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<br /> � " '- - t.PAY�AENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTER88T.T►uet.x+shall promplly pay when due lho pnnclpai ot and mleresl on Ihe indebtednoea ewdenc4d by —.
<br /> �-�_-�
<br /> � Ih�Note,end ell other ehargesand}NY ae provided fn the NOie,and Iho prmcipal o�and mterasl on any Future Advancei securod dy Ihie irusl l)d9d _
<br /> - JY✓'L-� •4_+''..J
<br /> :4 : , 2.WARRANTY OR TITLE.Trusta is lawtully se�zed and posseesed o�good a�d mdeleasible Idls and eslale to Ihe Properly hereby convQyed and =-
<br /> has Ihe dght lo grant e�d convey Ihe Property:Ihe Prapehy is Iree and clear of a11 Ilens and encumbrancea except Ilens now at recor0:and Truslo�wdl _,-
<br /> " wwrYnt and detend Ihe tdlo to ihe Property agamsl a1 cla�ms and demanda `�...�---- -
<br /> . .� ' '-!� R_.
<br /> '• 3.�IAINTHNANCE AND COANI.IANCB WITIti LAWB.Truslor shall keep ihe Property:��g0od�epav and condd�an and s�all not Commit waste or perm�t ��
<br /> � � �mpafrment�r detenaation ol lhe Praperty and shall comply wilh the prowsione of any Ieaee d this Trust Deed is oo a leasehold.No�mprovam9�l now �,,;:
<br /> _ . . or hereaher erectad upon Ihe Property shall be allered,removaJ ur demol�shed vnlhoul Ihe pnor wntten tonsenl of BeneUt�ary Truslor shall comply wdh -
<br /> � � all lawa,ordfnances,rt�gul�uons,covenants,eondiuons and reslrlclions affectmg lhe PropeAy and not commu,suller or permu any act to be done�n or �_
<br /> . ' ,,, . " upon the Property 1n violaUon d eny law.ordmance,regulaUOn,covenan�,condilion or rastrKUOn.Trustor shall comqete or resrore promplly and m goai ��y=-:._
<br /> ,.
<br /> � ' •----- -
<br /> wakmenlfke manner any improvement on me rropeny which may Ln demagW ar dostroycd and p�y.vA�en due,ax�la�mQ to�latur perlormed and materWls �� _ __
<br /> " fumi8hed IherelOr and lor any aNerali0ns Ihereot. --
<br /> " 4.INSURANCE.Trusta,at it6 expense,wdl mamtaln wdh�asurora approved by Benehclary,insurance w�lh rospett to the�mprovemen!5 entl pe�sO�e� _
<br /> ,�� " •• .. prope►ly,ConstituUng Ihe Properly,againsl bss by hre,4ghlning.tanado.and other penls and hazards covered by 8landard eatended coverage mdors9�'+��t, —
<br /> � in an amount equal to al least one hundred percent(10p°%o)ot Ihe full raplacemen!value thereof and insurance aganst such other hazards anp m suCh ".,..�
<br /> � amnunta as fs customardy carried by owners and operators ol simdar properties or as Benehciary may reqwre�or �ts pr otecuan.Trustor wdl Gomply wdh � . �_
<br /> ,, • sueh other requUements as denehc�ary may�rom Ume Io bme request lor the protection by msurance of the interesls d Ihe respectwe partiea.All msurance �.?__
<br /> � �' pollcies mpintained pursuant to this Trust Deed shaN hame Tru&lor and Beneliaary ae msured.&s theu respect�vc mle�ests may appear.and provlde thpt �
<br /> ilf,�"��.=�'..
<br /> � there bo no cancellalmn or mocklication wilhout el least 15 ddys prbr wntton not�hcal�on lo Truslee and Benehc�ary may p�ocure 6uch�nsurantB nt BCCada�Ce ��:.-i:= __��_
<br /> y�.,��.,.y s,�., w�lh Ihe provisions d pa�agraph 8 hereof.7rustor shaN aelrver to Benehciary the ongmal policies of msuranee and renewa�s Ihereof u mnmo copies of ---
<br /> ,,5 such policles and renewals theroof-Fadure to fu►nishsuch msurance by Trustor,or renewals as requued hereunder shaB,a�the opupn ot S�neOC�ary.
