Loan No: 810121
<br />p��° �a� T�U�T 2 p 1 i 0 0 3 S 4
<br />(Cc�ntir�u�d) Pa�e �
<br />aGSernble any f'ersonal Property not aifixec) to th�! Proprrfy in a rn�inn�r ancl �1 a plac��: reraMnn�tily c�� lo l rustor and I_encler
<br />and mak� i[ �vailable to l_e:nder withiri thr'ee (3) days af[er receipt. of writlen clerneincl iroi7i L.enclr,r to thr extent permilled by applicable
<br />law.
<br />Addresses. Th� m:ailing addresses of Trustor (debtor) �nd I.e�r�der (securec) p�rty) lrurn which inTorrnation conr.c�rnin,y ihe security
<br />interc�st granted by this Daed oi Trusk m�y he obt�in�d (e:�r,h as rPryuired by Ihe Unilorrn (:nnirnerci�l Code) are �s sf�t�d nri the first
<br />page oT this Deed of Trust.
<br />FURTHER A5SURANCES; ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. The following prnvisinns relatin,y tn fur(her assuranr.r�s end attarney-in fact are � part o(
<br />this []eed of l'rust:
<br />Further Assurancos. At tany time, and from time to time, upnn requc�st oi Lend�r, Trustor will rnalcfa, ex?r.i�t? and deliver, or will r.�use
<br />to be made, P.XP.CUFCCI or delivared, 10 Lc�nder or t.o Lender's desic�nne, and when requesled hy Lencler, cause to t�e filed, r�corded,
<br />refiled, or rerecorded, as the case rn�y be, at such times �nd in surh o((ices and places as Lcndrr may deE�rn ;�Fipropri�tr, any and all
<br />such morty�ges deeds o( trust ser..urily deeds, seciirily ayr�ernents, financing statements, conYinuation SCflYQIIIC!Il(5, instr��rnen[s of
<br />furlh�r assurance, cert.ifir,ates, and nlhar docurnents as n��y, in the Sole o��inion c�f I ender, be necessary or desir�blc� in order to
<br />eifectuat�, cnmplete, p�rier.t, r.nnlinu�, nr ��r�sr.rve: (1) Bnrrow�r's �nrl Truslr�r's ohliy�tir�n� i.indFr ilie Nole, this Ueed n( Trust, and
<br />the Fielatc�d Doci.unnnfs, and (2) the li.r,ns �nd security interosrs r.r�ntncf by this D�ncl nf� on thF: Pro�ierty, whr:lher now owned
<br />or Ilf?YF.R�IF'•Y "r1C(�111fH1I IlY I fllti((]f. �JIIIP.$!i ��rnhihiled by It+w nr I.,C?f1lIF'f 8OfF?f?5 fo the c��nlr��ry in vdritir�g, - �"rusfor sh�il reiirrhursc� Lend�r
<br />for all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the matters r�ferrpd to in this �aragraph.
<br />Attorney-in-Fact. If Trustor fails to do any of thc� things reterred to in the preceriin,y par�,yraph, I.ender may do so for and in the n�me
<br />of Trustor and at Trustor's expense. For sur.h �lJf�05('S, Tri.istor herehy irrevnr..�bly ep�oints L.encier as Trustor's attornc�y-in-fact (or
<br />the purpnse of makinc�, exec�rting, delivering, (iling, recurdiny, �nri dc.�iny all n�hc�r thin,ys �s inr�y lie I1P,CP.SSBfY or desirable, in L�nd�r's
<br />sole opinion, tn accc�mplish the rnatters referred to in the precedinc.� p�r�gr�ph.
<br />FUL.L P�RFORMANCE. If Borrower and Trustor p�y all ihe Ind�t:ri�dn�tis wlr�n due, :,�,�i - r<<,s�o� ���lierwise perfoims all thc obligations
<br />imposed upon irustor under this Ueed of Trust, Lender shail ex�c�.ate and delivrr tn Trustre a reque ro� r��u rei:r�nveyance and shall
<br />execute and deliver to Trustor suital�lr, statements of ierrnin�tion of any iin�nc,in� statement on file evid�ncing L.�nder's security interest in
<br />ihe Rent:s and Ute f ersonal Prc�perly. /�ny r�cc�nv?yance fee: requirri.l by law si�all be paid by TrusYor, if �:�errnilfecl by a�plic�l�l� law.
<br />EVENTS QF DEF�UL7. F:�ch of the Tc�linwiny, at I..ender's option, shaU constit�.aie an Eiuerrt of f�efa�.�h under this De�d of Trust:
<br />Payment Defaialt. E3orrower fails to rnake any payrnent when clue uncler tl�e Indebtedne,s.
