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<br />Eq��it�ble Banic t-"�
<br />PO E3nx 160
<br />Grand Island�N� 6$SU2-0160 ,,_, ____ rC)R fiECUlib�fi'S USE ONLY
<br />o��� o�= TRUS�r
<br />TMIS DEED OF TRUST is dated Dec eitiber 30, �O1(�, am�ng D�MNIS J. Fi(]SN(J, whose address is 336
<br />REDWO�D RD, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68�iO3 a��cl /\MBER L. ROSNO, wl�ose address is 336 FiEDWOUD Rf],
<br />GFiANp ISLAND, NE 688�3; H��sband and Wife ("Tr��stor°►: Equitabie Banlc, whose �ddress is Die�s Avenue
<br />Branch, PO Box 160, Grand Island, NF 68802-01 �aA (referre�l to I»Iow sorneti�n�s as "I_ender" and sometirnes
<br />as "BPneficiary"►; and Equitahl� l�anlc (Grand Island Fi�gion►, wl�ose �cldress is 113-115 N I_�r,�ist St; PU Bc�x
<br />16Q, Grand Islartid, NE 6E3807_-01GU (referreci ta helow as ""Tr�istee"1.
<br />C�NVEYANCE AND GRANT. For valuable considQration, Trustar cnnveys lo Trustee in trust, WfTI POWER OF SALE, fnr ihe henefil of
<br />Lender as Beneficiary, �II of 'Trustor's right, title, and inleresl in �i7cl to thc! following described rF;�l prnr�erty, toqethe!r with all existing or
<br />subs�qunntly �rected or af(ixed buildings, irnproverr�ents 7nd (ixtur�s; �II ��semenls, ri�hts of way, �rxl n�>purtenances; all w�ter, water
<br />rights and ditch righls (including stock in uti�ities with ciilr.h or irrigation ric�lizs); and all olher rights, roy;alties, anei pro(its relatiny lo thF� renl
<br />�rop�rty, inr.lucling without lirriitalinn nll rninerals, oil, gas, y�r�th�rmnl nncl sirnilar rnatlers, (tlle ° Real F'roperty �OC�lec� Ifl ��/-�LL
<br />Co�anty, Stafis of Nebraska:
<br />l.ot Four (�1, Country Meadows Secand Sul�division in the City pi Grarid I�lar�d, Elall County, Net�r�sk�
<br />The Real Property or its address is commo��ly known as 336 REf7WUOD ROl�Ll, GR/aNl7 ISLAND, NE G8�303.
<br />The Real Property tax identification number is 4•QQ�1�F791.
<br />CROSS-COLLATERAI_I7ATIQN. In �iddition tc� the Note, thi5 Uaed nf Trust seci.ires all ohlig�tions, dnl>ts and li�bilities, plus in[erFasi.
<br />therer�n, r�f either Trustor or L3orrower tn Lnn�ler, or any one or morr ��f thnm, a, well ��s �II c:l�ims hy Lc!ncier aq�inst Horrowe+r �nd Trustnr
<br />or �ny one or rnnre ot them, whcalher now .r,xisting cin c�:re�<ifinr ;�rising, N�hetlier rc:lr+twii or unrnlntr,cl to tP�e purpnse ci( fhe Note, wli��h�r
<br />volunl�ry or ul'���rwise, whether due ��r nu[ cliie�, direct ar inclirr..cl, �Ir,lF:rniinad or i.mderennin�:�i, al�s��lu�n i�r contingent, Iic�uirlated nr
<br />unliquidated, whether Borrower nr Trustor may be liable individually nr jointly with others, whethPr obligated �s guarantor, si.irety,
<br />accommodation parly nr ot.herwise, and whether recov�ry �q:�on sur,h ernnunls rn�y be nr hereafter m�y hecvrnn h�irred hy any st�iul� nf
<br />limitations, �anc1 wh�th�r tli� obligation 10 rap�y such anini.mts rn�ay be or her��ftnr mny t�ec;orne otl�erwise un�nfnrr..��hle. If th� Lr.nd�r is
<br />required to ,yive n��tic.r, nf the righf t�� ce�nr.el under Truth in I?nclinca in ccinnor.tion with any �clditic�n.il I��nns, �xrensions of crcilit and olher
<br />liahilities or nt�lir�ations oi Trusfor to I ander, t.hen this Dee�l uf Trusf sh�ll nnf secure ad<litional lo�ns or ohliyations unlc�ss �nci until si.ich
<br />not.ir.e iS ,yiven.
<br />REVOLVING I�INE QF CREDIT. This Deed of Trrist ser.urrss the Indebtednr.ss including, without limithtinn, a revolving line of credit, which
<br />obligates Lender to rnalce advances tu Bc�rrower so lony as Bor�ower cortiplies with all thc� tern�s ot tNe Nule.
<br />Trustor pr?s?nfly �ssic�ns to Lencler (�ilsp luiown as E3.r,nefici�ary in tliis f_�rand nf Trust) all of I rusi<�r's riyhf, Yitle, �ncl inferest in and to all
<br />F)fE?$P..fll �nd future leas�s of t.l�ie Pror�erty and al) ftenls Rorn �fhr. Pro�:�rrty. In .icldition, ���rustor c�rants to I..ender ra lJiiifnnn Cnininarcial
<br />Code s�r,uriTy inlerest in lf�? f ersnnal Property and RF�nts.
