�-:LNill7: •w� l'i..��lrC «.��..J.vl.'V' .' . .. 1• •.: fl }a. 1 _ u"_'_"_
<br /> � ..
<br /> ��j 1 ...• ..: ����� ;i�. , ��y�,��yy'r.rr .i . �::����:#�iG�l —_'� _��. . --. ._.
<br /> .A�l�l�_ r ��.�iS1+..:�...s�w��FiS� "ti;T � JiiN I�t'r L.�eVr ��y�„�{�.�b'vw�_u� "1fi �L�... `,-G ..-----_
<br /> i°•�
<br /> J��� --- - -- - -.�k� �*� - �,.r�*�.T.-..._�..-.�_.���-�_�- _ °--
<br /> � ,�.��..
<br /> .3�P.R.� .?w`:";y!1"' ..
<br /> '= ---- ' - -
<br /> � �r... . - --
<br /> _.�
<br /> ..�G�b��r�ie'Ri��- ,- . -_ ___.-_
<br /> ��� . ' ' �". , � ' . .. -� _- .
<br /> .�. � - '" - .. . ...� "" '._. ---�� ��"+������._. .._—s._.
<br /> � .� . Q •--�••i �_._-_..._ _ -
<br /> E„s-'r" V f�'r �O�I�r�
<br /> .._=S'�-e�...:
<br /> _�}l:.'.`�Ii'1.� ��:�f1•�'•:�.
<br /> --__==�_.-.�_....,t�.,; rundemnulinn��r nther luking of uny pan oi'the Prapeny.�,r ior cunveyuncr in licu of«�n�lcrnnu�i�m.arc hrreby a�.i�ned und
<br /> �.:�;'�=,���';;�... �hull hc pnid t�Lcndcr. ----
<br /> -- In thc even� e�f u to�al wking of the Pmpeny. �he procecJ4 yhull hr upplicd tu�hc �umr �ecurrJ by Ihi+ S�wurity
<br /> �`"'�"� Inxirumrm,whc�her��r not Ihcn due,with any cxce��puid Iu Borrowcr. In ihr rvrn� ��1 u parliul luking ul'ihr 1'ru�xny in
<br /> �;.: which ihe fui�market value of ihe Propeny immcJfutcly hefurc�he�uking i.cquul�u ur grea�cr ih�m�hc nmuun��H'thc,um� �
<br /> ;..�
<br /> �� n';.- �,- _. • rccured by this Scn:uriiy in��rumcn� immcdiu�cly brlim Uic�+�I.iu�.unlr.,13unu�<<r.+nd LwiJrr uihcrwi,c ugrcc in writing, �
<br /> the�;umK xecund by Ihis Security Inclrument.hull Ix redurrd by �he umoum ut��he pra:�eJ,mulliplieJ by �hc f'ullawing �
<br /> '��''.` f'ruclia�r (u►tlic totul umount of'thc sum,�cured immecliutrly Ixtiim�he tukink,dividcd by Ibl the fiur murkc�vuluc af�hc
<br /> ��_ -� � . Propeny immediu�ely lkl'ixc Ihe wkin�. Any bulunce .huN Ix: puiJ lu Bonuwcr. In tlic c�•ent ul a p•rrlial laking of thc �-= - --�-�----
<br /> �_�' :��'�� Property in which�he fuir mnrke�vulue oP the Propar�y immrJiatcly lxti�re �hc �uking i�Ie.�ihun ihc umount of thc awm
<br /> �"'°�1;;�'� '��� r.�cured immediutely t►efore the �i►king, unlcs. Nurruwer und LcnJer oihcrwi.r a�rer in wri�ing ur �ni�., ;�rri��uni� luw —
<br /> •o."* '' »� �� othenviu pwvideti,the prncecd+zhull be applicd lo the wmc.ecurrJ by Ihiz Scwurity In,lrunum whclhcr or not the sumv ure =
<br /> � s�=';..,,;;*� . � then duc. -
<br /> ' ..�.tirt.:;�;:,4•
<br />�, a�:.-,�•^' " . � � If the Propeny iti ubandoncd by Borrnwer,pr il',ufter nutice by Lrndc�to Borrowcr�hut�hr c��►dcmnor��I'fen to mukc
<br /> � *���``� un uwurJ or seule u rluim far damngcz. 8nrri►wcr failti to responJ to Lrndcr wiihin 311 duy.atiG�the date ihr notirc ix givcn,
<br /> � ... ��..,' . Lender is nutharia:d to collccl und apply thr pnxerd�,at il,option.rilher tu rr�turu�iun�»'rrpuir uF the I'rop�rty or la the -- ----
<br /> F 'x!•.t.�.Y!'�� ���.:
<br />�� ��r•}4�;;, � xums,ecurcd by�hi+Sccurily Inwlrumcnt:whcihcror not then duc.
