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� <br />r <br />Loan No: 810129 <br />a��U o� T�zus � p� 10 4 3 6 4 <br />(Conti�i�.�ed) pa9e 7 <br />or I'ielaled qocum�nts and any amounts �xp�ncinrl or �civanced Iry I...ender ln disr.h�rge Trusfor's oblig8lion5 or ex��enses inr.�.irrr�d by <br />Trustee or Lend�r to rnforce l n�stor's vbiic��tions under this f.�eed of Trusl, lo,y��lh�r willi interest nn Gur..h e�m�iunis as ��roviii��d in ihis <br />D�ed of Trust. Speci(icalty, limitation, Indc�bladnc;ss indudes all aninunts ih,�f rn�y be inclir�ctly sr.r,ure�.l hy the <br />Cross Collnteralizalinn pr��vision of this Deeci of lrusl. <br />Lender. - ihe worrl "Lender" rnear�s Fc7Gait�hle Banl<, its sur..c:�ssrirs �nri �ssiqns. <br />Note. f Iie word "Note" means fh� ��roniissory note d�led Uer:Frnher 3C1, 2010, I11 t��B OrlgltlFll �.�rir�cipal �IT1011llfi Of <br />$ 1 Q,00�.00 frorn E�orrower lo Lend�r, togettier wilh �II rf�nuw�ls of, nxtr.nsions of, nioclifir.,�lion5 ot, r�iin:�nr.ings of COI150I1(:I�CIOf15 <br />nf, :and substitutions (or the prnrnissory note or ac�reeni�rit. NOTICE TO TF7UST(]R: 711E NOTE CoNTl�INS A VARI/1f31,.E INTF..RFST <br />RATE. <br />Personal Property. The worcis "f erson�l Proprrty" rne�n �ill er�i�i��rn�nt, fixtures, ancl o[Ii?r arficlF�s of ��ersnn�l prn��rty now or <br />here�ft�r owned by'Iruslor, �ncl now or hereafter att�ch?�I or nffixed to the Real Pro�erly; log?lher wilh aif ar.enssinns, parts, �nd <br />additions tn, all replacements c�f, �nd �II suhstitutions for, �ny of such �rnr�erty; and toc�e.lher witfi �II E�ror.�nds (inr.lurliny without <br />limitation ali insur�nce pro�:eeds and refunds of pr�rriium�) flrn7� nny s�lc or nther disprisitiori of ihe Propnrty. <br />Property. The worcl "Proper�y" m��ns coli�ctiuriy the fie,il f'ro���rry �nrl ihe F'ersonril Pro�uarly. <br />Real I�roperty. Tlie words "Raal Prei��arly" m�:��i� tl�e re�l ��rr��>�iry, interr.�is ancl riqlil5, .:iti furtlir:r cl�sr.ribecl in this L)eed ot Trust. <br />Related Docume�nts, l he words "Related ❑or,umenl5" rn��n all �romissory notes, credit �yr���menfs, loan agreements, environment�l <br />agreements, c�u�ranfi?s, ser.urity ac7reerr�enls, rnorig;�qes, r.�eeds n( tru;l, �ncurity fICBCIS, collaterel m��rtc.�aqes, �nd �II otfirn <br />instruments, a,yreements and dnr,urn�nis, whether now nr f�ere�.�fle�r raxistiric�, c�xecuted in r:onn�r:ti��n with tlr� Incink�t�dness. <br />RQnts. Tlie word " RP.�115�� I17P,8(15 all ��r��s?nt anci fufurc rents, ff?Vf'�I�IF'.R, Ifl(.'.OITI(?� issuns, royalfiFS, profils, �nii nth�r benr�(its rirrivnd <br />}rnrn the F'r���iFrty. <br />Trustee. 