Laan Na: 810121 p ICap r�uecl) � O 1 1 O O ��� Page 6
<br />MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 7'he following rriiscellaneous prnvisinris ar? ? park nf fhis De�d of Tri.isY:
<br />Amendments. This DP..P,(I Of TfLIAY fqqeth�r with any Fi�lated Doc;i_irnenls, constifutes tlir entire understanding and ayr��ment oF the
<br />parties as fo the matkers set fqrth in this C)e�d oF Tn_ist. No alterafion of nr amendmr�nt to this I:)eerl of �rust shall be effective unless
<br />given in writiny and signed hy the party or parties sought to k�e charyei.l or bound by the alferali��n or �ineridineni.
<br />Annual Reports. It the Property is iisecl (or purpases olher ll��n Truslnr's r�sidence, Trustor sh�ll (urnish In I_�ncier, u(�on requesl, ��
<br />certified statement of net operatir�g incorne r?c?ived frorn ihra f'ro�»rty clurinq Trustor's ��r�vioi_is tis<:�I ye��r in such Tonn nnd dPlail �s
<br />(_end?r shall r?quire. "Net ciper�ring incorne" �Iiall rnean �II cash recei��ls from fl�e Proparly IE,ss alt ca5h expenr.litures made in
<br />r,onner.tinn with the operation nf the Property.
<br />Caption Headings. Caption Iieadin�s in this Deed ot I rust are fnr r:or�venience pi.irpnsF�s only anri �r� not to h� used in inierpret or
<br />definc: the provisions of this beed of Crust.
<br />Merger. There shall 6e no merger of the interest or estate cre�tr:,d hy this Dec�d nf Trust with any othr.,r inlerest or estate in the
<br />Property at any time hald by or for the benefit of Lender in any capacily, without the wri[ten consent o( L�nder.
<br />Applicable Law, The Loan secured hy this lien was mado under a United States Sntall Business ndtttinistration (SBA) nationwide
<br />prograrn which uses tax doll�rs to assist smnll businoss owners. If the tJnitecl 5takes IS SP,P.IUII[) LV B17(pfC4 tF11$ (Ip(:f1171Bf1Y, tI1B11 undor
<br />SBA ragulations: (a) When 5F3A is tha f�calder of tl�v Note, this doc�prrir,rrt and all docu�n�nts �videiaci�ag or seci.uiny this Lqan will bP
<br />cbnstrusd in accordance with federal law. (b) l.erider ar SBA may use Ipcal ar state procedures for purposes sucli as iiling papers,
<br />recording documents, giving natice, foreclosing liens, and othor purposes. By using thase proceduras, SBA doos not waive any
<br />federal immunity from local or statc control, pon�lty, tax or liability. No 8orrower or Guarantor may claim ur �ss�rt against SBA any
<br />local or state law to deny any ohligation of Borrower, or defeat any r.lairri of SBA with respeet to this Loan. Any clause in this
<br />document raquiring arbitrativn is not enlorceable when SBA is tlin holder of tho Noto secured by it�is instruiTiont.
<br />Chc�ice nf Venue. If there is a I�iwsuii, Truslor �gr��s upon Lcander's r.r,qu.r,st to s�.ibmit to thr jurisdiction of thr courts o( FI;�II County,
<br />Sta�� of Nebraska.
<br />Jaint and Several Liahility. All obligatinns oF E3orruwcr and lYustor under this I.)eed o( l rust shall be joint �nd sevc�r�l, �nd all
<br />reterences to Truslor shall m�an �ach and �very - Trusior, and all references to F3orrower shall me��n eacfi and r:.very 8orrowrr. This
<br />rrieans t.hat each Trustor signing below is r�sponsible ior all obligatinrzs in this C)eed of Irust.
