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2oiioo294 <br />Unless I.,ender and Borrower otherwise a�ree in writin�, any applicaCion of proceeds to principal shall not exter�d <br />or postpone th� due date of the payrYients Payment of 1'rincipal and Interest; Late Charges and Funds fur <br />"1'axes and Insurance or chanbe the amount of tiuch payments. <br />Borrower Not 1Zeleased; I'orbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of' the time for payment or <br />modilication of amortization of the tiums secured hy this Security instrument granted by Lender to any tiuccessor in <br />intercat of Borrower ahall not operate to release the liabilily of the ori�inal Borrower or 13orrower's successorti in <br />interest. I,ender shall not be reyuired to cc�►nmence proceedings against any 5uccessor in interest or refuse to <br />extend tinie for �aymcnt or otl�erwiae modif'y amortization of the sum5 secured by this Sccurity Instrument by <br />reason of any dcmand made by the original �3orrower or 13orrowcr's sl►ccessors in interesc. Any forbearance by <br />C,ende:r in exercising any righC or remedy 5ha11 not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br />Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Accornmodation Signers. The covenants and <br />agreements of this Security Instr�ime��t shall bind and benefit th� successors and as5igns of Lender and I3orrower, <br />sub_ject to tlie provisions of section titlEd Transfer of the Property or a 13ene�cial Interest in I3orrower. <br />Borrower's covenants and agreemcnts shall be joi�it and several. Any person who co-si�;ns fhis Security Instrument <br />but does not execute the Note ("Accommodatioii Signer"): (a) is co-signing this Sc;curity Instrument only to <br />mnrt�;agc, grant and convey that Accon�modation Signer's interest in the Property under the terms of the Security <br />inatrument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this 5ecurity Instniment; and (c) agrees that <br />L.ender and any oU�er Borrower may agree to extend, modiPy, forbear or make any accommodations with regard ta <br />the terms of thi5 Securiry Instrument or the Note without that Accommodation Signer's consent. <br />Loan Char�es. If the loan secured by. this Security Instrument is subject to a law whicfi sets maximum loan <br />ch�rgeti, and that law is tinally inter��rcted So lhat the interest or other lo�n charges collected or to be collecteei in <br />connection with the loan exceed the permitted limits, tl�en: (a) any yuch loan charge sl�all be reduced 6y the <br />amount necessary to reduce tl�e cl�arbe to the pennitCed limits and (b) any surns already collected from Borrower <br />whicli exceeded pern�itted limits will be rehinded to k3orrower. Lender ttiay choose to make this refund by <br />reducing Che principal owed under the Note or by makin� a direct payment to I3arrower. If a refund reduces <br />�rincipal, the reduction will he treated as a pariial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. <br />Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument ahall bc given by delivering it or by <br />mailing it by tirat class mail unless Applicable Law requires use of another metHod. The notice shall be directed to <br />the Prc7perty Address or any other address Bon designates by notice ta Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be <br />given by tirat cl�.�ss mail to Lender's address �tated herein or any other address Lender desibnates by notice to <br />F3orrowcr. Any nc�tice provided for in fhis Sc:curity Ins�rumeut shall be deerT�ed to have heen given to Bvrrower �r <br />Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. <br />(Toverning Law; Severt►bility. This Securiry lnstrument sliall be governed by federal law and the laws of the state <br />nf Nebraska. In the event ihat any provision nr clause of this S�curity Instrument or the Note conflicts with <br />Applicable I,aw, such cnntlict shall not affect other p��ovisions of thia Security instrument or the Note which can be <br />�;iven eftect without the conflicting provision. 'I'o this end the prc�visions ol Cliis SecuriCy Inst� and the Note <br />are declared to be severable. <br />Borrower's C:opy. �3orrower sl�all be given ��ne conformed copy of this Security Instrument. <br />Transfer of tl�e Pruperty or a Bencficial Interesr in Bnrrower. If all or any pai� of lhe Property ar any interest <br />in it is sold or transierred (or iP a benel`icial inkerest in Bor is sold o� transfecred and t3orrower is not a <br />natural person) unles5 the Note ahc>ws that Bn► loan is assumable, Lender may, at iCs option, require <br />im�nediatc paymcnt in full of all suins secured by this Security Instrument. IIowever, this option shall not Ue <br />exercised by I.ender if exercise is �rohihited hy federal law as of the date or this Security in�trument. If the Note <br />shows that Borrower's loan is assumable, Borrower must obtain Lender's written per�nission for an assumption and <br />fnllow any nther requirementti of Lender related to an ass�unptiqn. If T3orrower dnes not do so, T.ender may require <br />irnrnediace payment in tull of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br />If [,ender exercises this option, I..,ender sha11 give C�orrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a <br />period of not Ictiti than thc n�inimum numhcr oP days estal�litihed by Ap�licable from the date the notice is <br />delivered or mailed within which Fio►•rower must pay all sirms secured by this Security Instrurnenl. IC Borrower <br />fails to pay ttiese sums prior to the expiration of tliis period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this <br />Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br />�orrower's Itight to Reinstate. If Borrower me.ets certain conditions, Borrower ahall have the right to l�ave <br />enfixcement of this Security Tnstrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier ol: (a) 5 days (c7r such other <br />period as ApplicaUle Law may specify for reinstatement) beti>re sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale <br />contained in this Security lnstrument; or (b) entry of a judgmenC enforcing this Security Instrument. 7�hose <br />conditions are that Borrower: (a) pays Lender all sum5 which then would be due under this Security InstrumenC <br />and ihe Note a5 if no accelcration had occurred; (b) cures any default of any other covenanls or agreement5; (c) <br />pays all expenses incurred ii� enforcin� tliis Security Instrument, including, but not liniited to, reasonable attorneys' <br />fees to the extent pennitCed by law; and (d) t�ke5 such action ati I.ender may reasonably require to assure Chai the <br />lien of thi5 Securiry Instniment, [.,ender's ri�lits in the Properry and Borrower's obligation tc� �ay the sums secured <br />by this Security Instrument shall continuc unchangcd. IJpon reinstatement by F3orrower, diis Securily Instrument <br />and the obliga(ions tiecured herehy shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this <br />right to reinstaie shall noC apply in die ca5e of acc�lcration under fhe sectioi� titled Transfer of the Properly or a <br />Beneficial Intcrest in Barrower. <br />�i7 2UU4-2010 Compliancc Systems, Inc. NkiOki-:10F3 - 2U111.1)1.378 � <br />Cunaumer Real Es�ntc • Si:curity Instrument 6l?U3(i Pa6e 4 nf 6 www.complianecsystcros.cnm <br />