<br />2011Q0294
<br />Unletis Lender and Iiorrower otherwise agree in writin�, any application of proceed� to princi��al sl�all not exterul
<br />or postponc the due date of the p�ymer�ls referred to in the sections titled 1'ttyn�e�at [►f .k'ri��cipal and Interest;
<br />L�te Cha�•�es and Hunds fnr '1'axes aaid :Insurauce or change the �►no�u�t of the 1�lymeiits. If under the se�tion
<br />titled Acceleration; Remedies, tl�e Property i� acquireci by l.ender, F3or� rigl�t ta any iiisurance policics and
<br />proceeds reGUltiaag 1'rant clatt�age Co the Property prior to t.lie acyuisition shall plss to Lcndcr to the extent of tlie
<br />surris �ecurcd by thi� Sec�u•ity Iristrunierit i�mnediately prior tci the acquisitio��.
<br />1'reservatiou, Maintenance and 1'� of tl�e Property; Borrower's I,oHn Applicatio��; I.,easelaolds.
<br />Ror�'ower shall not dc5troy, daniage or in�pair tlie Properly allow tlic Property to deteriorate, or• coriirni� �vatile c�ri
<br />the Property. 13orrower shall be in del�ult if any (i>rfciture action or ��roceeding whettaer civil oa - cri►i�in��l, i� bcgun
<br />that in I,erader's good laith ju�lgment could result in forfeiture of tl�e Prope��ty or otlierwise u�aterially imp�jir thc
<br />lien crcated hy thi� Security laistrui�teiit or Leiider's security intere�t. I3orrower may cure :�uch a def�ult ar�d
<br />reinstatc, as provided in section titled Borrower's ltigl�t to Reiuslale, by causing thc action c�r proceedin� to he
<br />dismissed with a ruling th�it, itt Lcnder's gc�od faith detez�niriatio�i, precludes 1:orPeiture of tlie Barrawer's interest in
<br />the Yropzrty or other material impainnent of the lien crcated hy thi5 .S��CII�'Ity II1titPUtTlEllt nr I.ender�'� security
<br />interest. Liorrower shall also lie ii7 default if Borrower, during the lo�n ��:��:�licatfon pmcess, �ave ii�.aterially 1:�lse or
<br />inaccuraCe inl:onnation or titatement5 tn Lender (or failed to provide Let►der with ariy rnateri�il I17IUI in
<br />cc�nnection with the ]oaz� evideiiced by the Note. If this Security Instrun�ent ia c�n a leasehold, F3orrower sliall
<br />cornply with all the provitiions of the le�se. If k3or�•ower �cquires lee title to the Property, tl�c Icascliold and the iee
<br />title shall not inerge unless Lender a�rees tc� the merger in wa�itia�g.
<br />Protection of Lender's Rights in the Pruperty. If I3orrower fails to perform the covenanls and agreemenes
<br />cont�ii�ed izz ttzis Security Instrument, or there is a legal proceedin.g that ►nay 5ignificantly affect Lender'S rights in
<br />tlie Properly (vuch ��5 a procecding in hankru��tcy, prc�bate, for condemnation c�r fc�rfeihire or to eiiforce law� c�r
<br />regulationG), then I,ender niay do and pay for wh�ttever is r�ecessary to protect tlie v�lue ot� tl�e Property ai�d
<br />Lender's rigltls in lhc Properly. I..ender'x actions may include payin�; any 5umti ticcw•ed by a lien which has priority
<br />over this Securi1y Instruuaeiit, appe�ring in couz paying re�json�ble altorneys' lees aracl enteri�:�g an the Property to
<br />make rep<►irs. Althou�,l� l,ender niay take action under this sectiot�, I.encier does not have to do 50.
<br />/lity amounts ditiburved by Lrndcr w�der this section shall hecomc addition�tl debt ol� B��rrower s�cured hy this
<br />Security Instr�utieiit. Uzaless Borrower �z�d I.,et�der agree to otlier tert�zs of paya��ezat, tlaese 1zi�oua�ts sliall Uear
<br />interest i'rr�m the date of disbursement at the Note rate ancl shall be payable, with iiiteresC, upon notice li Lender
<br />to Borrower requestirig p�yxY�ea�t.
