<br />Loan No: $10121
<br />U (Cot O �lUed ST � O �� O O ��� Page 3
<br />�
<br />1'riistnr's infcrests may a��pf��r.
<br />Complianca with Existing Indebtedness. During the periud in which any Existing Ind�ht�dness describecl h�lnw is in effE:�c� r.nmpliance
<br />with thp insur:�ne� nrovisions r.ont�ined in the ins�nun�nf rvidenciny such Fxisting Inc1��t�lc±dness shall constifutra cnrnpii�nr.� with the
<br />If151_IfAf1CP, �>rnvisions under thi., Dned o4 l��rusl, ln t.hn extent corn��liauce witl�i ihe tentis nF ihis Deed of �Trust waulcl r.onstifule �t
<br />ciupli�:atinri of insuranc.? requirem�nt. If any �'�rocn�ds (rorn the inaur�nce I�ecornr-, p�jya6le� on loss, the prnvisioris in ihis Deed of 1ru�i.
<br />for division of pre�cc��d5 shall ap�.�ly only to tli�t 4i<>rfion of th� �mnr,eecls nol pay�ble tn the hc�fder �:�f tfi�� Fxisting Ind?t:ifedness.
<br />Trustor's Report o�y hisurance. UF�C�n ri�quest nf L.ender, how�vr.r not i7mre th�in nrice a year, fruslor shnll furnish to I,end��r 7 re�iorr
<br />nn eacki Fxistinq policy of insurane� shoNrinc (1) lhc� rinme uf ilie insurer; (7_) the risicti insurn�l; (3) the �rnount nf rhe pnlir.y; (�})
<br />the proF�eriy insured, the then current renlace�nertt valur. of such prn�ierly, and the m��nner nf cl�t�rmining t.hr�Y v�lue; and (5) the
<br />expiralion date of the policy. Trustor 5hall, uE�on rec�uesl of I_F,nri�r, Ii�ve an inr.iepenci�nt �n�raiser strlis(�r.t:ory to Lender deterrnine
<br />the r.esh value replacE�ment r,ost of the F'rnpc�rty.
<br />LENbER'S FXPENDITURES. I( any ar.tion or proceeding is comi7�enced lhat would maferially affr�r.t Lender's inl?ras�. in I.hF Pro���rty or if
<br />Trustnr fail� tc� ec�rnply with any �irovision of this heFd of TYust nr ��ny fir..lai�ci Doeumenls, ineluclinq but not limileci lc� Trustor's failure to
<br />cornply with �ny ol�ligafion ln rnaintain [xi�tin�� hir1�!btedness in grind �lnn<liny �s requirE:d I��Inw, or to dir;r,harq� �r ��ay when dia� a�iy
<br />amounts "CYusfnr is requirecl t�� di�charqe or p�y iiricir,r lhis Uec:d of Triisl or �ny Ilelalrcl f�ne�.uiienLs, I.encicar vn Tnistnr's behaif rn��y (bui.
<br />sh�il not he r.�bliyal�<I to) take any .�ciic�n ihat Lendr:r iie�ins a��prn��ri;ite, inc�uclinc� I.�uY not liniitr,cl lu di�charginy or p�iyiny nll inxes, liens,
<br />ser.urity interests, enr.umbrances and other clairns, nt any time levied or placed on tha Prnnerty and peyinq all r.nsts for insuriny,
<br />maint�inir7g and preserviny fhF f'roperYy. nll suc:lr nxpendit�.ires inr.urred or paid hy I..encier (or sucli pur��oses will thrn baar inter�sl at Ih�
<br />rate r.h�rped under the Nnle irrnn the dale incurrecl or �riirf hy I_�n�ier In ih�� dale of re���yrnenl: I�y Trustor. n�l Guch P..X�>F'll$F:S will I.�ncome
<br />� p�rt of YhP Ind�htedness and, �� Lnnd.r,r's n�il.ion, will 1/�) t>r� ��;iy.�hlrt on clr,rn�nil; (F3) h� arirJrd tn ih� h.ilnncF� o( lhe Nol� ancl h�
<br />�ppnrtionecl nmong �nd b? pay�hl� wifh �ny inst�lhnent p�yrnenis to her,omF ciuF: during cilher ( 1) th�� icrm o( any �p��licatilca insi.ir.�nr.e
<br />pnlicy; or (2) the r�n���ining tr,rm of Ihn Notr.; or ((:) h� ireatect as a hallcion ��ayi7ient whir.f� wili I.�e due anci ��ay.�l�i�� �t Ih� NoYc�'s
<br />m:�turity. 7he f?eed of Trust also will s�r.urr� payrrianr ot ihese a�nounls. Siich ri,yht shall be in �ciditinn to all oUinr ric�hls and fPf1lF'C.�IF?F ic�
<br />whicli Lender rnay t>n entitled u��on Ur.f�uit.