<br /> constdute a delault- �
<br /> :��y� .—
<br /> - �r ,
<br /> 6.TAXCS,ASSESSMEHTS AND CHAROES.Tiusta ahau pay all texes,assessmeMS and olher charges,mcluding,wdhaul Umitelion,Imes an4 imposdiuns �v�._��
<br /> • , attribulaWe to Ihe Property and IeasehWd paymenls or ground renls.d any,before Ihe same beCOme deGnquent.Trusla shall promptly turmQh 10 benehaary �� �
<br /> • all notfces of amounte due under Ih�s paragraph,and�n Ihe evenl Trustor shall make paymem duectly,Trustor shaN promplly furmeh ta f3o�e��c�ary rece�pls _„_---
<br /> ' ev�dencro such a ments Trustor shall all laxesand assessments which may be levied upon Benel�aery's�nterest herein or upqn this Trust Oeed �..:��_,�
<br /> . 8 P Y PaY
<br /> � wilhoul regard lo any law lhal may be enacled Imposu�g paymenl al the whole or any part thereof upon the Benehcia�y ��!'��;•,��-
<br /> . �.;�. .,,.:�.��-
<br /> 8.ADDITIONAL LIENS AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'8 SHCURITY.Trustor sha�l make all paymems ol u�terest and prmc�pal and payments .. . ,_
<br /> ol any other chargea,fees and expenses canlractetl to be pa�d lo any eK�slm9 or subsequo�d I�enholder or benel�ciary,under a�y axietmg or aubseque�t ��ir
<br /> ��•S
<br /> matgage or trust deed belore Ihe date they are dellnquent or in delault.and pramptly pay and d�schnrge any and all other 4ens,cla�me or charges wh�ch „�!i°,1,:(; •,,
<br /> ---,�-=- ma�jcopsrdfze the:ecu:i;gra^.!ec+�+e�� !�Tr�iatn�inll�to make anv such pavment or faAS to pe��arm an o(Ihs covenaMS and a reements cuntamed ������•��
<br /> Y e Y i ` ,�y����'�
<br /> ' In Ihfs Trust Oeed,a the Note referretl to herem.or�n any pnor oi subseque�t trust deed.or�f nny act�on or proceeOmg is cpmmanCetl WhiCh metenau < '+��°�>'---•
<br /> aHecls Benefic�ary's interest in Ihe Propeny.Including.but nol hmued to.°.^`�nent doma�n proceedings.aroceedinga mvdvm{�A 4eCedenl,not�ce of sale
<br /> by Trustee,notice ol default by Trustee,morlgage toreclasure acuon.or d Trustor�ads to pay Trustor's bebla general ly as Ihey becoma Aue.then Benehc�ary. �,�z•'�'•"•>
<br /> at Benet�Ciary's option and w:thoW not�Ce to or demand upon Trustor and+�nlhout releasing Trustor Iram any Obligatian hereunder.mny make such appearenCes. �,�.. .
<br /> � "�; „ dishurse such sumsand take such acUon as Is necessary to protecl Benehciwy's mteresl,mcludmg,but nat umded ta.d�sbursement ql reasonaDle aqwney's :,,;,t}?��-��
<br /> lees,payment,purchase,contest or camprom�se ol any encumbranCe,charg�or lien.enliy upon the Pruperty lo make repau9,or declaration of defauN ,+' . :
<br /> '� under Ihis Trust Deed.In the event that Truslor shell faA to procure maurance o�to pay laxes,assessments,or any olner chargea or 10 make any payments '''•"
<br /> to a�y Bx�elmg or subsequenl I�enholders or ex�sting a subsequent benelic;anes,Benelic+ary may procure such�nsurance�nd make suCh payment,but � '
<br /> shall nol be obl�gated to do so.My amounts d�sbursed by Benel�c�ary pwsuant to Ih�s Paragraph 6 sha�l become add�lanal indeblaJness ol Trustor securetl
<br /> . by Ihie Trust Deed.Such amounls shall be payable upon nolice f►om Bc�nehaery to Trustq�requestmg payment thereof.and ehdll bear mlerest frOm�he �'�i"'-��
<br /> date ol disbursemenl al the rate payable from time to time on rndslnnding pnnc�pa�under the Note unless payment ot�ntu�9s1 at suCh rate would be tontrary � 'z�'
<br /> to appllcable law.in which eveN such amounts shall bear�nteresl at Ihe highesl rala perm�ssible undar appl¢able law-Natlxng COntemed m thia Parapreph . _ _
<br /> 8 ahaU requve Benehc�ary to mcur any expense or take any acdon hereundc3r =.�,;.',y;.
