Laan No: 81U121
<br />D�EU U� TRUST � 0110 0 3 6 4 r�� ��
<br />(Car�tin�.��d) �
<br />occurrenc:;� of nny evenf nf default, includinc� the riqht to exercise Ihe power of sale;
<br />(h� Commence �n action to iorecic�!;e this Deed of I'rust �s � mortc .��>��ciint a rec;eiver nr sp�ci(ically en(orce any c�f Ilrn
<br />covenants herenF; :�nd
<br />(c) Deliver t.n Trustee a wriUen dr.r,i�ration of ri�fni.iit �nd d�rn<�n�i for ��I� r�nd a wri[ten nntir.c*, of defai.ilt and el�r.tion to
<br />cause Trustor's interest in thc� Property tn h� sold, which nnlicc+. Tri.istee shall r.,nuse tn he duly filed for r�cord in the
<br />ap�:�rqpriatc� offices of th� County in which tli� Property is loc�lPri; �nd
<br />(d) With respect tn all r�r Flny n�rt oi the I'ersnnal Prnporly, I._ender sh�li h�ve �II thu� right5 and re:medies of � sect�red p�rty
<br />under lhe Nabraska UnifnrrTi Cornmerc;i��l Cocle.
<br />Foreclosure by Power of Sale. I� Lnnrler elects [p foreclnse hy ex�r�,is� of Ihe Power a( Snle: h�rc�in contained, tender sh�li notify
<br />Trustee and sh�ll deposit wiih Truste.e this I)c���i of Trust and the Notn ond 51_ICI1 fBC( I�)15 �nd rvidence of F�x�iPn�liturr.s ni�c.le and
<br />seci.ired by this Deed of Trus[ �s TrustFC� ni�y r�r�iaire.
<br />(a) Upnn rFCeipt of 5uch nnlir.� trom I..«�n�irar, IYiisten shall r..ius� in he recnrde�l, �x.ihlish.r,ci an�i dF�liv��rF�d io Trusfor such
<br />Nutiee nt Uc!fault �nd Noiir.o of Sale as ihen inc�uire�i l�y Ic+w �ncl hy this D��d ci( irust. TrusleN sfi�ll, wiliioi.rt cl�rn�nd on
<br />Ir�.istor, allf�r sui;h Iime �s rnay Ilu�n tio reqi�ireci hy I:�w �tncl afler re�c�ir�Iniion of such Nolir.�� nf f7nfatdt and .'tfte�r PJe�tic� of
<br />S�Ie h��vinca l>e�n givf:�n .�ti r���iairr.rl I�y law, 5��11 ihn Pro��erfy �if thn limn �nci ��lac� ��f snl� fixr,cl by it in such Notir.� of 9ale,
<br />eith?r as a whole, or in separate Int.s nr parcels or itprl�s as Trustee sh211 cieem expedient, �nd in such order as it may
<br />(�pfP.(f7lIfIP„ c'll (7Uh�IC BUCtlOf1 lV �f1P. I11C]IlP.SY f)ICi(.IP..f fnr r.�sh Ill lawful rnonc�y C)f tf1C UI11tP,CI SL:1IP.5 �]fl�/:3�7�(? 8t tFIP, tIfT1P p( 5..'�IP,.
<br />Trustee shall deliv�r to such p�.irch�sc�r or purr..fiasers th�reo( its ,ynod �nd sufficient c.i�eri nr de�ds r,onveying the prnperty so
<br />sohi, I.�ut without any r.ovenant or warr�niy ['X�1fP.$F ��r implierl. The recitals in such rloed of any rn.itt<�rs or f�cts shall he
<br />cnnclusive proof of 1h� tri.ith(ulneSS t:herc�of. Any �ier,or�, inr.ludinq wilhi�ul limit�tian fruslc�r, Trusten, or Lencler, rn��y
<br />purr.hase �t such ��Ir,.
