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Loan Nv: 810121 <br />o��o �� TR�S�� 2 o a. i o 0 3 s� <br />(�oritir�ued) p�g� � <br />vrdinances, ir7cluding wit:hput limitation all F.nvironrnent�l Laws. TYiastor authorizes Lender and its BCJP.f1lS tr� enter ��pr�n che Froperty <br />to rnake sucf� inspections ancf tests, at 1 rusror P.,X�)F?t15P,� as I_endnr may deem apr.�ropriate to deterrnine cor7iplianr,e of the f'r��perty <br />with this 5ection nf the Deed of Trust. /�ny inSF�eClipns or t�sts ni�de by Lender shall he ior I.en�ler's �n�rposrs only and shall not be <br />consYrued to Cff?fltP, any resporisil>ility or li�liility on tfx� ��art of I._ender to i rustur crr to any other r�erson. Th� re{�resentntions �nd <br />warranties contained herein are basa..d nn Trusfor's due dili�ence in invesliqaliny th� I'roperty (or Flazardous 5uhstances. Trustor <br />hereby (1) YpIP,FlSP.$ :�nd waives any future clairns a,y:�insl Lenrifar for indr.mnity or con[ribuYion in the event CruStor bPCC�rnes li�hle fnr <br />deanu�.i or otf�er cqsts under any s�ich laws; and (7) �qr��s tn ind�iYinify, de(end, and hold harrniF;ss I._Fnder aq�ins( �ny and 711 <br />r.lnims, losses, liabilities, darnayes, penalties, and exprnses which I_enri�r rnay diracily nr indir�r.tly sust�in or suffer resulYing frum � <br />hreach of this section o( the UP,P.CI of - frust nr as a consequenc;e of �ny usa, generatiun, rnanu(�.�cture, slor:iye, ilisposal, rele:�se nr <br />threatened rAlease nr.r.urring prior to Trustor's ownership nr iruerest in lhe Property WI1P(IIP.f or not fhe sarne w�s nr shc�i.dd h�ve <br />been knqwn to Trustor. rhe provision5 0( tt�is section ni tlie Ueec1 of irust, includin,y lhe uhli,yat.ion tn inclemniiy and dei�nd, shali <br />survive thP payment of the Indebtedness and Ihe s:�tisf�ction and reconveyanr,e of the lien of this Dr_ed of Trust and shall not be <br />�fFected 6y Lender's acquisition of any interest in the Froperty, wF�ether hy forecloswe or otlierwise. <br />Nuisance, Waste. Trustor shflll not c�use, conduct nr pennit �ny nuisanr,e nnr r:omrnit, ��?rrr�il, <>r suffe;r �ny strippin,y o( pr w:�ste on <br />nr tn the Prnperty or �ny portion of llie !'roperty. WithouY limitinq ihe generalily ri( the foreyoinc�, Trustor will not r�iriove, or grant to <br />�ny other narty Yhe right to rernove, any tirnber, miner�ls (incli.uling oil ��ncl y�s�, cn�l, r..lny, scnri�, soil, gravcl or ror,k �roducts <br />wiihout l..ender's prior writlen consenf. <br />Remnval of Imprvuements. Trustor shall not demolish or remnvc any Irnprovements from the fieal F'roperty withoui Lender's prior <br />written consent, As a condition to the rernoval of any Im�rov�ments, L.ender rnay require Trusior Im m�lce :+rrangements satisf:�ctnry <br />Io Lend�r Yn replace such Improvemants witti Improvmiients of at least equ�l value. <br />Lender's Right to Enter. L.ender :�nd I..rn�ler's .�gonts nnd represent��ives ni�iy enl��r i.ipnn ihn Rnal Property at all reasonable times to <br />:�ttend to Lender's interests and lc� ins��ect Ihe Real Property for ��ur��osc�s of Trustor's compliance with tlie terrns and condilions c:�f <br />this Deed of 1'rusi. <br />Compliance with Gavernmental Requirernents. Trustor shall promptly cornply with 211 laws,, and regulations, now nr <br />hereafter in effer,t, of all governrnenl:al au[I�ori[ies ��plir.�ble to tlie use or occupancy nf fhe Prn��FrYy, including without limit�tion, tlie <br />,�rnericans Witli Uisahilities l�ct. "I rustnr may cont�st in good faifh �my such I�w, ordin�nr.�, or regulation and withiiold cornpliance <br />diaring any pror,a.edin�, indudiny ap�ropriate appeals, so long as Trus[or has nqtified Lender in writir�g F�rior to doin� so �nd so lan� as, <br />in I.,ender's sqle opinion, Lender's inlerests in Lh? Proprrty arr not j�oF�ardiyed. Lender may rrqi.aire Trustor tn pusf adequafe security <br />or a SureYy hond, reasonably saYisfar,tory kn L�nde!r, tn proter,t I.encier's intcr�st. <br />buty to Prnteet. Trustor �grePS n�ith�r to abandon or leave unart��cl the Properly. Trustnr sh�ll rio all other acts, in addition to <br />those acis sel forth above in this seclion, whicli frprr� ihe character �nc1 use n( rhe Property arr, reasonat.