<br /> ;.•��;:`,
<br /> • 7.ASSI(iNMENT OF HENTB.Benehr,iary shail have the nght,pnwer ond aulhonty dunng the conunuaoce o11h�s Trust Deed to collecl lhe rents,�ssues _.,.�.
<br /> � and prohts ol Ihe Property a�0 ot any personal properly locateq therPO�wdh or wdhout law�nq possess�on ol ihe propeny affected hereby.anC Trusror � ,: '
<br /> hereby absolutely and unconddronally assgns aH such renls,�ssues and prot�IS to Benel�ciary Benatic�T�y.however hereby tonsenis to the Trustor's , ,
<br /> r n o1 such re�ts.�ssues and rofils as Ihe accru��and become payab�e so long as T�uBlor�s�01.at such Ume.m detault wdh respect � vcra�=
<br /> cu11eC11on and etenlw P Y �Y��-•
<br /> • " • lo payment of any mdebtedness secured hereby.or�n Ihe perfo�mance ol any ag�c�mrnt hereunder Upon any su ch defaNt.6eneficiary may at any time, :_�;:;
<br /> e�lhar m person.by egent.or by a recelver to be appoimed by a court.wdnqul nohce anh w�thout rega�tl to Ihe nclequacy o�any securlty lor the mdebtedn@SS 'L"�k�-
<br /> hereby secured.(a)enter upan and take possess�on ol lhe Proporty or any pnrt thereol.anq m ds own aarne sue lor or qtherw�se collect such rents,issues �""�"'�:'.
<br /> and prohte.intlud�ng those pasldue and unpa�d.and apply Ihe samn.iass costs and expenses of operehon and r.otleChan,mcluding reasonable altomey's � �� "
<br /> t _���.;.
<br /> ' �808.u{wn any indebtedness secured hergby,and�n such Ortlei is Benehciary may determ�ne.�b)perbrm such 4ctF ol repau or prolecUOn as may be f ,1�p-.;�r_:
<br /> . nBCessery or proper to conserve the value ol the Property.(C)lease the,ame or;�ny part thereo�tor such rprnal,le�m.��nd upon such Condd�ons as�ts ; ""'��.:_":"
<br /> �'� �udgment may d�ctale,or lermmate or ad�ust the termsand conddions ot ex�sunq In.ises Unless Truster�nd Benef�cie�y thereof agree otherw�se m wnbng, , �--
<br /> 1 ' _' any applicalion of renis,issues or prohts lo any mdebtCdnoss sur,urcd n�reby snnll not extend nr posfpane thn dun dale of the mstntlment payments as :
<br /> ' provldetl�n saul prom�ssory note or change the amount o�Such ��sla�imontS Th�enlermg upon nnd lakin�poFF?S9•o�o� Ihe Property.Ihe co�lection
<br /> • - � af such�ents,issues a�d prolds.and the aDPhcation Ihereol as a�onrva�n.sh.ill not wa��o o�cure any driaull m naR.N o�default hereunder or mvalidate '
<br /> any act done purauant to such notice Trustor.U50:365�gng�O dCnUhLid�y.d5�Ur�hpr ti�CUnIV�Ot Y+�ue���uimum:a n�the ob��g�t�ons s�r.urrH heteby.all �
<br /> prepaid renls and a�l mOnies which may havo been ui m�y hrir.ilte�Ue dupos�ted v��m sa�d Trustor bv any�esstr,ol m��Property.Iu secure the payment ,
<br /> ol any renl or damages.or upondefauu m the perlormancn ol.mv ul the prov�swns he�eof.?�ustor ay�ee;t�tlel��e��euch�ents antl tleposds�o Benehciary
<br /> � Dehvery ol wn�ten noUte of Benehaory's exnruse ol in•t nyros{��ant�td herein.lo any ten,in;uccuuv��p sa�d pnam�Ees shan be sulhe�ent to requne said
<br /> , ' len8n�lD pay renl l0 th��Benebr.i.uy unhl lurthe�n��ur.t1 .
