar that alleges that d�e other <br />paitiy has breached xny prnvision nf, or �ny di.ity owed by reaso�a of, this Security instniment, izntil such Borro��cr or T,ender <br />has notificd thc othcr party (with such noticc givcn in crnnpliancc with flic rcc{uiremcnts of 5cction 1�) of such allc�cd brcach <br />and afforded khe other party hereto a reason;ible period alter the gi4ing of such notice to take corrective action. if Applicabie <br />Law providcs a time period which must clapse before ccrtai�l actio�z can be taken, that iime periad will be deemed to be <br />reasonable Ior purposes of this paragraph. The notice of acceleration aud opportunity to cw�e gfven to Borrou•er pursi.u�nt to <br />Seckion 2? and thc notice oF acccler��tion given tp Borrowcr pursuanl to Section 1R shall bc deemcd to satisf'y lhe noticc and <br />opporti�nit}� to l�ke correctit�e action provisions af this Section ?0. <br />21. Hazurdnus Substances. As used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardous Substances" are those substances delined as toxic <br />ar l�azardnus si.ibstances, ��ollut or wastes by Er�vironrtiental I,d�•a��d Lhe ti�llowing s�tbst�ttccs: gasoli��e, kerc�set�e, nt.l�er <br />1lammablc or toxic pctrolcum products. tvxic pcsticidcs and hcrbicidcs, volatilc sol��cnts, �natcrials containing asbestos or <br />formaldehyde, and r�dioactive materials; (b) "Enviroruncntal La�v" �ncans fedcral laws and laws of the jurisdiciion where the <br />Property i; located thai relate to health, safety or cnviro�unental protection�, (c) "Enviroruncntal Clcanup" includes arry <br />responsc aclion, ret��edi�il action, nr removal action, �is defit�ed in Envirottniental; �u�d (d) an "Environ�ttental Cot�ditinn" <br />mcans a condition lhat can cai�sc, contributc to, or othcrwisc trigger an Enviroruncntul Clcanup. <br />Borrower s�iall not c.iuse or �x;rmil the prescne:e, use dispnsal, Storage, ar release of ariy H2iardoiis Substances or <br />thre�ten to releasc anv Ha�.ardous Substances, on or in the Property. [3orrowcr shall not do, nor allo�v anyone clse to do, <br />anythinb atlecting the Properly (a) that is in violation of at�y �.nvirotunental La�u, ib) which creates an Envirorunental <br />Condition, or (c) �vhich, due to the presence, use. or release of a Hazardous Subs�ance, creates a condition that adversely <br />affecls tlze v�lue of tl�e Property. Ttic preceding two ser�tences shall not apply to lhe presetice, use, or slorage on l�ic Frop�rLy <br />of small quantities of Hazardous Substazices that arc gener��lly rccognized to be appropriatc to nonnal residcntial uscs and to <br />maintenance of tl�e Property (including, but not limited ta, hazardous substances in consturicr products). <br />Borrower s}lall promptly give Lender written notice of ��t) �my invesligation, claim,demas�d, lati�suit or ather action by any <br />govemaiental or re{;ul�tor�� agericy or private party involving the Property and any Hazardo��s Substance or Environmental <br />I.�iw nf which Rorro�ver has actu��l knowledge, (b) ritiy Environiuenl�il Condilion, inCluding bul nol litriitcd to, �irry spilling, <br />leaking, discharge, release or tl�reat of release of any IIazardous Substance, and (c) any condition caused by lhe presence, use <br />or relense of a Hazardous Subsiance �vhich adversely affects the v�Ll��c of the Property. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any <br />governmental ar re�,�►latory auihority, or any private party�, that a�iy remova] or other remediatian of any Hazardous Substance <br />atfecling the Properiy is neccssar�, Borrower slkill promplly (�ike all necess�try rer�iedial �cCions iti �cCOrd�Ilcc wi[h <br />En�irontnental La�v. Nothing hcrein shall creatc any obligatian on Lcnder for an Environmental Cleanup. <br />NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Bono�vcr and Lcndcr ti�rthcr covcn�nt and agrcc as follo�vs: <br />22. Acceleration; Remedics. Lender shall give n��tice to Borrower prior to acceleration following 13orrower's 6rcach of <br />any covenunt or a�;reement in this Security lnstrument (but nok prior to acccleratiun under �ection 1R unless Applicuble <br />Law prnvidcs otherwise). The noticc shnll �pecify: (a) the def��ult; (b) the action required to curc the default; (c) a date, not <br />less ihan 30 day� from the date the notice is given to Borrow•er, by which the default must be cured; a��cl (d) that failure tu <br />cure the defnult on or before the date speci�ed 'un the notice may result in ncceleration of the sums secured by this Security <br />Instrument and sale of the Yropert,y. The notice shall further inform Bnrrower of the ri�ht to reinstate ufter acceleration <br />and the right to brin�; a court action to assert the non-existence of a default or an,y other def'ense �f Borrower to acceleration <br />�nd sa1e, ii'the default is nol cured un vr betiire lhe �lale specilied in tbe notice, Lencler at its optic�o m;ty requirc immediate <br />payment in f'ull of all sums securcd by this Secnrity Instrument without further demand and may invoke the power of sale <br />and uny other remedies permitted by Applicable Luw, Lender sht►It be entitled to collect uMl expenses incurred in purcuin� <br />the remedics providcdin this Section Z2, incladin�;, butnnt limited to, reusonahlc attorne,ys' fees and costs of title cvidence. <br />lf the power of s.�le is, Trustee �hall record a notice of default in each county in which any part uf the Property <br />is lacated .�nd shatl mail copies of such notice in the m.►nner prescribe�! by Applicable L,�w to Bnrruwer and tu the uther <br />perw�ins pre.rcribed by Applicuhle Law. After khe time required by Applicdble Law, Trustee shall give public notice of salc t�� <br />thc persons and in thc munner pre�cribed by Applicahle Law. Trustec, with�ut dcrnand on Borrower, whall scll the Frnperty <br />�t public auction to che hi�;hest bid�ler at the time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of sale in one or <br />more parcels and in any order Trustee dctermincs. Trustee naay postpone sale of all or any parcel ��f the P'roperty by publ'rc <br />nnnouncement at thc time anil place uf any previously �chcduled wxle, Lender or its �lesignce may purGhase the Prnperty at <br />any sale. <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRl1MENT <br />���NE) (oe��� Page�1ot�4 <br />Dl)5-NE9 <br />Initiels: <br />Form 3028 1/01 <br />I llllU lIIII Illn IIIII IIIIIII Illl flll IIIII Illll IIIII I�III I�II II� Ilq III <br />