<br />TRU57pR'S REPRESENTATIONS AND Wd\FiRANTIES. Irus[nr warr�nYs that: (�j) lhis f)eeri nf Trust is executed at Rorrow�r's requc�st �nd
<br />not al lhe r�qu�st of l.encler, (I�) Trustor has ihe full powrr, right, and aiifhority lo nnler into this 1)eed o( Trust ar7d to hy�>othecate klu�
<br />Proper�y; (c) the prouisions of this L�eed o( IrGast dn not conflicc wilh, nr rc�sult in a default �.mder �ny �c�rremnnt or other instnnn?nl
<br />bindiriq upon Trustor and rir� nn[ rr.sult in a violatinn oi �ny I�w, rrguleilic�n, court d�r.rcc nr order a����licable tn Trustor, (d) Trustnr has
<br />estahli�h�d adequate ineans o( obtaininy fion� f�orrower on a r.,on[iniiiny b�sis infonnatinn �bou[ I�orrvwer's finanoi�l condition; and (e)
<br />L�nder has made no reprc�s�ntntion to I ruslor �hout Borrower (includinp withnut Iii7iit�tican I:he credilworthir��ss of Borrowerl.
<br />7RUSTOR'S WAIVERS. frustpr w�ives �II righf5 or defanses �risin3 by re.as��n o( nny "one act.ion" nr "�nli d�ficienc:y" I�w, or any otlier
<br />I�w whir,h may prevent Lend�r from brinyiriy any action against IYuslor, inr.lucling � cl�iirn ior deficienr.y Yo the extent l end�r is oth�rwisn
<br />entitled to a �:lairti (nr defir,iency, be(qre or �fter L.ender's r.nrnmencement or c;oin(ilelion of any foreclosure �crion, either judici�lly or by
<br />exercise r�f � power of sale.
<br />PAYMENT /aND PEfiFORMANCE. Fxcrpt �c otherwise provicled in fhiis De?d of Trust 6orrower �nd Trustor shall pay to I_ender ell
<br />Indel.>rc�dness seci.�re�1 hy this o�Pd of Inist ns it I.�er.,nrn�5 dur�, �nd Borrower .,�,�i r��a���� si,;,n striclly ��rrfoirn ❑II thcir res��ective
<br />nhligations �n�der tfie Notr., this Deed nf IYuu;Y, ancl fhe f`iel.iied C)ocurnents.
<br />POSS�SSIQN AND M�INTENlaNCF OF Tkl� PROPERTY. Ciorrower and Trustor agree lhaf Rr�rrowcr's and iru5for's �>oss�ssinn �nd i.ise nf
<br />the Pro���rty shall he govem�d hy the foll��win,y provisions:
<br />Possession and Use. Until the or..currenr.� of an Evenl c>f U�f;�ult, Trustor rr�ay (1) rnrnain in possessinn t�nci r.ontrol nP tlm Property;
<br />(2) use, operate nr manaye the Property :�nd (3) r,[?Iler.t tli� R�nts frorn th? F'ro���rty.
<br />puty to Mainiain. "l�ri,isl'nr shall rnaintain the Froperty in tennnt�t�l� conciitiun and ��romptly pr..rforn� all r'e(�airs, r�pl�r.�ments, and
<br />m:�infen�nr.� necessary 1.n pre!serve ils value.
<br />Cbrriplit+nce Witl� �nvironmental Laws. Trustor r�pres�n�s and warrants tu I._ender tha1; (1) Uuriny the perind of TrusYOr's nwnership
<br />nf tfie f'roperty, there h�s k>�r•.n no usP, yener�tion, maru.i(acf�,ire, slorac�e, Yrc��trnenl, dis�os�l, release or threalened r�lense of any
<br />Hazardous 5uhGtancn by any person ori, under, abouf nr (rom the Property; (7_) Trustor has no Icriowledy� of, or reason to believe
<br />th�t there has b?eri, �xcept as previqiisly disclosed t<.� ancl acknowledged by Lendrr in writing, (a) �ny hre�ch or violation of any
<br />Environmental L�ws, (b) any use, yr.nr_ration, �rr�ni.iiacture, store,yc�, fre;jtment, dispos��l fP..IP.FlRf? or flirratr_ned release of �ny
<br />Hazardous Subst�nr.c� on, under, al�nut or from [he I'rnpnrty by any �rrior nwn�rs or ocr,up�r�ts c:if th� Fro�erty, or (c) any �ctual nr
<br />thrc�atened liti,y�tion or claims of any I<ind hy any �u�raon rel�tinr7 to such rn�lters; t�nd (3) Excepl as pmviously disr,losed [p and
<br />acl<nowledqed hy Lender in writing, (a) neith�r Trustnr nor any 1en��nl, contrnr,tor, aganl or olhi�r �i.ilhnrized u�er of the Prop�rly
<br />shall use, q�n�rate, manufactur�, stor�, tre�if, dispns� of or rele�se any f-I�»rdous Sut�st�nce on, under, �bout or from the Properly;
<br />anri (b) :�ny such aclivity sli�ll be cond�.n;ted in com�.�liance wi[f7 all npplir:ahle federal, sl'�t�, :�nd local laws, regulalioiis �nd
<br />