<br />WARRANTY; pEFENSE Of TITLE. The iollo�viny prnvisions relafinc.� lo ownnrship of Yhe F'roporty are a part nf �liis Daecl of Tn.is[:
<br />Title. TYustor w�irrnnfs th�t: (%�) 'I rustor holds good nn�i marketable tidr oi rocorcl Yo the Prn�ierty in fee sirn��le, fr�r nnrl clr.ar of all
<br />liens an<i en.r,urnt:ir�nces other lhan tho;e set fortfi in tli� Reai Properly <lescri��tinn or in ih� F_XlStlllC� Ill(IFIILF?(II1BS$ Sk:C11O11 YJCIOW or in
<br />:any title insurance policy, title r�pnrf, or final tilJe rrEiininn i>siiecl in favor o(, �ncl :�ccr��iied by, I_ender in cn��nF�:tinn with Yliis [.)eed of
<br />Trust, anc� (b) Trustor has the full ric�hl, power, �nd �uthority to ex�r.i.�tc! and deliver this f_��ed of Trusl lo t end�r.
<br />Defenso of Title. Si.ibjnr.t to the �xr.��tion in the p�r�yraph ahov��, l rusinr w�rranfs an�i will (nrr.vrr de(end lh� IitJ� to the Properl:y
<br />�gainst the law(ul cl�ims of �II persons. In Ihe �vent any acliiin or proceedinc� is r:ornmencrd fhat qu�siions Trustor's liUe or lhEa
<br />interesi of Trustee or I endr.r under lhis [)e�d nf TYust, T rus�or sh:�ll d�fend the nction at l n�sl<>r's r�xr�ense. I n.isYor rn�y he the
<br />norriinal p�rty in s�ich pror.eediny, k�ul I.nn�fer sliall f.>e c�niiUed to ���rtici���iie� in ihc prnceedin,y arirl Yci f>e reprPS?nfed in �h� pre:�ceeding
<br />by counsel of Lender's own r.hoir.e, and - In.islnr will deliver, or c:�use tn be �.iF�liver�d, to L�ndrr such insiruin�nts as L.encf:r,r m�iy
<br />requesr frprn tirne to time to permit such ��ariici���tion.
<br />Compliance With Laws. Trus[or warr;�nts thal the f-'roperly and l ri.islor's use of ltie Pror>arty cornpli?s wilh �II r.xisting �pplicable
<br />IflWS, ordin��nc�s, and regui�linns of governrneiilel �ulhorifies.
<br />,Slll'VIVB� of Renresentations and Warranties. F�II fH�)I'PSE'f1YA110115, W�ff'�1f11.IP,5, :111C� AC)fP.P.R1P.fllS ITI�f�(? �7Y TfUSIOf Ifl If115 �)Ff;(� Of �fUSY
<br />5�10�� 51JIVIVC the f'XF..CUI.IOII 811C1 C�y�IVP.I�v Of 1�115 nBB(� q� 1r1151, 5�1��� f)1.'. CVI1111lUlllC] Ifl nat�.ire, an�l shnll remain 1�1 �U�� �C)Y(::P, p11C� (?�i(7Ct
<br />until sur,h tiine �s Borrower's Inde�lii�dneGS shall be p��i<I in iull.