<br />�ther Defaults. Bc>rrower or ?rustor fails i:o com�.�ly with or to perforrri any other tern�, obligation, covenant or conditinn r,onfained ir7
<br />this Deed of 'Trust or in any o( lhe fielafec:l IJocu�xient.s or tn com��ly wifli or lr� perforrri any terrri, obligation, cov�!nant or condilioi7
<br />COIIYflIfIP.C� Ill r'lll�/ pTFlpl' r'ICjff?E?171p�1( I)P.iWP.P.tI I_P.�l(IP,1' �t1CI Bpl'1'nWP.r ()f TI'l.I5In1'.
<br />COrTIpIi�rlCES pBT�ult. FBilurP. to corY1F?ly with any othpr t�,rni, obliyafion, covenant or cnndition conf�inecl in this Dend of Trust, IfIP, N(7tP.
<br />pr in any of the Related Documenls.
<br />qefault on pther P�ryme��ts. �'ail�.ire of Trustor wil.hin the tin�e required hy this [)eed of Trust to make any p�yment Tnr t�xFS nr
<br />in5urancP, or any nlhc�r payirienl ner.ess�ry lc� prevent filir�y nf or ic� �ffc�cr c9isch�rqE� nf �iny IiF�n.
<br />Default in Favor of Third Pnrties. Should Bnrrower or �ny Granior �i�f;�i.ilt und�.r �ny loan, �xt�nsion nf credit, s�curity a,yraemr�nf,
<br />purrhase or sales agreeirient, or any other agreernerrt, in favur of �ny ofher credifor or person thaf rnay materially �rr��r any oF
<br />13orrower's or �ny Grar�tor's property or Fiorrower's abilily tu r�p?y ihe I11(�P.I)LF?(II1P..S5 OC I3VffpbVf?1" [�r Granfor's ability to perform th�ir
<br />re5per,tive nbli,y�tiqns under fhis Ue�d of TYust nr nny <>f the Rel�ted Ducuments.
<br />False Statements. Any warranty, represent�tion qr sfntement rnnde or furnisliEd to Lender by Eiorrower or Trusfor or nn E3orrqwer's or
<br />TfU6tOf�F fj.P.FIT�f 1J�1C�P..f tf115 nPP.C� Of TfUSt Of thP. RP,Ifl. TP..(I Dpf:�IfT1P.f1�'S IS f��$P. f71' mi�IPadiny Ifl r7f1�/ f71R�Hfli1� YP,R�Ip(:t, P.IYIIP.f now or at tho
<br />tirne made or furnish?d or becomes f:�lse nr rnisleadinc� �t nny tini� th�rc!�ftnr.
<br />Defective Collateralization. This Ueed of °I'rust or any nf the fielated [)oci.uriencs ceases tr� be in (ull Torr,e and eT(er.t (including f:�ilure
<br />of nny collataral document to create a valid end perfected security interest or lien) at any time and tor any reason.
<br />Death or Insolvency. Tha dissolution or icrmination of E3orrower's or T rustor's existence as a going business, tlie insolv�ncy of
<br />Borrnwer or Trustor, tha, appnintment of a rer.eiv�r for any part of [3orrower's or - tn.�stor's property, any assignment for thc benefit nf
<br />creditnrs, any type of cr«�ditor workout, or the comrnenc?nient nf �ny `�roceedin�� under any b��nkruptcy or insvlvency laws k�y or
<br />�gainst 8orrower or Trustor.
<br />Credikor or Forfeiture Procecsdings. Commenc�mc�nt of foreclosure or for(eib.are proceadinqs, whether by juclicial proceediny, sr.IF hel�,
<br />repossession or any other method, by any creditor of C3orrower nr i rustpr nr by Flny p!ivc�rnrnFSnittl �qFancy ��,yainst any property
<br />securing the Indebledness. "Ihis includes .i y�arnishrnnnl. of �ny of Bnnower's or Trustor's �ccounts, including der�osif ar.courils, wilh
<br />Lendc�r. Howev�r, this �vent of f]ef�ult sh�il not apply if there is a�ood failh C�Ifi�JULP. by t3orrower or l ru5tor as to ihe validity or
<br />ransonablen�ss of the claim which is lhe basis of Nie creditor nr fnrfeiu�re proceedinq and if Borrnwer nr TYustnr qiues I,ender writlen
<br />notice of the creditor or forfeit�.ire pror,eedin� �nd cirposi[s wilh Lender rnoriies or a s�unry hond for 1h� cr�dilor ur forfeiture
<br />proceediny, in an arn<�ur�f determin�d by Lencler, in ils sole discretion, as 6eing an ac.lequate rQServe or I�ond for tlie dispute.