<br />(b) ns m�y bo permifled hy I�w, atter de�lur.Yinc� all cnwt5, fe�s �nci expenses of Trustee and o( this Trust, inr.luding c;osts nf
<br />evi�l�nc� of title in conner.tion with salFa, Trustr�e sh�rll a(�ply the procee�is of s�le to p�yrnenl of (i) nll sums expendead undnr
<br />lhe i�rms of this 17eed oi Trust or und<:r th� frnns o( ihe Nofc� not then re�i�i<I, incluclin,y but nnl liniitecl to accruerl inleresY
<br />�nd late r,harges, (ii) �II oihFr Surns ihen s?ciirerl li�rr�hy, anrl (iii) th� rc�m�incler, if �ny, io iho pr.rson nr ��?rsons I�q�lly
<br />�ntitled tlieretn.
<br />(c) Trustee may in lhe manner provideri t.�y law ��osl�iUne sale ni aU or �ny ��ortion op ili? I'r���>erty.
<br />Romr�dies Nc�t Exclusiva. Trust�e �nd L.ender, �nd ear,h of lh�rn, shall be enlil.l�cl t:o rnforc,e pFlyrnent and perforrriance c.>f �ny
<br />ind?btedness or ohliq�tions secured tay this Ueed of Trusi �nd to exerr..i�e �+II riyhls �and �owers unii�r tliis Oeed o( 1 rusl, w7der thr,
<br />Nr�te, under any of Yhe FiFJ�ted Docurnenis, or under any oth�r �greerneni. r�r any laws nnw or hereatter in (orc�,:; nnlwitlistanding,
<br />so�t�e or �II of such indebtrdness 7nd ohlig�tions secured hy this Deed r�f lrust may now or fierc+.after be otherwisn secured, whether
<br />hy rnortgaye, deed of triist piedye, lien, nssignmenl nr olh�rwise. Neicher th� �r.ceptance of this Deed oi 'in.ast rior its �nf'orcenient,
<br />wf�eihnr by courf hcliqn or pursu�nt lo ihe power nf S�IP, or nihr,r pnwars cont�ined in tl�is C)r�d f1F 1fU.SY, SI1flII �/(P..�l1fIIC(? or in ar�y
<br />i7i�nner aTfecl Trustee's or Lr.nder's riqht to reali» upnn or enforce �ny nYher security nnv+� nr fiereafYer held by Tn.astee or Lender, it
<br />bning agreed Lhat Truste-r_ anci Lenclar, and each ��f thern, sli�ll b� entill�rl to enfore? tliis Dn�d of - �rusl �nd niiy olh�r ser.urity n��w or
<br />hereafter held L�y Lend?r or Irustno in rs�.icli nrrl�r �nci manner nti lhey rn cith.r,r of thern rn�y in their absnluie �lisr.retinn detF�rrriine. Nc�
<br />rernedy r..on(�rreci upon or YF?SCfVF'.CI lfl I�fUSIBP, or Lender, is inl�ncl�d to be HXCIUSIVQ of any other ri�rnndy in this Ueed nf Trust or by
<br />iaw provid�cl or perrniUerl, h�.rt r_ar,h sh.�ll he r.umulative r+n�f shnll hr, in addiiinn to nvr.ry other rem�dy given in lhis I)eeci nf Trust or
<br />now or hereafter existinc� �t law or in er�uity or by slalut�. Evr.ry pow?r ��r r�m�ily yivf�n by th�� NcrYe or any ot thr. Rr.lnt�ci Uocuments
<br />�o Trustee or L.�nrier or to whir,h Fiific�r of them rnay b� oth��rwise e.�ntitlPrl, may F�e exerr,iti�d, c:oncurrentiy or indc�pendently, irorn fime
<br />to tirne �nd as <�ften �is rn��y he deemed F�xp�di�nt i�y I ruslFae or Lender, �in�l caiilinr of thern rnny pursiao IIlCOi15j9YP..f1C fH111F?lIl(?S.
<br />Nofhin(� iri Ihis Dr,rci of 'I riist shall b�:? r;onslru�ci as r�rol�ihiliric.� L�nrinr irnm s�el:inq � dcFir.ienc;y juclqrn�nt �gaiinst Ylie I ri.isior to thn
<br />extent such action is permitted hy law. Election by Lendor to pi.arsue any remedy shall not c�xc;lude pursuit of any qther remedy, and
<br />an election to m�kP c!xpenditures or to take acfion to �erfonn �n oblig:�tion of 1rus�or under this Deed of Trust, affnr Trustor's failGir?
