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<br /> �_-�'��"'i'�����•'�� applicablc law may apecify tar reinatatement)before s�le of�hc Propcny pur�uant to any power of �le conWned in�his
<br /> �y�� Security Inswment;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing this Secudty Instrument. Thare conditions are tluu Sorrower. (a)
<br /> �==�-�..- peye l.ender �II �uma which �hen would be due under this Secudry Inatniment and the Nae as i f na pcceterntion had
<br /> �'�=��+�"'s?'���%� accurned:lb)cures any def�ult of any other covenunis or ugreements;(c)pays oll ezpense�incum�In en(urdng Ihia Security
<br /> `� �'`"°� '` "�' � Inswmenl,lncludin but not limited to,rea.gonable altamcy.r'fce.r; und Id► �akca �ucii ru:tiun r+s Lender may rcasanably �—_ __
<br /> ;�•' ` �..; 8• --
<br /> roquine to�ssure IFwt the lian of this Security Inatrumem,L.cndcrS dgh[.g fn thc Property and Borrowcr R obligation to pay ihe
<br /> ;���.,,,�,,;�,.�'��_�;;�� sums secured by this Securiry Instrument shnll cominue unchunged. Upon reinslutement by Botrower, Ihis Secudty
<br /> n.� ~+�,.. Instrument and the obiigatioos xe�ured fx�reby shaU wmuin futly effective us if no acceieratian hud occurrrd. However,this r---=_
<br /> ' � � rl�ht to reinstnte shall not apply in the casc of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> ��+�� ., 19. Ssile at Notei Change of I.oAa Servker. 'IUe Note ar a pwiiul interesl in ihe Note(tugcther with�his Security
<br /> �:.�i�''��;�;`,�.,�,�,. ' Inswmenq may be sold one ar mone times withaut prior noticc to Barrower. A xale muy result in a change in the entity
<br /> =�:��;«�.4,.•;.... � (known as the"Loan Servicer")thc�t callects monthly puyments due under the Note and this Securfiy Insuumenl. There alw
<br />�����+��.a�?�' .., may be one or more changes of Ihe I.oan Servicer unrelated to A sule of the Note. IP Ihe�is a chnnge of the l.o�n Servicer,
<br />�� ,�,•._. .
<br /> '• +� �.�: � ' Borrower will be given wrinen natice of�he chunge in accordnnce with paragrnph IA nbove und opplicab e uw. notice e_
<br />``"���` 'Y,- ..�•."'.�'�y wilt state thr•aArne and address of the new Laan Servlcer And th�address�o which payments should be made. The notice will � --_ --
<br /> v':R"'`;'•.�%°.• "' "� also contein any other infarmation eequirqd by applicable laN.
<br /> ��. ._ Z0. Hazarduus Substaaces. 8orrqwe�shall not cause or permit�he presence,u�,di,posal,storage,or release af any
<br /> ' ��'�16'.:....�,. , — -
<br /> • .�S ,,., ,, Hazardous Substancea on ar in Ihe Prapetty. Borrower shull not do,nor allaw unyone else to do, anything affecting�he
<br /> �.1, �'� �. • Properry that is in violalaon of any 6nvioonmental Lpw. 7'he preceding two sentences shall not upply to ihe prosence,use,or ____
<br /> � `�•� � storage on the Praperty of small quauatitips af Hazardous Substances thut are genemlly recognir�ed la t�e appmptinte to nom�al _
<br /> y�,�; ;:,,.: :. i:•�i. residential us�nnd ta ma intenanc+e o f t h�Prapen y. - -
<br />-- '`''""' ' Borrowar shnll promptly give I.ender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by uny
<br />.. . �....�.,...�, �- _
<br /> �.•��,�;;,��• ; • • �� government�ar regulatary agency or privete ptirty involving the PropeRy und nny Naxurdous Substunce or�nvironmental
<br />� • � Low of which Rormwer has actual knowledge. If Borrower Icams,�r is naified by any governmental or regulatory ���ti-
<br />°`'�� ••• � authority,that any removal or other remediation of any Haznrdous Substunce Affecting Ihe Pmpeny is necesrcary. Borrower _._._.
