�� 201i00294
<br />Sale pf Note Cl�ange of Loa�i Servicer. 'I.'I�e Note or a partial interest in the Note (togel}ier witl► tliis Sec�irity
<br />In�trurnent) ii�ay be sold one or �r�ore tiiaies witlic�ut prior notice to Borrawer. �1 �ale inay rc5ult in a ch�nge in tl�e
<br />eiitity (known a5 the "I.o�z� Servicer") lhat collccts periodlc payme»ts due under thc Note and this 5ea�rity
<br />Instnunent. "['I�ere also niay be onc or more changes of tlie Lc»n Scrviccr ianrelated to a sale of tlte Nc�te. If tlicrc iti
<br />a change oC tlie Loan Scrvicer, l3orrower will be given writtcn notice of the change in accord�race wilh thc tiection
<br />titled Notices and l�pplicable Law. The notice will st�te tl�e name and address oC thc new I.oarz Servicer and thc
<br />address to wl�ich paymcnts 5hould be zr�ade. Tl�e noticc will al5o cnnt.aira a��y oClier 111jOYlll�ill()Il rcc�uired by
<br />Applicable Law.
<br />Hazardous Substauces. I3orrower shall not cause or permit the prese►xce, use, disposal, storage, or rcicase of any
<br />Hazardous Substances oii or i�t thc Pro}�erty. L3orrowet' shall i�ol do, nc�r allow anynne else to do, �nytl�it►g �L'1'ecting
<br />the Property that is iia violltiozt oC si�y �nvirc�nmental [,aw: 'l�l�e pa two sentenccs sh�ill not apply to the
<br />pre5ence, use, o.r storage on Ute Property c>f timall c�uantities oC II�t��rclou� Substanccti that are �;enerally r'eco�tiized
<br />tti be appropriate to norm�.il residet�tial �.ises �nd lo ►n�jintenance of the Prorerly.
<br />I3orrower slaall pro�iiptly givf: La�der written nc>tice of �a�y investigation, cl�{im, dcmand, lawsuit or other action by
<br />any governmental or re�ulatory agency oi� p� p�rty involvin� the 1'roperty anci any f.1�z�t�dous Substarace or
<br />Fz�viroi�rneiilal Law of wliich I3orrower has ach�al luiowledge. IC Borrower Icarns, or is notified by a»y
<br />goverttmetrial or regul�ttory autl�oz'ity, that �ny removal or othcr rcmcdiation of any }lazardous Substance �flectitig
<br />the Proper�y is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordaiice witl�
<br />Fnviroiuneutal Law. . .
<br />A;: utied in thiG paragraph, "H��.ardous 5�.ibstances" are tho�e substance�; defined ��c toxic or. he�ardou� sub���nces
<br />by Environ�nental I_�.iw �nd the fi�llowin� tiubtitance5: gasoline, kero�eiie, other t7a.rnrn�ble or toxic petroleum
<br />prnducts, toxic peslicides �t�d l�erbicicles, vol�lile solvcnls, materials C()Ilt81t111]€, a;;hestos nr fc>nnaldehyde, �nd
<br />radioactive rn�ierials. As used in tlii� paragraph, " Lnvironmental I,aw" means federal laws and laws ot tlie state of.
<br />Nebrask� that rc1 8t(' t0 I1G11fI1, safety or environment�tl protecCion.
<br />Acceleraliou; Remedies. I.ender sl�all g�ve notice to Borro�ver prior to acceleration followiiig Bor�•owe►•'s
<br />brexcli of any covena�it ur agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration unticr tl�e
<br />section titled T�•�n5fer of the Prupert,y or t► lie�aeficial Interest i�� Borrower, unless Applicable L�w provicles
<br />otherwise). '1'I�e a�otice sl�all specify: (a) tl�e def�ult; (b) lhe �clion reqirired to cure We def:iult; (c) :i d.�tc,
<br />not less tlaaa� tl�e �iaiuininni number of days established by Applicahle I.�►w from the dt�te tl�e noticc is #;ivcn
<br />to Borrower, by which tl►e def�ult musl be cured; and (d) th:it f:�ilurc tv cw•c the default nn or before the
<br />date specified in thc natice �na,y result an acceleratioi� of tl►e sums secured by tl►is Securily Iusl�•un�eut aud
<br />s:ilc of thc Property. 'I'o the exte��t �ea by law, tlxe i�olice sl►all furllier iiifor�rt I3orrower of thc rigl�t
<br />to reinstnte aftcr accelcratiou and tl�e riglat to b� a court action to assert the non-existence of � def�ult
<br />or a�►y otlier defeuse of E3orrower lo acceleration aud sale. if the default is not cured o�t� or before tl�e date
<br />specified in tlie uutice, Leucier at ils nption mf►y reyuirc inunedi�te p a,yment in full of all sums secured bV
<br />tlais Security lnstrwne�at withont furtlier dema�id and ma,y invoke tlie power of sale aud any otl�er remedies
<br />pe�•rnitted by Applicr�ble Lf�w. 'Ib the eXtent pc� by law, I,eaicler SIINII I]( entitled tu collect .ill
<br />cxpc�ases inc�.�rred i�� purs�ai�ag tl►e re�a�edies provided i�i this Section, i�ich�di�ag, but not li���ited to,
<br />reasonfible attorne,ys' fees and costs of title evi��ence.
