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<br /> - ��'��4r�"M� i I �.��►:�(lNlstYiAhCk�ItY161�5MM'� -..�" �ry�1�. . . . _.__ ... ._ -._.-.,s— . ...
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<br /> �__�m���.'� �.cs ^�ti'#�
<br /> � �"" a��h�n, �hy11 b�onq11W to onfolGe Ihl�Trust OMM enA�l�Y 40Nr secunry now or ha►eafter hNd by 8anditi�ry w trusta�In sueh WtiH m�nnw
<br /> t
<br /> ,,-.n . � t• `''�` as IMy cx o�thr of ihMn m�y 1n Ihev absMule Ai�c�euon t�dl��o.�ramody heraN�conhrrb upon or res�tvM t0 Truite�a HM NiCluy Is intafd�d t
<br /> � ' ' �o(��xcluswe ot any oth�r remedy hereln ar by IAw prUwdpd or Porm�ttcd,bul anch ahatl ba cumulsuva nnd ahall bB In ndd�ibn io every othor rorttody `___
<br /> �•'�"'� �hKp�Wr pr np�y o�Mrqed�r aKiNmp At IAw cx In Aquily or Iry sto�ute.Every powYr w romety provldad under IhIA Truet DMd to Truttw a Bonsf�iary
<br /> r��r��<- ,�`'� 9�
<br /> °,3_.tiy%�r��" .°-';=.. `� a to whicn�111w of IMm m�y ba ollwnv�as anhllad.mqy bR exwuead.concurrently or in0apwbonly,from um4 ro tlmo ond n orim as may bo d�Mmd
<br /> _ .�.e.•........`a.,•...�.r. -- -
<br /> -- r j .,-._,��.,._...r. Bxppolont by Trustee or Fenel�c�e�y end edhqr of thnm mHy purwe�nconslstenl remi4foe.Nalhing here�n ehWl bo contlru�d ae proh�biUnp Banslxsiuy �
<br /> � x;. ;•i'��: � • : Ifpm�a�M�►0 o dalkNncy�udgment Yq81ml thg TruatcN to IhO��lent such rullon It po►m�ltod by law.
<br /> ' `�„�;.y,_-..,:��.�.':
<br /> :��:>�:'��°:% •`•r ' 1 t.TRANSF�ti OF TN6 PRQP6RTY;AB�UWPTWM�11 NI a eny part ol ll�Proporty or�MYrqst thereln ie soW.IranderrW a oth�rwlso tonvayed
<br /> - ' '","��� ����� l by Trusta wlthout Bonsticlpry'a pna wrinen consanl,�xGlwinA la)Ihe creolion of a Ilen or encumWanca subardlnate to tl In Tru�t Osed,(b)a Iransler
<br /> �� `�' �� by pppatlon ol I3w upon ihq Healh ol a Trustor Who is a Iomt lenant or(c)the gra�t o1 any lepfehdd�nterest of thqe(3)year�!Or Io1i whlqh do06 not
<br /> �.: .,...;.•:: .":
<br /> �s:a;Y,'r���.,., conWin an oplWn to purehasa,euch acibn ie a bra�cb q1 th�s aproement,end Benelw�ary may,at BenehGary's opuon.declare all Ihe aums aecured by
<br /> rti+.Trua�nud to be'(mmedlalaly due and payable,rxqvfdrd,hxther,thla Trust Oeed nwy.a1 Benelfeiary's opdon.W deatered Immad�alqly dua and
<br />�� '— �__-_-, � payabM.��(t)Truslor Ia�port�arsh�p Anq uey InlDresl��Ihe parinereMp�a sold or a88ipne0 by eny mea�s whaisanvm.u�i2y li ih6 T�u�tG,..::.�:,.�:�::�' --
<br /> -- '`-`•f+�":�- �'':'�� and a hansfer ot ihs ma�airy eta:k ownorship mtarra9t m the corporalion atura.or Ihe Trustor corporauon merges m any farm with anoth�r eorporadan
<br /> :i'��_.t.,:'; •:;�";.;� ' or entity.Be►whclary shall heve wawetl auch qpuan 1C accek�rele ii,piw�tu Ihe sala,transfer a conveyance,Benohaary and the pxaon to whom Ihs ,____
<br /> �� • � Property�6 to he sold a translerred reach pgreemqnl ln wriling Ihat Ihe credit al such person b saqclpCtory to BenehClary 6nd�hot ttie fntYraet payabla
<br /> ..:r�• . pn 1hY sums eacured by this Trusl Deacf ahall be at such rate aa Beneticlery shali request.