<br />EXISi'ING INC7EBTE1]I�IF5S. ihe� inUowinca �nr�vi�inns cnn.r,erninp Fr.istinc� Inci.r,hlraifn�ss �rn ����rY of ihis f)c!c��l o( TrusY:
<br />Existing Lien. 7he lien of this beed of Trust sec:ur'iny the Indebtednass ms�y be secon�iary �nd inferior to �n existir�,y lien. Trustor
<br />expressly r,oven�nis and agrees [n �i�y, or sre tn thr �ayrnenf ��(, Ihe Existinc3 Indebt�dn�ss and to (�revF!nt �ny dcfaulf on si.ich
<br />indebteclne5�, �ny defaulY under tl�e instr�mianls ovi<1.r,nr,iny sucli inrlebYednc:ss, or any cfefault i.uxir�r .viy s�r.i_irity dor,urnents for si.icfi
<br />indF�h[�rin�ss.
<br />No Modification. I rustor sf��ll nnl eniF�r into any :�,yrc�E�i7�r�nt with th�� h��lri�r of �ny mnrtyaye, cieed of trust, nr r�llivr ser.urily
<br />a_yre�rnrnit whicli h�s priority nver ffiis Dr.�ci of - �rust hy whicli tli�t rac7rc:Fmc�nt is nir.�difirri, �rnmid.r,c1, r�xYended, or r�newed witliout
<br />ihe �rior wriYten cons�nt of I.ende�r. Trustor shaii neith�r request nor .ir.cept any Tut�.�re [iciv�nces under any sucli s�curity ac�reern?nt
<br />withnut the prinr written consFnt of Lender.
<br />CQNUEMNATION. I ha followiny prc�visinns re�l�fing to r.��n�i�nuialion proceerlinqs nrr, a r�art caf 117is D�ed nf TriisL•
<br />Proceedings. If any procec�ding in con�:lrrnn�tion is (ileci, TrusYor shall pro�nntly nntity Lencler in writing, and I nislor sh�ll ��romptly
<br />take such steps as rnay l�e ne<;es5ary to defencl lh�� �etion and obt�3in Ihc� nwarc.i. I'ru:;tc�r may be lhe noniinnl p�rty in si.ir,h
<br />�iroce�dinc{, but I ender shall be F:nt.iUecl To particip�ie in tlie �:�roc�f��iinq :and to he rH��r�s�n1<��I in ihe procF�eriinc� by counsel of il5 own
<br />r.hoice, ancl TYusior will delivpr or c�use to be ci�livered to I endar Such instrun�Nnls �nd dor,urnenfatinn �s iiiay be re�.�i.iest�d hy
<br />I_ender (rom tirn� tn tinie to p�rmit sur.h �.>arlir,i�i�lion.
<br />Application of Net I�rocpads. If �II or any parf of the Property is r.ondoninecl by erninent clorn�in proce�<adings or by any pruce�c�ding or
<br />purch�ise in lieu of c,ondernn�tion, Lender i��ay �t 115 P.If;Cllqtl r���uire tliat �U nr �ny portion o( lh? i7et: �>roceeds of ttie �warrl iie �pF�liec.i
<br />tn Yhe Inrl�hlnclness or tlu:� r�peir nr restor�lion of Ylie F'roperly. The net prorf�nds o( thr aw��rd Shnll me�n thc� �warcl �flcr 4�ayment o(
<br />all re�sonable cosl.s, expnnses, and nlinrnnys' fees iiir.urrerl f�y Truste� or I_�nder in connf�r.rion witli the con[I�iriri�lion.
<br />IMPOSITIAN OF TAXF..S. FEES ANn CI•IAfil.',ES BY GOVFRNMENT/�L AUTHURI7IES. Thc foilowiny ��rovisions relatir�y in gov�rnrnental
<br />taxes, fees :+nd .r,h�rc,�es �ir� � p�rt oF fhis U�ed of TrusY:
<br />Current Taxes. Fees 7nd Chargos. Upon request t.iy I.enrler, Tri.isfor shall ex�r.utn siich docum�nts in addition t�� this Uec�d of Trust
<br />and tak� whafever oth�r �ction is r�ryu�sted by I..endnr to per(ect :md continue I..ender's linn on the CiF:�i I'rnparty. lrustor sh��ll
<br />reimburse Lender Tor �II taxes, as clesaibed below, lnq�ther with �II expenses incurred in r�cqrdinq, perfecting nr continuing this Ueed
<br />of Trust, including without lirnitatipn all taxes, fees, docurnentary sl�mps, anc:l olher chnryes for recordir7g or registering this 17erd of
<br />Tnist.