�ly necess�ry to protect and <br />preservP th� Propr.rty. <br />DU� ON SALE - CQNSENT BY LENDER. I_encler rnay, at Lencier's uplion, clecl;are immecliafely due anci payable ail su�ns ser.ur�d hy this <br />C)eed of Trust unnn the sale or transfer, withnut Lender's Firior writ:len corisent, o( nll or any part of the (teal f'roperty, or any ii�tr�rc�sf in 1he <br />Real Property. A"sale or transFpr" m��ns the conveyanr.e o! f�e�l Property or any riyhl, lille nr interest in the Real Property; whefher legal, <br />hen�Picial or eqi.iitable; whether voluntary or inuol�nil�ry; whelhor I�y outriglit sale, deecl, instalirri�nt sale contr2cl., (ancl eunlrar.l, conlrar,f. <br />for deed, leasehold interest with a terrn yreaf�r than thrne (3) yearti, Ir �ise-npfion r.ontract, or by s�le, 8551l�I11T1QI11, or trnnsfr-.r of any <br />bene(icial interest in or to any land trusl holdiny titJe to the Real F'roperty, or hy any other rnelhod of conveyflncF oF an interest in tlie Real <br />Property. If any Trustor is a cor�.�oralion, partnersPiip or lirniled liabili[y r.nm�any, iransfer alsn includes �ny change in ownership of more <br />tfian twenty-five percent 125%�) of the voring stock, partnership interests or lirnited liabilily r.,ompany interests, as the case rnay be, of suc:h <br />1Yusfor. However, this option shall not be ex�rcisa.d by Ler7der if PxPrcise is pruhibiLe�l by fe[ler;�l I�w or by Nel�raska law. <br />TAXES AND LIENS. The following provisions relating to thQ taxes and liens on the Property are part of ihis Oe�d oF Trust: <br />P�yrrient. Trustor shall pay whF�n il�.u� (;�nd in all evc�nls f�riur io ii�linquei�cy) ail laxes, ���eci�l i�xns, �ssessments, charqes (includinq <br />watcr and sewer�, fines and irnpositions leuiecl a,y�in�t or on �cc:ounl of tlie f'n�perty, nnd sYiali pay wlien all claiins for woric dnne <br />on or for servir,es rend�red OC Il18tP.f18I �U(f11tiI1P.(I l(7 tPie Pro�.�erty. lYuslqr shnil maintain liie Property free of �II lier75 li.avin,y prioriry <br />over or equ�i to fhe interest of l.end�r undnr this Deec! o('frusl, except ior the lien of t�xes �7ncl nsses�;ments not due, except fnr tlie <br />Fxistinp Indet�tedness referred lo l�nlow, and exe?pt as olhF;rwise proviclecl in this ��f�e�i or rru5r. <br />Right to Contest. Trustor rnay withhnlc� p�ynient of any fax, a,s�ssrn�nt, or clairn in r,uru�ectiqn with n c3ood faith dispute over the <br />obligai'ion to pay, so long as l.ender's interest in t{�e F'ro(.�erly is not jcop�rdized. ff a lien �rises nr is iiled as a result of nonpayrnent, <br />Trustor shall within fifteen (15) days after the lieri �rises nr, ii' a lien is filed, wilhin FiFteen (16) days a(ter 'T'rustor fias nqtir.e of the <br />filing, s�r.ure the ciischarge nf the lien, or if request�cl hy Lender, de�'>osit with L�nder cash or a su(ficient corporat� sur�ty I:�ond or <br />other securiYy saYisfar.tory to Lencler in ati �rnnunt suffir,ient to di5r..h�ryr tlie lien plus any co�ls .ind �ttorneys' fees, or other charyes <br />that r,c�uld �r,cru� as a rc+sult of � foreclosurc! or sale under t.h� li�n. In any cnnlPSt., lrustor shall defend it,e�lf and I..ender and shnll <br />satis(y any ?dv�rs� judgment be(ore �nfnrcement againsl the Property. Iruslor shali n;�iT�e L�nder a, an addilional ohliye� under nny <br />surety hond furnished in lhe cnntest proceedin<3s. <br />�videnee of Payment. T shall upon demand furnish to I_c;ncler satisf�r.�ory nviclenoe of �iayrnwnt of the t�xes or assessments ancl <br />shall autharize the ��prnpriate governrnenP.