<br />to perforni, sli�ll not affect L�:nd�r's right to der,l�re a dr.fa�.iif and exercise its rernedi�s.
<br />Request for Notice. Trustor, on t�eh.ilf nf Trustor and l ancl�r, herehy rer�uests that � co��y nf �ny Notir.e �f I.)e(aull. �n�i � cor�y of any
<br />Nniice of Sale undnr ihis �eed of 'I rus� hn mailed t�� lliem ;�t the. �cicirea�;sr.s s�t forrh in lhe firct �»r�gra��h ��C lhis f)E�rd of Trust.
<br />Attnrneys' FeQS; Expenses. If I..endr�r inslilutes any suil or action Yo en(cirr.� any of the lernis oF lhis Deed of 1 ru5t, LFnrlar sliall t.>e
<br />r�rititled to rer.,ovar s�.ich sum as t.h�: r.ciurt may adjudqP rc��son�blr-, :is �iiioriroy tPPS �t trinl �nd u��nn �ny eap���al. Wh�ther nr nnt any
<br />r.nurt act.ion i� invnlved, and to Ih� c!xtent nul ��rohihited by I�iw, �II re�>onable P.X�1Cd11505 inc�us ihnt in Len�ier's ci�.�iniqn �rn
<br />necessary �t any tirne for the {>roter,tic�n of ils int�rest or (lie �nforerrneni of ii5 ric�hts sh�U becorne .i �i�rt of tl�e Indek�lFadn�ss (�nyal.�l.r,
<br />on ciernnnd and shali h�nr interesl at th� Nnte rat:e frnrii Ihe date nf ihFa �:xponclitur� until rr. �,;,��i. rxr���,SF,s cc�vF�rr�cl by ihis �+�rac�raph
<br />include, withoul liiriir:�rion, Iiowevfar sul�j.r,ct tn �ny lirnits und�r :�F?plicnl�lc law, I_end��r's nttorncys' 1en5 ��rni I._�*nder's Ir,gai ex��ense�s,
<br />whether nr nor there is � lawsuit, includiny �ttnrneys' fees �n�l rxpenses (or b�nkn.iptr,y proceeciinps (inr.luding eiforts to inodify or
<br />va.r,r�te any aufrnnatic stay �ir injunr,tion�, �ppe�ls, and any anl.icip�ted �,osi.-�u�iq�„��,r coll�ctior7 s�rvices, thr-, cc�sl n( se�rchinq
<br />records, nbt�ining title re�.�nrts (including forrar.losure reports�, surveyors' rep��ris, nnd a���.irr.�is��l f�es, fitle insurancc�, and fe�s ior the
<br />lrusteP, ln the extent perrniYted by applic.ahl� law. lruslor �Isr� will ��ay any r.ourf costs, in �d�lition To all ot.fier sui7�. prnvided f.�y
<br />law.
<br />Rights of TrustPe. Trustee shall have all nf the rights :�nd cluties of I,endr.r �s set forlh in Yhis secfion.
<br />PbWERS /AND ORLIGA'TIONS OF TRUSl'EE. The followinq r�rovisions relatinq fo tlie pc.�wers �ncl ol:�lic�ations of Trusfea are pait of 1.Iiis
<br />Deed c�f Tr�.ist:
<br />Powers oi Trustee. In addi[inn to �II pc�wars of - fn.isfe? �risiriq as �i rri:alle:r of Inw�, lrusiPe shnll havc� the pow�r tn Y�I<e ilie (oUowirip
<br />�ctiorrs with respect tr� the Froperly iiE�on the wrilY?n r�e�uest o( I_encler nnd Tnistor. (�) join in ��re��ariny anci filing a rn�p ��r plat nf
<br />fhe Real PropF:rly, including the diadication of �lr�ats or otli�r ri,yhis to the puhlic; (1�) join in yrcinlin,y �ny eas�menf ��r r.renting 2ny
<br />restricfion on the Real f'rvperty; and (r..) jnin in any subprdination or othPr �yreernent 2(feciiny this Deed nf lrust or the interest ��f
<br />Lender under this Deed of Trust.