<br /> Unletis l.ender and Bnrruwcr iNherwi�e agrce in wrihng,any applicaiion ol'prix��l� w principul,hall nut cxtend or
<br />�'� � ,�-�•.,��� ' poti�pone the due dute of the mm�thly paymen�ti referrcd to in puruFruph,I und:or chunge thr umaunt c�f�uch puymcm.. _
<br /> � " ll. Borrawer Not Released: Forbearunce By Lender Nut s+ Waiver. Ex�entiion oi' ihc �imc li,r puymcm or
<br /> ' : � mcxllfication uf sunortiwtion of'lhe�ums serured by thi� Seeurity In.r•tniment grameJ by Lrnder t��uny�ucre+sor in imerest --
<br /> ' � . • of Borrower�hull nw operatr lo relca+�ihe liabiliry oP�he originul Borrowcr ar Bnrrowcr;wrre�sors in interest. Lender
<br /> �+�: __ _ _.. ,hall not be myuired to cummenee prcxeedinF�aguinst uny surces,or in inieres�or relu.e lo rxtend time ti�r puyment ur _ � ___
<br /> � `� otherwi,e miidil'y umonizution of�he+urns.ccureJ by�his Serurity In+tnimcnt hy mu�on uf�ny drmand mude by thc original
<br /> ,•.'r' � Borrower ar Bom�wer: succcswn in intcrest. Any forlx;irunrc by Lrnder in cxrrrising uny righ�or nnnedy�hi►II n���be u
<br /> ° wuiver of or precludr the exercise af any right ur r�mrJy. `
<br /> 12. tiuccessors and Asslg�9 Buund;Juint and tieveral 4iability;('a-�ipners. 'llir co�•enani�and a�recmenty of this e-..•
<br />' ., Security Inxtrument�hull bind anJ henefit the.uccesson:►nd asxi�n+ui'Lender und Bom.����er,,uhject io�he provi.iuns of
<br /> � paragrrph 17. Borcower's rovcncmts and ugrecmcntx shall he j��int and+cvrrul. Any &�rn�wer whn co-+i�n+ ihis Srrurity a��
<br /> ' •• Insuumem hut dces nat rxecuie the Note: l ul ix ca-tiigning thi+Security Imtrumrnt��nly ti�mortgugr. grrnt and ronvey Ihat
<br /> � Borruwer's intenst in lh�Pn�peny unJcr�he term.��f this Serurity Intitrumenr, Ib)i.nu�p�rzunully ohliFated to puy the,ums �.�,;;-_-
<br /> � .i securcd n �hi,S�tiura In,irumrnt:and Icl a ree.lhat Lender+mJ an other Bnrrower nm a�rec In�xlend,mcxlif ,forheur `�''"°°""`�`'
<br /> Y Y F Y Y b Y �.�:�-
<br /> '� '� • � or make uny uccumm�xlulKms with rcgurJ to�he trrmti af thix Serurity Instnamrnt or the Note without lhut Born�wcr. --"---
<br /> , `��y�:;; con�nt.
<br /> ,' ; ` , l3. Lupa Charges. If the loan tiecured by thi.Securiry Im�niment i. tiubjert io u luw which+et. muximum loun
<br /> _.. .. � . ---------- --
<br /> - � - char�iz�.�nd ih:►i(:►w�is l3na!!y i:titerprctLJ�:u thst�hr inten+t t�r other lnan ch�r�r�rt�!let9ec!��r l�►h!'�•��Il�rt�•d in conner�iun =__-_____
<br /> with thc loan rxceeJ�hc �xmiiiteJ limit�.�hen, lal:�ny xuch lo•rn rhurge shall Ik rcduccJ by�he am�wm necr.sury tn reJuce - _
<br /> Ihe churge to the�xrniiucd limi�:and Ib)uny wnn ulready callert�d frum Bum►wrr which�xcerdrJ prrniiued limit�will hr - --
<br /> ' refunded tn Borcower. LcnJcr muy chix�.c tu malc thi,refund by rcJurinF the principal nweJ unJcr ihr Na�c ur by nmking a -
<br /> •, � direct paymem to Borniwcr. If a rrfund rcduce+�rincip:d.the rcduc�i��n will he treutrd a�:,��n�:�i����aymeni wnhi,ut uny --__ .__-.-
<br /> � pmpuyment rh��rgc undrr thc Notc. ___�_�_
<br /> 14. Notices. Any nulirr tu Hnrrc►w�r pravidcd tix in U�i. tiecurii�� In.irumrnt ,hall Ix givcn by Jrlivrrin� il or by =-_-_--
<br /> muiling it by fin�clux+nwil unlcs.applicuhlc luw rcyuirr.u.r uf unothrr m��h�Kl.Tlu rnxirc.haU lx�lintitrd w the Propchy -_-- -
<br /> AddRs�or any othcr uJdre,� Rorcowcr d�tiignatc�hy noticc to l.rndcr. Any nutirr tu I.rndcr,hall hr gi�•cn hy fir+t cla„ -��
<br /> t�==--=-
<br /> mail�o LrnJcr;uddrr,.,ta�rJ hrrrin ur;ury�ahrraddre..l.rn.kr dr.i mutr�hy notirc ta Hi�rnn�•rr. .1m•n�xicr ruviJeJ fix �*.{�"'•'�"�'
<br /> � r �.+.`_.__,�_
<br /> ' � in thi, Srcurily In+lnimenl sh•rll ix dccmcd tu hnvr h�cn given �u Horrowrr ur Lrnder whcn �iv�n u, pn►vided in Ihis .