�l o�ficial to deliver t�� L�nd�r at any tirn? :a writien staL�ii�ent of the taxes �r'id :i5SE;5SI11P.I1I5 <br />against the Prop?riy. <br />Notice of Corastruction. Trustor sfiall rinkify L�nder at le�s[ (ifkn�n (15) c1ay5 before any work is cornrnc�nce�i, any are <br />furnished, or any m�terials are supplied to iFre Property, i( any rri�ch�nic's lien, rn�leri�hnen's lien, or other lien cnulcl b� �sserted on <br />accc�unC of the wnrk, services, or m�t�rials. lruslnr will u4>on r�quesl o( �,.r�ndnr iurnish to Lender �ir.lvanec*. assurances safisfactory to <br />Lender lhat Trustor can �nd will pay tlia r.osf of suc.;h irn�xnvemrnts. <br />PROPERTY bAMAGE INSURANCE. The follnwiny provisions relating to in5uring fhe Prnperty ar� a part af this Derd of Trust. <br />Mainkenance of Insurance. Trustor shall pror.urr and rnaiiit�3in polir.i�s of fire insuranr.N with standard exfended coverage <br />endorsements an a replacement hasis for the Tull insurahle value coveriny �II ImF.�rovernencs on the Fieal f'rnperty in �n amount <br />sufficient to avpid applica[ion of any coinsurance clause, and with a s[andard mortgagee CIBUSP, Itl iavor of Lender. 'fYustor shall alsn <br />procure and maintairt comprehensive general liability insurance 1�7 5UCr1 COV@fBC 7f(IOUII(S f15 LEfICjC'.f fll%3Y I'P,(�UP.St W11�1 TfIIStP.O f#flCi <br />�.P.f1C�P.f heing f18rT1.P.(� hS ❑C�C�IrlOflfl� If1iUfP,(�5 111 SUChI �IBFII�I�Y insurance policies. Additionally �fU5�01' S�li7�� I118111Yfl1f1 SUCfI Olfl�f <br />insurance, incli.iding t.�ut noi lirnii�d to hazard, lu,itiini�ss iriferni��lion, �irnf l�niler ins�ur�ncc�, :is Lnn�lnr m�y reasunably rFayuirF�. f'olir.ies <br />shall be wriU�n in Torm, ait�nunts, r,overages �rul t?�sis rrssontibly n�;ce��tal:�le tn I,encler �nd issued by � r..nin��ny or r.oiT�panir�s <br />reason�bly acceptable ln Lender. Truste�r, u��on request o( Lc;ndc!r, will deliver io LHnder irom Yirne to fiine ihe polici�s or r,ertificates <br />of insurance ir� inrm 5�3[IS�flCYOf�/ YO l ender, including slipul�tions that cover�qes will not be c;�incellyd or di�7iinished withoul �I least: <br />ten (10) days prior written notice to Lenrier. Each insur�r7ce policy also sh�ll IPICIUCIEi ilfl f;fl(IVfSt',I11H111 �]fOVICIIII(] 1I12Y. COV2fBC)E: in f�vnr <br />of Lender will not be impaired in any way 6y any ar,t, nrnission or d�fa«It of Trustor or any othar �)Pf5011. SIl(lUI(I lIl(: R(:�I PfO�P.fY�/ I]P. <br />locatad in an area designated by the Dir�r.tor of the F�der�l Ernergenr,y Manaqement: /\gency as a special flood hazard area, Trustor <br />agrees to obtain and maintain Federal Flood Insur�nce, if available, (or th� full unpaid princip�l b:�l�nce of the loan and any prior liens <br />on the prnperty securing the loan, un to tlie rnaximurn polir,y lirnits s�t under the Natior�al Flnod Insurance Prograrn, or as otherwise <br />reryuired by I.ender, �nd to maintair7 sur.h ins�irance for thP terrn of th? loan. <br />Anplication of ProcePds. Trustor sliall prnrn�Uy notify Lender ot �ny loss or darTiaqe to the Property. I endar niay make proof of loss <br />if Trustor fails t�� do so within fifteen (1 5) d�ys o( lhe c;asu:�lty. Whetl�er ur noY Lender's seci.�rity is iiYip�ired, Lender may, ��t I.ender's <br />eleckion, receive ancl re;tain the prpceeds of any in5uranr.e and apply the prnceeds tu the redur.f.inn nf the Indebleciness, r�aymc�nt of <br />any liPn aHecting the Properfy, nr thr_ restorafion �nd re�air n( Yhe f'ro�ierty. It I,,�ndE�r eler.ts to n����ly the �)fOCP.P,(IS IO rostoration ancl <br />repair, Trustor shall re�»ir or rrplace fhe darnaged or dnslroyed Iniprov?rne�irls in � manner � to i.encler. I_ender sh�311, u��on <br />s�tisfr�ctory prouf of sur.h expendilure, pay or reirnburse lrustor (roin tlie Eirocends ior t.he re�tion�ble cnst of �epair r�r resl�r�tion ii <br />- �ruslor is not in defaulf i.inder this need oi'Tru n�,y �,���c���i wPiir.,h have nnt Iieen disbursrcl within 1II0 d�ys after their recei�rt <br /><ir�d which Lender has not committec.l lo lhe rep�ir or restnr�tion o( the Properly sh�ll be used first. tn p�y any amo�nit owing to Ler7cler <br />under this pee�i of Trust, ther7 to pay accrued inlerest, and tl�e reinainrier, if any, sli��ll he ��>��li�d to the princip�l b�l:�nr.e of the <br />Indebtedness. If Lender holds any affer payiYient in full o( the Indebtedness, sur.h ��rnr.r.eds sliall be paid to TruStor as <br />