<br />No Waiuer by Lender. I_ender shall not be cleem�d to Ii;�ve w�ived any rights Ufl(�IP.f 1f115 beed nf llust unless such waiv�r is giv�n in
<br />writiny and signed by L.ender. No rlelay nr omissinn on tli� �>�rt oi L.ender in exercising any ric3lit sliall operat� �s a waivcr oi sur.h
<br />right nr �ny pfhc;r right. A w�iver 6y 1_ender of a provision n( tl�is Deecl of l rus[ sl'iall nof prejuciir,e or r:onsliluLr� r� waiver of I_ender's
<br />right otherwise to dem�nd strict compliance with tliat provision nr �any c�ther provisivrr of this D�ed of Trusl, N<� prior waiuer by
<br />L�nd�r, nor any course o( dealiny between l.encler an�:f �n.istor, sh�ll r.onstitufe � w�iv�r of �ny of Lend�r's rights or of �ny o(
<br />Trustor's obligations as to any ftlt.Ure lransar..lion5. Wh�nF�v�r 1hr, consnnt oT Lender is required unc:ier this Deed ol 1 the gr�nting
<br />[>f such cr.�nsent by Lencier in nny insfance shr�ll not constitul:? r.,o��tinuing consenl to suhsequent inslances wt��re such consent is
<br />required and in flll cases such consent may I�e grantecl or withl�Fld in Ilie �ole discrelinn o( LF�nclor.
<br />Severability. If � court of COIII�JBtP.flt JUf15(�ICHOfI iinds any prnvision c.�f tfiis L)eed of Trust lo he ill�qnl, irrv�lid, or i.inenfor�:eable as tn
<br />any person or circumstance, Yh2t findinq shall not i7�:?ke Ihe nif�ndinc� provision illegal, invali�l, or uneniorceable as to any uth�r �>erson
<br />or cirournstance. If feasible�, the offendiny r�rnvisinn shall be r.onsic.lered rnodiFiecl so that it becornes legal, valicl �nd enforceablc. If
<br />the offendin,y provision c�nnot b� sn modifi�d, it shall be considered delefed frorn this I.)eed n( 'f rust. Unless c�tl7erwise required by
<br />law, the illegaliYy, invalidity, or unenforceahili#y of eny provision o( this Ueed of - Irust SI7�II no[ �f(er.l lhe Ieyalil.y, valiclity or
<br />enforceabiliry of any other provisinn of this Deed of Trust.
<br />5uccessqrs and Assigns. Suhject tp any limita#ions stated in this C�eed n( Tr�.isf nn fransfer o( l7ualor's int�resk, tl7is Deed of Tr«s�.
<br />shall bP hinding i.i�nn :�nd inure to the henefit of thr, parlies, �h�ir succe5sors �nd assigns. If ownership of the Property becomes
<br />vested in a person otlier than - i r�istor, I ender, nolir,r, to - iYustor, ni;�y clE�.�l witli I rii,for's r wilh refeience to lhis
<br />Ueeci of Trust and the Indek�ledneas k�y wny of Torbearance or exlen5ion wilhoul relenainq TYu,ior from the ot.�lig�tions o( �his UF?F.(I n(
<br />l ru5t nr' li��bility under th� Ind�btedness.
<br />Time is of tlie Essence. Tirnr; is nf Ihe essence in the pc�rinrmance vf t.his i�e��i or r�����.
<br />Waivo Jury. All parties tn this D�ed of Trust herehy waivc� the rigF�t lo any jGiry trial iri �ny action, proceeding, or counterclaim brptight
<br />by any party against any other party.
<br />Waiver of Womastead Exemption. Trustor hereby relc�a�es �nd waives all riqhts and f.�enefits of tf�e liarn�stead exernplion laws nf the
<br />State of Nebraska as lo all Indebtedness ser.ur�d by this Deed of l
<br />UEFINITIQNS. Th� following caF.iitalized worcls and I.enns shnll have the followiny meaninys wlien us�'�d in lhis DeE�d nf lrus[. Unless
<br />sper.ifically stated to the cor'ilrary, all references tq dnll�r amoi.mts shall rne�n arnnunls in lawful rnoney of the llniled St�t�s nf /\m�rica.
<br />Words and terms usad in the singular shall inclucle I.he �>lur�l, �nd tlie plural shall includ� th? 5in,yular, �s the r.nntrxt m�y r�quire. Words
<br />and t:r.rms not otherwise dr fined in this Ueed nf shall h�ve the rneanin,yG .'itlrihuted to s�ar.h terms in the Uniforrn Commerci�l Code:
<br />Beneficiary. The word "Eieneiiciary" rneans F,quit.abl� E3;ank, �nd its Si.ICC('.55Dfti 8f1/I E]ti�?I(�f1S.