<br />Taxes. Thr, inllowinq ah�ll COfI$�II.IJI.F' i�xos fo wl�ir,li Iliis scr.tinn ap��lif��;: (1) a sru�ci(i�: ��x i.q�on this I.ypc,� of I)r�ncl of lYust nr ii��on
<br />all or any p�rt of lfi� Inciek�tedn�;s; �E�r:ured hy tliis Uc�c:�i oF lri.i5f; (2) � sf�<:�eil'ic lrix on Cinrrc:�wer whict� B<�rrower is ���.�lliorized e�r
<br />requirecl l�� deduct from �>��yments on flie hidr!f�tednes5 sc�cured by this Yyr>e of Uned oi Tru51.; (�i) n inx on tl�is t.ype nf l)r��cl af Trust
<br />charg��ble against tlie I_endr-.r or ihe hnldr.r o( the N��t.r.; �nd (�) a spnr.ifir, t�x on �II or �ny �orlion nf lhe hidel.�tedne,s or on
<br />payrnenls of prinr.ipal and interest rn�dn t.�y E3orrawE�r.
<br />Si�bsequent Taxes. If any tax to wliich this SP.L'tlflll ��7�lIIF.S is enacte[) subsequent to tlie dafr-, of this 17eer.l of lrust, this event st�all
<br />f18VP. lf1P• 5�1111P, BifPC� 7S nn [vent (7f nP.�ilU�r, 8f1(1 I._P.f1lIP..1' ITI�I�/ E'.XP.ff.:ISC' �fl�l Qf il�� Of ICS i�Val�Flf)�C? fClll(:(�IPS �Uf 8f1 Fvent (7f U(:18U�t 8S
<br />pro�iided k�elow unless 1 rusfor ei[her' (1 ���ys fhe tax before it he.r,onies d�linquenY, or (2) C(�I1CCSt5 �I1P• YBX �s providc�d ahove in fhe
<br />iaxes and Liens section arid <leposits with Lender c�sh or n sufiicient cnrpnr�te surety 6[n�d nr other srci.arit:y saYisfar..lnry ko Lr�nder.
<br />SECURITY AGREF.MENT; FINANCING STATEM�NTS. The followinc) provisinns rel�rliny to lhis Deed of frust: �s a sec�nity ayreern�nt �re a
<br />p�rr of this Deed nf Truct:
<br />Security !\grePment. l his instrumc�nt shall cnnstitut� � Securify /�c�rac!rnenl to th� �xtnnt any of lf�? Pro�erty consl.ilutes fixYures, �nd
<br />Lender shall h��ve �II oi the riphts oi a securE;d p�rty i..mder tli� llnilorm Cnrnnic�rci;il Code as hin�nded Trom time lo lirn�.
<br />Security Intorest. lJpnn request liy Les�r.ler, Irust.or shall tal<e wh�te.vnr �cfion i5 requnstr!d t�y I..end�r ln p�rt�cf and cnnlirui� I..�nder's
<br />srr.urity interesr in the Renis :�n�l Person.il f''roperty. In addilinn to recordiny this Deed of I'ri,�st. in tlie rn;.jl propF�rty records, Lender
<br />m�y, aT any tiiYir, and without furfher aul.horiz:�tion frrirn Trusfor, 1'ile exec;ul�cl counterp�rls, cn�ii�s or re�.�rvductinns of this Deed of
<br />Trusl �s � financing slai�ment. l rus[or sh�ll reirnburse Lencler for all �xF�rnses incurred in prrfectiny ur r.ontinuing this s?c��rily
<br />inferest. Upon def:tull, T sh��ll nnt r�rnove, sever or detar.h the F'erson�l Properly (rnm Yhn Property. Upon default, Truslor shall
<br />