<br /> ���•, ��� � 12.ACCELERATION UPON OEFAULT:RFM601�;SAL@,The tadure by Ihe Trusta.ta make any payment or lo perfam any of Ihe terms and condillons _
<br />,-��;��,�.��' ot Ihi�Tro�t DMM,a the ferme nnd eondnrons of the Note,or any renewals,moditkations or etitenslans Ihereo(,a Ihe faflure to mako payment of any —
<br /> - ��_ _ ___ _ _ other indebtedness.pnor or subaequent to lhlp Trosl Deed,and secured by this p�operry.a Ihe death oi one a more Truators ahall be a braach and
<br /> , � � • ' � default ol th�a Trost Oeed and Ihe Benel�c�ary m�ly declare a delault and may tleclare all sums secu�erl hereby immedialely due and payabte and th� -- -
<br /> .�+�� same shall lhereupon become due and payable wiihout presenimenl,demend.protest or nolke ot eny kmd,proviqed,Trusta shall heve any etalutary ?��-
<br /> :fi�
<br /> � ' nghl lo cure ihe default belore any no11Ce af delpult and demand lor eele may be delhrered to IIN Truatae.Tharaafler.BenehCiery may deliver to Trust6e �,�—
<br /> a wntlen deCleration of delaull nnd demand fqr sale.Trusta agrees and hereby graMS Ihat the T►ustne shall heve Ihe power ot sale of!he Properly and .-
<br /> � il Benefidery decides tha Property ie lo be so�d it shell depos�t vnlh Truatee thls Trust Deed and the Note w notes and any other dpcumeMS evidenang �,�y_»�
<br /> ,• ' expendilures secured hereby.and shall delrvar to Truslee a wrAlen notice ol deiaull and eleeUan to eause tho property to be eold,a nd TruGlea.in turn. —
<br /> ' „-• yhatl prepare a s�mllar noUCe m the lam requlred by law,wh�ch shall be duly Ided lor record by Truatee. -
<br /> - j . � (a) Atter the lapse al such time as may de�eqwred by lew folbwing Ihe recordat�on ol Noti�e of Oefaull,and Not�ce ol Oefeull and Notke ot ---- _
<br /> Sale having been given as requlrQq by law.Truslee,wfthout demand on Truslor, shall sell the Property,d not rede9med.��one or more
<br /> ' parcels and in such order as Tru6lae meY determina on the date and Ihe ume antl piece desfgnated In saM Not�ce ot 3ale,e�pubxc auctlon
<br /> ' accading to law.
<br /> - .. ., ,
<br />•`° � �7 �"' When Truslea sells pur�uant to�he Puwers herem, Tiustee shall apply the proceeds of Ihe Bale to payment of the costs and e�peneas o�
<br /> °-'- �•_r� • ,.._. Ibl
<br /> ., : - . . exercising Ine power oi saie enu of ihu r,niu.�u�iud��ig.,�.it�t i�m�iai+on.attarno�,r'�!eer aod she peyment o!?•��st!�'s F�n+c nr.urred:wh�h __-:-
<br /> '. ,� T�uslee's Fees ehall npt fn�hg pg�regate exceed IY�e�ollowmg amounts bused upan Ihe emqunt secu�ed hereby end remelnmg unpaid at raa----
<br /> � Ihe Ume stneduled lor sale:5 percentum on the balance�hereof;and then to the�lems m subparagraph(c)m the order there stated. L .