<br />7rustee. Trust?p sh�ll m�c�t all ��u�liiications r?quired for Tnistee under appiicable I�w. In addition lo the rights and rerriedies set
<br />iorth nbove, with respect to �II or any parf of ih� Property, tfie lYiistr,r shr�ll linv� ihr, riglit lo friri�closr, f�y� �n�i snle, ancl Lencier
<br />shall have lha right to foreclnsa by juciicial fnrc�clos�ire, in �ilhr.r c�se in ar.i;ord�nce with �ncl tn Yhn full extenl (�rnvi�Jc�d by applicable
<br />law.
<br />Successor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's o(�I.inn, may frutn timn to time �ppnint :� successnr Trustc�n to any 'I ruste.e �ppointed under
<br />this Deed o( Trust by an insrrument executad �nd �ckrwwledqr-�d hy LendFar and recnrded in Ilie crffir.� n( [Iie recorder nf FiF�LL Cowity,
<br />State of Nehraska. fhe instrurr�enl sh:�ll r,ontain, in nddition to all olh�r rnatters require�d I:�y stat? law, the n�rnas of tkie originwl
<br />I_ender, Trusfee, �ir'id Trustor, the honl< :�nd page (or cornp�rter systPtri r�fnrence) where this Deed nf 'frusr. is r�corded, and the name
<br />and a�Jdress of the sucr.essor irustee, �nd the insfrumnnt sliall be ex�cutec:l and 2�:1<nnwl�cli7ed hy :�II the f,��,�r��,��r��5 ���,der ir,�s U��*d
<br />of Trust or tlieir successnrs in interest. ll�e sur.r.�ssor trusi��r., witliout cc�nve:y�nr,e of t.he I'rr�����rly, sh�ll SUC�:C'.E?(� In �II Yh«� iitle,
<br />pnw�r, and duti�s conferred upon tlie �n,isf�e in this Dee�l ciF Trust an�.:i by �E� law. 'Ihis prncadure for sut�siiPUtion of Trustee
<br />shall govrrn tn tlie exclusinn of all ot.her provisions for tiul�stiti.rtion.
<br />NOTIG�S, nny notice reqi,iired [o be given unde!r this C)eerl ��f Trust, ir�cludinq wi?Iiout lirnil�tinn �ny noticP of dnf�ult and any noYice of
<br />sale shall b� giv�n in wrifing, �nd shall be effr.ctive when �ctually deliverr*ci, wlien eclualfy receivecl by [elefacsirnile (unless c�lfierwise
<br />required by law� when �.leposit�d wifh 2 natinnally recogni��rl overni�ht cnurier, or, i1 rn�iled, when deposit�d in th� United Stafes tn�il, as
<br />first r,lass, r.ertiTied or reyisterr.d mail post;�ge prepaid, clircr,ted to the �ddresses sl�qwn n�:�r the beqinninc� nf this Deed o( Trust. nll
<br />copies o( nntir,es of forer..losurn irom thr holder of any li�n which has �uiority over t.his pc�ed ot T ru5t sh��ll be sc!nt to i..encler's addr�ss, �s
<br />shown n�ar Yhe begiru�ing of this [�eed of l rust. /1ny p�rty may clianye its �dc.iress (or under flii5 Dnerl nf l rust by givinq inrmal
<br />written notir.� to the nlher p�rtins, specifyinq that the ��urr�ose of th�e nr:iLir..e is to change lh� party's address. Fnr nntir.e purposc �, TrusYor
<br />agrees io kee�� Lender infonnnd at all iimrs of Trustor's r.urrenf address. Unless otlierwis� provic.led or requirFd hy It�w, if ther'e is mqre
<br />th�n one Trustor, �ny notiee given hy L�ncler to any Trustor is deerrrE�cl In be nnlice yiven to all Trustor5.
<br />