'fhe wnrrl "Trustr.e" rneans Fquil�hl� B�nk (Grincl Isl<�nd R��qion�, whosc �ddres�; is 113-115 N 5f; PO E3ox 1fi(1, <br />Gr�nd ISl.ind, NE 68802-0160 ��n�l .iny subsTitute or �nccF�:;s��r lrutilr��s. <br />Trustor. The worcl "Trustnr" means bENNIS J, ROSNO �nd AMBEFi L.. IIOSNn. <br />EACH TRUSTOR ACKNOWLE�GES MAVING REAd �LL THE PfiOV151C]IVS OF 'i'Fi1S UEED OF TRUST, /�NI] E/�CH 7RUS'TOR /�GR[ES T� <br />ITS T�RMS. <br />TFil157pR: <br />X <br />J. SNU <br />X �ti _.._\ ��� <br />AMBER L. ROSNO <br />INDIVIDU�L /�CI(NC�VI/�ED�M�NT� <br />STATE OF ���� {�/� <br />CQUN7Y QF 1 <br />► <br />► SS <br />1 <br />On this ciay hefore me, th� und�rsi�ned Not�ry P�iblir., �crsonaliy ��?�.�e�;are�1 ❑ENNIS J. ROSNO �nd L. ROSNC), kl�.isband �nd Wife, <br />to mn Icnown tn b� thc individuals describ��d in nnd who execut:ed tl�e 17eF��i of Trusf, �ncl<7ed thaf they �iqned th� f)ewd nf Trusl. <br />as their fr�? �nd voluntary act and dee<I, for th� i.isas anc.i pi.irposes tti�.nr,ain rrientinned. <br />Givon undar my hand and ofticial seal this 3p � h r.l:ry caf ��C�� 6��— , 2U I b . <br />-- _._ _..... .. , n <br />r�v ���cA�a� ........... .... <br />GENERAL NOTARY - 5tate of Nebraska �[otary f ubhc in and for thA St�rte of f�2�uvc� ��� _ <br />nN (�AVID RICHAR�ISON _. _.. <br />�� - My Comm. Exp. Aptil27, 2012 RP.SICIII1C) E#C �W���lw r�A lU �� <br />. . . . ...... .. ......... . ...... <br />My cnmrnission expires � 2 7'� �°�� <br />REQUEST FOFi FULL RECONVEYANCE <br />(To be used only wlien obligations h��ue beer� �i�icl in full) <br />'ri>: , TrustFe <br />_.... .. <br />Th? undersic�nnd is lhe leyril nwnor and holcler c�( .tll Ind�htnclnass sec:ured I�y tliis f)c�ci of nll 5urns �ec�arr�d by ihis C>r.ed oF Trust <br />have hn�n fully paicl and s7iis(iFd. You are hnraf�y dir�r.ted, u�:�on p��yrnE�n1 1n ynu oF any si.irn� owinc.� lo yoi.i i.anrler 1he ternis of this I.)eed <br />nf Trust or ��ursi.ianl tn ❑ny ariplicable siatuica, rn canr.,el lhr� Nnt<� s�ci.irerl P�y tliis Uee�d of �riisl (wliir.h is to you togellier wilh <br />this Deecl nF T7ust�, and to reconvey, withn�it warr:�nty, tn tfie p�rtirs desic�nated t�y th� tr;rms of Tl�is DFaec1 of ITust, U'�e esl�l� rinw holcl <br />hy you und�r this Deed of 'IYust. Please rnail ihe reconvcyance and Releile<i I)or.uments to: <br />Date: Beneficiary: <br />By: <br />Its: <br />----- . -- — __ --- --- .-- -- _.... <br />— —._ -- — ---- --- _ .. __ --- . .._ ---- --- _ <br />LASER PRO Lencfinq, Ver. 5.54.U0.Ol)fi f:opr. fl:�rl;�nd fm�ncial Snluli�>ns, Inc,. 1997, 701C). All Rights Rc!served. - Nf <br />r-:�criv..r 'I..\(�O1.FC: TR 6239 PFi-Z�3 <br />