<br /> ,.},. �
<br /> � (c) After pay�ng the�tema epecdied m subparagraph�b),d the sale is by Truetee,or If Ihe salg fs pWSUanI tq�udiGlal IOreClqura,lhe procaeda ••'
<br /> � • • ot sele shaM be appuod m U+e fdlowing order: �
<br /> • -- 1 Cost ol any evidence d utle procured m conneclan wqh suth sela and ot any revenue ttansfer lee requn9d lo de pab: IC.i..�..-^
<br /> ' '�^ ` ' ( ) --_
<br /> (2)All obllgaUOns secured Dy th�s Trust Deed:
<br /> .� ��� - (3)Jumar trost deeds,mortgages,or othar lienholde�s;
<br /> (q)1he rememder, if any,to the person legally e�titied thereto. �L,�'-
<br /> 13.APPOINTMENT QF BUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Benehc�ary may,Irom Ume to time,by a wr�ten mstrument executed and acknowledped by 8eneticiery.
<br /> " Truator and recorded fn�he county or tount�es in wh�ch t he Properry is locatetl and by atherw�se complymg wrth the pro�slans of the app�lCnble �---`
<br /> > maded lo y..�_
<br /> , �� lawe of Ihe State of Nebraska subeUtute a successor or successors to Ihe Truatee named herem or acting hereuntler. e„
<br /> . �a.INBPECT10N9.Benehc�ary,or da age�ts,representaUves or employee8.are authaisetl lo enler at any reasonable time upon or in any pnrt ol Ihe � '
<br /> � Property�or the purpose o��nspecting the seme and ta tho purpose of per(ormmg any of the acls�I is aWhonzed to perfam under Ihe terrns d the 7rust Deed. .-
<br /> . �5.OPTION TO FOREC40SURE.Upon the occurrence W�ny breach and upon Ihe declaratbn ol de�ault hereunde�.Benehcfary shell have the optlon �:__�.
<br /> � to lorecbse Ih�s Truet Qeed m Ihe manner prov�ded by law fa the loreclosure o�mo�tgages on real property. sr_�
<br /> � �6.FORE9EARANCE BY BENEFlCIARY OR TRUSTEE NOT A WAIVER.Any forebearnnce by Beneflciary or Trustee in exercismg any rlght or remedy ��`R-
<br /> � hereunder, or otharwiSO nllorded by appllceble law.shaU not be a wawer ol or preclude the exerclse of any such nght or remedy. Llkewise,Ihe weiver �(}��M�•'
<br /> , � by Benehcfary or Trustee of any delault ol Ttustor under Ihm T�ust Deed shall not be Ueemed to be a warver ot any other or simdar delaulls subsequently °`--�
<br /> ,r� octurnng. �;_..
<br /> 17.BENEFICtARY'S POW@RS.Wlthoul aflecUng or releasmg the habddy ot the Trustor ar any other person hable lor the payment of any obhgalwn �r �'-
<br /> • � herein meMwned,and withoul aHecUng Ihe lien or charge o f Ims 7rus1 Deed upon any porl�on ot tne Properiy, Benef�cinry may.tram Ume to Ume and ►�.�..�_._
<br /> � yvdhout notfce at the requeat ot one or more Trustars.(q rebase any person hahle.(Y)exlentl a renew Ihe maturdy or aller any 0�Ih@ terma ol any such �
<br /> obligetwns.1���)granl other indulgences.(�v)release or roconvey, rn cause to be relensed or reconvoyetl at any time at BenefiCiary'e optlon any parcel ��
<br /> o►all ot Ihe Properly.(v)lake or release any other or�ddrt�onnl secunty�o��ny obligntion herein montioned.Iv�)make seltlements or other arrangements � ,
<br /> wilh Trustor m►elallon thereto All Trustors shall be�ointly and severally obbgoled and bound by the nctions of Ihe Benel�c�ary or any one or more Trustor f
<br /> �
<br /> as st8ted�n thi5 p8�agraph i,
<br /> ' ` tB.ATTOFiNEY FEES.COSTS AND E%PENSE5.The Bene��a�iry ot this trusl Uecd�y enhtled to the pAyment ol oltomey's tees, costs entl expenses .