<br />�,r;,� �•� � shall prompdy take all necessary remedial uctions in Accordanee wi�h Enviromnental Luw. �:�;_ _
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Sub�tances"sue those substances defined as toxic or ha�ardaus subsiancer by
<br />?,�� -'•�''���' Enviranmental Luw and the follawing substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flwnmable or toxic petrdeum products,toxic �;
<br />'..,;�: � .�-=- �.S•;�l
<br /> ••.��.. . �;�����'r pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materiuls containing asbes�o� or formaldehyde. and mdioactive muterials. As �````��
<br />'��.� ' � �"'"`� used in thie am rn h 20,"Environmentnl Luw"menns federal laws und luws of the jurirdiction where the Property is located �-="=-- -
<br /> n. P � P ��=�
<br /> ,�, ;��'��. ' Ihat relate to heaith,safery or enviranmental protection. ,_�,w
<br /> ""''s ��"` NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenunt and ngrea as follows: �W��
<br /> 1'•f•' � ti�.W.•�" _ . . .
<br /> . Zl. Accelerativn; Remedies. I.ender shall give notice to Borrower p�ior to Acceleratton faMowing Borrower's �;,,��
<br />;��7•; ,_ � breACh of any covenant or agreement in th(s Security Instrument (but not prior lo accelers�tlon ander paraQraph 17 �^
<br />"- � "° ' '`'�°'-' unl�appl3rablr lsir provldes olhtr�vlse). The notice�M�11 r:�eciPy: (a)Ihe default,lbl the acNon recluired to cure lhe
<br /> t;.-0. ,', ,: �.,:-.
<br />:-' •` ,� ''•;�����'• � defpulh.(c)a date,not less lhan 30 dAys Prom the date Ihe notice is given to Borrower,by wbtch Ihe defaWt must be ��s
<br /> .� . �=-:.__.
<br /> a� • - . �.:,,, ., cured;and(d1 that fs�ilure to cure the default on or before the date speciOPd in the notice may resrll in Accelerat on o m
<br /> �f the sums secured by this Security Instrument and s�le of the Property. The notice shall iLrlher inform Borrower of
<br />`� , ,::}v:",•'` �=i.�
<br /> , �;.;;4� the right to reinstate alter acceleratbn And!he right to bring a court aclion to a�.serf the�oa•existence ota default or �.u�=__
<br />. �� , '- any other defense of Borrower to acceleratbn and sale. If fhe detault is not cured on or betore Ihe date specliied io �.:��,;
<br /> � ��`��;``' the notice.Lender at ils o tion ma re uire immediote n ment io full oP all sums secured by this Securit Inslrume�t
<br /> P Y q P Y Y �3i?iF�e+r:
<br /> " ' � without further demand and ma invoke the wer of sale and an other remedies rmNted b a licable la��•. ��;—
<br /> Y P� Y Pe Y Pp �z,�rrti,
<br /> ' ; � •� .. l.ender shall be enfitled to collecl all expenses incurred in pursuinR the remedies provided in Ihis paragraph 21. - —
<br /> l�-.�L.HYAL's�-
<br /> ' � , „ including,but not limited to�reasonable attorneys'iees and custc of litle evidence. �a�r.
<br /> ' � . If Ihe power ui'sale is invoked,7Fustee shall rec�rcd a nutice of default fn each county in whMh any part ai the �
<br /> Pro rt is lacated aad shall mail copie.v of such notfce in the manner prescribed by upplir�ble law to Borrower and to ';'���— �
<br /> n� y :�•��-�=-�
<br /> . the other person�prescribed by applic�ble luw Afler Ihe time required by uppllcuble Inw.7Fuslee ahuU give public .;_�;�.
<br /> � ' ' notice of sale to the persons and in Ihe manner prescribed by applicable Inw•. 7lrustee,without demaad on Borrower.
<br />' � shall sell the Property at public auction lo the highest bidder at fhe time and pluce und under the lerms designated in
<br /> ; ° ' the notice of sale in one ar more parcels und in any order 7Yustee determines. Trustee ms�y postpnne sule of all o�any
<br />,� ' parcel af the Property by public aanouncement s�t Ihe Nme and pls�ce of�ny prevtously scheduled s�le. I.ender or its a•
<br /> -;i=;:_,:_�
<br /> � • designee may purchase the Property at any sale. �_�
<br /> ' �� Upon receipt ot payment of the prlce bid,'IYastee shall deliver to the pu�chuser 7rustee•s deed cunveying the �'�'
<br />�� Pro rt . Tfie recitals M the'(lrustee's deed shall be prima fucie e�•idence of'Ihe Iruth of thr slatements made therein. �:r;��,'�,
<br />. t� y
<br /> v ' 'Irustee aholl opply the pruceeds of ihc wle io the PoAowM�urder: la)to all cusl+and rxprn,fes of ezerdviqg the power '�'_��'�=
<br /> .,�:.
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