<br />Morlgage I�asurance. I.1 :Lezicler required itiortgage i�isu�-a�ace zs a c�r�dicion of making tlie Inan secured by thi�
<br />Security Instruttiei�t, 13orrower shall pay the preiniun7s req�iired to mait�tain tl�e zno� ir�5urance in effect. t#; tiir
<br />any reasou, the mortgage insurancc coverage required by Lendcr l;ipseti or ceaties lo be ira el�lect, i�nrro�ver �hall
<br />pay ttie preiniva�zs raquired to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mv�t�,age insurance prcviously in
<br />ei�('ect, �t a cost substantially eyuivalent ta the cost to Borrawer of t7ie mortgage izisur�x�ce pz�eviously ix� effect,
<br />from an alteruat.e zr�ortgage insurer appmved hy I,ender, lf substantially equivalent mortgagc insurance caverage is
<br />not available, Borrower sl�all pay to Lender each rn.onth a suin equal to one-twelfth of the yearly nu�rt�a�e
<br />izasurance premiutii being paid by E3orrower when the insurance covera�e l��psed or ceased to be in efl'ect. Lender
<br />will accept, use a��d retain these payment:� ati a los� rescrve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss rese�ve p�yn�ei�ts
<br />may no longcr bc reyuired at the vption ol Leiader il morl�age itasurance covera�e (in the amow�t and for thc
<br />�eriod th�t Let�der requireti) provided by �in insurcr approvcd by Lender ag�i�1 becorxies avaal�ble and iti obtain�d.
<br />k3�rrower shall pay the premiumti reyui► tc> maintain mortgage insur��ice ii� effect, or to prnvide a losti rc�crvc,
<br />until the requirancnt f<�r nx�rlgage insuraiice ends i.r� �ccord�tice with any written agrccment betweeu I3c�rrower
<br />a�ad I_,e�idez� or Applicable Law.
<br />Inspecliou. Lencler or its agent n�ay anake reationable entries upon an�l inspecCioz�s of tl�e 1'roj�erty. l.ender shall
<br />give Borrower notice at thc time of c�r prior to �n inspection specifyirag reasonablc cause [��r tlie inspeclio�i.
<br />Condemnation. '1'he proceeds of any award or claim for daitiages, direct or consequential, in co�mectio�t witla az�y
<br />condemnation or other t�king ��1� �ny part of the I'roperty, or for conveyance in lieu ol condetr��aat.ion, �re herehy
<br />assibiied and sh�ll be paid to Lcndcr.
<br />ln tkze event of a tc�t�l taking c>L the I'roperty, tl�e proceeds shall be appli�ed to tl�e sun�s secured by this Securily
<br />Tntitrumcnt, whether or »ot then due, with any excess p�id to Borrower. ln the cvent of a. part.ial tlking. of fhe
<br />I'roperty iz� which the fair rriarket value of the Property immediately before the t�kiri� is eyual tci or gre�ter tl�au
<br />the amount af tlie sunis secured by this Sccurity InstrumenC i�ninediately bcfore tl�e takiiig utaless .E3�rrower and
<br />Lender otherwise agree in writin�, thc sums secui�ed by this Security Instrunient sli�ll be reduced hy ttic amouut of
<br />the proceeds multiplied by tlie following trac�ion: (a) the total �iaiount of ihc surns secured izxuaaediately before thc
<br />taking, di.vided hy (b) the lair markel value of the Property i►y�medi�Cely before thc taking. nny balance s}�all be
<br />paid to Borrower. In t1�e event of a parCial. lakitag of the Property in which tl�e f�ir n�arket value c>f the ProperCy
<br />immediately befo► thc taking is less tlian the arr►ount of tlie s�.uiis secured inunediately belore tl�e takin�, unlcss
<br />F3orrc�wer and Lender otk�erwitie a�ree in writing or u�iless Ap��licable Law otherwise p��ovides, tlic proceecls sl�all
<br />be applied to the sunas secured by this Security lnstrurnent whether or not tl�e sums are then due.
<br />lf t}.�e .I'roperty is abandoz�ed by l3c�rrower, or il', al'ter z�otice Uy I.ender to Borrower that the condenuic�r oflea�s to
<br />make an �w1rd nr settle a clairiz for d�»>age5, I3orrower lails to re�pond tc� I..cnder witl�ia� lhe minimun� ninnber of
<br />d�ys establishcd by �lpplicable i,aw after the d�te the notice is given, Lender is anthori�e-d to collecC ��id �pply the
<br />procecds at ils optao�i, either to restoration or repair of thc Property or to the surtas secured by thiti Security
<br />Instrurnent, whether or i�c�t then due.
<br />Gb2004-2f)IOComplianceSystems.IncFEOR-?p[3-;IIIU.(li.}7R � . . .
<br />Cnnsumcr Rcal Gslale - Securih� Instrunx•nt 1�)I:?fl}1i Ptigc � ul"6 � u��c�v.cumpli�inceyyxlr.ms.rnm
<br />