<br /> � 8-CONDHMNATION.1+Utle to a�y par�ol the Propnrty:.���dl U��t,ik�rn m r.ondw+tn,�h�)�pr�iCeFd,ntR.-by'�qnt n�nmment doma�n or s�mdar achon.or
<br /> ' shall be Sold undei Ihreal c�t cOnVemn�UOn.all aw.�id,. d.unayes.�nd p�oa�rds.ve h�•r�by a•.=��^-,n ,�d���dl� I�x p.ud tn BNnehciaiy who sh�ll aPDlv
<br /> ' such awards.damage5 and p�OCeetls to Ihp sum s��cur��d hv�����: Iru�t Dn�d.w�R�thr e■crsy ��.��c-o.+�d to T�uyinr U Tru3tor reCervPS dny nut�cu oi - -
<br /> ' olher mlormatron regardmg such act�ons or procoed�ng�;, in�swr ,i�.W i��v�•p�Ompl wntlen nutiCP IhprBO�tt)Benehnlry Bc�tt�li�tiry Sh�tl be BnUtletl.dt
<br /> ��s opt:on.:o commnnce.appear m and p�osecute��rtaow��nonut�u�y�urN,Irb��n�u prrx'N��A�nf]<�u�d tn,�li b�e e�ntd���tl m make any compromige or SBttlement
<br /> � m Connectwn wrth any such acUOn or protredmqs
<br /> 9-FUTURE ADVANCES.Upon request o� Tru�tix Be�.�.,���arr-�t H�•�„�����,�r�..,opt�un pnor W n>�:o�nr�ev'�'oi;h�'P�our��ty ro irurlur m.�•, m�ha
<br /> r. .n.. ..�., ...�n, nm�ccnr.,nnnaa vta��nn
<br /> -.—---.� �uwre aavancea w irus�or 5ucn ruwre aavanr.ero.yvm��.nuu-}i i��r��•��� ,�„���:,�,�-t.�:..:�.:.`..:...:.:.....:.:::"..••e,.--"c---:!". . _
<br /> l thai said noles d�P 5@CU�@d hPt@by prOVid�°d�h.11.lI�'�l bme�:.h,dl�I.�� ,.1,i...d pnn�q).11,Ind I�ilun�dde.ini P5 nu�mt:lud�nt]tu��8 ddVd��i�1U lu P�JIPC�
<br /> IIhe sewrdy.exceed two hundre�i Uercent�200'..1 UI�h�+unqm.11�p�n�.ip,p.u�+ow�lo .i•r�n,y)h�a�>b�.
<br /> �V REMEDIESNOTERGWSIVE.n���ir.e.u�.�...•.:�'�.... ..:••.•••� • • •• .�•.,""••••••�• •,••,• ••�^•n..,���..,.nt.�orlpN���,��n.���rnn�.u�v�ndt�ht��dn��ss -
<br /> � or o4ligaUons secured hereby and m�xe�rciso all rif�h4 und,pun��rti und�•,1�,��. I�u�t D��t�d ur'undor•,ui�•�•Ru��,iq���emNr�i oxe�cuted�n COnnPCbOn hi�rpwdh
<br /> Or any IAWS nOW Or h�rPdlfer m fOrr.C.nqlW�1h51Anc1iuq �iume��r .�n u'mr,u��,�ruleU�ed��rti�,.Ind�)�I�qdUonti se�tmnd h�frUV�n.iy noW or ht��rd�lPr Ut�
<br /> othe�w�se secureA.�vhether bpmettl�lye.Uuti�dm+d p�udqn.I�i�n ,c.•.�U������•��I nr nlhonvc:i� NPdhP�II�P.�(c'rPWnrrn�tN�s T�us�Dt+ed��ar d5 i�nhxCe�na�nt
<br /> whether by court ael�on or pur5uant ta Ihe pow�r nt S.Ur�U�)Ihe�r po�tri�:he�ir�n i onl.wir4 tih.111 prr�Udi���i���•�.rW r��.lntlt'��Itfi+��i�UY1l�P ti Ur(jonrl�i�Jt� �.
<br /> n9ht 10�EahIB UpOn Or enlor[l'dny UIhHt 5��[ufdy nt7n�lt hrn+.11t�v h�dd by In�til�+.•U�BPnPI�i�,Ir� d hr�nq.IUlri�il 11411 liUSle'�J��d Opnolii i.L y dnd��,1�'1+
<br /> 1
<br /> . �
<br /> . . __.' _ _. '_' _—. �_ ._ . _ _.__ . .. . - .
<br />