<br />Borrower. The word " Rorrower " means DR MQTOFiSPOFi I S, INC. ancl inclurle� :�II co Giqi7�rs �nd r.o i7ialcers siyning the Note ancl all
<br />their successvrs anci assiqns.
<br />L?eed of Trust. `I he worcls "Dec�d of Tri.isY' mean t:his I:)eed uf Trua;t �mong 1 rustor, Lender, ancl I ruslee, and incliides wiUiout
<br />limitation all assiyr7rt�ent and ser.urity interest provisions rel.itinq to Ihe Personal Property and fients.
<br />Default. 'The w�rd "C)eTault" IIIF.�llS tIl(? DP.�BIIII SPI fOflfl I11 IIIIS I7f:E(I oi TruSt in ihe section titJr�.t "1.)efaull".
<br />Envirpninental Laws. The words "Frrvironrnent�l L�ws" mean any and all state, fed�ral and locnl statutes, ree�ulations and nrdinances
<br />relating to the prot�r,tion of hurnan heallh or Yh� �nvironment, including without lirnitation th� Comprr.hensive Fnvironmental
<br />Re:snnnsc�, Gompensation, and I..i��bilily Act of 19F30, as ai7iended, 47. 11.S.G. Section 9G01, et seq. ("CF.FiCI_/�"), the Superfund
<br />Amendmants and Reauthorization Act oF 19II6, Pu6. L. No. 99 499 ("S/�R/�"1, Ylic� Iiflzardous Materials I'ransportation nct, �9 IJ.S.C.
<br />Section 1801, et seq., the Resourr.e Conservation and Fier,overy Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 69(71, et seq., pr other :ipplir.�k�le state or
<br />farlPral I�ws, rules, or rec�i.dations ?�1npt?d ��ursuant thereto.
<br />�vent of nef�ult. Tlie words "Evenf nf Uc:f�i.df" rrir_an any of lhe evenis [�f drf:iult set fortfi iii I.I�is I)eed cif I rusl in 1he evei�ls c�(
<br />default section uf lhis f)eed of llust.
<br />Existing Indebtednoss. lhe words "Fxisting Ind�btedness" niean Ihe indebtr.dness descrihed in the I�xistin�a I iens �xovision o( this
<br />Deeri nT Trust.
<br />Guarantar. The word "Guarantor" rneans �ny gu�rantor, surety, or �cr..ommodation party of any or �II c>f ch? Ifl(IP..�1F;C{IlE?u5.
<br />Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" me�ns th� guaranty irorn Guarantor to Lender, including withqul litnitafion a quaranty qf �11 or part of
<br />thr Note.
<br />Hazardni�s Suhstances. l'he words "Haz�rdous SUr15T811CL'S rriean fTli1LP,CIiIIS th�t, h�r.�usF of their quantity, concen�r�tion or
<br />pt�ysical, r,hemical or inCectious charar,lerislics, m�y r.ause nr pose a presenk nr poY�!ntial hazard to hurn8n he�lfh or tha environrnent
<br />when improperly used, treated, srored CII5�)OSF.(I of, generatecl, r7ian+,i(�r,l.urrd, transported or ol:herwise h�ndled. 7he wonls
<br />"Haz2rdous Suhstt�nces" are us?d in their very I�roadest S.P..flSf? �nd includ� without lirnitafion :�ny and all h�zarclou� or Inxir.
<br />$ULlAYilflCf'-5, materials or wasle �s d�fined by or listed undrr 1h� Environrnenfal I..,aws. The I.�rrn "fiazardnus Substances" also
<br />includes, withbu[ IirTiitation, petroleurn and �.�etroleurn ��y �,r�a���:c5 �� :,�,v rra�:�.�o�, rnF,����r �„a �sr.�� stos.
<br />Irr�provements. The worcl "Improvrments" rneans all exisling ��nd futurr. irn��roverner�[s, tniildincrs, strur.furas, rnobile homes affixed on
<br />the Real Property, tac:ililies, additions, replar,erri�nfs nnd oth�r construction on the Rra�l Pr��perfy.
<br />Indebtedness. The word "Inc�ebt�dness" rneans all princi�al, interest, and other amnunl�, r.ost� an�1 rxpenses �:�ayable under the Note
<br />or Rr•.lated Uocurnents, toqel:h�r with all renewals c�f, extensions of, nioGlification5 of, r,qnsolidafions nf and substitutions tor the Noce
<br />