<br />If tl�e power of sale is invoked, Trustee sh:�ll record a nolice of default in e�cl� county in wliicl► auy p��•t crf
<br />tl�e Property is loc�lecl and sliall rnail copies of sucl� nolice i�� (l�e mauuer p�•esa�ibed by Applicable L�w lo
<br />13urrower and to the ntl�er pc� prescribed by Applicablc Law. A�tcr the tirne requirecl by Applicable
<br />Lf�w, `I'rustee shs�ll give public notice uf sfile to tl�e persons f�nd in the manner presc�•ibed by Applic�ble
<br />I,:�w. 'I'►�ustcc, �vithout demr�nd on 13urrower, shflll sell tl�e PropCrty ��t public .iuctiou lo the t�i�l�esl bid�leY•
<br />at tl�e time a��cl pl:�ce aa►d u�ader tl�e ter»ras design�ted in t}�e notice of sale in one or more p.�rcels and in .�ny
<br />order Trustee determines. '1'rustee m�y postpone sale of �II or a�a,y parccl uf tlir 1'roperty by public
<br />�►nnouncement at the time nnd place of 2ny previously scheduled sale. Lender or its desiga�ee niay purclaase
<br />tl►e Property at ai�y sale.
<br />CJpou receipt of p�y►r�e��t of tl�e price bid, '�'rustee slaall deliver to thc �.�urcliaser '1'rustE:e's deed conveyiug
<br />tl�e Prc�perty. 'I'he recitnls iu the '['�•uslee's deed shall be prima f�cie evidea�ce of' tl�e tr«tla of tl�e stt►tcmcnts
<br />niade tlierei��. '1'rustee sh�ll apk�ly thc proceeds of the �file iu lhe followiug order: (a) to all costs and
<br />expe�ases of exercising the power of s:�le, Hnd tl►e sale, including the payment of tt�e T��ustee's fees actu�lly
<br />incurrecl and reasonable attorneys' fees as peraiaitted by Applicable I�aw; (b) to all siuns secw-ed by tlais
<br />Security lusiriunenl; and (c) any excess to tl�e perso�i or pe� Icgt�lly entilled lo il.
<br />Reco��veyaaice. iJpot► payr��e�at of all 6U1T75 SeCUP�C� hy tlllti SECIICIIY Illtilrlllllelll Le»cler Gh�ll request 'I�ru�tee tn
<br />recoiivey the I'ropea�ty and sh�ll surrender thiti Security Instrurnetit arid �I] z�ote5 evidencing dcht sccured by tliis
<br />Security lz�stz�uaue�it t.o 'f'rutitee. 'I'rutitec shall recanvey the Praperty witho�it warranty to thc pertion or persoi�s
<br />legally entilled Ca it. Sucl� persan or persons 5hall pay any recordation costs. L,endec znay chargc tiuch persori or
<br />persons a fee fc�r reconveying tlie Praperty, but oiily if khe fee iG paid tn a third party (such �s tl�e Trustee) for
<br />scrvices rendered and tl�e chargiz�g of�tl�e fee iti �ermitted undcr A�plicable Law.
<br />Subslilute Truste�. Let�der, �t its option, may fi timc to time rerncive Trustee at��1 �ppoint � tiuccetitior trustce
<br />to any Trustee appointeci hereu��der by an instrurnent recorded iii the county in which thiti Sccurity Ir�strinnenl is
<br />recorded. Witliout coz�veyance ol�chc Property, tlie successor trustee shall succecd to all the title, power �iid d�.�iie�
<br />cc�nfa upoi� Truslee hei�eiz� latd by Applic�ble Law.
<br />Req�Aest for Noticcs. F3orrower requesls th�l copies of tl�e ��otice of def�ultand sale be se�zt. to 8oi•rower's addresa
<br />whicl� is the Prc>��erty Acldress. '
<br />? rrma-?ni:�-zuiu.u�.3�s
<br />Consumcr Rc.il Csltde - tiecuriiy Insuiimcnt IlL.2qi(i P+iga 5 nf( � �����r.complinnccsystcros.com
<br />