<br />6reach of Othar Aqreerrtent. Any hrear.h by Borrnw�r or Trustor under the tenns ot any ot:her a3reement between Borrower or
<br />`frGistor and I.ender lhar is no[ r�meciied within any gracc ��criod provid?ci tht.�rei�i, incluclinq wifhout lirnit:alion any agreement
<br />concerning ar7y indebtedness or other oblig�tion nf Eiorrower or I rustor tu lenc.ier, whet.her exislinr.a ru;�w or I.�t:e;r,
<br />Events Affecting Guarantor. l�ny nf the nrececliny events occurs with res��er,t to any Guarantor of einy of the Indehteclness or s�ny
<br />GUafdflYUf C�IP,S Of t)P.,CpfT1C:$ I�ll:p171(1P.I.P.t11�, or r�vnl<es or disputes the validity nf, or liability �n�xler, �any Gi.iar�nty of the In��.lebfedness.
<br />Adverse Cl�ange. /� rYralerial adv�rse chanqe ocr.urs in Borrower's or Tn.astor's Cin�nciai conctition, or I c:nder h.�elieves fhe �.�ros��ect of
<br />payment or perfnrrn��nce o( lhe Ind�bt�cfnrsa is irn�.�aired.
<br />Insecurity. I._ender in good taith believes itself ins�:r.ur�.
<br />Existing Indabtedness. The payment of any ir7stalltnent of principal or any interest on tlie Fxisting Indebtedness is not made within the
<br />time required by the promissory note evidencing such indebtedness, or a defeiult occurs under the instrument securir�g sur,h
<br />ind�bledness �nd is nnt curnd during �ny �pplical.�l� c�r�ce ��erin�! in Gu��h ins�rurnnnt, or nny suit or othnr �ction is cnmmenced in
<br />iorer.lose any existing lien on the I'roperty.
<br />RIGHTS AND H�MEDIES ON pEFAUL'T. If ar7 Fvent n( Def�ult or,ci_irs �.mder this [)�ed of 'Trusl, at �r7y lirn� ihereafter, Tr�askee c�r I.ender
<br />may exercise any one or more of t:he tollowiny riyhts and reniedias:
<br />Acceleration Upon Default; Additional Remedies. If �ny Fvent of Default ocr.urs as �?er thr, terrns oi tfie Note secured hereby,
<br />Lender may declare all Indebledness securecl hy this D�ed of Trust [o be due aiid p�yalrle; an�.) ll�e same stiali lfiereu��on ber,orne
<br />due and payat.ile withwut any �>re5entr7ienf, demand �PUII,SY Of fIOIICE', of any Icind. 'l here��ftear, I_r;nd�r rn�y�
<br />(a) Fith�r in p�rson nr by agenf, witli or will�ouf brinc�inc� �ny �r.tion or nroceeclin�, or by a receiver appointed by a c.ourt and
<br />without reg�rd to the adequacy nf its ser..urity, �ni<ar u��on and t�ke pos,essinn of the Property, nr any part thereoT, in its
<br />own narne or in ihe naine c�f TYu.[ee, �nd dn any acts wl�icfi il deeiris n��r.E;ssary or �lesiral:�le tn preserv? lhe v.ilue,
<br />marketability nr renfability o( the Pr�p�rty, or �art of Y.he Property qr interest ir7 tlie (�rnperfy; incrn:�se the inr.orn� frorn the
<br />Praperty or �.�rnter,t LhF sec�irity nf Ihe Property; �nd, with or wilhout I.�I<ing ��o.s�ssion of thn Proparty, sue for or otharwisc
<br />collect th7e rencs, issu�s and profits qF Yhe Property, including tho5? ���at due ?nd un�:�ir1, and a�ply the samc, Iess costs flnd
<br />expPnses of nperfltion and collection attomeys' tees, to ❑ny indebte! s�r,ur�d by this Deec1 of � rust, all in such order as
<br />I.ender m�y determine. The enterin� up<�r� anc� tFlkin,y possassion of 1he Propc�rty, the collection ot sucli rents, i,sues �nd
<br />prqiits, and the application Yhereof sl7all nqt c:we or waive any default or notir,e O( CIP.I81.lI1 under this t]eecl of Trust or
<br />invalidate any act d<�ne in response to such deia�_dt or pursuanc tq such nnlice o( default; and, nnkwitfystandin� the
<br />continuance in possession of lhe f'ropert.y or thr r.oi{er,tion, recei�:>t and ap�.�lication of renfs, issues or profits, Truste� or
<br />L.ender shall be cntitic�d to exercise rvery ri�lit prouided for in lhe Nnle or the Relal?d f)nr,urnents c:�r by law upon i:tie
<br />^
<br />