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<br /> _ -_ =- �=-��`� ot eale�and the sak,inrluding the poyment ot the'I�ustee's tees actually lacurred.nd to exceed 'f 2.0 9b of _
<br /> �� tpe priacip�l�mount of the nWe Rt the time ot fhe declaratbn of defiutl,And re�oapbk wltorneYR'�a�n�perm�n�d
<br /> ,.���"�'"�-� b y l a w i I b l t u�!1 s u m s a e c u r e d b y lhia 3ecurit y In�trumeqt=rnd Icl aay exces�+to the pereon or persoar�eBdly endlled �-
<br /> . ----- tu il.
<br /> .��,��� 22. Rr�vuvey�ace. Upc�n payn�ent of all sum4 u�ured by lhi4 Sec�idiy In+�n�ment.l.ender shall req�K+t 7tu��ee to �---
<br /> reconvcy the Property and shall rurrendcr Ihia Secu�ity Inxlrumcnl ond all note�cvidencing dcbt sccurcd by�hiw Sccurity
<br /> ��" �' lnxtrument to'Ituster. 7tur�lee tihall reconvey Ihe Propeny wilhaut wwraruy aixl without churye to the pen:a� a'Personc
<br /> '���......a:�I�WI�OL:_. -- - _
<br /> �.�,,��.,�';,;�-;� Ie�ally entiUeil lu i�. Such perwn ur p�:r�+unti.rhull pay any recordntion cosls.
<br /> � 23. Substitule 7lruxlee. Lendcr,ut it�option,may from�imc to timc remavc 7tusicc and appoint�succe5sor trustee to
<br /> �'�f any 7tustec uppointed hereunder by an instrumenl rewrded in the counry in which Ihis Security Instrument is�ecorded.
<br /> - '�'��`,}�►�'��'��:''�.` Wi�hout canveyunce of the Property. the xucressor tru¢lec shAll succeed to ull the tiUe, power und dutiex ronfemed upon
<br /> :�i'�'�`''�`,`.'-�� . 'Itustec hercin and by applicablc luw.
<br /> —se.,ch�.:.el::�e x�.; .
<br /> ��'�-' 24. Request for Notices. Bortower reyuosls thnt copies of the notices of defuult pnd xale be hent to Borrowerk uWress
<br /> 'W�;��: �_ which is the Ptopc�ty Address.
<br /> --- • •.�� 2S. Riders to Wis Secu�ily lostrument. If anc or morc ridcn nrc ezecuted by Borrowcr and rernrded iagether with «______
<br /> �-�-�''` ,;;,;" � this Security Instrument, thc cavenants and ngreementR of each such �ider�hull be mcorpora[ed inw and+half mnrns oini
<br /> =�--��•�:"-�'%;"��;, �.:_ Fupplemeni the cavenantx nnd pgreements of this Secudty Instiument as if the ridcrts)were �purt of this Security Insttument. _
<br /> -- � � � (Check applicable box(es)�
<br /> �.'w.,*��r�; '
<br /> . •; •:
<br /> — ��;- .,r . —
<br /> -�—.S`..�� .::-�'i, �
<br /> Adjuslable Rate Rider Condominium Rider I-4 Fumily Rider
<br /> _�z—.�,:yx;lva,,.',.k:�'' �' —
<br /> �,;,r.��. .n.:�., �Grndua�ed Puyment Rider �Planned Unit Devetopmem Rider �Biwcekly Payment Rider @r y
<br /> �`�`'��� . �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider �;`0"''.-
<br /> ��('u�i�:
<br /> - . � ., `-'�'���'?i.<; �OtheKsl IxpecifYl _---- --
<br /> ';:,'•,.',. . �`��,
<br /> �P: . ..:.� � "T �•_"_�"."�
<br />- ;•:(ys : . BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrower uccepts und agrees ta the temu i+nd covenants mn�ained in thix Security Instrume��
<br />.' � And in any�ider(s>executed by Borrower and recorded with it. �'-"°'°-'
<br /> 'T y • 'n..� �
<br /> 1 . �."_aa�n�- �
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<br /> �•:, . ------- - A ony C. Co adi •sarowM �-::� :
<br /> ,� ..,�`t;�_- Social S curity Num r '�4?�„ �+��077 �-`�"-`-�
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<br /> '�i>y fi�� ��,�::'t C J F. Corredi •a��m,..�� "�F:eaw�''�
<br /> �.��S�n,�": '`
<br /> •r. �,,�r , S I Security Numller 9aR �i9 9117 .--'�`�'A'
<br />, , " "%::.v '. .T.-
<br /> , ,,_. . , , STA'('E OF NEBRASKA, Hall Caunty ss:
<br /> . �!,y-_--
<br /> , Oo�his 13th duy of Mey, 1992 ,6c1'ore mc,thc undcrsigned,a Notary Public NF}��':r-
<br /> � �� . duly commissianed und yuulilicd far x•rid caunty.penonully cumr pnthOny C. CoTradi and Jill F. COTTadi� •�"�'`��'�_
<br />. � � '"" ` each in his and her own right� and as spouse of each other .to me known�o be�hc "�:;� �
<br /> �.S,•.�-• 51
<br /> '� .. ' ` identical persons(s) whose namalsl ure subticriheJ to the tiire�eoing instrument und acknowledged the execution�hereof to �.�'•
<br /> � theiT ���untury uct nnd Jced. - t�►a�-
<br /> �` � Wimess n�y hand and noturi•rl wul at Grend Islend, •Ne Teske in tioid caunty,[hc �^ :'•
<br /> . 4 y �Y_
<br /> ��1•` �r�, � � �� -v
<br /> ��c • dutc uforesoid. `�
<br /> '�` � .. My Commi ' p�:� �_
<br /> SHEILA J.A�Ep Naary I'uhlk _-v--
<br /> :,��-��' »J��•�s M Comm Ex0.Nov.9,l99 QUEST FOR RECON VEYANCE ----
<br />_ ' - � • TO TRUS ",- 't�-_ r •
<br /> ."�`,� The undcrsigned is the ix►Icier ol'the notc or notc��ccured by this Dred ol'7i-ust. Suid note or notr.,together with all �
<br /> other indebtedness secured by this Decd ot'7tuxt.huve heen paid in full, Y�w urc h�reby directed to cuncel.aid note or notex
<br /> and this Dced of 7Fust,which an delivcreJ hereby,und to rccumcy, a•i�hcHn warranly,all thr c,��tr nuw hcld by you under • .••
<br /> this Deed of'I}ust to�hr penon ur per.on.IrEally entideJ�hcretu. '� '� �
<br /> , ,.
<br /> � . Date:
<br /> � Fixm i�2M 9/90 �ry¢eAn%n�upr�� 'NT. .'
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