<br /> as prov�ded m th�s Trus�Deed.excepl as otherwise prohibrted Uy iaw ,
<br />" t9 REC�NVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE.Upon wrwen requegt o� 6enel�aary ancl upon�:�ymont by Tiuslar o�Trustee's fees. Trustee shall reconvey to
<br /> Tru9t0►,pr the person or persons legally en1i11ed lhurelu.�vdhuul w.a�.�nly..iuy portion ol Ine Properly Ihen helq herBUnder RCCrt115 m suCh rgCOnveyd�Ce ,
<br /> � �� OI 8�y mgll6r6 Or f�tl5 ShUll bB COhCluSrv6 p�00101�hB t�U1h1UInB85 IhNrt!ot The gran�oe�n�iny retonveyance may be descnbed as tl'ie person or pereons ,-
<br /> x
<br /> Iggally ent�t�H1 thereto"
<br /> 20 NOTICES.Excepl lor nouces.demonds.requost�o�ut her� ummun�cal�ons�rqu�red under applic�bk3�aw tq be gwen in�nothe3r mannor.whenever
<br /> � , Bgnetiaery.Trustor or Trustee gwes or servos any nohce i�nUUdinq wdhuul hmit.it�an.noUceol de�ault pnd notice ot salel.demends.requests or other
<br /> CommumCatron wdh respecl to this Trust Daed.oACh such no6�n, demand,rnquost or olher comrnumcalion sn�ll be�n wrdmg and ShAll be eftecpv6 onry
<br /> ..��ti�e _ ,
<br />� — --� d the Seme is dulrvereo by personoi serv�ce or�s maneo oy�e�m��e�U�n.ui.NVnimJa p�v{ia�u.ouuir.dboi.iJ n v o.;:Pc o u��a���::..:. :�==�y:'•••:••r�i-....._
<br /> irust Deed Any parly may al any Ume chango ils nAdnt.ys tu�such nolv.es.Uy delrv�nnp or m�dmq lo the olher p3rty herelo,a8:��oresa�d.a not�ce of .
<br /> suth change Any notice hereunder Sha�l be deumuA tn have U�•on��rv���t�1 f�U810� U�BBt101iC�Jry•�VhCfl qrvBn i0 Ih�t TOOn@�OPS�gnnleA hN�ein
<br /> 4! HEQUEST FOR NOTICF 7nict�r A�1fI RPIIHIIC�ify I1PfF�UY f(qj11Ofi�l COuY���.���Y��1t1C00�dMIAUIt.Jnd a copy ot any notite of stde Ihereunde�.Ua
<br /> maded to each person who�s a party herelo at Ihe addres5 10� ',ut'h pB�Sqn SBI(Or�h�� 1hp hf3�pJf:lq61p11 Of 1h�5 I�USI UpcKl-
<br /> 22. (30V EHNIN(i LAW. i h�s irust Deed shalt be yover�n�•d I�y ih�•�aws ol the?SI.Uer uf NeCr,abAa
<br /> 23 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIQNS. lh�s Trust Oowd..��d.ii�h•rm•,.cuuddwns and ubhqa6ons hNre�n .�pplv lo and mWe to Ihe benC�d o�:Ind bmds
<br /> �11 parl�es hereW.Iheir hP�rS.IaqHl@Hti.dLVISI�RS.U�?rtiU��.�l r�qn�•.,r��I.�I�vr•� •.urn•ssui•..I��A�ititi�ynti Th��Irrm Hrnahi i.Ity •,ttdtl m1'.In IhP OWnpt.Ind
<br /> h01d@r U�lhtl NOIe.Whelhet or nOt namatl a5 BenC��c�.��y��••��'���
<br />