<br /> '::r.`,,:
<br /> ,. ,, purugraph. �
<br /> IS. GovernlnR Law: tie�•erubllit�•. l�hi� Sccuriy In,trumrnt .hall hr E�n•crn�d h�• teJcral Ia�w anJ �hr law �il'thc • ' • -
<br /> . jurizJiclinn in whirb thc Pn►�xrty i.I�k:ucd. In thc cvenl Il�ut uny pruvi.ion urrluu.r ufihi.Sccurily In�lrument ix thc Nate � ;:
<br /> . c��nllict�wilh appliraMr law.,u�h rixtllicl�hull nut allerl uth�r pruvitiiun,uf Ihi,S�rurily Iminnncn� urlhr Nu�e�vhinc�an
<br /> � � • bc givcn eFfrcl withuW thc cunllic�in� pn►vi,iun. 'lii Ihi+enJ ths provi�iun+�►f thi. ti�yuriiy In.mmxnt and ih� Note :�rc .: .,..,°�,- '
<br /> �' •, . declurcdtohcxvcraMr. �`�'a�..,�_-
<br /> - a..!C;'r.
<br /> '`°•`.:;�'• 16. Burrow�er's Cu v Fiurcowcr,hall Ik i�ui unr conl'umicd r�� �„f ihr Nut�unJ�,f�hiti Sc�uri� ImUVntenl. ., , , - .
<br /> .. �t, . P.• F '' P. }. .�:"� _
<br /> � . `..:,,,,: . 17. 7Yuntit'er oPthe Propert�•or u Heneiirlol Inlcrc+t in Borrowcr. It'all or am•part uf thr Pra�xny��r any intcrc�t in • -
<br /> •���:.;;._,� it i.+old�x Irim�tcrr.J lor il'a Ixncfiriul intrm•t in Burro«rr i� �uld ur Ir:�n,frrrrd :nul l;orro��rr i� iN�t u niuurul pcn�m) � . +�,.z_;
<br /> • � �}'�� without Lcndrr�pri�tt w rittcn c�imrnt. l.cnder map, at it+optiun. nquire immcdiatr��:ymrm in full.�f:dl wm, ,rrumd hy j. . � -
<br /> .,�.�., . �'"• �.
<br /> • thiti Security Inxlrumem. Hu��rver,thiti upt iun.hall mn Ix rrrrci.eJ hy Lrnd�r if r�crci,r i.prohihit�J by Irderal law•r���I �--.--.-----
<br /> • � a:�'�.
<br /> • thcdotc�►tlhi.Scrurity In,trumcnl. ���� � �:;r:� -
<br /> . If Lcndcr cxrrcisr�1hi.upli�ni.l.cndrr,hall gi�r Burn�wcr nu�icc ut a«cl�rahu�l. 1'h�nuli�e+h:dl rn��'ide.��xriixl u1' �
<br /> , ;, ��Y�•�"' n��t Ir+,than 30 duy.frum�hr Jatc dk nuiicc i.delivrnJ or mailcd��i�hin��hirh liun-����cr mu,���a}•:�II.um,r�rurcd hy thi. .
<br /> S�curity In.trumcm. U' B��rrowcr fail. �o pay Ihc�c �um. priur tn Ihr c�pir:uiun ut ihi. period.Lrndar may invukr imy �: . .
<br /> . remrJic,�xnniucJ B�•thi,tircurit� InNrunt�nl a i1h��ul lurlher nuti�r or dr�uanJ�,n Ilnrro��cr.
<br /> � IS. Borroe•er'x Ri�ht tu Reinstule. II' Hurr�a�rr mrel. rrnain runJni�+n,. liurr����rr •le:dl iui�•� Ihc ri�!ht k� ha�•r �
<br /> • - enliirc�ment u(ihi.Scrurit�� Imtnmknt Ji�iunlinur�l al :m� timc �+n�a la Ihr�•:uiirr�,L �a�5 Ja}•iur.urh�,�hrr�xri�Kl a. . .
<br /> . . 5mc1.1•amd+ Funnk�luc;P�reddle�lucl\IFUN�II\�INI\IF:\1 Ind�.�ml'��.cu.�n�. V411 ���.�e.•J��/��p.�c���
<br /> � . . •
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br />• •� � _ _-- 1 _ _
<br />